Luh Putu Sudini’s research while affiliated with Warmadewa University and other places

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Publications (16)

Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Zona Tradisional Teluk Gilimanuk Seksi Pengelolaan Wilayah I Taman Nasional Bali Barat
  • Article

May 2023


1 Read

Jurnal Konstruksi Hukum

Anak Agung Nia Listiari


Luh Putu Sudini


Luh Putu Suryani

Efektivitas adalah proses penggunaan sumber daya, sarana dan prasarana sampai batas tertentu dan ditentukan secara sadar dalam rangka menghasilkan sejumlah barang untuk keperluan kegiatan yang dilakukan dan untuk menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam hal memenuhi tujuan yang ditetapkan dalam zona tradisional seksi pengelolaan wilayah I Taman Nasional Bali Barat. Penelitian ini mengkaji dua hal yaitu ruang lingkup pemanfaatan zona tradisional SDA secara lestari, pelaksanaan pemanfaatan zona tradisional pengelolaan wilayah I Taman Nasional Bali Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan dari pemanfaatan zona tradisional di seksi pengelolaan wilayah I terlaksana. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode empiris dan pendekatan sosiologis hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam pemanfaatan yang dilakukan di zona tradisional pengelolaan wilayah I Taman Nasional Bali Barat yang bersifat kerjasama lembaga dan mendukung efektivitas serta meningkatnya pendapatan kelompok yang dibina.

Alternative Settlement of Dispute Results for the Election of Village Head to Realize Democracy in South Buton

July 2022


4 Reads

Sociological Jurisprudence Journal

The emergence of prolonged Village Head Election Conflicts due to fanaticism and the harsh confrontation of supporters of the village head candidates who face to face fight for the victory of their respective candidates. Sometimes they even forget the value of democracy and undermine the ethical values that have been embedded in village communities. The purpose of this study was to determine the resolution of the dispute over the election results of the Lawela Village Head in realizing democracy in South Buton and to find out the legal consequences of the South Buton Regent's decision on the cancellation of the results of the Lawela Village Head election, South Buton Regency. The method used in this research is normative juridical. The stages of the research method are preparation and administration, inventory of relevant laws and regulations, research, analysis of research results, preparation of research reports and Focus Group Discussion. Based on the above explanation, the legal consequence of the South Buton Regent's Decree Number 341 of 2019 concerning the Dispute Resolution of the Election Results of the Lawela Village Head, Batauga District, South Buton Regency in 2019 is that the results of the Lawela Village Head election in the Lawela Village Head Election become non-binding from the moment it is canceled or fixed. The legal consequences for the elected Village Head candidate in Lawela Village are being canceled as the elected Village Head candidate or as Lawela Village Head for the 2019-2015 periods and/or as the winner who has succeeded in obtaining the most votes based on the determination of the Lawela Village Head Election Committee in 2019.

  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2022


9 Reads


4 Citations

Diponegoro Law Review

Peraturan Daerah (Perda) are actually formed in the context of implementing provincial/district/city regional autonomy and co-administration tasks, as well as further elaborating the provisions of higher laws and regulations. Ecotourism is a concept of nature-based travel. Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, regulates the affairs and authorities of the provinces, districts and cities. Tourism, environment and forestry affairs are concurrent government affairs, namely the authority is divided between the central government and local governments. Government support in developing ecotourism in the regions is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 33 of 2009 regulating the development of ecotourism in the regions optimally. It needs a strategy of planning, utilization, control, institutional strengthening and community empowerment by taking into account social, economic principles and involving stakeholders interest. However, there are no regulations that more technically regulate the development of ecotourism in the regions. So, there is a vacuum of legal norms. Therefore, local governments have a central role in forming ecotourism regulations in accordance with the ecotourism resource potential of each region. The research was conducted on the problems at which local government level has the authority to form an ecotourism regional regulation and what is the process of its formation. This research uses normative legal research methods, statutory approach, conceptual approach. This study uses an analysis of the Theory of Authority, the elaboration of norms and legislation. The results of the study found that Ecotourism Regional Regulations can be formed by each level of Regional Government according to the government affairs and regional authorities concerned. The obstacle that occurs is that there are still many regions that do not have local regulations on the Master Plan of Regional Tourism Development. This causes the Dinas Pariwisata, Kepemudaan dan Olahraga (Dispaspora) of the area does not have the basis of legal authority to make a document Rencana Induk Pengembangan Parwisata Daerah (RIPPARDA) which serves as a guide to Tourism Management in the area.


Tanggung Jawab Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia terhadap Glorifikasi Pelaku Pelecehan Seksual pada Media Elektronik

March 2022


1 Read

Jurnal Konstruksi Hukum

With an audiovisual display, it is easy for the audience to know the message conveyed. supervising the administration of local governments in accordance with Article 1 of the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 79 of 2005 concerning Guidelines for the Guidance and Supervision of Regional Government Administration. The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission is an institution that oversees every broadcast that is broadcast with the aim that all broadcasts that are broadcast do not violate the norms that apply in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to analyze the legal regulation of public broadcasting in electronic media, and to understand the responsibilities of KPI in broadcasting the glorification of sexual harassment perpetrators. This research uses a normative research method using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach in analyzing the problem. The legal regulation on public broadcasting is regulated in Law Number 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting which is the main legal material in this research, which supported by legal journals and books. Data collection techniques used are recording and sorting information. In the results of this research, it was found that the Broadcasting Law regulates the issue of legal provisions and regulations regarding broadcasting service providers regarding KPI in charge of regulating matters regarding broadcasting. The Indonesian Supervision Commission has responsibility for glorification cases committed by sexual harassment perpetrators, in accordance with Law No. 32 of 2002 article 8 paragraph (3) concerning broadcasting.


January 2021


676 Reads


1 Citation

DiH Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

The research objective is to find out and understand the use of the right of immediate pursuit of foreign ships that violate the Indonesian sea territory; and know and understand the limits of Indonesia's authority in the use of the right of immediate pursuit in its territorial waters. The problem is how to use the right of immediate pursuit of foreign ships that violate Indonesia's maritime territory. And what about the limits of Indonesia's authority in the use of immediate pursuit rights in its territorial waters? The research method used is empirical legal research methods. The results of the research on the use of the right of immediate pursuit of foreign ships that violate the territorial sea of Indonesia include several things that must be considered, namely the chase must be carried out by the competent authority of the coastal State and have sufficient reasons and are convincing that the foreign ship has violated the law in waters of the jurisdiction of the coastal State. The pursuit must begin when a foreign ship or one of its partners is in inland waters, archipelagic waters, territorial seas, auxiliary routes or exclusive economic zones. The pursuit can only continue outside the territorial seas, outside the auxiliary routes or outside the exclusive economic zone if the pursuit is continuous and uninterrupted. The pursuit may only begin after giving a stop sign from a distance that the foreign ship can see or hear. The right of pursuit must be stopped as soon as the ship being chased has entered the sea of the territory of the third party. The limit of Indonesia's authority in the use of the right to immediate pursuit in its territorial waters, Indonesia can take actions, starting with a signal, for example with a sound sign or a flag signal or an optical light, not paying attention to the signal, then it may be followed by warning shots. the first shot with a blank bullet is also ignored, followed by the shot with a live bullet, provided that when shooting, the shot must be directed in front of the prow of the ship being chased. If you take a fight that endangers the patrol boat or the lives of people, balanced violence can be carried out, if possible avoiding casualties. The immediate chase is stopped if the foreign ship enters the territorial waters of another State. Key words: right of immediate pursuit; foreign ships; use Abstrak Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan memahami penggunaan hak pengejaran segera terhadap kapal-kapal asing yang melanggar wilayah laut Indonesia; dan mengetahui dan memahami batas kewenangan Indonesia dalam penggunaan hak pengejaran segera di wilayah perairannya. Permasalahan yaitu bagaimana penggunaan hak pengejaran segera terhadap kapal-kapal asing yang melanggar wilayah laut Indonesia. Dan bagaimana batas kewenangan Indonesia dalam penggunaan hak pengejaran segera di wilayah perairannya. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian penggunaan hak pengejaran segera terhadap kapal asing yang melanggar wilayah laut Indonesia, mencakup ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu pengejaran harus dilakukan oleh pihak yang berwenang dari Negara pantai dan mempunyai alasan yang cukup serta meyakinkan bahwa kapal asing tersebut telah melakukan pelanggaran hukum di perairan yurisdiksi Negara pantai. Pengejaran itu harus dimulai ketika kapal asing atau salah satu sekocinya ada di perairan pedalaman, perairan kepulauan, laut teritorial, jalur tambahan atau zona ekonomi eksklusif. Pengejaran itu hanya dapat dilanjutkan di luar laut wilayah, di luar jalur tambahan atau di luar zona ekonomi eksklusif bila pengejaran itu terus menerus dan tidak terputus. Pengejaran hanya boleh dimulai setelah memberi suatu tanda berhenti dari suatu jarak yang dapat dilihat atau didengar oleh kapal asing tersebut. Hak pengejaran itu harus dihentikan sesaat kapal yang dikejar itu telah memasuki laut wilayah Negara pihak ketiga. Batas kewenangan Indonesia dalam penggunaan hak pengejaran segera di wilayah perairannya, Indonesia dapat melakukan tindakan-tindakan, diawali harus dilakukan dengan memberi tanda isyarat, misalnya dengan tanda suara atau isyarat bendera atau lampu optis, tidak diperhatikannya tanda isyarat, baru boleh dilanjutkan dengan tembakan peringatan, tembakan pertama dengan peluru hampa, juga tidak diindahkan dilanjutkan dengan tembakan dengan peluru tajam, dengan ketentuan bahwa waktu menembak, tembakan harus diarahkan di depan haluan kapal yang dikejar. Apabila melakukan perlawanan yang membahayakan kapal patroli atau jiwa orang, dapat dilakukan tindakan kekerasan yang seimbang, jika memungkinkan menghindari adanya korban jiwa. Pengejaran segera itu dihentikan apabila kapal asing tersebut memasuki wilayah perairan Negara lain.

The Roles of Notary in Living Environment Conservation

November 2020


106 Reads


3 Citations

NOTARIIL Jurnal Kenotariatan

Humans as one of the objects of life face increasingly complex problems leading to a prosperous life. Humans in life towards prosperity in society need a Notary in making a deed. Notary is a legal profession, so the Notary profession is a noble profession (Nobile officium), considering that the notary profession is very closely related to humanity. This study aims to know and understand the role of the notary in Living Environment conservation. This study uses normative legal research methods, with sources of legal materials such as primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal material. Notary is a public official who is authorized to make an authentic deed and has other authority as referred to in this Law or based on other laws. While the Living Environment is a number of objects and conditions that exist in the space we occupy that affect our lives. This Living Environment includes dynamic (biotic) and static (abiotic). The role of a notary in Living Environment conservation is very important, remembering the duties and functions of a notary in the community primarily on making a deed, and a notary in carrying out his profession must pay attention to Living Environment conservation (especially the Living Environment on land) considering the notarial deed has implications on the Living Environment such as land deeds, and so on, which are beneficial to the community.


June 2020


69 Reads


2 Citations

NOTARIIL Jurnal Kenotariatan

The objective of this research to reveal (1) the responsibility of a notary for the drafting of a double number and (2) the legal consequences if a double number occurs in a notarial deed. The types of this research is normative legal research. The research results indicated that (1) The notary's responsibility for making a notarial deed with a double number must be accounted for administratively. The existence of a double number on the notary deed indicates that the notary has been inadvertently applied in making an authentic deed. In every legal action that implies the use of authority, it implies an obligation of accountability. Thus, a notary who makes a notarial deed with a double number requires the notary to be administratively responsible, remembering that the negligence made by a notary is an administrative error; and (2) The legal consequences in the event of a double number in a notary deed do not cause any consequences if no party feels disadvantaged by the existence of this double number. All that is left is for the notary to publish the minutes of changing the deed number and notify parties such as the parties, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the local Land Office if the double-numbered deed is related to land rights. However, if the double numbered deed brings harm to another party, then the party who feels disadvantaged can sue the notary.


January 2020


552 Reads

DiH Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

- Considering that tax is one of the sources of state revenue originating from public contributions to the State treasury. According to Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia is a rule of law. Tax collection based on laws that can be forced without the services of compensation (contravention) that can be directly demonstrated and used to pay for public expenditure and the construction of public facilities. Taxes in Indonesia are currently one of the largest sources of revenue for the nation's development in order to achieve prosperity for its citizens. The act of buying and selling is an agreement between the parties about paying a certain price of an item, with the aim of transferring ownership rights to the material sold. To achieve legal certainty in the sale and purchase of land rights, the parties are bound by an agreement based on an agreement made before a Notary. Problem formulation: 1. What is the process of binding the sale and purchase of land rights related to taxation in Denpasar? And 2. What are the forms of tax imposition in to buy and sell rights to land in Denpasar? This research is empirical legal research. The binding agreement on the sale and purchase of land rights is a pre-agreement made related to the imposition of tax in the case of a transfer of rights to land that must be paid in advance in order to carry out trading transactions before the Land Deed Maker Officer. The tax imposed from the binding agreement on the sale and purchase of land rights is the income tax for the seller and the Fees for Acquiring Land and/or Building Rights (BPHTB) for the buyer. Mengingat pajak merupakan salah satu sumber penerimaan Negara yang berasal dari iuran rakyat kepada kas Negara. Menurut Pasal 1 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945, Indonesia merupakan Negara hukum. Pemungutan pajak berdasarkan undang-undang yang dapat dipaksakan dengan tiada mendapat jasa imbalan (kontraprestasi) yang dapat langsung ditunjukkan dan digunakan untuk membayar pengeluaran umum dan pembangunan fasilitas umum. Pajak di Indonesia saat ini menjadi salah satu sumber penerimaan terbesar pembangunan bangsa dalam rangka mencapai kesejahteraan bagi warga negaranya. Tindakan jual beli merupakan suatu kesepakatan antara para pihak tentang membayar harga tertentu dari suatu barang, dengan tujuan mengalihkan hak milik atas kebendaan yang dijual. Untuk mencapai kepastian hukum pada jual beli hak atas tanah, para pihak diikat dengan suatu perjanjian berdasarkan kesepakatan yang di buat di hadapan Notaris. Rumusan masalah: 1. Bagaimana proses pengikatan jual beli hak atas tanah terkait dengan pengenaan pajak di Denpasar? Dan 2. Bagaimana bentuk pengenaan pajak dalam pengikatan jual beli hak atas tanah di Denpasar? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris. Perjanjian pengikatan jual beli hak atas tanah merupakan pra-perjanjian yang dibuat terkait dengan pengenaan pajak dalam hal peralihan hak atas tanah yang harus di bayarkan terlebih dahulu agar dapat melakukan transkasi jual beli di hadapan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah. Pajak yang dikenakan dari perjanjian pengikatan jual beli hak atas tanah yakni pajak penghasilan bagi pihak penjual dan Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah Dan/Atau Bangunan (BPHTB) bagi pihak pembeli.


July 2019


958 Reads


1 Citation

DiH Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

Besides the tourism sector can increase economic growth, it also does not damage the environment and even stimulates environmental conservation. The tourism sector has become a global trend in the past three decades. World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) in 1998. Problems: 1) What is the urgency of tourism in the NTT region? And 2) How do you deal with the challenges of developing tourism in the NTT region? This research is empirical legal research. The urgency of tourism in the NTT region, among others: paying attention to tourism in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), which has the character of an archipelago, most of which consists of marine waters and is still lagging behind, it seems that the urgency of tourism in NTT is dominated by sea tourism or nature, such as national parks, Marine Conservation Areas, and Nature Parks (TWA). This is evident through the existence of 8 (eight) marine waters conservation areas owned by NTT Province. In addition, NTT Province also has a lot of potential in the marine sector, such as marine resources for capture and aquaculture; the potential for seaweed cultivation; potential of salt resources; and the potential for pearl cultivation, all of the marine potential is very supportive and influences the urgency of tourism for the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province. Efforts that can be made in order to deal with these challenges include: first, make improvements in the infrastructure sector, for example there is good coordination between the central and regional governments and cities in the NTT Province with regard to policies on water conservation area management or marine tourism in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT); second, maximizing the tourism potential in NTT through professional human resource de-velopment, improved tourism management facilities and third, online tourism publications optimized so that tourists are interested in traveling to the NTT Province; and in addition, supervise/control the applicable laws and regulations in ALKI that cross the sea waters, so that the existence of the ALKI does not interfere with the conservation of waters in the Sawu Sea.

Citations (5)

... Some previous studies have highlighted issues such as environmental degradation, conflicts of interest between conservation and development, and the role of local communities in natural resource management [9][10][11]. In addition, some studies have explored the potential of ecotourism in the region and efforts by government and nongovernmental organizations to develop sustainable management models [12,13]. However, previous research tends not to embrace a collaborative approach involving various stakeholders in holistic mangrove ecosystem management. ...


Complex Solutions Collaborative-Based Mangrove Ecosystem Management Model for Development Ecotourism in South Coastal East Java Indonesia

Diponegoro Law Review

... The theoretical basis of the study were the scientific developments of such Ukrainian and foreign studies as "Actual problems of the functioning of the notary system in Ukraine: an attempt at concentric equal definition" (Nelin, 2017), "Theory of notarial process" (Fursey, 2021), "Legal nature of notarial jurisdiction" (Widowed & Melenko, 2021), "The specifics of the organization of notarial activities in countries with notarial systems of Anglo-Saxon and Latin types" (Martinyuk, 2017), "Guarantees of the notarial process as a component of guarantees of notarial activity in Ukraine" (Dolynska, 2018a), "Guarantees of notarial activity: some issues of theory and practice" (Chizhmar, 2017), "Notary" (Dolynska, 2018b), "The Roles of Notary in Living Environment Conservation" (Sudini, 2020), "Authority Of Land Deed Officers On Sale And Purchase Binding Agreements For Certificate Return Process" (Riskiana & Adjie, 2022), "Functions of notarial jurisdiction: approaches to understanding" (Widowed, 2021), "Principles of international notary" (Nevzorova, 2019). ...

The Roles of Notary in Living Environment Conservation

NOTARIIL Jurnal Kenotariatan

... Furthermore, in the duty of notary shall apply precautionary principle and do legal education in order to avoid disputes in the future. (Putra, Sudini, & Puspadma, 2020) also conducted the similar study with this present study which examine the responsibility of a notary for the drafting of a double number and the legal consequences if a double number occurs in a notarial deed. The results of this study indicated that the notary's responsibility for making a notarial deed with a double number must be accounted for administratively. ...


NOTARIIL Jurnal Kenotariatan

... According to Uyarra et al. (2009), fish and coral are determinant attributes that lead the divers to savor for diving. Therefore, the urgency of tourism in East Nusa Tenggara dominated by marine or nature tourism is good coordination between central and regional governments (Sudini, 2019). West Manggarai is one of the regencies with a high PUD average in East Nusa Tenggara (0-5.42). ...


DiH Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

... For example, the emotional connection formed with the exhibits can greatly affect visitors' experiences and their likelihood of returning (ZhenShan et al., 2019; Brida et al., 2013). Additionally, the physical environment, including cleanliness and accessibility, plays an important role in enhancing tourist satisfaction (Sitiari et al., 2019). ...

The Influence of Environment on Tourist Satisfaction Seeing from Management, Linguistics and Social Cultural Aspects
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019