March 2002
327 Reads
369 Citations
Information Sciences
In this paper, a novel steganographic method based on joint photographic expert-group (JPEG) is proposed. The proposed method modifies the quantization table first. Next, the secret message is hidden in the cover-image with its middle-frequency of the quantized DCT coefficients modified. Finally, a JPEG stego-image is generated. JPEG is a standard image and popularly used in Internet. The stego-image will not be suspected if we could apply a JPEG image to data hiding. We compare our method with a JPEG hiding-tool Jpeg–Jsteg. From the experimental results, we obtain that the proposed method has a larger message capacity than Jpeg–Jsteg, and the quality of the stego-images of the proposed method is acceptable. Besides, our method has the same security level as Jpeg–Jsteg.