Lei Li’s research while affiliated with Shandong University of Finance and Economics and other places

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Publications (28)

Face anti-spoofing via jointly modeling local texture and constructed depth
  • Article

July 2024


15 Reads


2 Citations

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Lei Li


Zhihao Yao


Shanshan Gao




The imaging process of a face image in device
Architecture of our method based on the constructed HSCbb space and shallow convolutional network
The process of light absorption and reflection in skin. The incident light is absorbed by melanin in epidermis and by hemoglobin in dermis [45]
The process of light reflection in paper with ink [21]
The process of luminescence of OLED and LCD screen [27]


SCPAD: An approach to explore optical characteristics for robust static presentation attack detection
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

June 2023


236 Reads

Presentation attack detection approaches have achieved great progress on various attack types while adversarial learning technology has become a new threat to these approaches. Now few works are devoted to developing a robust detection method for both physical spoofing faces and digital adversarial faces. In this paper, we find that fake face images from printed photos and replayed videos have a different optical characteristic from the real ones, and the adversarial samples generated by various attacking methods retain this characteristic. By exploring this characteristic, we propose the Spectral Characteristic Presentation Attack Detection (SCPAD), a new approach that detects presentation attacks by reconstructing the color space of input images, which also performs well on adversarial samples. More specifically, a new HSCbb color space is manually constructed by studying the difference in albedo intensity between real faces and fake faces. Then the difference between real and spoofing faces can be effectively magnified and modeled by color texture features with the shallow convolutional network. The experimental results show that our proposed method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on adversarial faces and also achieves competitive performance on fake faces.

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Pain estimation with integrating global‐wise and region‐wise convolutional networks

December 2022


115 Reads


7 Citations

Pain is a common phenomenon in clinical patients, which indicates patients are suffering from uncomfortable conditions for necessary treatments. So the assessment of pain status becomes a significant task in current medical institutions. Of late, various conventional hand‐crafted or deep learning methods on face images are presented to estimate pain intensity automatically. However, these approaches usually feed the whole face into the automatic estimation system and explore little information on the interdependencies of related regions during the formation of pain expression. In this paper, a hierarchical deep network (HDN) involving regional and holistic information simultaneously is proposed via two scale branches. In HDN, a region‐wise branch is designed to extract features from pain related regions of face images while a global‐wise branch explores the interdependencies of pain related regions. Besides, in global‐wise branch, a multi‐task learning method is employed to detect action units while estimating pain intensity. Finally, the pain estimation outputs of two branches are fused in a decision level. On current pain estimation benchmarks, it is empirically shown that the proposed HDN outperforms the existing methods and the essential components in HDN have key influences on final prediction.

Face presentation attack detection based on optical flow and texture analysis

March 2022


91 Reads


24 Citations

Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

Towards the security threats brought by presented fake faces to face recognition systems, many countermeasures have been presented to resist fake faces and achieved promising performance, where facial movement is one of the commonly used cues. However, the more detailed and distinguishable information in the motion cue is not well explored in these methods. In addition, the texture cue used for face presentation attack detection (PAD) is also not well integrated into motion. Therefore, we propose a detection method by analyzing the cues of facial movement and texture. More specifically, the optical flows of a continuous video sequence are first extracted, which can describe the detailed movement direction and movement amplitude. Then, the extracted optical flows are concatenated with the video frames as the input of the network. After that, region and channel attention mechanisms are jointly introduced to adaptively allocate the classification weights. Finally, the fused motion and texture cues are fed into a convolutional network to extract features and identify whether the input video sequence is from live face or not. The proposed detection method is tested on the databases of Replay-Attack, OULU-NPU and HKBU-MARs V1. The experiments show that our proposed face PAD method can well separate various types of fake faces compared to state-of-the-art methods.

Infrared and visible image fusion using a shallow CNN and structural similarity constraint

October 2020


164 Reads


10 Citations

In recent years, image fusion methods based on deep networks have been proposed to combine infrared and visible images for achieving better fusion image. However, issues such as limited training data, scarce reference images and misalignment of multi‐source images, still limit the fusion performance. To address these problems, we propose an end‐to‐end shallow convolutional neural network with structural constraints, which has only one convolutional layer to fuse infrared and visible images. Different from other methods, our proposed model requires less training data and reference images and is more robust to the misalignment of a couple of images. More specifically, the infrared image and the visible image are first provided as inputs to a convolutional layer to extract the information that should be fused; then, all feature maps are concatenated together and fed into a convolutional layer with one channel to obtain the fused image; finally, a structural similarity loss between the fused image and the input infrared and visible images is computed to update the network parameters and eliminate the effects of pixel misalignment. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our proposed method on fusion of infrared and visible images with the performance that outperforms the state‐of‐the‐art methods.

Citations (20)

... To identify spoofing attack by combining the result of two separate technique i.e head 3D properties along with the eye blink. In the literature, for joint operation of face verification and face anti-spoofing [7], The two fusion techniques decision and score level were adopted to combine the face verification and anti-spoofing. In order to test the fusion, four rules have been set for fusion strategies: AND, SUM, Logistic Regression (LR) and Polynomial Logistic Regression (PLR). ...


Robust Hybrid Texture Descriptor (HTD) and a parallel score based fusion for face verification and liveness detection system
Face anti-spoofing via jointly modeling local texture and constructed depth
  • Citing Article
  • July 2024

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

... Furthermore, the advent of deep learning (DL) has elicited favorable responses in crack detection research, with DL object detection technologies gradually permeating the domain of non-destructive testing within wooden structures [4][5][6][7][8]. Present research predominantly harnesses convolutional neural networks and YOLO series models to discern and categorize wooden architectural sites [9,10], wood, and wooden utensils [11,12] by extracting texture features and analysis of color attributes. ...

Wooden spoon crack detection by prior knowledge-enriched deep convolutional network
  • Citing Article
  • November 2023

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

... However, the bottom layer of the pyramid structure does not effectively capture the semantic information of the higher layers, and methods that use a U-shaped structure to enable the fusion of the higher layer with the bottom layer features through convolutional and anti-convolutional layers have been developed. The two-stream-based I3D network can capture both temporal and spatial information [24] and the architecture combined with transformer can further capture relationships [25].In addition to adjusting the structure of the classification network, there are also ways to reduce label noise to improve the model's effectiveness [26]. The development of fully supervised approaches is limited because they require a large amount of manual annotation work and do not clearly define the start and end times of actions. ...

Micro-expression Spotting with Multi-scale Local Transformer in Long Videos
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023

Pattern Recognition Letters

... Motivated by the success of deep learning methods in image recognition, deep neural networks have been extensively explored for automatically learning the features from facial expression images [16][17][18]. Building on this foundation, they have been applied to pain assessment [19][20][21]. The convolutional neural networks (CNNs), e.g., VGG-16 pre-trained with millions of face images, were used to learn the facial features of image flame for pain estimation, which can alleviate the problem of less training data in facial expression of pain [19]. ...

Pain estimation with integrating global‐wise and region‐wise convolutional networks

... Several defense mechanisms have been proposed for PAI attacks. Optical flow texture analysis, for instance, detects subtle motion inconsistencies in spoofed biometric data by tracking pixel-level movements, effectively distinguishing real subjects from static or fake presentation attacks [Li et al. [2022], Bhattacharjee et al. [2019], Damer et al. [2016], Raghavendra et al. [2015], Ramachandra and Busch [2017b]]. Attacks on speech involve generating deepfakes or replaying audio to deceive authentication systems. ...

Face presentation attack detection based on optical flow and texture analysis
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

... are characterized by limited fusion rules and the high complexity of manual design, have constrained the potential for enhancement in method performance. Although deep learning networks are capable of extracting features with remarkable efficacy, deep learning-based methods [8][9][10][11] have become the prevailing paradigm for image fusion. These methods can be classified into three principal categories [12]: self-encoder-based [13,14], convolutional neural network-based [15,16], and generative adversarial network-based [17][18][19]. ...

Infrared and visible image fusion using a shallow CNN and structural similarity constraint

... The model was trained using the triplet loss function to reduce intra-class distance and maximize inter-class distance. The system achieved an HTER of 0.7 [42]. A research study utilized a multi-scale retinex model to separate an image's light and reflectance components. ...

CompactNet: learning a compact space for face presentation attack detection
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020


... Deep learning and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) have achieved great success in many computer vision tasks; however, they suffer from the overfitting problem for FAS tasks due to the limited amount and diversity of the training data. Therefore, the hybrid FAS methods (handcraft + deep learning) were proposed [16][17][18][19][20]. There are three types of hybrid frameworks: extracting deep convolutional features from the handcrafted features [16,17], extracting handcrafted features from deep convolutional features [18], and fusing the handcrafted and deep convolutional features for more generic representation [19]. ...

3D Face Mask Presentation Attack Detection Based on Intrinsic Image Analysis

... Additionally, in Patel et al. (2016), image distortions were examined using various intensity channels (R, G, B, and grayscale) and across different image regions (entire image, detected face, and the facial area between the nose and chin). In Li and Feng (2019), traditional handcrafted features were combined with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to enhance face PAD. Lately, a hybrid technique was presented in , combining information on appearance from two CNNs, with an SVM classifier employed to distinguish between live and spoofed images. ...

Face Anti-spoofing via Deep Local Binary Pattern
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2019

... Among pain-related research, most efforts have focused on recognition and classification using either traditional machine learning or deep learning techniques [14], [15], [16], [17]. PainDiffusion is the first method to explore pain expression generation using diffusion models, supporting arbitrarylength predictions. ...

Pain-awareness multistream convolutional neural network for pain estimation
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

Journal of Electronic Imaging