Lobby Loekmono’s research while affiliated with Satya Wacana Christian University and other places

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Publications (9)

Menurunkan Perilaku Pelaku Perundungan Verbal Melalui Teknik Role Play Pada Siswa SMP Kristen 02 Salatiga
  • Article

December 2019


33 Reads


2 Citations

Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling Theory and Application

Farisa Dina Fitrian


Lobby Loekmono


Setyorini Setyorini

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui signifikansi penurunan perilaku pelaku perundungan verbal pada siswa kelas VIII di SMP Kristen 2 Salatiga melalui teknik role play dalam konseling kelompok behavioral. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi experimental dengan menggunakan model pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 10 orang siswa menjadi subjek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan skala perilaku pelaku perundungan verbal. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis uji beda dua mean (t test). Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa layanan role play dalam konseling kelompok behavioral secara signifikan menurunkan perilaku pelaku perundungan verbal siswa. The purpose of this study was to determine the significance of decreasing behavior of verbal abuse perpetrators in grade VIII students at Christian Middle School 2 Salatiga through role play techniques in behavioral group counseling. This type of research is a quasi experimental study using a pretest-posttest control group design model. The subjects of this study were 10 students who became the research subjects. Data collection techniques use the scale of verbal abuse perpetrators. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and two mean test differences (t test). The results of the study prove that role play services in behavioral group counseling significantly reduce the behavior of students of verbal abuse.

Pola Asuh Otoriter tidak Berhubungan Signifikan dengan Konsep Diri Siswa SMA
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2019


43 Reads


4 Citations

Indonesian Journal of Educational Counseling

AUTHORITARIAN PARENTING IS NOT SIGNIFICANTLY RELATED TO THE SELF-CONCEPT OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. This study aims to determine the significant relationship between authoritarian parenting and the self-concept of SMA Kristen 1 Salatiga especially students ini class XII. The measuring instrument used in this study is Scale of Parenting Style compiled by Gafoor and Kurukkan (2014) referring to the theory of Baumrind (1991) and Self-Description Questionnaire II (SDQ-II) compiled by Herbert W. Marsh (1990). The data analysis technique used in this study is Pearson Product Moment Correlation by using SPSS for Windows 20. From the results of the data analysis, the results show that there is no significant relationship between the authoritarian parenting style with the self-concept of Christian XII grade students 1 Salatiga with the correlation of rxy = 0.110 with P = 0.388> 0.05. That is, the increase or decrease in the score of the authoritarian parenting variable and the self-concept variable score cannot be determined.


Kategori Regulasi Emosi
Korelasi Kelekatan Kepada Ibu dengan Regulasi Emosi
Korelasi Kelekatan Kepada Ayah dengan Regulasi Emosi

December 2018


715 Reads


4 Citations


This study aims to determine the sicnificance of the relationship between parent attachment and emotional regulation of adolescents Agro "Nuur El-Falah" Islamic Boarding School, Salatiga, Central Java. The subjects of this study were 123 students of the Salatiga Agro "Nuur El-Falah" Islamic Boarding School who were at the high school / vocational high school level. Data collection tools used are the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire by Gross and John (2003) and the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment by Armsden and Greenberg (2009). The analysis used is Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis using SPSS version 20.0. The results of data analysis show that there is a significant positive relationship between parent attachment and emotional regulation. Correlation value (r) between mother attachment with emotion regulation is 0,453 (P = 0,000 <0,05) and correlation coefficient value (r) father attachment with emotion regulation is 0,492 (P = 0,000 <0,05). Keywords : Parent Attachment, Emotion Regulation, Adolescents


December 2018


72 Reads


3 Citations


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui signifikansi hubungan antara tipe kepribadian ekstroversion dengan perilaku asertif mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu total sampling. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 99 orang mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Rathus Assertive Schedule dan Eysenck Personality Inventory. Hasil analisis korelasi teknik analisis Kendall Tau menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tipe kepribadian ekstroversion dengan perilaku asertif mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, dengan nilai sig = 0,005 (p<0,05) dan koefisien korelasi rxy = 0,207 yang artinya bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan arah positif antara variabel tipe kepribadian ekstroversion dengan variabel perilaku asertif mahasiswa BK UKSW. Artinya apabila skor tipe kepribadian ekstroversion naik, maka skor perilaku asertif juga naik, dan sebaliknya apabila skor tipe kepribadian ekstroversion turun, maka skor perilaku asertif juga turun.Kata Kunci: Perilaku Asertif, Tipe Kepribadian Ekstroversion


December 2018


80 Reads


4 Citations


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP N 2 Tengaran, dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas VIII yang berjumlah 101 orang siswa sebagai pelaku perilaku perundungan dan merupakan sampel total. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui signifikansi hubungan antara harga diri dengan pelaku perilaku perundungan siswa kelas VIII SMP N 2 Tengaran. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Self-Esteem Inventory For Student yang disusun Coopersmith (1967) dan Olweus Bullying Questionnaire yang disusun Olweus (2003). Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kendall”s tau dengan program SPSS Version 21.0 for Windows. Hasil analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa ada hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara harga diri dengan koefisien korelasi rxy = -0,177 dengan nilai sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0,011<0,05. Artinya semakin rendah skor harga diri maka semakin tinggi skor pelaku perilaku perundungan, dan jika semakin tinggi skor maka semakin rendah pelaku perilaku perundungan.Kata Kunci: Harga Diri, Pelaku Perilaku Perundungan

Figure 1. Description of low spiritual self-esteem problem illustrating the causal factors and the impacts of it
Average Pre-test and Post-test Results for Experiment and Control Group
Recapitulation of Differential Test Results of Pre-test and Post-test Average of Experiment and Control Group
Logo Counseling for Low Spiritual Self-Esteem Among College Students

September 2018


308 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

The purpose of this research was to examine logo counseling model in improving low spiritual self-esteem problem for college students. This research used descriptive method and quasi-experiment method with a non-equivalent pre-test-post-test control group design. The results then analyzed from the statistical significance and the practical significance. The result showed that logo counseling model could improve low spiritual self-esteem among college students, indicated by statistical significance of tcount (43.851) > ttable (2.144) and N-gain of the experimental group (0.75) > N-gain of the control group (0.15) and practical significance of positive attitude, behavior and value changes. Recommendation also given for related agencies to implement logo counseling model in training program and for further research by related experts in the field.

Ethnic Identity and Other-group orientation on Javanese and Chinese Students

November 2017


605 Reads


8 Citations


Mungin Wibowo


Lobby Loekmono




Ethnic identity is an important component of the self-concept, which contributes to the formation of attitudes toward other groups. The current study focuses on Javanese and Chinese as two ethnic groups who are majority and minorities in Indonesia, purpose to investigate the direct and indirect effect between ethnic identity and other-group orientation moderated by ethnicity. The multigroup ethnic identity measure (MEIM) was administered to 300 high school students (Javanese students N= 157; Chinese students, N= 143) and analyzed using Hayes PROCESS software. The results show that ethnic identity and ethnicity have direct effect on other-group orientation. Ethnicity also have significant effect as a moderator. This findings have implication to development guidance and counseling programs and improve other-group orientation on Javanese and Chinese students.


June 2017


1,327 Reads


6 Citations

Kelola Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan

p> This study aims: (1) to find out the significance of differences in the implementation of the Education Management Standards in Semarang Regency Accredited Senior High School, and (2) to know the implementation of components in the Education Management Standards at Senior High School (SHS) accredited A and B in Semarang Regency which is still in the Very Low category. The type of this research is descriptive comparative with quantitative approach. The sample in this study consists of 6 Accredited A and 3 Accredited B SHSs. Data or information obtained from the Principals, Vice Principals and Teachers. There are 30 respondents from 6 Accredited A and 15 people from 3 Accredited B Senior High Schools. This study used a Monitoring and Evaluation of Education Management Standards questionnaire developed by BSNP 2012. The results showed that the average in Accredited A are higher from Accredited B SHSs. While from the comparative test results obtained: there is no significant difference in the implementation of education management standards between Accredited A and Accredited B Senior High Schools in Semarang Regency. The result of the categorization statistics is the result that there is no component whose implementation in the Very Low category in both Accredited A and Accredited B Senior High School. However, there are components whose implementation is still in the Moderate category of the Component Management Information System. </p


December 2015


45 Reads

Kelola Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan

p>This study is an experimental research with using pretest and posttest control group design. The aimed of the study were: 1). To know the differences significant of teacher’s mastery of pedagogical competences between teachers clinical supervised in SMA Kristen YPKPM Ammbon and non-supervised teachers in SMA Kartika XIII-I Ambon, 2). To determine how the the clinical supervision influenced the teachers’ mastery of pedagogical competences. The data was collected by using observation toward teaching profile competence from Wasserman and Egert. Data analyzed using t test comparative and linear regression analysis. The result of the study was the coefficient t test was 4,184 with significant 0,001 < 0,05. It proved that there was a difference between supervision and non-supervision teachers significantly. The clinical supervision has influence about 41,9% on teachers pedagogical competences.</p

Citations (7)

... Faktor yang berpengaruhi pada regulasi emosi diantaranya adalah usia semakin bertambah usia dianggap semakin baik pula kemampuan individu dalam mengendalikan emosi, hubungan kelekatan dengan orang tua, kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal (Choirunissa& Ediati, 2020; Pawulan, Loekmono & Irawan, 2018;Swastika & Prastuti, 2021). Menurut Goleman (dalam Farichah, Habsy, Suroso, 2019) karakteristik individu yang memiliki kemampuan regulasi emosi tinggi terdiri dari enam aspek yaitu: (1) Kendali diri, yaitu mampu mengelola emosi dan impuls yang merusak dengan efektif, (2) Memiliki hubungan interpersonal yang baik dengan orang lain, (3) Memiliki sifat hati-hati, (4) Memiliki adaptibilitas, yang artinya luwes dalam menangani perubahan dan tantangan, (5) Toleransi yang lebih tinggi, serta (6) Memiliki pandangan yang positif terhadap diri dan lingkungannya. ...


Regulasi emosi dan perilaku cyberbullying pada remaja awal


... Coopersmith (1967) mengemukakam bahwa individu dengan harga diri tinggi lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya dan memiliki ketahanan diri yang akan membantu individu terhindar dari perundungan. Hal tersebut juga dibuktikan dalam penelitian Wulandari et al. (2018) bahwa semakin rendah harga diri individu maka semakin tinggi pula perilaku perundungan. ...



... As many as 18.5% of students have experienced bullying, 29.4% have experienced physical violence, and 3.1% have experienced sexual violence in terms of adolescents who have experienced bullying, physical violence, and sexual violence have a higher risk of experiencing symptoms of depression [4]. The findings of the bullying study are supported by the results of the pre-research on bullying behavior conducted by grade VIII students showing that the majority (39%) of verbal bullying behavior in Christian Junior High School 02 Salatiga [5]. Verbal bullying has an impact on disrupting the teaching and learning atmosphere in the classroom [6], thus requiring techniques to overcome them, one of which is the application of self-instruction techniques that can reduce physical bullying behavior. ...

Menurunkan Perilaku Pelaku Perundungan Verbal Melalui Teknik Role Play Pada Siswa SMP Kristen 02 Salatiga
  • Citing Article
  • December 2019

Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling Theory and Application

... Logo counseling, a logotherapy modification, was developed to overcome the causative factors of low self-esteem as well as to discover meaning and purpose in the life of the students [1]. In addition, to overcome physical and psychological issues, the innovative model of logo counseling website was successfully designed with objectives and implemented with good responses from students [2]. ...

Logo Counseling for Low Spiritual Self-Esteem Among College Students

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

... Other differences in research results seen in Indonesian adolescents who feel their parents tend to have authoritarian parenting or regulate and limit them, such as that there is no relationship between autoritarian parenting and symptoms of adolescent aggressive behavior (Dewi & Susilawati, 2016), there is no relationship between authoritarian parenting and adolescent self-concept (Kemit et al., 2019) and authoritarian parenting has a significant effect on adolescent social adjustment (Nengsih, 2020). ...

Pola Asuh Otoriter tidak Berhubungan Signifikan dengan Konsep Diri Siswa SMA

Indonesian Journal of Educational Counseling

... The perceptions of ethnic identity among migrant students significantly impact the effectiveness of their psychological well-being in their activities and the knowledge they acquire in a new environment. Ethnic identity can be understood as a collective sense of belonging to an ethnic group Amin, et al., (2017) and it positively correlates with individuals' subjective well-being. The findings of this study align with research conducted by Zulma, (2021) and Amin, Z. N et al., (2020), which indicates that ethnic identity influences psychological well-being. ...

Ethnic Identity and Other-group orientation on Javanese and Chinese Students

... Metode penelitian yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, yang maksudnya mendeskripsikan data disertai diagram atau prosentase yang menggambarkan hasil analisis maupun penafsiran. analisis data bisa didefinisikan sebagai suatu penjelasan lebih rinci mengenai fokus penelitian atau komponen-komponen yang diteliti (Wardani et al., 2017). Penelitian deskriptif berusaha menjelaskan gejala, peristiwa, kejadian sesuai fakta (Soendari, 2012). ...


Kelola Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan