L.A. Wilhelms’s research while affiliated with Houston Methodist Hospital and other places

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Publications (9)

Patients’ Perspectives on Transplantation While Undergoing Left Ventricular Assist Device Support
  • Article

November 2017


16 Reads


8 Citations

ASAIO Journal

Lidija A. Wilhelms


Jennifer S. Blumenthal-Barby





Left-ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapy is a growing mechanical circulatory support therapy used to treat patients with advanced heart failure. There is a general assumption among clinicians that patients would prefer to accept a heart to any other treatment were they eligible. However, little research has been done to clarify the nuances of patient treatment preferences for LVAD therapy versus transplantation. The objective of this study was to investigate this treatment preference assumption from patients' perspectives. In a single-site study, 15 LVAD patients, 15 LVAD candidates, 15 LVAD decliners, and 15 LVAD caregivers (n = 60) participated in structured, in-depth interviews to assess decisional processes and treatment preferences for advanced heart failure. The interview guides were consistent with the Ottawa framework on decision-making processes. All participants were identified by the LVAD coordination team and recruited consecutively between February and November 2014. The patient and candidate groups included both LVAD designations: destination therapy (n = 22), bridge-to-transplant (n = 4), as well as four participants who deferred designation pending worsening clinical status. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative description with constant comparisons, aided by ATLAS.ti. Although LVAD eligible patients generally show a preference for heart transplantation as the ideal treatment for heart failure, some patients begin to show ambivalence as they experience LVAD therapy and begin to prefer LVAD as a long-term, destination treatment. Some themes that emerged from the interviews concerning transplantation centered on the consequences of multiple major surgeries (i.e., LVAD placement followed by heart transplantation, n = 18), fears surrounding lifestyle changes of accepting a heart transplant (n = 14) and life satisfaction with an LVAD as a "new normal" (n = 18). Findings suggest that experience with an LVAD can sometimes cause ambivalence about transplant with some patients preferring LVAD as destination even when transplant is an option. We provide clinical and programmatic implications of this, concluding with practical recommendations for how to fully address patients' goals of treatment as their health and situation changes over time.

Caregivers of Patients With Left Ventricular Assist Devices: Possible Impacts on Patients’ Mortality and Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support–Defined Morbidity Events

January 2017


79 Reads


34 Citations

Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes

Background: How caregivers contribute to positive or negative outcomes for left ventricular assist device (LVAD) patients remains unclear. Our primary study objectives were to (1) identify caregiver support attributes through a retrospective chart review of social workers' psychosocial assessments for LVAD patients and (2) determine how these attributes associated with patients' post-LVAD placement mortality and Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support-defined morbidity events. Methods and results: We retrospectively reviewed and recorded social workers' clinical assessments of adult patients implanted with durable continuous-flow LVADs as bridge to transplant, destination therapy, or bridge to decision from January 2010 to December 2014. Associations between caregiver characteristics and patient mortality and morbidity events were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards regression. Patient follow-up time was calculated as the time from hospital discharge until the earliest among death with LVAD, transplant, or the last day of the study (December 31, 2015). Patients were censored for death with LVAD at the time of transplant or the last day of the study. A total of 96 LVAD recipients were included in this study. Having a caregiver who understands the severity of the illness and options available to the patient (as determined and documented by the social worker; P=0.01), a caregiver who has identified a backup plan (P=0.02), and a caregiver who is able to provide logistical support (P=0.04) significantly mitigated risk of death. The risk of death for an LVAD patient was also significantly lower among those who have at least 1 adult child who lives within 50 miles (P=0.03) and those who have an extended family who can care for the patient (P=0.03). The risk of death was 3.1× more likely among patients who live alone compared with those who do not live alone (P=0.04). No caregiver characteristics were significantly associated with morbidity. Conclusions: This exploratory, hypothesis-generating study suggests that mortality after LVAD placement is impacted by caregiver understanding of patient severity of illness and caregiver presence. This study provides initial evidence to support further work in understanding the associations between caregivers and LVAD patients, as well as interventions that may improve patient outcomes. Clinical trial registration: URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT02248974.

Development and validation of a patient-centered knowledge scale for left ventricular assist device placement

June 2016


49 Reads


16 Citations

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation

Background: A central tenet of patient-centered health care advocated by the Institute of Medicine and the American Medical Association is to enhance informed decision-making in a way that incorporates patient values, knowledge and beliefs. Achievement of this goal is constrained by a lack of validated measures of patients' knowledge needs. Methods: In this study we present a comprehensive and valid methodology for developing a clinically informed and patient-centered measure of knowledge about left ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapy to facilitate discussion and measure candidate understanding of treatment options. Using structured interviews with patients, caregivers, candidates for LVAD treatment (New York Heart Association Class III and IV) and expert clinicians (n = 71), we identified top patient decisional needs and perspectives on essential knowledge needs for informed decision-making. From this list, we generated 20 knowledge scale question items to refine in cognitive interviews (n = 5) with patients and patient consultants. Results: Good internal consistency and reliability of the knowledge scale (Cronbach's α = 0.81) was seen in 30 LVAD patients and candidates. Knowledge was higher among patients currently with LVADs than candidates, regardless of receiving standard education (with education: 69.9 vs 50.1, adjusted p = 0.02; without education: 69.9 vs 37.6, adjusted p < 0.001). Conclusion: The LVAD knowledge scale may be useful in clinical settings to identify gaps in knowledge among patient candidates considering LVAD treatment, and to better tailor education and discussion with patients and their caregivers, and to enhance informed decision-making before treatment decisions are made.

Development and Pilot-Testing of a Patient Decision Aid for Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement

February 2016


15 Reads


3 Citations

The VAD Journal

Background Studies indicate suboptimal patient understanding of the capabilities, lifestyle implications, and risks of LVAD therapy. This paper describes the development methodology and pilot-testing of a decision aid for Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) placement, combining traditional needs-assessment with a novel user- centered approach. Methods and Results We developed the decision aid in line with the Ottawa Decision Support Framework (ODSF) and the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS) for ensuring quality, patient-centered content. Structured interviews were conducted with patients, caregivers, candidates for LVAD treatment, and expert clinicians (n=71) to generate content based on patient values and decisional needs, and providers’ perspectives on knowledge needs for informed consent. The aid was alpha tested through cognitive interviews (n=5) and acceptability tested with LVAD patients (n=10), candidates (n=10), and clinicians (n=13). Patients, caregivers and clinicians reported they would recommend the aid to patients considering treatment options for heart failure. Patients and caregivers agreed that the decision aid is a balanced tool presenting risks and benefits of LVAD treatment and generating discussion about aspects of heart failure treatment that matter most to patients. Conclusion We identified gaps in knowledge about heart failure treatment options, including diagnosis, decision-making, surgery, post-operative maintenance and lifestyle changes. Challenges included presenting risks and benefits for informed decision making without frightening patients and circumventing reflection, and balancing an emphasis on LVAD with other alternative treatment options like comfort- directed palliative and supportive care.

Table 3 
Development and Pilot-Testing of a Patient Decision Aid for Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2016


110 Reads


12 Citations

Objectives: This paper describes the development methodology and pilot-testing of a decision aid for Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) placement, combining traditional needs-assessment with a novel user-centered approach. Background: Studies indicate suboptimal patient understanding of the capabilities, lifestyle implications, and risks of LVAD therapy. Methods and Results: We developed the decision aid in line with the Ottawa Decision Support Framework (ODSF) and the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS) for ensuring quality, patient-centered content. Structured interviews were conducted with patients, caregivers, candidates for LVAD treatment, and expert clinicians (n=71) to generate content based on patient values and decisional needs, and providers’ perspectives on knowledge needs for informed consent. The aid was alpha tested through cognitive interviews (n=5) and acceptability tested with LVAD patients (n=10), candidates (n=10), and clinicians (n=13). Patients, caregivers and clinicians reported they would recommend the aid to patients considering treatment options for heart failure. Patients and caregivers agreed that the decision aid is a balanced tool presenting risks and benefits of LVAD treatment and generating discussion about aspects of heart failure treatment that matter most to patients. Conclusion: We identified gaps in knowledge about heart failure treatment options, including diagnosis, decision-making, surgery, post-operative maintenance and lifestyle changes. Challenges included presenting risks and benefits for informed decision making without frightening patients and circumventing reflection, and balancing an emphasis on LVAD with other alternative treatment options like comfort-directed palliative and supportive care.


Reasons Why Eligible Candidates Decline Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement

June 2015


86 Reads


25 Citations

Journal of Cardiac Failure

A greater understanding of how beliefs and perceptions inform LVAD-placement refusals can help ensure that standards for informed decision-making are met. Here, we report on the factors that influence declination and what accounts for changes in decliners' decision-making process, when and if that occurs. We identified candidates (8 bridge-to-transplant; 6 destination therapy, 7 without designation) who declined LVAD placement (N=21), 11 of whom were identified prospectively between February 2014 and March 2015, and 10 of whom were identified retrospectively using our program database. Of these 21 decliners, 11 candidates persistently declined LVAD placement, with a median time of 175 days elapsing between time of LVAD offer and March 4, 2015. Ten candidates declined for an average of 224 days before agreeing to LVAD placement. Between March 2014-March 2015, we conducted structured interviews with LVAD decliners. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed quantitatively using ATLAS.ti. Our findings reflect the following: declination can evolve over time. Decliners report that their initial declinations were made reflexively, but the 10 decliners who ultimately opted for LVAD placement changed their decisions as symptoms worsened. Decliners have concerns about the impacts of LVAD treatment on mobility, and they distrust LVAD technology. Some decliners believe LVAD placement would impact their ability to receive a transplant. Finally, decliners believe they are not sick enough for LVAD placement when they are stabilized with medical management. Decliners' perspectives are integral for improving informed consent and refusal processes. Our analysis revealed decliners' decision-making processes and factors influencing their decisions. We provide several clinically-based practical recommendations based on our findings. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Assessment of Patients’ and Caregivers’ Informational and Decisional Needs for Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement: Implications for Informed Consent and Shared Decision Making

March 2015


147 Reads


81 Citations

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation

Several organizations have underscored the crucial need for patient-centered decision tools to enhance shared decision-making in advanced heart failure. The purpose of this study was to investigate the decision-making process and informational and decisional needs of patients and their caregivers regarding left ventricular assist device (LVAD) placement. In-depth, structured interviews with LVAD patients, candidates and caregivers (spouse, family members) (n = 45) were conducted. We also administered a Decisional Regret Scale. Participants reported LVAD decision-making to be quick and reflexive (n = 30), and deferred heavily to clinicians (n = 22). They did not perceive themselves as having a real choice (n = 28). The 2 most prevalent informational domains that participants identified were lifestyle issues (23 items), followed by technical (drive-line, battery) issues (14 items). Participants easily and clearly identified their values: life extension; family; and mobility. Participants reported the need to meet other patients and caregivers before device placement (n = 31), and to have an involved caregiver (n = 28) to synthesize information. Some participants demonstrated a lack of clarity regarding transplant probability: 9 of 15 patients described themselves as on a transplant trajectory, yet 7 of these were destination therapy patients. Finally, we found that decisional regret scores were low (1.307). Informed consent and shared-decision making should: (a) help patients offered highly invasive technologies for life-threatening disease get past the initial "anything to avoid thinking about death" reaction and make a more informed decision; (b) clarify transplant status; and (c) focus on lifestyle and technical issues, as patients have the most informational needs in these domains. Copyright © 2015 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Citations (7)

... -Twenty observational studies of which eight were prospective cohort studies, five retrospective cohort studies, six cross-sectional studies, and one qualitative study [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] -One randomized clinical trial [32] -One systematic review (n=1887) [33] -Four literature reviews [7,[34][35][36] -One practice guideline [1]. ...


Psychological Spectrum Experienced by Heart Failure Patients After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
Patients’ Perspectives on Transplantation While Undergoing Left Ventricular Assist Device Support
  • Citing Article
  • November 2017

ASAIO Journal

... They found that the 30-day postimplant readmission rate was 3-fold higher for patients whose caregivers quit [13]. Lastly, another study found that following LVAD implantation, the risk of death was over 3 times more likely among individuals who lived alone compared to those who did not [14]. These findings thus support our study's results regarding the significance and appreciation expressed by patients with LVAD toward their family members in general, and their partners in particular. ...

Caregivers of Patients With Left Ventricular Assist Devices: Possible Impacts on Patients’ Mortality and Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support–Defined Morbidity Events
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes

... Despite calls from a number of scholars, empirical insights into the complex structural and cultural predictors of why DAs become routinely embedded in health care settings remains limited and highly variable across implementation contexts [7,[11][12][13][14][15]. Further, few studies explicitly compare feature profiles of different implementation sites with varying levels of success in order to gain insight into what site attributes, practices or attitudinal orientations facilitate implementation success [16,17]. In this paper we offer results from a 9-site project to disseminate and implement a validated DA for patients considering left ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapy for advanced heart failure [18][19][20]. ...

Development and Pilot-Testing of a Patient Decision Aid for Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement

... Despite calls from a number of scholars, empirical insights into the complex structural and cultural predictors of why DAs become routinely embedded in health care settings remains limited and highly variable across implementation contexts [7,[11][12][13][14][15]. Further, few studies explicitly compare feature profiles of different implementation sites with varying levels of success in order to gain insight into what site attributes, practices or attitudinal orientations facilitate implementation success [16,17]. In this paper we offer results from a 9-site project to disseminate and implement a validated DA for patients considering left ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapy for advanced heart failure [18][19][20]. ...

Development and validation of a patient-centered knowledge scale for left ventricular assist device placement
  • Citing Article
  • June 2016

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation

... A priori, it was estimated that analysis of 10 to 15 microcelebrity Instagram accounts would result in data saturation. The amount of data to be collected from 10 to 15 microcelebrities (with 10 posts per individual) was deemed to be sufficient and comparable with other studies that used purposeful samples of social media data [34][35][36]. ...

Content Analysis of Social Media Related to Left Ventricular Assist Devices
  • Citing Article
  • July 2015

Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes

... Furthermore, it has been suggested that women are more likely to decline LVAD support than men. 30,31 In a multinational European screening study, women were somewhat less likely to be eligible for LVAD and/or heart transplantation but considerably less likely to accept LVAD and/or transplantation if indicated. 32 Additionally, it could be that physicians and patients wait too long with the decision to proceed towards LVAD implantation, as reflected by the strikingly high proportion of women in the worst INTERMACS profile and the higher need for mechanical circulatory support in women. ...

Reasons Why Eligible Candidates Decline Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement
  • Citing Article
  • June 2015

Journal of Cardiac Failure

... The complexity of high-risk SOT decisions necessitates early end-of-life discussions, focusing on quality of life and societal factors amid donor organ shortages [50]. These discussions are crucial in ensuring that patients' values and preferences are respected, especially when considering, for example, the risks associated with invasive procedures like dialysis, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) [27,51,52]. It is essential that these preferences are clearly documented and revisited at regular intervals to ensure alignment with the patient's evolving values and circumstances. ...

Assessment of Patients’ and Caregivers’ Informational and Decisional Needs for Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement: Implications for Informed Consent and Shared Decision Making
  • Citing Article
  • March 2015

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation