January 2022
673 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Case Reports
The Corona Virus Disease is a pandemic that originated from Wuhan, China in late 2019 and spread throughout the world. It caused major disruptions and unprecedented problems throughout the world, particularly in the healthcare systems. The severe coronavirus acute syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infected 120 million people around the world by March 2021. The replication of the freshly produced virus' RNA genome occurs with the assistance of RNA polymerase. This dangerous virus can be prevented only by the means of vaccination. For several decades, vaccinations have been the most effective method of preventing the rapid spread of infectious diseases. Vaccines give protection in a variety of ways, which vary depending on the type of vaccine administered. After receiving any type of vaccination, the body produces T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes which produce antibodies against pathogenic antigens and remember how to fight the virus in the future if it is exposed. Antigen subunit vaccines, viral vector vaccines, mRNA vaccinations, DNA vaccinations, and live attenuated vaccinations are some of the different forms of vaccines available against COVID-19. This study concluded that a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine that can elicit a significant immune response to bring this pandemic to a close is an urgent priority. Identifying international finance methods to assist in the development, production, and stockpiling of coronavirus vaccines is considered a top priority by all parties. This pandemic may serve as a model for future coronavirus transmission into mammals, which has prompted international experts to not only investigate the outbreak but also predict future transmission in the future.