March 2020
44 Reads
Progress in Nuclear Energy
To analyze the typical characteristics of accidents occurring during the startup of a supercritical water reactor (SCWR), a comprehensive SCWR system model was established with the SCTRAN analysis code, based on models of the high-performance light-water reactor (HPLWR) steam cycle, SCWR circulation startup loop, passive safety systems, and CSR1000 core parameters. According to the sequence of the loss of coolant flow accident (LOFA), without a safety system and trigger signal of the safety system under the rated condition, a new trigger signal during the startup was designed and then used to assess “LOFA,” “uncontrolled CR withdrawal accident,” and “loss of coolant accident (LOCA)” during the startup process. The results show that the new trigger signal can ensure the effective and timely response of the safety system, as well as reactor safety during the startup process. Moreover, the maximum cladding surface temperature (MCST) of the reactor peaks (850 °C, well below the safety criterion of 1260 °C) at the end of the fourth stage of the startup process in the case of LOCA.