Lukáš Dragoun’s research while affiliated with Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and other places

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Publications (6)

Relation between forest stand diversity and anticipated log quality in managed Central European forests
  • Article

April 2016


59 Reads


12 Citations

Ján Merganič






This study examined the influence of tree species and structural diversity on the production of high-quality logs. The data were from the regional forest inventory of the University Forest Enterprise, Czech Republic, performed from 2009 to 2011 on 1188 sample plots. For every sample plot, we quantified 38 diversity indicators. The plots were divided into four age groups (young, middle-aged, old and uneven-aged stands). The anticipated proportion of high-quality logs was determined using local assortment tables. For each age group, the impact of species and structural diversity indicators on the volumetric proportion of high-quality logs was assessed using backwards multiple regression. The relationship between diversity measures and log quality changed with stand age. In old stands, horizontal structure had a more profound effect on the proportion of high-quality logs. In young stands, species diversity and vertical structure were more influential. In middle-aged stands, the impact of stand diversity on log quality was most complex. In uneven-aged stands, vertical structure was the diversity component most affecting the proportion of high-quality logs. Overall, the proportion of best quality logs increased with the increasing stand diversity in all age classes, suggesting that timber production and stand diversity are not contradictory management goals. EDITED BY Sheila Ward

Relation between selected indicators of forest stand diversity and quality of timber production in managed Central European forests
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2016


60 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Forest Science

The present study examines the relationship between the quality of timber production and the species and structural diversity of forest stands. The data used came from a regional forest inventory of the University Forest Enterprise "Kostelec nad Černými lesy", Czech Republic. The inventory was performed from 2009 to 2011 on 1,188 sample plots that represented 86 strata defined by the combination of three variables: site (5 categories), age (12 categories) and canopy cover (5 categories). On each sample plot, we quantified 171 partial biodiversity indicators that represented species or structural diversity. The quality of timber production was specified by four indicators quantified using local assortment tables. In total, we analysed 58,824 univariate linear regressions describing the relationships between diversity indicators and timber quality in individual strata. The results revealed that their relationship changes with stand age. The proportion of the best-quality assortments increases with the increasing species richness in all age categories.


Table 2 . Basic mensurational variables of individual sample plots.
Table 3 . Multivariate analysis of variance of pine mensurational variables.
Porovnání vlivu příměsi na růstové veličiny, strukturu a stabilitu porostu borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris L.) na antropogenních půdách sokolovského regionu / Influence of admixed tree species on growth, structure and stability of Scots pine stands on anthropogenic soils of the Sokolov region

March 2015


124 Reads


5 Citations

Forestry Journal

The reclamation of landscape disturbed by mining is a topical issue in the Czech Republic and elsewhere. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the afforestation by Scots pine mixed with beech and lime trees on anthropogenic soils was advantageous in terms of timber production capacity and stability of forest stands, and whether it improved structural functionality of the forest ecosystem. The study was performed in the 40 year-old stand at Antonín dump near the town of Sokolov (Czech Republic) on a clay substrate. Basic stand variables and multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) of tree variables were used to compare different mixtures and monocultures. The comparison of pine monocultures with the mixed parts of the stand showed that the admixture of beech in the stands increased their stability, while the production was higher in the parts with an admixture of lime trees. Due to neglected stand tending, stability of all parts of the stand was reduced. Although lime generally appears as the most advantageous admixed tree species, further research is needed to prove the conclusions.

Fig. 1. Comparison of basic mensurational data (DBH, height and c/h-ratio between crown length and tree height) between trees growing individually and in stools for Q. petraea and C. betulus 
Timber production and ecological characteristics of trees in coppice forest in the Voskop nature reserve in Český kras - A case study

December 2014


41 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Forest Science

A new approach to forestry that increasingly values non-timber forest functions brings new interest and value also to coppice forests. A case study in the Voskop nature reserve located in the Český kras Protected Landscape Area was focused on a comparison of the timber production of individually growing trees and in multistemmed trees resprouting after cutting (stools). We recorded tree ecological characteristics of trees such as existence of stem cavities, whether the tree grows individually or from a stool and whether or not the tree is broken, dead or has a dying crown. In total 2,670 trees were sampled on a 1,875 ha sample plot. The main tree species forming coppice stands are Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus. The total stock volume of only 136 m3·ha-1 is very low at 84 years of age. The stock volume of individually growing trees is 84 m3·ha-1 and the stock volume of trees in stools is only 52 m3·ha-1 although the number of individually growing trees is lower. © 2014, Institute of Agricultural and Food Information. All rights reserved.

Figure 1. Positive differences between beech table volume and lime tree volume using Børset equation. Lime volume is higher than beech table volume. The x -axis shows beech table volume and y -axis shows differences. 
Figure 2. Relative differences between lime tree volume and beech table volume expressed in percent within diameter classes and heights. The brightest color shows the lowest differences. 
Comparison of tree volume equations for small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) in the Czech Republic

December 2014


391 Reads


10 Citations

Although the small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) is a native tree in the Czech Republic, there are no volume tables, and its volume has so far been estimated according to beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) tables. In order to increase accuracy of timber volume calculations, the most appropriate volume equations should be selected to develop volume tables specifically for lime. Based on literature sources eight volume equations were selected, and their accuracy was tested by statistical evaluation of assessed parameters and differences between calculated and sampled lime tree volume. Eighty-one sample trees were randomly selected for this study. The most suitable equation was Borset's equation according to the evaluation of equation parameters and comparison of the results obtained from the volume formula and from sample trees (difference of mean value 0.000009 m(3)). Finally, the calculated lime volumes were compared with the beech tables. The lime volumes are higher than beech volumes according to beech tables and positive differences for the lime, which varied from 0.05 m3 to 0.35 m3, support the need for new lime volume table.

Table 1 . Basic features of the control and drained site from their forest management plans (LHProjekt 2012) 
Table 2 . Statistical data of the control and drained site 
Table 3 . Results of independent two sample t-test in detail of the period 1985-2011 (t -value, p -value, df = 45) 
Figure 4 of 4
Impact of soil drainage to the radial stem growth of Norway spruce (Picea Abies L. Karst.) in peatland forests

December 2013


134 Reads


2 Citations

Forestry Journal

Peatland Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) forests represent very valuable ecosystems with considerable importance for nature conservation. However, a lot of peatland forests have been drained or used for opencast mining of peat. Since dendrochronological and dendroecological studies on trees growing on peatlands in Europe are not many, this study aimed to reconstruct the impact of drainage to the growth of trees in forest stands older than 100 years in the moment of drainage. Dendrochronological analysis was performed on two 0.25-ha square sampling plots (50*50 m) in two pre-selected stands (control site vs. drained site) with similar natural conditions and age. The mean-value functions of the ring indices, comparing the drained site with the control site, in the period after 1940 revealed very similar radial-growth trends. After the year 1992, when one site was substantially drained, the radial-growth trends not showed any significant change. Likewise, the result of the independent two sample t-test for the period after 1992 has not revealed any substantial statistically important difference in the mean index between the control site and the drained site.

Citations (5)

... Macromycete species diversity was quantified using the following diversity indices: i) indices based on the number of species, and (ii) indices of species heterogeneity, which combine species richness and evenness. From the available indices, those that were most suitable for the numerical assessment of diversity in the examined populations (Merganič et al., 2016) were selected as follows: i) Two indices were used to evaluate species richness: ...


Indicators of restoration in beech stands after air pollution: trees and macromycetes
Relation between forest stand diversity and anticipated log quality in managed Central European forests
  • Citing Article
  • April 2016

... A comparison of the value production of beech in pure stands (aged 83 to 105 years in the plot with tending) showed values of 71 to 82 € m −3 , which are higher values than in mixed stands (Štefančík et al. 2018). It is also related to the competition (intraspecific or interspecific) of tree species, which plays an important role in the quality of stems (Merganič et al. 2016;Höwler et al. 2019). This is in accordance with the statement about the poorer quality of beech in mixed stands compared to pure ones, and/or about its lower value production . ...

Relation between selected indicators of forest stand diversity and quality of timber production in managed Central European forests

Journal of Forest Science

... When this measure is performed properly following the removal of stands, it has been proved that an intervention mitigating excessive soil water helps restore the hydrological conditions of the site [35]. Considering spruce-dominated stands, the issue of hydromelioration is particularly important at peaty and waterlogged sites [36]. If such stands are left without such treatment after clear-cutting, the GWT rises as the evapotranspiration (thereinafter ET) of the forest is lost [37] and rooting becomes shallow, both in peaty and in gleyic soils [38]. ...

Impact of soil drainage to the radial stem growth of Norway spruce (Picea Abies L. Karst.) in peatland forests

Forestry Journal

... The production could be compared with the results from oil shale reclamations afforested in Northeast Estonia where the production of 40-yearold P. sylvestris stands fluctuates from 167 to 291 m 3 ha −1 in stands with high average tree density of 2610 trees ha −1 (Metslaid et al. 2016). High production potential of P. sylvestris is also documented by studies from coal mine spoils in Czech Republic (Dragoun et al. 2015), oil shale mine spoils in Estonia (Pensa et al. 2004) and lignite mine spoils in Germany (Knoche 2005). Therefore, P. sylvestris is often used in afforestation of post-mining sites and reclamations areas due to production parameters and ecological tolerance (Jagodziński et al. 2019;Kuznetsova et al. 2010;Pajak et al. 2016;Pietrzykowski and Socha 2011). ...

Porovnání vlivu příměsi na růstové veličiny, strukturu a stabilitu porostu borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris L.) na antropogenních půdách sokolovského regionu / Influence of admixed tree species on growth, structure and stability of Scots pine stands on anthropogenic soils of the Sokolov region

Forestry Journal

... These equations are often parametrized using linear regression or, in case there are more independent variables, multiple linear regression (Crow, Schlaegel 1988;Parresol 1999). Another option is nonlinear regression, which has been used more frequently in the recent studies (Stolariková et al. 2014, Hogg et al. 2021. ...

Comparison of tree volume equations for small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) in the Czech Republic