Luz Morales-Concha’s research while affiliated with National University of Saint Anthony the Abbot in Cuzco and other places

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Publications (10)

Características y supervivencia de adultos con cáncer diferenciado de tiroides en un hospital de Perú
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2024


35 Reads

Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública

Luz Morales-Concha


Iván Huamani-Linares


Katy Saihua-Palomino




This study aimed at studying the clinical and anatomopathological characteristics, treatment and survival of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. A retrospective cohort study was conducted with data from 150 patients from a Peruvian hospital between the years 2010 to 2020. Characteristics and survival (Kaplan-Meier method) were described. The mean age was 48.3 years, 130 participants (86.7%) were women and the most frequent histologic type was papillary 94.6%. Of the participants, 74.2% had TNM stage I, 70.7% had total thyroidectomy and 68.7% received radioactive iodine. Overall survival at 5 years was 89.3%, being lower in those with TNM stage IV and higher in those who used radioactive iodine. In conclusion, in a hospital in Cusco, differentiated thyroid cancer was more frequent in women and survival was lower compared to reports from other countries.


Figura 1. Ecografía transvaginal: A) Saco gestacional de 0,4 cm y una longitud cráneo-raquis de 0,33 cm ubicado entre el istmo y el cérvix (embrión de 7 semanas). B) Saco gestacional de 15,2 mm con vesícula vitelina de 0,4 cm a nivel del cérvix (embrión de 8 semanas).
Embarazo ectópico cervical: A propósito de dos casos

December 2020


11,081 Reads


1 Citation

Revista del Cuerpo Médico Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo

Antecedentes El embarazo ectópico cervical es la implantación del embrión en la zona de revestimiento del canal endocervical. Representa menos del 1% de todos los embarazos ectópicos. Reporte de Caso Reportamos dos pacientes que acuden a consulta de emergencia por sangrado transvaginal. El diagnóstico de embarazo ectópico cervical fue realizado por ecografía transvaginal (7 y 8 semanas de gestación). Se inició tratamiento con metotrexato (paciente de 28 años) y metotrexato-ácido folínico (paciente de 35 años). Debido al aumento de la hormona gonadotropina coriónica humana se decidió realizar una histerectomía abdominal (paciente de 28 años) y curetaje-cerclaje cervical tipo McDonald (paciente de 35 años). No hubo complicaciones posteriores a la cirugía en ambas pacientes. Conclusiones El tratamiento del embarazo ectópico cervical es controversial. Se debe elegir la terapia más apropiada para preservar la fertilidad y evitar complicaciones como la hemorragia.

Tendencia nacional de la prevalencia y mortalidad por cáncer de tiroides con datos del Ministerio de Salud de Perú

May 2019


1,231 Reads


1 Citation


Introducción La incidencia de cáncer de tiroides se ha incrementado en el mundo. En Perú existen limitados informes que describan la epidemiología nacional y regional de esta neoplasia. Objetivo Describir la tendencia de la prevalencia y mortalidad de cáncer de tiroides registrada en el Ministerio de Salud de Perú. Métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tendencias con datos secundarios, obtenidos de una fuente de información pública de Perú. Se evaluó el registro de codificación CIE 10: C73.0, por grupo de edad, año y región. Se calcularon las tasas estandarizadas de la prevalencia (periodo 2005 a 2016) y mortalidad (periodo 2005 a 2015) por regiones y año de estudio. Resultados Durante el periodo 2005-2016 se registraron 19 513 casos de cáncer de tiroides. El grupo etario con mayor frecuencia fue de 30 a 59 años (57,7%). La prevalencia incrementó de 4,7 a 15,2 casos por 100 000 habitantes en el periodo 2005-2016 y la región de la costa fue la que presentó mayor ascenso. Asimismo, se registraron 1596 muertes por cáncer de tiroides (periodo 2005 a 2015) con mayor frecuencia en mayores de 60 años (75,5%). La tasa estandarizada de mortalidad por 100 000 habitantes aumentó de 0,67 en 2005 a 0,72 en 2015, siendo la región de la sierra la de mayor incremento. Conclusiones La prevalencia por cáncer de tiroides aumentó y la mortalidad se mantuvo constante en el periodo estudiado. Estos resultados animan a explorar factores sociales y de la población que hayan podido influir en ello; además de mejorar los registros poblacionales de esta y otras neoplasias en Perú.

Incidents at work in workers in fourteen cities of the Perú: causes and possible consequences.

January 2019


93 Reads

Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo

Introducción: la prevención en salud es de suma importancia en el ámbito laboral. Objetivo: determinar la percepción de las causas y posibles consecuencias de los incidentes laborales en trabajadores peruanos. Material y Métodos: estudio transversal analítico multicéntrico, en catorce ciudades peruanas, se indagó acerca de la percepción de las causas y posibles consecuencias que hubiesen ocasionado los eventos peligrosos para la salud. Se buscaron asociaciones entre las variables. Resultados: 1.772 trabajadores tuvieron un incidente laboral, a causa de la distracción del propio trabajador (66%) y el que no estuviese señalizado el peligro (44%); las repercusiones más graves se hubiesen dado en el trabajador (74%) y su familia (66%), pero significando una gran pérdida económica para la empresa. Conclusión: se encontró que las percepciones de las consecuencias de un incidente laboral podrían afectar a los trabajadores, familia y empresa, estos resultados deben considerarse para mejorar las condiciones laborales y la información que los empleados reciben.

Association between hospitalization stay and diabetic foot: an analytical cross-sectional study in three Peruvian hospitals

November 2018


195 Reads


3 Citations


Abstract Introduction: Diabetic foot is one of the main complications of diabetes mellitus; however, in hospitals of provinces from Perú, the relationship of this condition with hospital stay has not been calculated. Objective: To determine the association between hospitalization time and diabetic foot in three hospitals from Cusco, Perú. Methods: A cross-sectional study of secondary data analysis was conducted. We analyzed the data of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus admitted to the internal medicine service between January and December 2016, in three tertiary hospitals in Cusco, Peru. Correlation coefficients and p-values were calculated using generalized linear models, with Gaussian family and identity function, adjusted by intervening variables. Values of p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Of the 153 patients, 14% (21) had a diabetic foot diagnosis, and their median age was 61 years (interquartile range 56 to 68). Those who had a diabetic foot had on average 20 hospitalization days. A strong association was found between a diabetic foot and the number of hospitalization days (17 days more, p = 0.003); adjusted by six variables. Those patients with a history of hypertension had more hospitalization days (10 days more, p = 0.011) and those admitted to a hospital of the Ministry of Health, had fewer hospitalization days (10 days less, p = 0.032). Conclusion: The group of patients with diabetic foot had a longer hospitalization time. The longer hospitalization time could be due to complications of the disease or difficulties in management.

Figura 1 Porcentaje de primeras autoras (A) y corresponsalía (B) de mujeres según año que participaron en publicaciones en revistas peruanas indizadas a SciELO.
Figura 2 Características de la filiación que refirieron las mujeres que participaron en publicaciones en revistas peruanas indizadas a SciELO.
Mujeres científicas: características y factores asociados a la primera autoría y corresponsalía en revistas peruanas indizadas a SciELO, 2010-2015

June 2018


276 Reads


22 Citations

Educación Médica

Objective: To characterise and determine factors associated with the first authorship and author for correspondence of women who published in Peruvian journals indexed in SciELO between 2010 and 2015. Methodology: Cross-sectional bibliometric analysis of secondary data. All the scientific publications had at least one female author, were evaluated in the 9 Peruvian journals indexed to the SciELO database between 2010 and 2015. The characteristics of the article, authorship and filiation were evaluated. Descriptive and analytical statistics were obtained. Results: Of the 795 scientific publications that had at least one female author, 41% (324) and 35% (253) had a woman as the first author or corresponding author, respectively. The journal that had publications with the largest female participation was the National Institute of Health (153). As regards the year of publication, the percentages of women as the first (R2 = 0) or corresponding author (R2 < .01) did not vary. When performing the bivariate analysis, there was a lower frequency of first authors reporting cases (PR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.27-0.78), and short originals (PR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.24-0.90). First authors were more frequent (RP: 1.60, 95% CI: 1.11-2.30) in the hereditary medical journal, and the stomatology journal had a higher frequency of female first authors (RP: 2.09; 95% CI: 1.31-3.35) and corresponding authors (RP: 2.15; 95% CI: 1.30-3.56). Conclusion: The data and leadership of women in Peruvian scientific publications is still a minority and is stagnant in time. For this reason, collaboration and training networks must be created that are more inclusive with women, in order to support and help sustain its growth.

Factores asociados a mortalidad intrahospitalaria en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2: estudio transversal analítico en tres hospitales peruanos

December 2017


456 Reads


1 Citation


INTRODUCTION Diabetes mortality has increased in recent years. In Peru, there are few studies on in-hospital mortality due to type 2 diabetes in the provinces. OBJECTIVE To determine factors associated to hospital mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in three hospitals from Cusco-Peru. METHODS An analytical cross-sectional study was performed. All patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 hospitalized in the city of Cusco during the 2016 were included. Socio-educational and clinical characteristics were evaluated, with "death" as the variable of interest. The crude (cPR) and adjusted (aPR) prevalence ratios were estimated using generalized linear models with Poisson family and log link function, with their respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). The values p <0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS A total of 153 patients were studied; 33.3% (51) died in the hospital. The mortality rate increased when the following factors were associated: age of the patients increased the mortality rate by one-year increments (aPR: 1.02; CI95%: 1.01-1.03; p<0.001); to have been admitted by the emergency service (aPR: 1.93; CI95%: 1.34-2.77; p<0.001); being a patient who is readmitted to the hospital (aPR: 2.01; CI95%: 1.36-2.98; p<0.001); and patients who have had a metabolic in-hospital complication (aPR: 1.61; CI95%: 1.07-2.43; p=0.024) or renal in-hospital complications (aPR: 1.47; CI95%: 1.30-1.67; p<0.001). Conversely, the mortality rate was reduced when admission was due to a urinary tract infection (aPR: 0.50; CI95%: 0.35-0.72; p<0.001); adjusted by seven variables. CONCLUSIONS A third of hospitalized diabetes mellitus type 2 patients died during the study period. Mortality was increased as age rises, patients admitted through emergency rooms, patients who were readmitted to the hospital, and patients who had metabolic or renal complications. Patients admitted for a urinary tract infection had a lower mortality rate.

Factors associated to inpatient mortality rates in type-2-diabetic patients: a cross-sectional analytical study in three Peruvian hospitals

December 2017


84 Reads


8 Citations


Introduction: Diabetes mortality has increased in recent years. In Peru, there are few studies on in-hospital mortality due to type 2 diabetes in the provinces. Objective: To determine factors associated to hospital mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in three hospitals from Cusco-Peru. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was performed. All patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 hospitalized in the city of Cusco during the 2016 were included. Socio-educational and clinical characteristics were evaluated, with "death" as the variable of interest. The crude (cPR) and adjusted (aPR) prevalence ratios were estimated using generalized linear models with Poisson family and log link function, with their respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). The values p <0.05 were considered significant. Results: A total of 153 patients were studied; 33.3% (51) died in the hospital. The mortality rate increased when the following factors were associated: age of the patients increased the mortality rate by one-year increments (aPR: 1.02; CI95%: 1.01-1.03; p<0.001); to have been admitted by the emergency service (aPR: 1.93; CI95%: 1.34-2.77; p<0.001); being a patient who is readmitted to the hospital (aPR: 2.01; CI95%: 1.36-2.98; p<0.001); and patients who have had a metabolic in-hospital complication (aPR: 1.61; CI95%: 1.07-2.43; p=0.024) or renal in-hospital complications (aPR: 1.47; CI95%: 1.30-1.67; p<0.001). Conversely, the mortality rate was reduced when admission was due to a urinary tract infection (aPR: 0.50; CI95%: 0.35-0.72; p<0.001); adjusted by seven variables. Conclusions: A third of hospitalized diabetes mellitus type 2 patients died during the study period. Mortality was increased as age rises, patients admitted through emergency rooms, patients who were readmitted to the hospital, and patients who had metabolic or renal complications. Patients admitted for a urinary tract infection had a lower mortality rate.

Fig 2: B. Mitosis atípicas de carcinoma epidermoide (coloración H-E 40X). 
Fig 2: A. Carcinoma escamoso queratinizante bien diferenciado, con nidos que infiltran dermis superficial (coloración H-E 10X). 
Carcinoma epidermoide infiltrante en cara en paciente con antecedente de Leishmaniasis cutánea. Reporte de un caso

July 2017


1,406 Reads

Revista Argentina de Dermatologia

The leishmaniasis is a disease caused by parasites, is classified as cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral. It has been reported leishmaniasis association with neoplastic changes, as squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by a proliferation of atypical keratinocytes, being a predisposing factor chronic lesions. We report a case of a 48 year old male, that squamous cell carcinoma development at the site of primary lesion, of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.

Figura 1 A. Resultados de la estimación de las medias en los 2 niveles de género. B. Resultados de la estimación de las medias en los 5 niveles de año de estudio. Medias marginales estimadas de sumatorias de orientacion empatica 
Figura 2 Medias marginales estimadas de sumatorias de orientación empática. 
Evaluación de la empatía en estudiantes de medicina humana en una universidad pública de la sierra sur del Perú

May 2017


534 Reads


10 Citations

Educación Médica

Background: Empathy is considered the central axis in the doctor-patient relationship, an important aspect in medical practice that influences a better performance of the doctor and medical students. It has been reported that medical students experience a pronounced decline in empathy as they proceed in the profession. Objective: To evaluate empathy in medical students of a public university in the south sierra of Peru. Method: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 206 students by stratified random sampling. The Jefferson Scale of Medical Empathy in its version "S, was used as a measurement tool. Results: Of the total of 206 students that participated, 53.4% were males, with a mean age of 21.09 years. The overall empathy mean was 87.77, with only 31% of the students obtaining an adequate level of empathy. Slightly higher mean scores were obtained in the men, and the highest scores were obtained in the first and third year, with no significant differences being found. Conclusions: It was found that males, students of first and third year, and those who recently started permanent contact with the patient had a higher mean score.

Citations (6)

... Otro mecanismo realizado es la técnica de Zea donde se realiza un pinzamiento vaginal de las arterias uterinas para evitar o detener hemorragias puerperales actuando como torniquete ante la pérdida hemática. (17) Por último, es preciso resaltar que la histerectomía ha dejado de ser el tratamiento usado por los médicos debido a que existen nuevas formas de manejar la patología gracias a los avances científicos generando procedimientos mínimamente invasivos. La evolución del embarazo ectópico cervical puede ser tratado mediante la técnica de cerclaje cervical tipo Shirodka modificado, la cual ha demostrado ser efectiva logrando controlar el sangrado potencial que aparece posterior a la evacuación del tejido embrionario ubicado en el cérvix, evitando llegar a la realización de una histerectomía o tratamientos adicionales. ...


Analysis of the diagnosis and management of cervical ectopic pregnancies in Ecuador, through the study of cases described in the bibliography
Embarazo ectópico cervical: A propósito de dos casos

Revista del Cuerpo Médico Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo

... Thyroid cancer is globally the most common endocrine malignancy, and its incidence has increased worldwide [1][2][3][4] . However, the causes of thyroid cancer, apart from exposure to radiation during childhood, have not been elucidated 1 . ...

Tendencia nacional de la prevalencia y mortalidad por cáncer de tiroides con datos del Ministerio de Salud de Perú


... El espacio virtual es visto como un entorno idóneo para reapropiarse de la tecnología y para la colaboración científica, siendo este el predictor más fuerte del uso de las RRSS debido a su capacidad para potenciar el trabajo colaborativo disciplinar e interdisciplinar (Tom et al., 2021). Es decir, las RRSS, empleadas como vía para el reconocimiento y la visibilidad, deben estar presentes como parte de las estrategias que contribuyen al incremento del número de citas, al acceso a redes de apoyo (Centeno et al. 2020), a mejorar la posición en las publicaciones colectivas y a liderar grupos de trabajo como investigadoras principales (Nguyen, 2022). ...

Mujeres científicas: características y factores asociados a la primera autoría y corresponsalía en revistas peruanas indizadas a SciELO, 2010-2015

Educación Médica

... En un estudio realizado en Lima, las principales causas de muerte intrahospitalaria en pacientes con DM2 fueron la enfermedad renal crónica, infecciones (10) respiratorias y la enfermedad cerebrovascular . Los estudios nacionales actualmente publicados abarcan solo (11) población hospitalaria de algunas regiones , por lo tanto es todavía una interrogante un análisis nacional. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar las principales causas directas de muerte de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 en Perú. ...

Factors associated to inpatient mortality rates in type-2-diabetic patients: a cross-sectional analytical study in three Peruvian hospitals


... La empatía es un atributo cognitivo, psicológico y conductual que ayuda a comprender el componente emocional y afectivo de los pacientes, además permite establecer una buena relación entre el profesional de la salud y el paciente, aumentando la satisfacción de la atención recibida e influenciado positivamente la (1) recuperación clínica . La empatía se considera una de las competencias básicas en el aprendizaje de medicina, relacionándose con mejor competencia clínica, mejor (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) competencia ética y menor estrés profesional . ...

Evaluación de la empatía en estudiantes de medicina humana en una universidad pública de la sierra sur del Perú

Educación Médica