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Publications (7)

Figure 1. Localization of the archaeological sites mentioned in the text, in the Sabor Valley and Portuguese context. Map by João Monteiro.
Figure 3. Rock art sites of Ribeira da Pedra de Asma 7, Santo Antão da Barca and Veado do Cabeço do Aguilhão, in sequential order. According to Figueiredo, Xavier et al., in press.
Figure 4. Engraved plaques from Crestelos with representations of abstract and geometric motifs, human depictions and riders figures. Drawings by Figueiredo et al.
Figure 5. Graphs indicating the percentage of figurative motifs represented in the Palaeolithic, in the Recent Pre-History and in the Iron Age.
Illustrating the Sabor Valley (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal): rock art and its long-term diachrony since the Upper Palaeolithic until the Iron Age
  • Chapter
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April 2016


220 Reads


4 Citations



Dário Neves




Isabel Domínguez García

The construction of a major dam in the Trás-os-Montes region of Northeast Portugal, has led to an unprecedented archaeological survey that included a specific study of rock art over an area of 3000 hectares. Over the past four years, the implementation and development of this study revealed that the number of rock art sites is much higher than initially expected. In addition, the quality and the chronologies of the findings are exceptional, not only in a regional context but on a peninsular and European scales. The present paper seeks to explore a specific geographical area within the Sabor Valley, where we found the highest concentration of rock art sites, with chronologies ranging between the Upper Palaeolithic to the Contemporary Period. However, this paper will only focus on the rock art produced between the Upper Palaeolithic and the Iron Age. From the Palaeolithic era, we will look at the Foz do Medal terrace and its collection of exceptional portable art with over 1500 engraved fragments. Regarding rock art from the transition of the Holocene and post- Palaeolithic period, we will focus our attention on three main sites containing original depictions of caprids and cervids. Finally, we will look at Iron Age plaques uncovered in the Crestelos site. We would like to stress the fact that all mentioned sites are located within an area of less than 2 kilometers. Due to the concentrated materiality in a very restricted area, our aim is to approach different continuities and discontinuities in terms of rock art archaeological records. Were the same animals depicted in the Upper Palaeolithic as in the post-Palaeolithic periods? Why do we find mobile supports both in the Palaeolithic and Iron Age periods and none in the time in between? These are some of the questions that will be addressing.


First approach to the chronological sequence of the engraved stone plaques of the Foz do Medal alluvial terrace in Trás-os-Montes

January 2016


217 Reads


17 Citations

FIG. 1. Localização do Terraço da Foz do Medal na sua margem direita, no contexto da Peninsula Ibérica, da bacia do Douro e do vale do Sabor. Carta de João Monteiro.
FIG. 2. Representação de caprídeo na placa 5168. FIG. 3. Representação de caprídeo na placa 5031.
FIG. 7. Remontagem de seis fragmentos de placa com a figuração de um cervídeo numa das faces.
FIG. 8. Pormenor da placa 5879, com a figuração do antropomorfo destacada a vermelho.
Placas móveis com grafismos rupestres paleolíticos do Terraço do Medal (Nordeste, Portugal): uma primeira análise a temas e estilos

January 2015


70 Reads


3 Citations

In the scope of the construction of a major dam in the Northeast of Portugal in the Sabor valley, a terrace river where Upper Palaeolithic stratigraphic units were detected was excavated. In some of these layers hundreds of fragments from Palaeolithic engraved plaques were found, transforming this collection into the largest in the Iberian territory coming from an open-air site. Since the studies carried out were made in the context of salvage archaeology, it has not been possible yet to establish all the necessary data, having approached the collection as a whole, through more descriptive than interpretative readings. 1 O Plano de Salvaguarda do Património (PSP) faz parte da Empreitada Geral do Aproveitamento Hidroeléctrico do Baixo Sabor promovida pela EDP, Produção, e cuja execução é da responsabilidade do Baixo Sabor, ACE, constituído pelo consórcio ODEBRECHT/Bento Pedroso Construções S.A. e LENA, Construções. O Plano de Salvaguarda do Património tem a seguinte estrutura de coordenação: Coordenação Geral: Paulo Dordio; Coordenação de Equipas e de Estudos: Filipe Santos (Cilhades), José Sastre (Proto-história), Luís Fontes (Idade Média), Paulo Dordio (Edificado), Rita Gaspar (Pré-história), Sérgio Antunes (Acompanhamento) Sérgio Pereira (Romanização), Sofia Figueiredo (Arte Rupestre), Susana Lainho (Conservação). O Plano de Salvaguarda do Património (PSP) integra a Área do Ambiente, Qualidade e Segurança da Empreitada Geral, área coordenada por Augusta Fernandes. With this presentation we aim in the one hand to give an overall vision of this exceptional collection from the Iberian Palaeolithic as well as present some first interpretations regarding the represented themes as well as their style. With this in mind we will analyse the figurative themes materialized by the zoomorphic figures, where we can count more or less 170 representations. Among these, goats are the most represented theme, followed by horses, aurochs and the deer. Interestingly, the most represented themes are those who know less technical variability. Since the majority of the collection is from a deposit in a secondary position, and taking into consideration the lithic industry of this same layer, although we can situate the plaques collection in the Magdalenian period, a higher chronological insertion is complex. Therefor we also try to make a first approach to the issue of styles present in the collection, confronting them with the already well- known and studied sites of Vila Nova de Foz Côa and Siega Verde, geographically very close.

Espaço para a morte. O Terraço da foz do Medal (Vale do Sabor, Nordeste de Portugal) durante a Idade do Bronze

July 2014


625 Reads


23 Citations

Estudos do Quaternário / Quaternary Studies

A intervenção arqueológica no Terraço da Foz do Medal decorreu no âmbito das medidas de minimização patrimoniais aplicadas no projeto de construção do Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico do Baixo Sabor (AHBS). A intervenção revelou uma importante ocupação da Idade do Bronze materializada num conjunto de estruturas negativas de tipo fossa. Quatro dessas estruturas apresentavam enterramentos primários, três individuais e um duplo, nomeadamente de 1 sub-adulto e 4 adultos. Este artigo apresenta especificamente o espaço reservado aos mortos dentro desta jazida.

Citations (6)

... Se han recuperado 1.511 esquistos con evidencias gráficas (Figueiredo et al. 2014(Figueiredo et al. , 2016 correspondientes a una amplia secuencia temporal que se ha datado por OSL en al menos 12.350±930 BP Figueiredo et al. 2020). Su procedencia paleolítica es segura, pero corresponden a un depósito en posición secundaria, aunque con escaso nivel de alteración (Figueiredo et al. 2016). ...


Tradiciones gráficas e interacción cultural: arte mueble paleolítico del interior peninsular
Foz do Medal Terrace - an open-air settlement with palaeolithic portable art

... The authors suggest that the majority of these engravings date to the transition from the 4th to the 3rd millennium BCE [93]. Painted cervid figures are known, as is the case of Lapa dos Gaivões [94], but they are also found in the northern areas of Portugal, with cervids or deer hunting scenes depicted in megalithic dolmen orthostats [95][96][97][98][99]. Red deer associated with sun representations have been described in pottery and rock art motifs (e.g., [5,22]), and the possible association between the sun and polypod deer was recently discussed [15]. ...

Illustrating the Sabor Valley (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal): rock art and its long-term diachrony since the Upper Palaeolithic until the Iron Age

... ej. Baptista, 2009Baptista, , 2011Baptista y Reis, 2011;Figueiredo et al., 2014;Figueiredo et al., 2016aFigueiredo et al., , 2016bFigueiredo y Xavier, 2020;Teixeira, 2016;Vázquez y Reis, 2019). ...

First approach to the chronological sequence of the engraved stone plaques of the Foz do Medal alluvial terrace in Trás-os-Montes

... A partir de los 90 el hallazgo de los conjuntos al aire libre de Domingo García (Segovia) (Ripoll y Municio 1999), Siega Verde (Salamanca) (Balbín et al. 1991;Alcolea y Balbín 2006, 2012 y Foz Côa (Vila Nova de Foz Côa), acaban convirtiendo actualmente la península en un punto de referencia en los estudios sobre arte paleolítico en Europa (Baptista 2009 (Baptista 2009), Redor do Porco (Baptista y Reis 2011), Arroyo de las Almas (Reis y Vázquez 2015) y el abrigo de Foz do Río Tua (Teixeira y Sanches 2017), así como los motivos paleolíticos en el yacimiento de El Paraje de La Salud, en Salamanca (Garate et al. 2016), conjuntos revisados recientemente en un trabajo de síntesis (Santos 2019). Por otra parte, destaca el hallazgo de un extenso conjunto de arte mobiliar en el yacimiento de Foz do Medal en el valle del Sabor (Portugal) (Figueiredo et al. 2014). ...

Reassembly methodology in Palaeolithic engraved plaques from Foz do Medal terrace (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal)

... This rainfall regime leads to drastic differences between the flow of water in watercourses: almost dried during the summer, while experiencing flooding episodes during winter. Geology of the valley is characterized by the occurrence of schist formations and it is strongly conditioned by micro-plate tectonics and faults (Gaspar et al., 2014a). In consequence, in the affected section, the river course runs through sections of steep and narrow V-shaped valleys (north-south) interspaced by wide and plain areas (east-west) (Pereira et al., 2014; Figure 1). ...

Espaço para a morte. O Terraço da foz do Medal (Vale do Sabor, Nordeste de Portugal) durante a Idade do Bronze

Estudos do Quaternário / Quaternary Studies

... Where occupation evidence was excavated above the river's flood zone it always featured ceramics and microliths down to bedrock ( Zilhão et al., 1997;Aubry et al., 2002). This stands in stark contrast to the Sabor valley, north of the Douro, where in one excavation 125,000 Upper Palaeolithic stone artefacts and over 1400 fragments of engraved plaquettes were recovered, but where not a single petroglyph occurs ( Figueiredo et al., 2014). There are no depictions of extinct animals among the hundreds of zoomorphs on the Côa, most of which feature equine (including specimens wearing a bridle) and bovid characteristics. ...

Foz do Medal terrace –an open¬–air settlement with Paleolithic portable art.
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014