Lau Cheuk Lung’s research while affiliated with Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and other places

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Publications (134)

Evaluating Raft in Docker on Kubernetes
  • Conference Paper

November 2017


460 Reads


16 Citations

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Caio Oliveira


Lau Cheuk Lung



In computing systems, some applications require high availability. The creation of copies improves availability, but keeping the copies synchronized requires the replication of the application state. Raft is a consensus algorithm that emerged with an easy understanding logic and a consequently well accepted solution. At infrastructure level, containers offer an alternative for replacing traditional virtual machines in cloud providers. This paper (This project was supported by CNPq proc. 401364/2014-3) evaluates the execution of Raft in physical machines and in Kubernetes, a container management system developed by Google and other companies. Results show similar performance for Raft in both environments.

State Machine Replication in Containers Managed by Kubernetes

December 2016


635 Reads


79 Citations

Journal of Systems Architecture


Lau Cheuk Lung





Luciana Moreira Sá de Souza

Computer virtualization brought fast resource provisioning to data centers and the deployment of pay-per-use cost models. The system virtualization provided by containers like Docker has improved this flexibility of resource provisioning. Applications that require more restrictive agreement and ordering guarantees can also benefit from operating inside containers. This paper proposes the integration of coordination services in a container management system called Kubernetes (k8s), seeking to restrict the containers’ size and to offer automatic state replication. A protocol that uses shared memory available in Kubernetes was developed, and an evaluation was conducted to show the viability of the proposal.

Replicação de Máquina de Estado Baseada em Prioridade com PRaft

June 2016


257 Reads


2 Citations

State machine replication is an approach to create fault tolerant dis-tributed systems. The system remains corret while tolerating faults from someof its replicas. These replicas must execute the same sequence of requests, aproblem that is solved by total order algorithsm like Raft. some services mayneed that requests have different priority levels, such that some be executed be-fore others. In this work, we propose an algorithm, PRaft, that introduces theidea of priority based state machine replication to Raft, modifying it to deal withrequest priority.

Priority-Based State Machine Replication with PRaxos

March 2016


13 Reads

State machine replication is a form of active replication commonly used to create fault-tolerant distributed services. In a nutshell, the approach consists in ensuring that a set of replicas receive and execute the same sequence of deterministic requests, returning the same results. This approach handles all requests evenly, but for some services it is important to consider that some requests have priority over others, i.e., that whenever two or more requests are ready to be executed, the one with higher priority is executed first. Paxos is perhaps the best known protocol to order requests in asynchronous environments, but Paxos has no notion of priority. In this paper we introduce the notion of priority-based state machine replication and modify Paxos to take request priorities into account. The proposed algorithm, PRaxos, works in three steps and satisfies Paxos' safety properties in asynchronous systems, while enforcing priorities when the system behaves synchronously.

Anticipating Requests to Improve Performance and Reduce Costs in Cloud Storage
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2015


35 Reads

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review

Clouds are a suitable place to store data with scalability and financial flexibility. However, it is difficult to ensure the reliability of the data stored in a cloud. Byzantine fault tolerance can improve reliability, but at a high cost. This paper presents a technique that anticipates requests in order to reduce that cost. We show that this technique improves the performance in comparison with related works and maintains the desired data reliability.


CloudSec - Um Middleware para Compartilhamento de Informações Sigilosas em Nuvens Computacionais

November 2014


2 Reads

A necessidade de compartilhar e manipular dados sensíveis é um desafio para grande parte dos provedores de conteúdo que utilizam a nuvem para armazenamento. No entanto, desenvolver aplicações que garamtam sigilo em nuvem é uma tarefa complexa e requer integração de múltiplos aspectos de segurança e interoperabilidade. Para contornar esses desafios, esse trabalho tem como principal objetivo propor uma arquitetura de middleware para garantir o compartilhamento seguro de documentos sigilosos em nuvem utilizando provedores de nuvens públicas para o armazenamento dos dados e módulos de segurança criptográficos para o gerenciamento de chaves criptográficas. Este trabalho tem como principais características: o uso da criptografia baseada em identidade, uso de nuvens híbridas, gerenciamento de chaves criptográficas simplificado, garantia de segurança ponto a ponto e utilização de módulos de segurança criptográficos.


May 2014


9 Reads


4 Citations


Replication is often considered a cost-effective solution for building dependable systems with off-the-shelf hardware. Replication software is usually designed to tolerate crash faults, but Byzantine (or arbitrary) faults such as software bugs are well-known to affect transactional database management systems (DBMSs) as many other classes of software. Despite the maturity of replication technology, Byzantine fault-tolerant replication of databases remains a challenging problem. The paper presents MITRA, a middleware for replicating DBMSs and making them tolerant to Byzantine faults. MITRA is designed to offer transparent replication of off-theshelf DBMSs with replicas from different vendors.

Lidando com Transações Interativas em um STM Tolerante a Faltas Bizantinas

May 2014


14 Reads

Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in concurrency control using distributed Software Transactional Memory (STM). However, there has been little discussion about certain types of fault tolerance, such as Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), for kind of systems. The focus of this paper is on tolerating byzantine faults on optimistic processing of interactive and declared transactions using STM. The result is an algorithm named Mesobi. The processing of a transaction runs with an optimistic approach, benefiting from the high probability of messages being delivered in order when using Reliable Multicast on a local network (LAN). The protocol performs better when messages are delivered ordered. In case of a malicious replica or out-of-order messages, the Byzantine protocol is initiated.

On the Practicality to Implement Byzantine Fault Tolerant Services Based on Tuple Space

May 2014


8 Reads


4 Citations

A major challenge of computer systems is making these more robust, reliable and secure. In recent years, it has been found that the state machine replication is one of the most common techniques for designing systems that need high reliability. This paper introduces a new architecture for replication of Byzantine fault tolerant service, based on the tuple space model. The proposed model requires only 2f+1 replicas for one service, and is generic enough to accommodate a different set of services at the same execution infrastructure. Use of tuple space supports communication and coordination, as well as a storage medium for sharing of data between service replicas. In addition, the paper also presents an experimental evaluation of some protocols for replication of Byzantine fault tolerant systems for practical purposes.

Citations (56)

... O GROUPPACé um suporte para tolerância a faltas que implementa o padrão FT-CORBA [Lung et al., 2001]. Este suporte vem sendo desenvolvido no LCMI/DAS/UFSC desde 1999 e atualmente se encontra em sua terceira versão [Bessani et al., 2004]. ...


Testando uma Infra-estrutura FT-CORBA: O Caso GroupPac
GroupPac 3: Estendendo o FT-CORBA para Gerenciamento e Replicação Ativa
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2004

... Existem, também, duas implementações de uso específico do UCON ABC . A primeira aplica o modelo em um sistema de integração de negócios (B2B) [Camy et al. 2005]; a segunda estende o CORBASec para integrar algumas das funcionalidades do UCON ABC [Higashiyama et al. 2005]. Além destes, três outros trabalhos descrevem arquiteturas usando o UCON para controle de dados: [Pretschner et al. 2006], os autores descrevem a utilização do modelo UCON, sobretudo o conceito de obrigações, para o controle de privacidade e proteção de direitos de propriedade intelectual em um sistema no qual os provedores de informação (bancos de dados) estão distribuídos com relação aos clientes (consumidores da informação); já os autores de [Syalim et al. 2006] utilizam o UCON para definir um modelo visando garantir a confidencialidade de dados acessados em um Provedor de Serviço de Banco de Dados (DSP); em [Kim and Thuraisingham 2006] foram utilizados os modelos RBAC e UCON para prover controle de acesso/uso em tempo real para um ambiente de objetos distribuídos. ...

JaCoWeb-ABC: Integração do Modelo de Controle de Acesso UCONABC no CORBASec
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2005

... In [69], Byzantine fault tolerance is integrated into the K8s control plane through state machine replication. The work in [70] does something similar for SDN control planes, while [71] introduces state machine replications for the applications deployed in K8s. However, state machine replication cannot mitigate common cause failures, e.g., deterministic failures due to misconfigurations, mistakes, bugs, and upgrades. ...

State Machine Replication in Containers Managed by Kubernetes
  • Citing Article
  • December 2016

Journal of Systems Architecture

... However, we observe that Kubernetes has several areas that need improvement, especially, the performance of native components of Kubernetes cannot cope with complex application requirements, e.g., large-scale services and applications in cloud computing, edge computing, and many others. As stated earlier, Kubernetes with default components and settings encounter issues, such as high data distribution latency [11,12], inefficiency in cluster backup and restore leading to poor disaster recovery [13,14], poor rolling update leading to downtime [15][16][17], inefficiency in load balancing and handling requests [18], poor autoscaling [10,19] and scheduling strategy [20][21][22][23] leading to quality of service (QoS) violations and insufficient resource usage, and many others. To this end, in this study, our goal is to enhance cloud computing systems and services while optimizing Kubernetes. ...

Evaluating Raft in Docker on Kubernetes
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2017

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

... Os recursos práticos de comunicação que o Quorum usa proporciona a redução do tempo de divulgação das mensagens por toda a rede, para que não ocorra a alteração de dados ele usa criptografia. Além disso, utiliza dois algoritmos de consenso RAFT e o Istanbul BFT com finalidade de fazer com que os processos autorizados realizem o mesmo curso de requisições (Pinho, Rech, Lung, Miguel, & Camargos, 2016). O algoritmo RAFT declara que cada nó em uma máquina de estado reproduzido ("cluster de servidor") tem a capacidade de permanecer em qualquer um dos três estados, e.g., servidor líder, candidato (quando solicitam votos para escolha do servidor líder), servidores seguidores 13 . ...

Replicação de Máquina de Estado Baseada em Prioridade com PRaft
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2016

... As a networked parallel system built with unreliable (wireless) communication channels, Byzantine failure will destroy all fault tolerance solutions by undermining the consensus of observation. Thanks to the virtualization technology, an advanced 2f+1 replication solution is designed to achieve Byzantine fault tolerance [226]. Manuel et al. explored the role that diversity plays in defending faults and attacks through qualitative analysis, the result shows that diversity can tolerate the common-mode failures but will introduce undetected failures [68]. ...

Using Virtualization Technology for Fault-Tolerant Replication in LAN
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

... This also brings the benefit of reducing the number of execution replicas. Other works such as Spare [30], TwinBFT [28] rely on separation using virtualization, facilitating recovery, or as a trusted separate component. Hyperledger Fabric [3] separates the ordering and execution allowing it to occur in a separate processes which gives performance advantages. ...

Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication with twin virtual machines
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2013

Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications

... Nevertheless, as we have shown in this paper, the protocol fail to achieve optimal throughput in multi-datacenter environments such as the ones considered in this paper. Indeed, there exists some other algorithms that focus on fault-tolerant consensus for atomic multicast in large-scale networks [32] which is very efficient but fail to achieve the optimal throughput. Even the idea of proxy servers is not a novel idea in the context of replication. ...

BAMcast - byzantine fault-tolerant consensus service for Atomic Multicast in large-scale networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2013

Proceedings - International Symposium on Computers and Communications