December 2024
18 Reads
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
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December 2024
18 Reads
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
September 2024
8 Reads
2 Citations
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
This commentary reflects on a longstanding interdisciplinary exchange across geography and political science, which has crystallised into the scholarship on climate governance. This debate has fundamentally shaped ideas on how climate change can be managed as a societal challenge and with what consequences. The analysis briefly maps the emergence of climate governance as a concept and its progressive embedding in climate policy discourse. Next, the discussion reflects on how the application of associated frameworks may become increasingly ‘stretched’, as theoretical toolkits travel far beyond the settings in which they were developed.
February 2024
53 Reads
December 2023
211 Reads
1 Citation
Buildings and Cities
November 2023
35 Reads
1 Citation
March 2023
11 Reads
March 2023
86 Reads
2 Citations
Journal of Planning Literature
Urban areas mediate climate transformations and generate new forms of climate urbanism. Looking at climate action in the twelve fastest-growing cities in China with under one million people, this paper proposes a perspective on urban climate politics ‘from elsewhere' that foregrounds the potential role of smaller urban areas in mediating climate transformations. The analysis reveals three climate action strategies that reflect practical, institutional, and personal spheres of climate transformations. Planning action in the personal sphere provides opportunities for urban transformations. A perspective ‘from elsewhere’ calls for greater attention to planning for diverse change strategies for climate transformation.
February 2023
58 Reads
6 Citations
Urban Transformations
Entrepreneurship has emerged as a key element for experimentation and niche innovation in sustainability transitions. Yet, its contributions beyond this initial stage and the multi-pronged role that entrepreneurs can play in transformation processes remain elusive. In response, we conceptualize and empirically illustrate how entrepreneurs can contribute to innovations within firms and to city-wide processes of change. With insights from small- and medium-sized enterprises in European and North American cities, we develop a framework encompassing eight intervention types through which entrepreneurs shape urban sustainability transformations. We propose avenues for future research to better understand the distributed role of entrepreneurship and how it can contribute to shaping and accelerating change toward sustainability across integrated levels of urban transformations.
January 2023
4 Reads
December 2022
55 Reads
5 Citations
Global Environmental Politics
The diversification of actors in global climate governance may entail risks, but it is also linked to enhanced democratic performance and opportunities for innovation. To what extent has this diversification fostered a parallel multiplication of perspectives in urban climate policy? To answer this question, we analyze the evolution of urban narratives based on 463 international policy documents issued between 1946 and 2020. Our analysis shows that, instead of leading to diversification, the proliferation of actors is accompanied by a growing homogenization of urban narratives. Language appears to become progressively uniform across organizations and over time, with approaches emphasizing multi-actor governance, integrated planning, and co-benefits becoming dominant. Three factors explain this homogenization. First, actors with a long history of involvement in international development exert a significant amount of influence. Second, there is a tendency toward language harmonization in international policy. Third, urban climate narratives stabilize through association with broader policy paradigms. In conclusion, the diversification of actors in international climate policy is mediated by processes of narrative alignment, which foreclose possibilities for divergent thinking.
... One interesting finding from our interviews is that the concept of "environment" is unclear to both the public and the various administrative bodies. At the level of Shenzhen municipality, the emphasis on developing an "ecological civilization" is a major policy guideline, reflected in national rankings and labels (Huang et al. 2023). This approach is also seen at the district level, where some districts have earned special status as "ecological" examples. ...
November 2023
... The location of the city is important, but entrepreneurs are equally important as entrepreneurs are involved in cultural, economic, political and social processes of change. Entrepreneurs constitute and drive innovations in cities, promoting urban sustainability transformations and economic growth and development (Luederitz et al., 2023). ...
February 2023
Urban Transformations
... When employed as a theoretical frame to interpret local understandings and evaluations of adaptation success, these imaginaries have the potential to enrich real-life adaptation processes by generating ''common understandings of important issues, underlying causes, and pathways toward optimistic futures'' (Cork et al. 2023). However, there has been little empirical use of the concept of climate imaginaries applied to urban NbS in attempting to challenge dominant framings of (urban) adaptation , with recent research suggesting instead that adaptation planning has become increasingly homogenised (and globalised) over time (Westman and Castán Broto 2022;Westman et al. 2023). Analysing local urban climate imaginaries is therefore critical and timely (Nalau and Cobb 2022;Castán Broto et al. 2024;Pelling et al. 2024). ...
December 2022
Global Environmental Politics
... These two dimensions split into 'high' and 'low' yield four policy categories: symbolic, concrete, contributive and contiguous policies (Table 1). We illustrate the categories with the help of policies related to the health risks of heat and flood as these are the most common risks in cities (Dodman et al. 2023). ...
August 2022
... While cities rushed to stake their future economic viability on maximizing their relatability to a larger world, operationalized by availing all kinds of opportunities to enable that larger world to 'show up' within city jurisdictionsand in ways in which such jurisdiction was inevitably diminished by that very availing-their capacity to shape anything like a common municipal identity has increasingly become impossible (Balducci, Fedeli, and Curci 2017;Levy et al. 2017). Identifying the metropolitan scale as a realm of intervention requires its active construction as the locus of place-based alternative in globalized space (D'Albergo and Lefèvre 2018). ...
August 2017
... Lo and Broto (2019) found that the experimental multi-level governance in the photovoltaics poverty alleviation pilot to promote low-carbon sustainable development and renewable energy is "a combination of top-down mechanisms of control, bottom-up responses, and the broader contradictions that emerge from their interactions". Liu et al. (2022) conceptualized lowcarbon technology transfer as a multi-level governance process and revealed that domestic actors determine the scope of collaboration and the purpose of technology transfer, which results in the process serving the domestic political and economic interests. In the Australian context, Peel et al. (2012) found a decentralized approach to climate-related law-making to allow sub-national and local governments to take more responsibility for supporting climate change adaptation and have differentiated responses necessary to address local needs. ...
September 2022
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
... Note: This table adopts a similar format/approach to that used by Ahmed et al. (2022) in their consideration of strategies to support the experiences of early-career academics. ...
May 2022
... La adopción de modelos de negocio sostenibles enfrenta desafíos significativos, especialmente para los emprendedores. Las dificultades que estos emprendedores encuentran al introducir MNS son variadas y complejas (Westman et al., 2023). Además, las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) de base tecnológica operan en un entorno de alta incertidumbre, lo que puede dificultar la implementación efectiva de estrategias sostenibles (Ma, Liu, & Jia, 2023). ...
April 2022
Business Strategy and the Environment
... As cities grow, they often absorb smaller towns [8] and expand their metropolitan boundaries. While this process can drive economic and social progress, it also poses challenges for infrastructure systems [9]. Transportation networks [10], energy supplies [11], education [12], and healthcare [13] frequently struggle to meet the demands of a rapidly growing population. ...
January 2022
... It is increasingly assumed that urban adaptation progress is linked to ''greening'' cities (Depietri and McPhearson 2017;Angelo 2019;Dorst et al. 2019). The rise of the NbS agenda is currently influencing narratives on what successful adaptation looks like in cities in this way (Melanidis and Hagerman 2022;Neidig et al. 2022;Westman and Castán Broto 2022). However, critics highlight how the narrative shift has not necessarily clarified how to recognise or evaluate successful adaptation in practice (Tozer et al. 2020;Woroniecki et al. 2020;Westman and Castán Broto 2022). ...
March 2022