Ludger Frerichs’s research while affiliated with Technische Universität Braunschweig and other places

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Publications (56)

Zeichnung als Zukunftsbild (J. Frerichs, 2018)
Ausschnitt der Tabelle „Abfrage der Rechercheergebnisse“. (Eigene Abbildung)
a Grafische Aufarbeitung der Handlungsschritte und ihrer Abhängigkeiten mit Markierung des Detailausschnitts. (Eigene Abbildung). b Markierter Detailausschnitt aus a – Grafische Aufarbeitung der Handlungsschritte und ihrer Abhängigkeiten. (Eigene Abbildung)
Graphic Recording des Transformationsbereichs Ökologie. (S. Zonon 2023)
a Beispielhafte Abbildung des Ergebnisses aus dem Workshop. Erstellung des Transformationspfades ‚Gesellschaftliche Transformation‘ mit Markierung des Detailausschnitts. (Eigene Abbildung). b Markierter Detailausschnitt aus a – Beispielhafte Abbildung des Ergebnisses aus dem Workshop. Erstellung des Transformationspfades ‚Gesellschaftliche Transformation‘. (Eigene Abbildung)


Overcoming complexity – Research through Design und Backcasting als komplementäre Ansätze zur Antizipation von nachhaltigeren Zukünften
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


117 Reads


1 Citation

Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)






Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag in der Zeitschrift „Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. (GIO)“ stellt die interdisziplinäre Erarbeitung von Zukunftsszenarien und Transformationspfaden durch Visualisierungsmethoden dar – dem Research through Design Backcasting. Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen als komplexe Systemtransformationen sind für Unternehmen und Organisationen schwer greifbar. Die systemische Komplexität erschwert die Transformation hin zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft. Die Zukünfteforschung stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, Änderungen im System zu verstehen und Transformationspfade abzuleiten. In der methodenreichen Zukünfteforschung und insbesondere im Bereich des angewendeten Backcasting-Prozesses existieren diverse Leitfäden. Für interdisziplinäre Forschungskontexte wird der methodische Einsatz von (Zukunfts‑)Modellen zur Darstellung und Erlebbarmachung von Zukünften und Transformationspfaden noch wenig expliziert. Um diesem Mangel zu begegnen, dient dieser Beitrag zum einen der Einführung des Backcasting-Prozesses in Kombination mit dem Research through Design-Ansatz; zur Erstellung von Entwicklungspfaden zur Transformation in nachhaltigere Zukünfte und zum anderen der Darlegung eines konkreten Fallbeispiels zur Veranschaulichung. Der systematische Forschungsprozess zum Thema „Elektrifizierung der Landwirtschaft im Jahr 2045“ wird schrittweise – vom Projektstart bis zur Entwicklung eines Nachschlagewerkes, inklusive Zielbildern und Transformationspfaden – mit den angewendeten Methoden (u. a. Graphic Recording und Workshops) aufgezeigt und graphisch veranschaulicht. Die Kombination des visualisierungs- und objektgestützen Backcastings erwies sich als vielversprechende Methodik, um das Systemverständnis zu stärken, um die Diskursfähigkeit über nachhaltigere Zukünfte zu erleichtern und um einen kommunizierbaren Output über ein komplexes Zukunftsmodell in Form von Transformationspfaden zu generieren. Auf Basis dessen können Komplexität reduziert sowie Maßnahmen zur Erreichung von nachhaltigeren Zukünften extrahiert und evaluiert werden. Allerdings erfordert das Research through Design-Backcasting eine ständige Neubewertung der Transformation und einen stetigen Abgleich der entstehenden Zukunftsbilder im Forschungsteam. Somit werden eine enge Zusammenarbeit und damit ein zeitlich wie materiell ressourcenintensiver Einsatz erforderlich, der sich aber lohnt, wie wir in dieser Arbeit zeigen.


Training neural networks for tramline detection in an autonomous driving tractor using synthetic images

January 2024

Content Vehicle Guidance Track Planning – an implements point of view 1 Guiding principles and challenges in the context of environment perception and geofencing in the agricultural application domain 7 Automatic track guidance in high-standing maize crops 15 Standardization AEF – Digital Camera Systems – A new project team working on an AEF Functionality for High Speed ISOBUS 21 Introducing the AEF Autonomy in Ag project 29 Integrating High-Speed Data Communication via Automotive Ethernet with a Service-Oriented Architecture Established using SOME/IP in Agricultural Machinery 37 ISOBUS Migration From CAN to Ethernet – Doing it Right From the Beginning 43 Innovations through AI Technologies Green revolution – AI for precise weed and pest control 49 Accelerating the AI lifecycle with the AgriGaia-Platform Presentation of a modular platform concept used to support AI developers, based on open-source software 63 Edge-Cloud Intelligence and AI for Large-scale Agricultural Production Systems 69 Data Integration in Agricultural Engineering Facilitating seamless collaboration: Secure decentralized group management in interoperable wirele...

Development and Implementation of a Damage Model for Potato Tuber Blackspot in Discrete Element Method to Analyze Harvesting and Handling Processes

January 2024


7 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of the ASABE

Highlights Method for determining the discoloration of potato tissue samples induced by mechanical stress. Model of the discoloration susceptibility of specific potato tissue. Particle segmentation algorithm in the Discrete Element Method for contact localization in post-processing. Development of the "Discrete Element Method Blackspot Potato Tuber Model" capable of predicting internal blackspot damage in potato tubers. Abstract. Blackspot damage caused by mechanical load during the harvesting and processing stages of potato tubers remains difficult to mitigate. Field tests are inadequate as it takes around two days to develop blackspot discoloration, making it unclear when and where the initial damage occurs. Particle simulation, particularly with the Discrete Element Method (DEM), offers opportunities to improve machine performance and reduce crop losses. However, the DEM cannot predict local blackspot damage, making it unsuitable for reducing potato tuber damage. To address this, the “DEM blackspot potato tuber model” presented in this contribution integrates a discoloration function and a segmentation algorithm of DEM particles to predict and analyze blackspot damage during harvesting and processing. Based on mechanical experiments on tuber tissues with different loading conditions, a discoloration function was proposed dependent on strain and strain rate. The segmentation algorithm adapts to the varying potato tuber particle size by varying the number of segments to generate segments of average blackspot size. Two different validation tests are used to identify the single and multiple impact capabilities of the model. The preliminary results show that the discoloration induced by single impact events is well predicted in terms of the number of damaged tubers as well as the average damage per tuber. Damage of multiple impacts is less accurately predicted since the model does not take into account the accumulation of damage. Keywords: Blackspot, Damage model, Discrete Element Method, Potato handling, Simulation.

Modelling a spray fan of a crop protection sprayer nozzle with the discrete element method

April 2023


206 Reads


The testing of application equipment for crop protection products is very laborious due to the field trials usually required. For this reason, the use of simulation methods to reduce the required effort are desirable. To the knowledge of the authors, it has not yet been possible to develop a complete model of a crop protection nozzle and its spray fan. However, models already exist for certain sub-processes such as simulating the drift in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), though these are often not sufficiently validated. Suitable for a complete model is the discrete element method (DEM) i. e. due to the analogy between droplets and simulated particles and the simple contact detection during wetting. The first challenge is the recreation of the spray fan in the DEM, an approach to solve this issue is presented in this article. The simulation model generates a droplet spectrum 100 mm underneath the nozzle based on experiment data. For validation, the droplet spectrum and the transversal distribution are measured 500 mm underneath the nozzle. In the virtual environment the droplet spectrum shows high accordance in comparison to measurements whereas slight deviations in the transversal distribution exist.


April 2023


7 Reads

Die Prüfverfahren von Applikationstechnik für Pflanzenschutzmittel sind aufgrund der meist erforderlichen Praxisversuche sehr aufwendig. Aus diesem Grund ist der Einsatz von Simulationsmethoden wünschenswert. Ein Gesamtmodell zur Abbildung einer Pflanzenschutzdüse und des zugehörigen Spritzfächers konnte bisher nicht entwickelt werden. Jedoch existieren für einzelne Teilprozesse zur Simulation der Abdrift in der CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) bereits Modelle, die aber oft nicht vollständig validiert sind. Für ein Gesamtmodell eignet sich die Diskrete-Elemente-Methode (DEM) u. a. aufgrund der Analogie zwischen Tropfen und den simulierten Partikeln sowie der einfachen Kontakterkennung bei der Benetzung. Die Abbildung des Sprühkegels mit der DEM stellt die erste Herausforderung dar, ein Ansatz hierfür wird im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellt. Auf Messdaten basierend wird in der Simulation ein Tropfenspektrum 100 mm unterhalb der Düse erzeugt und zur Validierung das Spektrum sowie die Querverteilung 500 mm unterhalb der Düse gemessen. Das Tropfenspektrum zeigt eine hohe Übereinstimmung, während bei der Querverteilung leichte Abweichungen zur Messung vorliegen.

Drawing transformation pathways for making use of joint effects of food and energy production with biodiversity agriphotovoltaics and electrified agricultural machinery

February 2023


218 Reads


10 Citations

Journal of Environmental Management

The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is being pursued worldwide. While energy production and consumption are to be oriented towards renewable energies, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture is also a target for science and society. Due to the expansion of renewable energies, agricultural land in particular is the focus of various interest groups, from food production to energy production. In this interdisciplinary study, we show the opportunities and limits of joint synergies from the nexus of food production, energy production, energy consumption, biodiversity protection and social acceptance of renewable energies in a scenario. Biodiversity agriphotovoltaics, i.e. agriphotovoltaics in combination with biodiversity protection measures, such as flower strips, can make a valuable contribution to promoting biotope connectivity in addition to significant energy production. We show this in a GIS-based regional assessment for Lower Saxony in northern Germany. This rough spatial assessment is followed by a modelling of energy production and consumption during the cultivation of a characteristic agricultural field in the loess region of Lower Saxony. Our focus here is on the possibilities of using cable electricity or battery storage for carrying out the cultivation. In an accompanying survey of farmers regarding the use of agriphotovoltaics, we collected and evaluated their prior knowledge, experiences, and attitudes towards this technology. Finally, we show which advantages agriphotovoltaics and electrified agricultural machinery can also have for the sustainable transformation of agriculture and which challenges exist for a truly sustainable use of these technologies.

Robust Monte Carlo Localisation Using a Ground Penetrating Radar

November 2022


50 Reads

Systems for localising mobile robots have certain disadvantages depending on the measuring principle. For example, systems with cameras or lidars reach their limits in harsh environments with dust, dirt and weather. Infrastructure-based localisation such as RFID is non-flexible and expensive to install. GNSS-based systems have problems with multipathing and indoor applications. To overcome these problems, a robust localisation system consisting of graduated frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR) and Monte Carlo localisation (MCL) is developed to remedy the situation. For this purpose, the radar scans long-term stable features in the underground which are used for the localisation. In this paper we will mention the test setup: Test robot, used stepped frequency radar and the test ground. In detail, the signal processing, the localisation approach with mapping and the calculation of the yaw angle are explained. In the exemplary field test, the orientation error is ±5∘ and laterally ±5 cm.

Navigation mit einem Bodenradar als Lokalisierungs- sensor Navigation with a ground penetrating radar as localization sensor

ysteme zur Lokalisierung von mobilen Robotern ha-ben je nach Messprinzip gewisse Nachteile. So stoßen beispielsweise Systeme mit Kameras in rauen Umgebun-gen mit Staub, Schmutz und Wetter an ihre Grenzen. Um diese Probleme zu überwinden, wird ein robustes Lokali-sierungssystem entwickelt, das aus einem Bodenradar und einer Monte-Carlo-Lokalisierung besteht. Zu diesem Zweck tastet das Radar langzeitstabile Merkmale im Un-tergrund ab, die für die Lokalisierung verwendet werden. Neben der Lokalisierung wird auch die Navigation mit diesem System dargestellt. [Schlüsselwörter: Navigation, Bodenradar, Lokalisierung, Künstlich Neuronale Netz, Mobilroboter] ystems for localizing mobile robots have certain disadvantages depending on the measurement principle. For example, systems with cameras reach their limits in harsh environments with dust, dirt and weather. To overcome these problems, a robust localization system is being developed that consists of ground-based radar and Monte Carlo localization. For this purpose, the radar scans long-term stable features in the subsurface that are used for localization. In addition to localization, navigation is also represented.

Citations (18)

... The article highlights top-down direct effects from the physical environment in the broader and organizational context to the individual (e.g., recovery experiences, health and well-being outcomes) and a bottom-up direct effect from the individual to organizational outcomes. Gebker et al. (2024;article 8) are shedding light on the backcasting method by using an example of "Electrification of agriculture in 2045". The combination of visualization and object-supported backcasting proved to be a promising methodology for strengthening the understanding of the system, facilitating the ability to discuss more sustainable futures, and generating a communicable output about a complex future, including transformation paths. ...


Shaping organizations sustainably: Insights and perspectives
Overcoming complexity – Research through Design und Backcasting als komplementäre Ansätze zur Antizipation von nachhaltigeren Zukünften

Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)

... Lastly, an interesting study by Poppa et al. [61] developed a particle segmentation algorithm in DEM for contact localization during post-processing to predict potato damage. This algorithm used the API tool of EDEM to analyze simulation results with more accurate details, providing a new direction for exploring plant-soil interactions further. ...

Development and Implementation of a Damage Model for Potato Tuber Blackspot in Discrete Element Method to Analyze Harvesting and Handling Processes
  • Citing Article
  • January 2024

Journal of the ASABE

... Moreover, several studies have been conducted at the federal state level in Germany: Schneider et al. [73] estimate a potential of 79 GW p for agri PV in Lower Saxony on areas with low biodiversity potential, using a geospatial analysis and a capacity density of 75.6 MW p ∕km 2 . Unger and Lakes [74] focus on identifying conflict areas for agriculture in Brandenburg. ...

Drawing transformation pathways for making use of joint effects of food and energy production with biodiversity agriphotovoltaics and electrified agricultural machinery

Journal of Environmental Management

... The height and roll inclination are required to consider the vehicle's body oscillation. In [6], we localised a mobile robot in an indoor scenario with a driving speed of 0.3 m/s and a lateral error of ±10 cm. The MCL developed there is further refined in this publication. ...

Localization with a ground penetrating radar in harsh agricultural environments

... The influence of individual soil properties (abrasive mass) on the total mass wear has not yet been thoroughly studied. Many researchers [1][2][3][4][5] working on the subject of abrasive wear in abrasive mass identified with soil have been trying for years to accurately describe the model of the influence of individual components on the total abrasive wear. An attempt to accurately describe the factors was made by Nosal [6], who derived a formula for the total abrasive wear and made an attempt to accurately describe the factors. ...

Modelling of abrasive material loss at soil tillage via scratch test with the discrete element method
  • Citing Article
  • October 2020

Journal of Terramechanics

... The computer-aided design approach merged mathematical algorithms and computational models to study complex system behaviors [15][16][17]. New strategies have been introduced where field data and simulation models are synergistically combined, an overall framework referred to as model-based system testing [18,19]. In 2017, Golpira and Golpira [20] merged conventional design methodologies with metaheuristic modeling combining genetic algorithms with fuzzy logic to develop a hybrid computational algorithm that predicted the optimal sizing of a grain harvester platform. ...

Development of a Machine Learning-based Assistance System for Computer-Aided Process Optimization within a Self-Propelled Sugar Beet Harvester
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2020

... The clear single-factor friction mechanism of components has become the focus of research, and scholars in this field have conducted a large number of experimental investigations on this. Kalácska et al. [25] tested 27MnB5 steel plough tips by conducting field wear tests to analytically characterise the changes in mass, hardness and microstructure, used 3D optical profilometry to obtain the wear contours and measured the changes in line dimensions. The results of the tests showed that the microscopic wear mechanisms of the cutting edges were classified into micro-cutting and micro-ploughing. ...

Abrasive wear behaviour of 27MnB5 steel used in agricultural tines
  • Citing Article
  • October 2019


... Os autores são os únicos responsáveis por este trabalho. (González et al., 2013;Ryabov et al., 2016;Hrabě e Müller, 2013 (Bedolla et al., 2018;Tylczak et al., 1999;Jaramillo et al., 2011) Para recriar as condições das ferramentas de lavoura com menor custo e superar as dificuldades de controle das variações de solo e o tempo limitado de teste impostos pelo setor agrícola, vários pesquisadores desenvolveram testes que utilizam a ferramenta em escala real, submersa em reservatórios com amostra de solos ou outros materiais abrasivos (Fechete-Tutunaru et al., 2019;Schramm et al., 2019;Tekeste et al., 2022;Zhang e Kushwaha, 1995). ...

Wear simulation of tillage tools with the Discrete Element Method
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019

... Integration and calibration of "conventional" plant disease prediction models with high-resolution sensor data offers the opportunity to validate the outcome of these models and vice versa (Camino et al. 2021;Zhang et al. 2014). It is now acknowledged that not only are digital technologies of technical and economic value in developing novel disease management approaches, but their use will also impact the environment and thus affect social and ethical aspects of crop production (Klerkx et al. 2019;Lajoie-O'Malley et al. 2020;Wegener et al. 2019). ...

Spot farming - an alternative for future plant production Spot Farming - eine Alternative für die zukünftige Pflanzenproduktion

Journal fur Kulturpflanzen

... But this control is for an onaxle reference point and is not satisfied. We presented this control approach in [5] and [7]. To overcome the inadequate control performance the model predictive control were considered as an appropriate method. ...

A Low-Speed Flatness-Based Path Tracking Control with the Time-Scaling Concept for Different Types of Steering and Drive for the Robot Operating System