January 2011
24 Reads
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January 2011
24 Reads
January 2010
1,031 Reads
204 Citations
March 2007
27 Reads
4 Citations
New Labor Forum
January 2007
132 Reads
3 Citations
Abbiamo intervistato Luc Boltanski ed Ève Chiapello il 24 maggio 2006, a Parigi, presso la sede del Groupe de Sociologie Politique et Morale, il laboratorio di cui entrambi fanno parte. L'intervista è stata molto cordiale e ha permesso ai due autori di tornare sulle ragioni del successo del loro libro, nonché sul significato politico che ha assunto nel dibattito francese, sulla condizione dei quadri di azienda e sulle difficoltà e sulle potenzialità della critica oggi (...).
January 2007
9 Reads
December 2006
30 Reads
2,236 Citations
March 2006
28 Reads
5 Citations
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Editions Esprit. © Editions Esprit. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
January 2006
484 Reads
4 Citations
Nearly twenty years ago, just when many of our colleagues in the emerging field of Critical Management Studies (CMS) were immersing themselves in the work of Baudrillard, Derrida, Foucault, and Lyotard, Alex Callinicos came up with an essential guide and antidote, Against Postmodernism: A Marxist Critique (1990). Now, having produced innumerable essential texts on social theory in the meantime, Callinicos has come up with 'an immanent critique' of another set of contemporary theorists in The Resources of Critique (2006), namely. As I discovered when I attended a workshop organized by the Centre for Philosophy and Political Economy at the University of Leicester in 2005, Negri in particular, or rather Hardt's and Negri's Empire (2000) and Multitude (2004), have a set of self-styled 'autonomist' devotees within British business schools who see themselves as too critical even for CMS. And now that there is an English translation available, Boltanski's and Chiapello's The New Spirit of Capitalism (2006) is also acquiring a following amongst the 'critters' of CMS. I have no doubt that the acolytes of these (non-management) gurus will dismiss Callinicos's The Resources of Critique as a predictable reiteration of orthodox Marxism, which in many ways it is, although, as I will show, when he sets out his own position Callinicos concedes that there are significant weaknesses in classical Marxism. Part I offers more or less self-contained critiques of each author. For example, Callinicos provides a neat summary and critique of Boltanski's and Chiapello's The New Spirit of Capitalism, which he warns is "too long and at points disorganized and repetitive" (p. 63). He sees Žižek's 'torrent of books' as brilliant, but also derivative and repetitive, which makes Žižek more difficult to summarize and critique. Callinicos claims to show how each theorist has "failed in their own terms to provide a sound philosophical basis for social critique and, more broadly, for transcendence, understood as our ability to go beyond the limits set by existing beliefs and practices" (p. 243).
January 2006
202 Reads
28 Citations
Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia
Luc Boltanski è directeur d’études all’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) a Parigi. I suoi principali contributi si inscrivono nel solco della riflessione durkheimiana sui processi di costruzione di classificazioni e categorizzazioni. Nella seconda metà degli anni ’60 è stato allievo di Pierre Bourdieu, con cui nel 1975 ha fondato la rivista Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. La collaborazione con Bourdieu è proseguita strettamente fino alla redazione comune del famoso saggio La production de l’idéologie dominante nel 19761. In seguito, subendo l’influenza di A. Hirschman ed E.P. Thompson si è allontanato dall’approccio bourdieusiano, per storicizzare i processi di costruzione delle categorie sociali. Studiando i quadri di azienda a partire dagli anni ’30, Boltanski ha mostrato come una categoria, lungi dal poter essere data per scontata, si costituisce attraverso un processo politico, per poi istituzionalizzarsi in un discorso amministrativo, oggettivarsi nelle istituzioni e incarnarsi in rappresentazioni allo stesso tempo sociali, politiche e cognitive2 (...).
January 2006
754 Reads
2,488 Citations
... (Walker 2021, 511) Bourdieu provides powerful tools for analyzing the social context, and he allows the unconscious to become conscious (Hart 2019, 592). This has been developed further also by other sociological approaches, such as discourse theory (Diaz-Bone 2002) or French convention theory (Boltanski and Thévenot 2006;Diaz-Bone 2011). Among other things, these theories aim at identifying and dismantling mechanisms of power. ...
December 2006
... Finally, the opinion world supports fame, self-esteem and mimetic mechanisms. Two worlds were subsequently added: the green world (Lafaye and Th evenot, 1993), with the protection of the natural environment being the key value, and the by-project world, with networking and mediation being valued (Chiapello and Boltanski, 1999). Table 1 summarizes the main characteristics of each world. ...
July 2000
Vingtième Siècle Revue d histoire
... Moral sociologists have drawn attention to how everyday economic actors appeal to metaphysical ideas of 'justice' in their deliberations, thereby assuming certain barometers of value that apply to everyone (Boltanski and Thévenot, 2006). This assumes that economic actors are endowed with critical capacities through which they seek consensus on questions of desert and distribution (Boltanski and Thévenot, 1999). From this perspective, organisations and capitalist institutions generally are constituted by countless micro-public spheres, in which participants dispute and confirm what is of value. ...
August 1999
European Journal of Social Theory
... El primer análisis nos permitió saber cómo las y los docentes caracterizan a sus estudiantes "incluidos en la escuela" y a sus estudiantes "excluidos en la escuela", dado por las descripciones o calificaciones utilizadas para caracterizar uno u otro tipo. Como se ha dicho, las descripciones no son posibles sin referencia a un marco normativo o valórico (Boltanski, 2002). Estas caracterizaciones pueden leerse, entonces, como indicativas de lo que las y los docentes estiman un comportamiento apropiado, justo o adecuado en la escuela para el caso de los estudiantes calificados como incluidos o integrados y, en contraste, un comportamiento indeseado o inadecuado en la escuela, en el caso de las o los estudiantes calificados por ellos como "excluidos". ...
January 2002
Revue Économique
... Thus, the present article contributes to the gradually growing body of sociological theory on suicide by discussing the role of culture in making some individuals vulnerable to suicide, a topic that has been relatively under-theorised thus far (Abrutyn and Mueller, 2018;Mueller et al., 2021). I draw upon the sociology of valuation (Boltanski and Thévenot, 2006;Krüger and Reinhart, 2017;Lamont, 2000Lamont, , 2012Lamont, , 2018Lamont, , 2019Thévenot, 2014) that 'documents patterns of inclusion/exclusion based on various bases of societal segmentation' (Lamont, 2000: 241). Such sociology, in conjunction with other sources of cultural sociology (Bourdieu, 2000;Lizardo, 2004Lizardo, , 2017, facilitates a better understanding of the ties between macro-level public culture -embedded in and (re)produced through social relations and institutions -and micro-level personal culture embodied by individuals, and particularly, the circumstances under which the relationship between the two may lead to experiences of worthlessness and suicidal distress. ...
January 2006
... They had several occasion to address in depth the remarks, critics and reviews developed (e.g. Boltanski and Chiapello, 2001;Moulier Boutang, 2000b). Actually, the preface to the English edition (Boltanski and Chiapello, 2003) takes stock of some of those debates, offers an update of the authors' positions and addresses some of the critics. ...
July 2001
... Hablar de neoliberalismo es hacerlo de una ideología que actúa como motor de la subjetividad contemporánea (Brown, 2015;Dardot y Laval, 2013;Lazzarato, 2013). Aunque se hayan cometido excesos en atribuir al neoliberalismo todo tipo de males, no es arriesgado afirmar que se corresponde con el "espíritu" que acompa-ña el modo de producción de las sociedades industriales avanzadas desde finales de los años 70 (Boltanski y Chiapello, 2002;Streeck, 2016). Varios artículos de este dossier se hacen eco del entrelazamiento entre el orden neoliberal y las subjetividades actuales (De Freitas y Chamorro, Carretero, Vila-Viñas, Gamba y Nobile, Seré), aportando categorías originales (como la de startupper) y desentrañando la manera neoliberal de relacionarse con la cultura punitiva, las tesis feministas, la crisis del Estado del bienestar, el auge de las tecnologías digitales o el ejercicio físico. ...
January 2002
... Mit der Durchsetzung partizipativer Managementkonzepte ist der Beteiligungsbegriff zu einem festen Bestandteil eines "neuen Geists des Kapitalismus" (Boltanski/Chiapello 2003) geworden. Unternehmerische Beteiligungskonzepte zielen auf eine Selbstaktivierung der Beschäftigten für betriebliche Rationalisierungsziele, kurz: auf "Rationalisierung in -begrenzter -Eigenregie". ...
January 2005
... Zur Auseinandersetzung mit der Psychoanalyse führte uns als materiellen Sorgen gegenüber relativ (!) fremde Adoleszente ein eher »künstlerkritischer« (vgl. Boltanski & Chiapello, 2006[1999), auf die Befreiung des Individuums von verinnerlichten gesellschaftlichen Normen gerichteter Impuls. Dabei trieben bei einigen von uns durchaus Schwärmereien für das »Echte« und »Unmittelbare« zum psychoanalytischen Denken; diese wurden jedoch auch schon bald im dialektischen Denken von Psychoanalyse und Kritischer Theorie wieder radikal infrage gestellt. ...
January 2003
... Bowman argues that criticism can take the form of artistic practice; it can take the form of artistic research or operate within the spaces of curatorial practice, where an exhibition might mount an 'argument' through its careful curation of objects. For Bowman, the place of criticism was displaced by the artistic changes of the 1960s: those that were theorised by the emergent group of writers based around the journal October in the late 1970s and early 1980s. 1 But those displacements were also wrought by the broader socio-economic changes of Post-Fordism theorised by Boltanski and Chiapello (2005). In this new, networked society, where resistance to, or judgment of, others means social death, the artworld and its operations come to mimic these operations with questions regarding the continued role of critique. ...
October 2005