Li-Wen Xu’s research while affiliated with North China University of Technology and other places

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Publications (9)

Parametric bootstrap tests for unbalanced nested designs under heteroscedasticity
  • Article

September 2014


34 Reads


8 Citations

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

Li-Wen Xu



Ran-Ran Chen




Jia-jie Wang

In this article, we consider the two-factor unbalanced nested design model without the assumption of equal error variance. For the problem of testing ‘main effects’ of both factors, we propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and compare it with the existing generalized F (GF) test. The Type I error rates of the tests are evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. Our studies show that the PB test performs better than the GF test. The PB test performs very satisfactorily even for small samples while the GF test exhibit poor Type I error properties when the number of factorial combinations or treatments goes up. It is also noted that the same tests can be used to test the significance of the random effect variance component in a two-factor mixed effects nested model under unequal error variances.

MANOVA for Nested Designs with Unequal Cell Sizes and Unequal Cell Covariance Matrices
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2014


85 Reads


8 Citations

We propose and study parametric bootstrap (PB) tests for heteroscedastic two-factor MANOVA with nested designs. For the problem of testing “main effects” of both factors, we develop a flexible test based on a parametric bootstrap approach. The PB test is shown to be invariant under affine-transformations. Moreover, the PB test does not depend on the chosen weights used to define the parameters uniquely. The proposed test is compared with the approximate Hotelling T 2 (AHT) test by the simulations. Simulation results indicate that the PB test performs satisfactorily for various cell sizes and parameter configurations and generally outperforms the AHT test in terms of controlling the nominal size. For the heteroscedastic cases, the PB test outperforms the AHT test in terms of power. In addition, the PB test does not lose too much power when the homogeneity assumption is actually valid.


Parametric bootstrap approaches for two-way MANOVA with unequal cell sizes and unequal cell covariance matrices

January 2014


32 Reads


18 Citations

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

In this article, we propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) test for testing main, simple and interaction effects in heteroscedastic two-way MANOVA models under multivariate normality. The PB test is shown to be invariant under permutation-transformations, and affine-transformations, respectively. Moreover, the PB test is independent of the choice of weights used to define the parameters uniquely. The proposed test is compared with existing Lawley-Hotelling trace (LHT) and approximate Hotelling T2T2 (AHT) tests by the invariance and the intensive simulations. Simulation results indicate that the PB test performs satisfactorily for various cell sizes and parameter configurations when the homogeneity assumption is seriously violated, and tends to outperform the LHT and AHT tests for moderate or larger samples in terms of power and controlling size. In addition, simulation results also indicate that the PB test does not lose too much power when the homogeneity assumption is actually valid or the model assumptions are approximately correct.

A parametric bootstrap approach for two-way ANOVA in presence of possible interactions with unequal variances

March 2013


611 Reads


68 Citations

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

In this article we consider the Two-Way ANOVA model with unequal cell frequencies without the assumption of equal error variances. For the problem of testing no interaction effects and equal main effects, we propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and compare it with existing the generalized F (GF) test. The Type I error rates and powers of the tests are evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. Our studies show that the PB test performs better than the generalized F-test. The PB test performs very satisfactorily even for small samples while the GF test exhibits poor Type I error properties when the number of factorial combinations or treatments goes up.

Admissible prediction in superpopulation models with random regression coefficients under matrix loss function

January 2012


15 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

Admissible prediction problems in finite populations with arbitrary rank under matrix loss function are investigated. For the general random effects linear model, we obtained the necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear predictor of the linearly predictable variable to be admissible in the two classes of homogeneous linear predictors and all linear predictors and the class that contains all predictors, respectively. Moreover, we prove that the best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of the population total and the finite population regression coefficient are admissible under different assumptions of superpopulation models respectively.

Optimal prediction in finite populations under matrix loss

August 2011


11 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

Optimal prediction problems in finite population are investigated. Under matrix loss, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the linear predictor of a general linearly predictable variable to be the best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP). The essentially unique BLUP of a linearly predictable variable is obtained in the general superpopulation model. Surprisingly, the both BLUPs under matrix and quadratic loss functions are equivalent to each other. Next, we prove that the BLUP is admissible in the class of linear predictors. Conditions for optimality of the simple projection predictor (SPP) are given. Furthermore, the robust SPP and the robust BLUP are characterized on the misspecification of the covariance matrix.

Linear sufficiency in a general growth curve model

January 2011


16 Reads


2 Citations

Linear Algebra and its Applications

The notion of linear sufficiency for the whole set of estimable functions in the general Gauss–Markov model is extended to the estimation of any special set of estimable functions in a general growth curve model. Some general results with respect to the concept of linear sufficiency are obtained, from which a necessary and sufficient condition is established for a linear transformation, {F1,F2}, of the observation matrix Y to have the property that there exists a linear function of which is the BLUE of the estimable functions .

Consistent nonnegative estimates of variance components

April 2010


9 Reads

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica

In this paper, the estimation of variance components in the linear mixed model with two random effects is investigated. The class of combination estimates based on the quadratic invariant statistics and consistent nonnegative estimates are obtained. Furthermore, it is shown that the consistent nonnegative estimate dominates ANOVA estimate under some conditions. © 2010 Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

A new generalized P-value for ANOVA under heteroscedasticity

June 2008


77 Reads


18 Citations

Statistics & Probability Letters

For the problem of comparing the means of k populations with unequal population variances, a new generalized test variable is defined and the generalized p-value based on this generalized test variable is given. It is shown that the proposed generalized p-value is invariant under the group of scale transformations. Numerical results show that the proposed generalized p-value test performs better than a generalized F-test.

Citations (6)

... then the variables in both groups (experimental and control) are declared homogeneous. After being declared normal and homogeneous, it proceed with the MANOVA test (Gamage et al., 2004;Xu, 2015). The feature of MANOVA is that there can be more than one independent variable, but there must be more than one dependent variable. ...


Determining Students' Higher Thinking Skills Profile Using Creative Problem-Solving Model Indicators Integrated with Predict Observe Explain
Parametric bootstrap approaches for two-way MANOVA with unequal cell sizes and unequal cell covariance matrices
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

... Zhang et al. (2021) developed overall mean test procedures of heteroscedastic one-way analysis of variance problems based on parametric Bootstrap and objective Bayesian approaches. Xu et al. (2014Xu et al. ( , 2016 constructed the parametric Bootstrap tests for the main effects in unbalanced two-factor and three-factor nested designs under heteroscedasticity. Xu et al. (2015) studied the equivalence testing problem of factor effects in the two-way ANOVA model without interaction under heteroscedasticity, whose results showed that the Bootstrap approach is better than the generalized F approach. ...

Parametric bootstrap tests for unbalanced nested designs under heteroscedasticity
  • Citing Article
  • September 2014

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

... Researchers willingly use bootstrap in increasingly diverse statistical analyses and situations where classical methods may yield uncertain results. For instance, Xu et al. demonstrated that bootstrap can be useful in two-way ANOVA, even with small sample sizes [17]. In contrast, Romano et al. utilized bootstrap in conjunction with the Bonferroni test for multiple testing [18]. ...

A parametric bootstrap approach for two-way ANOVA in presence of possible interactions with unequal variances
  • Citing Article
  • March 2013

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

... [4] reviewed the existing theory of minimum mean squared error (MSE) predictors and made an extension based on the principle of equivariance. [5] derived the BLUP and the admissible predictor under the matrix loss function. Under the MSE loss function, the optimal predictor of y 0 is the conditional expectation E(y 0 |X 0 ) = X 0 β, which relates naturally to the plug-in estimators of β. [6] proposed the simple projection predictor (SPP) of X 0 β by plugging in the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of β. ...

Optimal prediction in finite populations under matrix loss
  • Citing Article
  • August 2011

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

... Admissibility is an interesting problem in statistical theory and received much attention. [18,19] and [20] discussed the admissibility of predictions of y T . [21,22] and [23] studied the admissibility of estimations of β. ...

Admissible prediction in superpopulation models with random regression coefficients under matrix loss function
  • Citing Article
  • January 2012

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

... ANOVA under heterogeneous variances, a generalization of the well-known Behrens-Fisher problem, is well attended in the literature under one-way setup and relatively less under multi-way setup, see, for example, Welch (1951) (W), James (1951) ( J J J ), Brown and Forsythe (1974) (BF), Generalized F-test (GF) (Weerahandi (1995)), Parametric Bootstrap (PB) (Krishnamoorthy and others (2007)), Xu and Wang (2008) (XW), Sadooghi-Alvandi et al. (2012) (SA), Waldtype permutation statistic (WTPS) ) and Brunner et al. (1997) (ATS) among others. For notational brevity, an abbreviation is mentioned in the parenthesis for each method to be used in the sequel. ...

A new generalized P-value for ANOVA under heteroscedasticity
  • Citing Article
  • June 2008

Statistics & Probability Letters