Leigh E Nystrom’s research while affiliated with Princeton University and other places

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Publications (51)

Evidence accumulation detected in BOLD signal using slow perceptual decision making
  • Article

January 2017


45 Reads


29 Citations

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Paul M. Krueger






Jonathan D. Cohen

Background: We assessed whether evidence accumulation could be observed in the BOLD signal during perceptual decision making. This presents a challenge since the hemodynamic response is slow, while perceptual decisions are typically fast. New method: Guided by theoretical predictions of the drift diffusion model, we slowed down decisions by penalizing participants for incorrect responses. Second, we distinguished BOLD activity related to stimulus detection (modeled using a boxcar) from activity related to integration (modeled using a ramp) by minimizing the collinearity of GLM regressors. This was achieved by dissecting a boxcar into its two most orthogonal components: an "up-ramp" and a "down-ramp." Third, we used a control condition in which stimuli and responses were similar to the experimental condition, but that did not engage evidence accumulation of the stimuli. Results: The results revealed an absence of areas in parietal cortex that have been proposed to drive perceptual decision making but have recently come into question; and newly identified regions that are candidates for involvement in evidence accumulation. Comparison with existing methods: Previous fMRI studies have either used fast perceptual decision making, which precludes the measurement of evidence accumulation, or slowed down responses by gradually revealing stimuli. The latter approach confounds perceptual detection with evidence accumulation because accumulation is constrained by perceptual input. Conclusions: We slowed down the decision making process itself while leaving perceptual information intact. This provided a more sensitive and selective observation of brain regions associated with the evidence accumulation processes underlying perceptual decision making than previous.

Fig 1. The trial components ’ timing. Each trial lasted 18 s. The n -back stimulus was presented at 250 ms and subjects were asked to respond immediately. At 6, 8, or 10 s following stimulus onset, subjects received 0.5 ml boluses of either juice or quinine solution in their mouths. On the half the trials (50 percent probability represented by grey line), a flickering checkerboard was shown for 500 ms at 6, 8 or 10 s following stimulus onset, but never when juice or quinine was delivered. The timing of the solution administration and checkerboard were determined by a permutation table (S1 Table), each of the six outcomes of which are displayed here. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130880.g001 
Fig 3. Load did not affect the checkerboard BOLD response. This shows BOLD responses to the flickering checkerboard stimulus within a predefined AFNI anatomical mask for BA 17. This region exhibited no significant n-back modulation. Estimated hemodynamic responses are statistically independently of the ROI selection (a predefined anatomical mask). Error bars show s.e.m. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130880.g003
Attentional Modulation of Brain Responses to Primary Appetitive and Aversive Stimuli
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2015


109 Reads


5 Citations

Studies of subjective well-being have conventionally relied upon self-report, which directs subjects' attention to their emotional experiences. This method presumes that attention itself does not influence emotional processes, which could bias sampling. We tested whether attention influences experienced utility (the moment-by-moment experience of pleasure) by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the activity of brain systems thought to represent hedonic value while manipulating attentional load. Subjects received appetitive or aversive solutions orally while alternatively executing a low or high attentional load task. Brain regions associated with hedonic processing, including the ventral striatum, showed a response to both juice and quinine. This response decreased during the high-load task relative to the low-load task. Thus, attentional allocation may influence experienced utility by modulating (either directly or indirectly) the activity of brain mechanisms thought to represent hedonic value.


Lateralized Readiness Potentials Reveal Properties of a Neural Mechanism for Implementing a Decision Threshold

March 2014


400 Reads


50 Citations

Many perceptual decision making models posit that participants accumulate noisy evidence over time to improve the accuracy of their decisions, and that in free response tasks, participants respond when the accumulated evidence reaches a decision threshold. Research on the neural correlates of these models' components focuses primarily on evidence accumulation. Far less attention has been paid to the neural correlates of decision thresholds, reflecting the final commitment to a decision. Inspired by a model of bistable neural activity that implements a decision threshold, we reinterpret human lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) as reflecting the crossing of a decision threshold. Interestingly, this threshold crossing preserves signatures of a drift-diffusion process of evidence accumulation that feeds in to the threshold mechanism. We show that, as our model predicts, LRP amplitudes and growth rates recorded while participants performed a motion discrimination task correlate with individual differences in behaviorally-estimated prior beliefs, decision thresholds and evidence accumulation rates. As such LRPs provide a useful measure to test dynamical models of both evidence accumulation and decision commitment processes non-invasively.

Figure 1. 
Figure 2. 
Figure 3. A, Significant activations (t statistics) for the positive learning condition across age groups. BOLD activity is time locked to feedback onset. Activations are significant at p 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons. B, Significant activations (t statistics) for the negative learning condition across age groups. BOLD activity is time-locked to feedback onset. Activations are significant at p 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons. C, Significant main effect of age group in the positive learning condition in the ventromedial PFC (Talairach coordinates: 6, 39, 0, t statistics, significant at p 0.001, cluster size 20 voxels).
Figure 4. 
Figure 5. 
Reduced Striatal Responses to Reward Prediction Errors in Older Compared with Younger Adults

June 2013


133 Reads


133 Citations

The Journal of Neuroscience : The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience

We examined whether older adults differ from younger adults in how they learn from rewarding and aversive outcomes. Human participants were asked to either learn to choose actions that lead to monetary reward or learn to avoid actions that lead to monetary losses. To examine age differences in the neurophysiological mechanisms of learning, we applied a combination of computational modeling and fMRI. Behavioral results showed age-related impairments in learning from reward but not in learning from monetary losses. Consistent with these results, we observed age-related reductions in BOLD activity during learning from reward in the ventromedial PFC. Furthermore, the model-based fMRI analysis revealed a reduced responsivity of the ventral striatum to reward prediction errors during learning in older than younger adults. This age-related reduction in striatal sensitivity to reward prediction errors may result from a decline in phasic dopaminergic learning signals in the elderly.

Confounds in Multivariate Pattern Analysis: Theory and Rule Representation Case Study.

April 2013


147 Reads


185 Citations


Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) is a relatively recent innovation in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods. MVPA is increasingly widely used, as it is apparently more effective than classical general linear model analysis (GLMA) for detecting response patterns or representations that are distributed at a fine spatial scale. However, we demonstrate that widely used approaches to MVPA can systematically admit certain confounds that are appropriately eliminated by GLMA. Thus confounds rather than distributed representations may explain some cases in which MVPA produced positive results but GLMA did not. The issue is that it is common practice in MVPA to conduct group tests on single-subject summary statistics that discard the sign or direction of underlying effects, whereas GLMA group tests are conducted directly on single-subject effects themselves. We describe how this common MVPA practice undermines standard experiment design logic that is intended to control at the group level for certain types of confounds, such as time on task and individual differences. Furthermore, we note that a simple application of linear regression can restore experimental control when using MVPA in many situations. Finally, we present a case study with novel fMRI data in the domain of rule representations, or flexible stimulus-response mappings, which has seen several recent MVPA publications. In our new dataset, as with recent reports, standard MVPA appears to reveal rule representations in prefrontal cortex regions, whereas GLMA produces null results. However, controlling for a variable that is confounded with rule at the individual-subject level but not the group level (reaction time differences across rules) eliminates the MVPA results. This raises the question of whether recently reported results truly reflect rule representations, or rather the effects of confounds such as reaction time, difficulty, or other variables of no interest.

Fig. 1. Midbrain dopamine neurons in the SN and VTA broadcast signals that may be used to gate information into the PFC. Dopamine neurons have been shown to encode reward prediction errors through phasic changes in firing rate (25, 75). The reward prediction error is the difference between rewards received and rewards predicted (24). The theory that dopamine plays a role in updating working memory information in PFC (21) posits that the phasic increases in firing rate that encode reward prediction errors not only modulate the sensory inputs predicting reward (76, 77) but also simultaneously adjust the gain of inputs to the PFC (27). Modulation of these inputs permits the selective updating of representations in PFC. The reward prediction error and the gating signal work in concert because stimuli linked to the PFC representations needed to procure reward (e.g., representations of task rules and goals) themselves also predict reward. Arrows between PFC and association cortex indicate connectivity between cortical areas, triangles represent excitatory input to the SN and VTA, and squares represent gain modulation by dopamine at target sites. 
Fig. 6. The SN and VTA BOLD responses to context updating were correlated with reaction time and were reduced on error trials. (A) Correlation across participants of differences in reaction time (RT) for context-dependent vs. context-independent trials with corresponding differences in the BOLD responses in SN and VTA (Fig. 5B). RT differences are in milliseconds; BOLD signal differences are in arbitrary MR units. (B) This same midbrain region exhibited significantly diminished context updating effect on BOLD response during error compared with correct trials [t(23) = 12.50; P = 10 −12 ]. 
Feature Article: Role of prefrontal cortex and the midbrain dopamine system in working memory updating.

October 2012


228 Reads


226 Citations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Humans are adept at switching between goal-directed behaviors quickly and effectively. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is thought to play a critical role by encoding, updating, and maintaining internal representations of task context in working memory. It has also been hypothesized that the encoding of context representations in PFC is regulated by phasic dopamine gating signals. Here we use multimodal methods to test these hypotheses. First we used functional MRI (fMRI) to identify regions of PFC associated with the representation of context in a working memory task. Next we used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), guided spatially by our fMRI findings and temporally by previous event-related EEG recordings, to disrupt context encoding while participants performed the same working memory task. We found that TMS pulses to the right dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) immediately after context presentation, and well in advance of the response, adversely impacted context-dependent relative to context-independent responses. This finding causally implicates right DLPFC function in context encoding. Finally, using the same paradigm, we conducted high-resolution fMRI measurements in brainstem dopaminergic nuclei (ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra) and found phasic responses after presentation of context stimuli relative to other stimuli, consistent with the timing of a gating signal that regulates the encoding of representations in PFC. Furthermore, these responses were positively correlated with behavior, as well as with responses in the same region of right DLPFC targeted in the TMS experiment, lending support to the hypothesis that dopamine phasic signals regulate encoding, and thereby the updating, of context representations in PFC.

Citations (41)

... Indeed, previous human work suggests that higher brain signal variability affords larger cognitive flexibility 13,14 . For example, several studies have found that brain signal variability increases with increasing task demands (at least until processing limits are reached) and that the ability to upregulate variability predicts task performance [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] . These studies commonly argue that neural variability supports performance under increasing task demand by allowing the brain to maintain flexible responding to stimulus information. ...


Neural variability compresses with increasing belief precision during Bayesian inference
Evidence accumulation detected in BOLD signal using slow perceptual decision making
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

... Within the framework of decision making, there has been substantial progress tying neural correlates to mathematical models such as the drift diffusion model (DDM; Ratcliff, 1978; van Vugt, Simen, Nystrom, Holmes, & Cohen, 2014). Utilizing EEG as a process tracing method is still relatively new in the field of decision making, however, in large part due to the complexity of the decision-making process. ...

Correction: Lateralized Readiness Potentials Reveal Properties of a Neural Mechanism for Implementing a Decision Threshold.

... The results replicated an earlier adult fMRI study showing inferior and middle frontal gyrus activity using the same paradigm (COHEN et al., 1994). Several groups (CASEY et al., 1997a;ORENDI et al., 1996;TRUWIT et al., 1996) have also examined brain activity during a spatial working memory task. One goal of this research was to equate task difficulty across age groups. ...

A developmental functional MRI study of cortical activation during a spatial working memory task
  • Citing Article
  • January 1997

... Broca's area is called by the name of "syntax" in one study (Caplan et al., 1999;Heim et al., 2003), "semantics" in another (Homae et al., 2002), "phonology" in yet another (Fiez et al., 1993). Then the plot thickens and we hear the identical persona called "imitation" (Heiser et al., 2003), "motor preparation" (Krams et al., 1998), "planning" (Fincham et al., 2002) and "imagery" (Binkofski et al., 2000), "action understanding" (Buccino et al., 2004;Hamzei et al., 2003), "visuomotor coordination" (Müller et al., 2003), "sequence learning" (Haslinger et al., 2002), "tonal discrimination" (Müller et al., 2001), "artificial grammar learning" (Bahlmann et al., 2008), "working memory" (Nystrom et al., 1998), "rule shifting" (Konishi et al., 1998), "response selection" (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997), "response inhibition" (Collette et al., 2001) and so on. As there is no technique allowing neuroscientists to probe for functional preferences of individual neurons in the living human being, it remains theoretically possible that each of these specializations is entirely separate from linguistic specializations, and that LIFG consists of a large array of functionally discrete modules. ...

Dynamics of fMRI: Broca's Area Activation Reflects Independent Effects of Duration and Intensity of Working Memory Processes
  • Citing Article
  • May 1998


... Note here that the authors categorized their load manipulation as a perceptual manipulation (Pinsk et al., 2004). Like other studies subsumed as working memory load (Dehghan Nayyeri et al., 2019;Field et al., 2015), the low load condition in those studies involved a 0-back task and thus a perceptual manipulation. The high load condition was an n-back task and thus constituted a clear working memory load manipulation. ...

Attentional Modulation of Brain Responses to Primary Appetitive and Aversive Stimuli

... Based on the present findings and previous evidence, listening to 6 Hz BBs within a short period of time may increase concentration and attention during cognitive performance, resulting in increased N200 and P300 amplitudes. The neural source of these signals is generated by the anterior cingulate cortex 42 , which is also used to track the level of difficulty in the task, reflecting cognitive effort 43,44 . Hence, short-term listening to 6 Hz BBs before performing a task may help increase attention and concentration levels. ...

Dissociating working memory from effort in human prefrontal cortex
  • Citing Article
  • January 1997


... Despite the importance of neuromuscular control for injury avoidance [35,36], the findings of our study are consistent with those of previous research suggesting that perceptual and decision-making processes play a more important role than motor processes in producing rapid responses to dynamic visual stimuli [37,38]. Thus, an understanding of brain-behavior relationships is essential for the design and implementation of strategies for a reduction in both primary and secondary injury risk [39,40]. ...

Lateralized Readiness Potentials Reveal Properties of a Neural Mechanism for Implementing a Decision Threshold

... The Go/NoGo task primarily assesses inhibition and response control, requiring rapid action to Go stimuli while suppressing the prepotent urge to respond to NoGo stimuli [53]. Successful performance relies on effective top-down control from the prefrontal cortex [54], which regulates impulsive responses and ensures selective attention to relevant stimuli [55]. Following mental fatigue induction, participants' reaction times significantly increased in the control group (from 500 ms to 520 ms) but remained unchanged in the music group (from 502 ms to 498 ms) [20]. ...

A Developmental Functional MRI Study of Prefrontal Activation during Performance of a Go-No-Go Task

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

... The working self-concepts are associative networks derived from the basic self-knowledge. Conway and Pleydell-Pearce (2000) propose that the goals of the working self form control processes that put constrains on cognition and behaviour in a similar way to that of general working memory processes (Baddeley, 1986). On this note, several brain imaging studies have found activation in the frontal lobe during retrieval and maintenance of highly self-relevant knowledge. ...

Activation of prefronal cortex by the representation and maintenance of context information
  • Citing Article
  • March 1997

Schizophrenia Research

... The challenge of this work was to investigate the brain substrate of creation using the PET technique. The studies of the brain organization of creation are few in number [4][5][6][7]. They describe mainly the correlation between the creativity characteristics (during performance of tasks which involve creative thinking) and changes in the EEG parameters. ...

A functional MRI study of hierarchical cortical activation as a function of task complexity
  • Citing Article
  • June 1996
