October 1997
5 Reads
2 Citations
ntional cellular automata, TCA consist of a lattice, a set of site values, and a list of simple rules to determine future site values. They differ from standard automata, however, in the fact that TCA lattice connections are subject to addition or removal, based upon local coupling and decoupling rules. These rules, functions of site values in a given neighborhood, act each time step to alter lattice topology. TCA dynamics have been shown to yield a wide range of behavior, including growth, decay, periodicity and selforganization [9, 6]. Applications of TCA models are diverse, including studies of phase transformations in physical and chemical systems[10, 11]. Das, Crutchfield, Mitchell and Hanson[2] have observed emergent collective behavior by using a genetic algorithm to evolve cellular automata. In the system that we propose, a hybrid between GA and TCA dynamics, we use TCA rules to evolve a set of GA. We have found the link structure flexibility of TCA to aid in the optimization