Luke T. Kelly’s research while affiliated with University of Melbourne and other places

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Publications (62)

Fire frequency of the study area in Gariwerd, southeastern Australia. Colour gradient shows the number of fires experienced in the Gariwerd landscape since 1939 (up to 10 fires). Study sites range up to nine fires. Black circles represent study sites and stars represent major towns. Red circle on the inset shows the study area on a map of Australia.
Influence of time since fire on the probability of occurrence in the soil seedbank. (a) Example species responses to time since fire. Lines display the mean of model estimates and shading signifies 95% confidence intervals. Observed presence‐absence data are shown as black points, which have been jittered to enable visual inspection of overlapping points. Orange colour represents species that are annuals with long‐lived seed. Blue colour represents species from other functional types, with evidence of a relationship. Grey colour with dashed line represents species from with nonsignificant responses for all functional types. (b) Species responses to time since fire grouped by plant functional type, for annuals with long‐lived seed (orange) and resprouters with long‐lived seed (blue). Lines show the mean of model estimates for each species within a plant functional type. Coloured lines represent species with statistically significant responses and grey lines represent species with no significant response.
Influence of fire frequency on the probability of occurrence in the soil seedbank. (a) Example species responses to the number of fires experienced since 1939. Lines display the mean of model estimates and shading signifies 95% confidence intervals. Observed presence–absence data are shown as black points, which have been jittered. Orange colour represents species that are annuals with long‐lived seed. Blue colour represents species from other functional types, with evidence of a relationship. Grey colour with dashed line represents species from with nonsignificant responses for all functional types. (b) Species responses to the number of fires grouped by plant functional type, for annuals with long‐lived seed (orange) and obligate seeders: Short‐lived seed (blue). Lines show the mean of model estimates for each species within a plant functional type. Coloured lines represent species with statistically significant responses and grey lines represent species with no significant response.
Influence of fire on species occurrence above‐ground. Full line displays the mean of model estimates for occurrence above‐ground and shading signifies 95% confidence intervals. Observed presence‐absence data above‐ground are shown as black points, which have been jittered. Dashed line represents occurrence in the soil seedbank, of which a blue colour demonstrates a significant response, and grey a nonsignificant response. (a) Relationship between time since fire and probability of occurrence for Allocasuarina paludosa, (resprouter with short‐lived seed), Hibbertia fasciculata (Obligate seeder with long lived seed), and Schoenus apogon (resprouter with long‐lived seed). (b) Relationship between the number of fires and probability of occurrence for Epacris impressa, (resprouter with long‐lived seed), Schoenus apogon (resprouter with long‐lived seed), and Leucopogon glacialis (obligate seeder with short‐lived seed).
Soil seedbanks are shaped by the timing of fires in a Mediterranean‐type ecosystem
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2024


109 Reads

Ella Plumanns Pouton



Trent D. Penman




Luke T. Kelly

Many plants rely on soil seedbanks to persist in fire‐prone ecosystems. However, knowledge of plant responses to fire is largely based on above‐ground dynamics. Quantifying how fire influences the seedbank of a diverse range of species will improve fire management. Here, we aim to understand how the timing of fires influences species occurrence in the soil seedbank, and how this relates to species traits, in a Mediterranean‐type ecosystem. We sampled the soil seedbank across 57 sites that represent a range of fire frequencies (1–9 fires in 81 years) and time since fire (1–81 years). Through a 15‐month germination experiment, we identified 39,701 germinates from 245 plant species. Using nonlinear models, we quantified the responses of 75 species' soil seedbanks to fire history and compared these to above‐ground responses. Fire influenced species' soil seedbanks according to seed longevity and species' life‐history traits. We observed a response of 15 species' seedbanks to time since fire: All were species with long‐lived seed, including eight annuals, five resprouters and an obligate seeder. Similarly, we observed a response of 17 species' seedbanks to fire frequency, 16 of which had long‐lived seed. Extensive periods without fire (>40 years) increase seedbank availability for annuals that form a long‐lived seedbank, and frequent fire (every ≤15 years) depletes it. We did not detect a consistent influence of fire on species from several other functional types. Many (53%) species found in the soil seedbank were not found in the above‐ground vegetation, and seven of the 22 modelled displayed an above‐ground influence of fire. Synthesis and applications: Fire frequency influences the probability of species occurrence in the soil seedbank. Frequent fire depletes seed availability of species that depend on long‐lived soil seedbanks for persistence. Yet, other species, including perennials with short‐lived seed storage, appear to be resilient to the frequency of fires experienced to date. We suggest fire management should aim to generate variation in fire frequencies within the landscape, including areas of low fire frequency, tailored to maintain rich plant diversity within the soil seedbank.


Fire history of Gariwerd, southeastern Australia. The coloured categories display the mean fire interval in the area since 1939. Grey shading display areas where fires have not been recorded since fire mapping commenced. Figure S1 shows a map of time since fire.
The observed occurrence of plant species and cone production as a function of fire patterns. The top panel (a) displays time since fire from 1 to 20 years, and the bottom panel (b) shows mean fire interval from 1 to 20 years. We display up to 20 years for both time since fire and mean fire interval as this period represents the time in which individuals were first observed, and are representative of species maturation periods. Filled bars show the time period when cone production was observed in the field for each species. Striped bars indicate when individuals were observed at a site with no cones. Dotted bars show the period when no individuals of the species were observed (with or without cones). Blank spaces for mean fire interval were not available for sampling in the study area.
Generalized linear mixed effects model estimates of number of cones produced per individual reproductively mature plant by mean height (meters), fire interval (years), and time since fire (years). The length of x‐axes vary per plot because cone production commenced at different times for each species. Data is back transformed from the log‐scale to the observed scale. Datapoints represent observed values, fitted line represent mean estimates of predictor effects holding other variables at their means, and shading represent 95% confident intervals. The vertical dotted lines and annotated text represent when on the gradient of time since fire, mean fire interval and heights recorded in the study, the first individual with a cone was observed.
Generalized linear mixed effects model estimates of the number of viable seeds per cone by time since fire (left) and mean fire interval (right). Data is back transformed from the log‐scale to the observed scale. Datapoints represent observed values, fitted lines represent mean estimates, and shading represent 95% confident intervals. Models for A. paludosa, B.marginata and C. rhomboidea are displayed. The length of x‐axes varies per plot because available cones for sampling commenced and finished at different times for each species.
The relationship between total number of seeds per cone and the time to germination. Left panel shows generalized linear mixed effects model between the total number of seeds per cone (viable and unviable) on the time taken to germination (in weeks). Datapoints represent observed values, with each datapoint representing one cone, and are coloured by species. Fitted line shows mean estimate from model predictions and grey shading shows 95% confidence intervals of the model estimate. Right panel shows log‐linear mean and error bars for each species. The middle of the cross is the mean of the logged response data, the width of the bars shows standard deviation of the log total number of seeds, and the height of the bars shows standard deviation of the log time to germination.
How do intervals between fires influence canopy seed production and viability?

July 2024


116 Reads

Canopy storage of seed (serotiny) is an important persistence strategy in fire‐prone environments. Serotinous populations can be threatened when fire intervals are shorter than the time needed to accumulate seed, or when longer than plant lifespans. Understanding how fire regimes influence canopy seedbanks requires study of the timing of plant maturity, seed output and germination traits. Research that spans plant functional types, such as resprouters or obligate seeders, helps to understand the mechanisms through which fire has influence. Using field data collected at 57 sites in a Mediterranean shrubland of southeastern Australia, we modelled how time since fire and mean fire interval influenced infructescence (hereby cone) production. Additionally, seed output, viability and germination speed were assessed in the laboratory. Reproductively mature resprouters were first observed 2 to 4 years post‐fire in the field, and reproductively mature obligate seeders 6 years post‐fire, depending on the species. Reproductively mature plants were not observed at short mean fire intervals: until 3 and 9 years for resprouters and nine and 18 years for obligate seeders, again, varying by species. When resprouter species reached maturity, we observed a decline in cone production as time since fire increased. This decline was not observed for obligate seeder species. Fire influenced the number of viable seeds produced within cones for one resprouter species, Allocasuarina paludosa, but we did not detect a relationship for other species. Germination speed was faster for species that produce few seeds per cone, and slower for species that produce many seeds, indicating a trade‐off between fire‐related seed traits. For example, Hakea rostrata, which holds two seeds per cone, germinated mostly within the first few weeks, while Callitris rhomboidea, which holds many seeds per cone, germinated asynchronously over 9 months. Short intervals between fires reduce canopy seed production for the serotinous species studied. Obligate seeders were more sensitive to frequent fire than resprouters. In the context of expected increases in wildfire frequency and droughts in Mediterranean ecosystems, our findings suggest that serotinous species' reproduction and recruitment will be differentially impacted depending on a suite of functional traits. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.

Fig. 1 A The extent of mallee woodlands vegetation (orange area) in south-east Australia and locations of survey sites. B Mallee woodlands vegetation (photo credit: MFBP). C The extent of foothill forests vegetation (green area) in Victoria, Australia, and locations of survey sites. D Foothill forests vegetation (photo credit: FR)
Fig. 4 Responses to fire regime attributes in mallee woodlands (A-D) and foothill forests (E-H) for selected bird species to illustrate the strongest and key types of responses observed in each ecosystem. Lines are fitted generalized additive models. Line color indicates vegetation types within each ecosystem. In mallee woodlands: yellow lines = Triodia mallee, red lines = chenopod mallee. In foothill forests: turquoise lines = driest, blue lines = dry, purple lines = mesic. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals. YPHE = yellow-plumed honeyeater, SSR = southern scrub-robin, WEHE = white-eared honeyeater, BHHE = brown-headed honeyeater, RORO = rose robin, SULB = superb lyrebird, SILV = silvereye, SPPA = spotted pardalote
Fig. 5 Responses of bird species to A time since fire, B amount late, C amount early, and D spatial diversity of fire in Triodia mallee (n = 22 species) and Dry foothill forests (n = 33). Bars represent the percentage of species modelled in each vegetation type whose fitted response curve resembled each of six response shapes (brown = bell, light blue = incline, peach = plateau, dark blue = decline, purple = "u-shape", gray = not significant [horizontal line can fit within the 95% confidence interval of the predicted response curve]) following Watson et al. 2012a. Numbers within bars indicate counts of species within groups
Fig. 7 Responses of functional groups of birds to fire regime attributes in mallee woodlands (A-D) and foothill forests (E-H). Significant responses are displayed to illustrate the key responses observed in each ecosystem. Lines are fitted generalized additive models. Line color indicates vegetation types within each ecosystem. In mallee woodlands: red = chenopod mallee, brown-green lines = Heathy mallee, yellow lines = Triodia mallee. In foothill forests: turquoise lines = Driest, blue lines = Dry, purple lines = Mesic. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals and lines with no shaded area are not significant. "Can/up" = canopy/upper-midstorey foragers, "Low-mid" = lower-midstorey foragers, "Ground" = ground foragers, "Hollow" = hollow nesters
Ecosystem type and species’ traits help explain bird responses to spatial patterns of fire

October 2023


236 Reads

Fire Ecology

Background Understanding how temporal and spatial attributes of fire regimes, environmental conditions, and species’ traits interact to shape ecological communities will help improve biodiversity conservation in fire-affected areas. We compared the influence of time since the last fire at a site, and the area and diversity of post-fire successional vegetation surrounding a site (i.e., the “spatial context” of fire), on bird species and functional groups in two ecosystems in south-eastern Australia. These ecosystems, semi-arid “mallee” woodlands and temperate “foothill” forests, differ in stand-regeneration patterns, climate, and topography. For 22 bird species in mallee woodlands, 33 species in foothill forests and four functional groups of birds in both ecosystems, we fitted non-linear models that differed in fire regime predictor variables. Results In foothill forests, models that included both time since fire and a spatial context variable explained more variation in bird abundances than models that included only time since fire or a spatial variable. In mallee woodlands, the addition of spatial attributes of fire helped explain the occurrence of several species, but this finding was muted when measured across all species. There were key differences between ecosystems in functional group responses to fire regimes. Canopy/upper-midstorey foragers were positively associated with the amount of late -successional vegetation in mallee woodlands, but not in foothill forests. Lower-midstorey foragers showed a decline response to the amount of late -successional vegetation in mallee woodlands and a contrasting incline response in foothill forests. However, lower-midstorey foragers showed a similar response to the amount of surrounding early -successional vegetation in both ecosystems—decreasing in abundance when > 50% of the surrounding vegetation was early-successional. Conclusions The influence of fire regimes on birds varies among species within sites, across landscapes and between ecosystems. Species’ foraging traits influence bird associations with fire regimes, and help to make sense of a myriad of relationships, but are usefully understood in the context of ecosystem types and the regeneration patterns of their dominant flora. The spatial context of fire regimes is also important—the amount of successional vegetation surrounding a site influences bird abundance. Fire management strategies that incorporate the spatial contexts of fire regimes, as well as the temporal and ecological contexts of fire regimes, will have the greatest benefits for biodiversity.

Understanding Fire Regimes for a Better Anthropocene

August 2023


328 Reads


16 Citations

Annual Review of Environment and Resources

Fire is an integral part of the Earth System and humans have skillfully used fire for millennia. Yet human activities are scaling up and reinforcing each other in ways that are reshaping fire patterns across the planet. We review these changes using the concept of the fire regime, which describes the timing, location, and type of fires. We then explore the consequences of fire regime changes on the biological, chemical, and physical processes that sustain life on Earth. Anthropogenic drivers such as climate change, land use, and invasive species are shifting fire regimes and creating environments unlike any humanity has previously experienced. Although human exposure to extreme wildfire events is increasing, we highlight how knowledge of fire regimes can be mobilized to achieve a wide range of goals, from reducing carbon emissions to promoting biodiversity and human well-being. A fire regime perspective is critical to navigating toward a sustainable future—a better Anthropocene. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Volume 48 is October 2023. Please see for revised estimates.

Fig. 2 A Map of the study area, Gariwerd, Australia, with time since the last fire shown (1939-2020). B An inset of fire severity mapped for a single fire from 2013. In panel A, study sites are represented in yellow for high severity (severity classes 4, high canopy scorch; 5, canopy completely consumed) and blue for low severity (severity class 2, low canopy scorch). Grey areas show the native vegetation with no fires recorded. Stars indicate regional town centers. The right panel (B) shows an example of the fire severity variation for a 2013 fire. Severity classes are shown on a scale from 0 to 5 (0, outside the mapped fire perimeter; 1, unburnt within the fire perimeter; 2, low canopy scorch (understory burnt, < 20% of canopy scorched); 3, moderate canopy scorch (understory burnt, 20-80% of canopy scorched); 4, high canopy scorch (understory burnt, > 80% of canopy scorched); 5, canopy completely consumed). Horizontal striping in the severity map is due to a commonly occurring Landsat 7 line scan error
Outputs from regression models of plant distributions from Gariwerd, Australia, as a function of fire history. For each model, the Bayes R 2 (and 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles) are displayed
Time since fire shapes plant immaturity risk across fire severity classes

April 2023


162 Reads


7 Citations

Fire Ecology

Background When fire intervals are shorter than the time required for plants to reproduce, plant populations are threatened by “immaturity risk.” Therefore, understanding how the time between fires influences plants can inform ecosystem management. Quantifying periods of immaturity risk requires investigating the influence of fire intervals across plant life stages, but most studies are indiscriminate of maturity. As fire regimes are multidimensional, it is also important to consider other characteristics of fires such as severity. We conducted a field study in heathy woodland that investigated how fire severity and fire interval influence immaturity risk to serotinous resprouter species, by examining if fire severity interacts with the time since the fire to influence the occurrence of mature individuals and relative abundance of three species: silver banksia ( Banksia marginata Cav .), prickly teatree ( Leptospermum continentale Joy Thomps ), and heath teatree ( Leptospermum myrsinoides Schitdl ). Results Regression modeling revealed a strong, positive influence of time since the last fire on the proportion of quadrats at a site with mature plants, for all three species. We only detected a small and uncertain influence of fire severity on the proportion of quadrats with mature heath and prickly teatree, and did not observe an effect of fire severity on the maturity of silver banksia. Interestingly, no relationships were observed between time since fire and the relative abundance of plants. That is, only when plant life stages were considered did we detect an effect of fire on plants. Populations of the three species were mostly immature in the first 7 years post-fire, suggesting if sites were uniformly burnt in this time frame, there could be increased risk of local extinctions. Conclusions Our study highlights the importance of examining population processes, such as reproduction, in addition to plant relative abundance. Surprisingly, we did not detect strong differences in plant maturation across fire severity classes; low occurrence of mature plants in recently burnt areas indicated that immaturity risk was high, regardless of fire severity. Ecological studies that distinguish between plant life stages will help to predict the impacts of fire on populations and enhance decision-making. We recommend fire intervals of ≥ 8 years to protect serotinous resprouter plants in heathy woodland vegetation of southern Australia.

Map of Murray Sunset National Park, Victoria, Australia, showing the location of 12 impact (burnt) sites within the planned burn perimeter (hashed areas) and 8 control (unburnt) sites.
Results from univariate GLMs testing the influence of fire variables on the capture rate and species richness of reptiles (see Table S4.1 for full species names). Dots represent the coefficient estimate for a predictor variable and lines 95% confidence intervals around that estimate. For two species on panel a (L. inornata and M. greyii), one species on panel d (L. inornata) and one species on panel e (L. inornata) complete separation of the predictor variable occurred, and model coefficients could not be estimated.
Modelled response of reptile species richness to each fire variable. Solid lines show the predicted response from each model and dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Grey dots are the observed data of the number of reptile species against each fire variable from 20 survey sites.
Results from univariate GLMs testing the influence of spatial characteristics of fire on small mammal capture rates and species richness or V. vulpes reporting rate (see Table S2.1 for full species names). Dots represent the coefficient estimate for a predictor variable and lines 95% confidence intervals around that estimate.
A field test of mechanisms underpinning animal diversity in recently burned landscapes

October 2022


76 Reads


11 Citations

Planned burning generates different types of pyrodiversity, however, experimental tests of how alternative spatial patterns of burning influence animal communities remain rare. Field tests are needed to understand the mechanisms through which spatial variation in planned fire affects fauna, and how fire can be applied to benefit biodiversity. We tested five hypotheses of how fire‐driven variation in habitat composition and configuration affects fauna at fine scales. Small mammal, reptile and invasive predator activity was monitored at 12 burnt and eight unburnt sites through the year following a large, planned burn in semi‐arid ‘mallee’ woodlands of southern Australia. We explored measures of burnt or unburnt habitat (‘habitat status’); amount of unburnt vegetation (‘habitat amount’); interspersion of burnt and unburnt patches (‘habitat complementation’); distance to external or internal unburnt vegetation (‘habitat connectivity’); and unburnt patch size and local vegetation cover (‘habitat refuge’). Generalized linear models were used to test the influence of each variable on capture rates of three small mammal and 11 reptile species; activity of the introduced red fox (Vulpes vulpes); and species richness of native animals. We found strong support for the habitat status hypothesis and moderate support for four hypotheses relating to spatial patterns of fire. Reptile assemblages varied between burnt and unburnt sites, and relationships were identified between abundance of one or more reptile species and each measure of spatial variation. Reptile species richness was higher at unburnt sites and at sites with more unburnt vegetation in the surrounding area. Sites that were less connected to unburnt vegetation had fewer reptile species. Mammals did not have clear relationships with fine‐scale fire patterns. Synthesis and applications. Application of planned fire to promote biodiversity is globally important. We show that retaining unburnt areas and well‐connected habitat refuges is important for reptile diversity. We also found that several species of small mammals and reptiles appear resilient to the fine‐scale patterns of planned fire experienced in this study, despite activity of introduced predators. The diversity of animals can remain relatively high in areas subject to planned fire, provided that internal and external habitat refuges are retained.

A demographic framework for assessing fire‐driven mechanisms of population decline and extinction. Fire regimes and their interactions with other abiotic and biotic processes can negatively impact three demographic processes—survival, movement, and reproduction—via seven primary mechanisms (M1–M7), leading to mammalian population decline and extinction. Arrows between the dashed boxes represent relationships between demographic processes, and in turn, these processes influence population change. A population may decline if fire reduces one or more of these demographic processes, and extinction occurs when the number of individuals declines to zero. The timing of each mechanism in relation to fire events or recurrent fire varies among species, and populations may decline because of one mechanism or a combination of mechanisms depending on a species’ life history and habitat preferences
Percentage of Australian terrestrial mammalian taxa listed as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered with inappropriate fire regimes recorded as a threat according to (a) taxonomic group and (b) vegetation type. n is the total number of threatened mammalian taxa listed as threatened in each taxonomic group (a) and vegetation type (b). Taxa may occur in more than one vegetation type
Percentage of Australian terrestrial mammalian taxa listed as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered with inappropriate fire regimes recorded as a threat summarized by (a) fire‐driven mechanisms of decline; (b) fire‐regime characteristics; and (c) interacting processes. n is the total number of mammalian taxa threatened by fire for which the mechanisms, fire‐regime characteristics, or interacting processes were identified through systematic review. A given taxon can be affected by more than one mechanism, fire‐regime characteristics, or interacting processes. Levels of evidence are shown by shading: Level 1 = strong empirical evidence, Level 2 = moderate empirical evidence, and Level 3 = opinions of experts based on ecological reasoning or anecdotal evidence (see Table 1 for descriptions of levels)
Relationships between fire‐driven mechanisms of population decline (left) and fire regime characteristics (right) identified for Australian terrestrial mammalian taxa listed as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered with inappropriate fire regimes recorded as a threat. The percentage of taxa for which relationships between the mechanisms of decline and fire‐regime characteristics have been reported are indicated by different line types. Data are pooled across all levels of evidence
A demographic framework informs the understanding of fire‐driven population declines and conservation actions that could be taken to address them. Examples of conservation actions include some that have been implemented and others that have been proposed but not implemented. We recommend that actions be trialed and implemented through adaptive management that includes regular monitoring of mammal populations
Beyond inappropriate fire regimes: A synthesis of fire‐driven declines of threatened mammals in Australia

June 2022


233 Reads


33 Citations

Fire can promote biodiversity, but changing patterns of fire threaten species worldwide. While scientific literature often describes ‘‘inappropriate fire regimes’’ as a significant threat to biodiversity, less attention has been paid to the characteristics that make a fire regime inappropriate. We go beyond this generic description and synthesize how inappropriate fire regimes contribute to declines of animal populations using threatened mammals as a case study. We developed a demographic framework for classifying mechanisms by which fire regimes cause population decline and applied the framework in a systematic review to identify fire characteristics and interacting threats associated with population declines in Australian threatened land mammals (n = 99). Inappropriate fire regimes threaten 88% of Australian threatened land mammals. Our review indicates that intense, large, and frequent fires are the primary cause of fire‐related population declines, particularly through their influence on survival rates. However, several species are threatened by a lack of fire, and there is considerable uncertainty in the evidence base for fire‐related declines. Climate change and predation are documented or predicted to interact with fire to exacerbate mammalian declines. This demographic framework will help target conservation actions globally and will be enhanced by empirical studies of animal survival, movement, and reproduction.

What do you mean, ‘megafire’?

May 2022


1,330 Reads


77 Citations

Global Ecology and Biogeography

Background ‘Megafire’ is an emerging concept commonly used to describe fires that are extreme in terms of size, behaviour, and/or impacts, but the term’s meaning remains ambiguous. Approach We sought to resolve ambiguity surrounding the meaning of ‘megafire’ by conducting a structured review of the use and definition of the term in several languages in the peer‐reviewed scientific literature. We collated definitions and descriptions of megafire and identified criteria frequently invoked to define megafire. We recorded the size and location of megafires and mapped them to reveal global variation in the size of fires described as megafires. Results We identified 109 studies that define the term ‘megafire’ or identify a megafire, with the term first appearing in the peer‐reviewed literature in 2005. Seventy‐one (~65%) of these studies attempted to describe or define the term. There was considerable variability in the criteria used to define megafire, although definitions of megafire based on fire size were most common. Megafire size thresholds varied geographically from > 100–100,000 ha, with fires > 10,000 ha the most common size threshold (41%, 18/44 studies). Definitions of megafire were most common from studies led by authors from North America (52%, 37/71). We recorded 137 instances from 84 studies where fires were reported as megafires, the vast majority (94%, 129/137) of which exceed 10,000 ha in size. Megafires occurred in a range of biomes, but were most frequently described in forested biomes (112/137, 82%), and usually described single ignition fires (59% 81/137). Conclusion As Earth’s climate and ecosystems change, it is important that scientists can communicate trends in the occurrence of larger and more extreme fires with clarity. To overcome ambiguity, we suggest a definition of megafire as fires > 10,000 ha arising from single or multiple related ignition events. We introduce two additional terms – gigafire (> 100,000 ha) and terafire (> 1,000,000 ha) – for fires of an even larger scale than megafires.

A demographic framework for understanding fire‐driven reptile declines in the ‘land of the lizards'

May 2022


81 Reads


17 Citations

Global Ecology and Biogeography

Background Fire creates habitats for many animals but changes in fire activity threaten species worldwide. While conservation assessments routinely identify fire as a threat to lizards and snakes, the processes underlying fire‐driven population declines have received less attention. Assessing the effects of fire on demographic processes – survival, reproduction and movement – provides a means to identify mechanisms of population declines and forecast population changes. Here, we synthesize how inappropriate fire regimes contribute to declines of animal populations, using threatened Australian squamates as a case study. Methods We applied a demographic framework in a systematic review to identify fire characteristics and interacting threats associated with population declines in imperilled Australian squamates ( n = 88). We reviewed primary literature and conservation assessments on these species and classified fire‐related threats according to seven key mechanisms of population decline, five fire‐regime characteristics, and eight interacting threats. Results Inappropriate fire regimes threaten 43% of Australian squamates of conservation concern, including geckos, skinks and snakes. Our analysis indicates that high fire intensity and severity, high fire frequency, and large fires are the main causes of fire‐related population declines, particularly via their impacts on survival. Low fire frequency also contributes to declines of some species through reduced survival or reproductive success. Weed invasion and predation are observed or predicted to interact with fire to amplify reptile declines. Our results also reveal a dearth of robust empirical studies on squamates of conservation concern. Main conclusions The demographic framework applied here will help forecast population changes in a new era of fire. By focusing on processes that are relevant to squamate populations globally, we anticipate that the framework will help diagnose causes of population declines in ecosystems that experience fire, and quantify the consequences of alternative management actions, including urgent conservation interventions after megafires.

Citations (57)

... The present study addressed the limitations of this descriptor [26] by conducting an immediate postfire assessment within one week of the event. Understanding survival as a measure of severity in a broader context, modeling survival and mortality is crucial for predicting future ecosystem changes [37,58,83]. Predictive models based on logistic regression serve as powerful tools for modeling post-fire mortality events [84]. ...


Revealing the Impact of Understory Fires on Stem Survival in Palms (Arecaceae): An Experimental Approach Using Predictive Models
Using plant functional types to predict the influence of fire on species relative abundance
  • Citing Article
  • April 2024

Biological Conservation

... Forests around the world have experienced substantial changes in their historic disturbance regimes with altered land use, climate change or forced removal of Indigenous peoples (Bowman et al., 2011;Gilliam, 2016;Götmark, 2013;Kelly et al., 2023). Many mesic temperate forests in North America, Europe and Asia have become more even aged, undergone severe fire suppression and experienced increased ungulate browsing (Carpio et al., 2021;Frelich, 2002;Hai et al., 2023;McDowell et al., 2020;Pascual-Rico et al., 2021). ...

Understanding Fire Regimes for a Better Anthropocene
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Annual Review of Environment and Resources

... Our results indicate combined demographic shifts, especially seed availability and adult mortality, increase the risk of population extinction. This supports the need to explore both immaturity risk and the interval squeeze hypothesis in future research , Le Breton et al. 2022, Plumanns-Pouton et al. 2023. ...

Time since fire shapes plant immaturity risk across fire severity classes

Fire Ecology

... By contrast, another Australian desert study found that reptile species richness was higher at burnt sites 9 months post burn, but not immediately post burn (Pastro et al., 2011). Additionally, Senior et al. (2023) found that reptile species richness was higher at unburnt compared to burnt sites at 1-12 months after a prescribed burn. In support of these mostly null responses, meta-analyses have found that reptiles (Pastro et al., 2014) and herpetofauna (González et al., 2022) did not show overall positive or negative responses to fire (comprising both prescribed burns and wildfires). ...

A field test of mechanisms underpinning animal diversity in recently burned landscapes

... The relatively mild conditions and higher than average rainfall from multiple years of La Niña after the fires also may have contributed positively to landscape and wildlife recovery. With wildfires predicted to increase in frequency and severity worldwide in response to climate change [60], the success of wildlife management and conservation efforts will likely depend on improving our understanding of the ecological impacts of fire on species and their habitats [122]. ...

Beyond inappropriate fire regimes: A synthesis of fire‐driven declines of threatened mammals in Australia

... Although the fossorial nature of L. viduata would result in some individuals surviving fires initially (e.g. by burrowing underground, sheltering in stick ant nests), many would then likely perish from the lethal temperature, burns and smoke inhalation resulting from such events (Smith et al. 2012;Jordaan et al. 2020;Santos et al. 2022). Furthermore, remaining individuals would then be highly susceptible to post fire mortality given the challenges of living in degraded habitat (e.g. ...

A demographic framework for understanding fire‐driven reptile declines in the ‘land of the lizards'
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

Global Ecology and Biogeography

... In Spain, information about fifth-and sixth-generation forest fires, or "megafires", is relatively recent, due to their increased frequency in recent years. A recent literature review confirmed the ambiguous nature of these terms, with size thresholds ranging from >100 to 100,000 hectares, with averages of >10,000 hectares being the most common [1]. ...

What do you mean, ‘megafire’?

Global Ecology and Biogeography

... Green and brown text indicates forest and savanna species respectively. The efforts to evaluate species level flammability holds relevance for land managers working to mitigate fire risk or spread in natural habitats, and to reduce fire related declines in animal populations (Santos et al., 2022). This is particularly important in areas where fire-protected environments serve as important habitats for species with restricted distributions, such as at the study site, which is habitat for Mareeba rock-wallabies (Petrogale mareeba), a rare marsupial endemic to rock outcrops in the region (Hodgson et al., 2004). ...

Beyond inappropriate fire regimes: a synthesis of fire-driven declines of threatened mammals in Australia

... The resilience of ecological communities is determined by species' resistance to fire events (Lindenmayer et al. 2009;Banks et al. 2011) and their recovery post-fire . These responses operate over varying timeframes (Rainsford et al. 2021), and so understanding how species and communities change over time as a result of fire/s is critical. Furthermore, different aspects of the pattern of fire over time and space-the fire regime (Gill 1975)-affect ecosystem resilience. ...

Post-fire habitat relationships for birds differ among ecosystems
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

Biological Conservation

... Bushfires are a natural and recurring phenomenon in many parts of the world, but they hold particular significance in Australia due to the continent's unique climatic conditions, vegetation types, and land management practices [1]. Historically, fire has played an essential role in shaping Australian ecosystems, aiding in the regeneration of native plant species and maintaining biodiversity [2]. However, the increasing frequency and severity of bushfires over recent years have raised critical concerns regarding the underlying causes and the potential long-term impacts on both natural and human systems. ...

Fire and Its Interactions With Other Drivers Shape a Distinctive, Semi-Arid ‘Mallee’ Ecosystem