November 2022
24 Reads
1 Citation
In Aotearoa (Māori name for New Zealand, meaning “land of the long white cloud”) New Zealand, Military Social Work within the New Zealand Defence Force is an emerging and growing field of practice. The purpose of this chapter is to describe what has led to the establishment of this new service, as well as highlighting some unique factors found within Military Social Work in Aotearoa New Zealand. It will discuss service implementation challenges, factors that are important for day-to-day service delivery, and future opportunities for service enhancement. In addition, unique factors within the Aotearoa New Zealand context are discussed, along with the responsibilities of providing culturally sensitive and competent social work in Aotearoa New Zealand with particular attention to the special commitment and relationships when working with the indigenous population (tangata whenua – people of the land) Māori and their whānau (extended family group).