March 2024
1 Read
Journal of Bryology
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March 2024
1 Read
Journal of Bryology
February 2023
3 Reads
Journal of Bryology
Introduction Syrrhopodon wallisii Müll.Hal. [≡ Mitthyridium wallisii (Müll.Hal.) H.Rob.], whose primary type material in B was destroyed during the Second World War, is lectotypified from among surviving original material, and its controversial interrelationship with its close relative M. crassum (Broth.) H.Rob. is investigated. Methods Nomenclatural and taxonomic investigation was carried out with reference to bryological literature and herbarium material, including type specimens. It involved the microscopic investigation and analysis of leaf morphology in both historical and recent collections. Key results and conclusions Mitthyridium wallisii is lectotypified with a specimen in the herbarium of E. Hampe (BM000662478). Based on morphological evidence, the Malesian moss taxa M. wallisii and M. crassum are likely to be distinct entities with the status of species.
December 2022
103 Reads
Ho, B.-C., Alonso-García, M., Chantanaorrapint, S., Ellis, L. T., Promma, C., Rubasinghe, S. C. K., Wei, Y.-M., Ye, W. & Yong, K.-T. 2022. Additions to the bryophyte flora of Singapore. – Herzogia 35: 420 – 442. A total of 14 species of bryophytes are added to the flora of Singapore. These include five liverworts, namely Cephaloziella inaequalis R.M.Schust. (Cephaloziellaceae), Colura cristata Jovet-Ast (Lejeuneaceae), Mizutania riccardioides Furuki & Z.Iwats. (Calypogeiaceae), Radula loriana Castle (Radulaceae), and Riccia fluitans L. (Ricciaceae), eight mosses, namely Calymperes fasciculatum Dozy & Molk. (Calymperaceae), Calymperes pallidum Mitt. (Calymperaceae), Calymperes subintegrum Broth. (Calymperaceae), Chionoloma induratum Dixon (Pottiaceae), Fissidens holleanus Dozy & Molk. (Fissidentaceae), Pogonatum piliferum (Dozy & Molk.) Touw (Polytrichaceae), Splachnobryum obtusum (Brid.) Müll.Hal. (Pottiaceae), Racopilum cuspidigerum (Schwägr.) Ångstr. (Racopilaceae), and a hornwort, Notothylas breutelii (Gottsche) Gottsche (Notothyladaceae). Cephaloziella, Mizutania, Pogonatum and Racopilum are new genera reported for the country as well as Polytrichaceae and Racopilaceae are new families. Pogonatum piliferum also represents the first and only member of the class Polytrichopsida for Singapore. Descriptions, notes on distribution and ecology are provided for all species. Illustrations are presented for seven species. Ho, B.-C., Alonso-García, M., Chantanaorrapint, S., Ellis, L. T., Promma, C., Rubasinghe, S. C. K., Wei, Y.-M., Ye, W. & Yong, K.-T. 2022. Ergänzungen zur Moosflora von Singapur. – Herzogia 35: 420 – 442. Insgesamt 14 Moosarten werden erstmals für Singapur angegeben. Hierzu gehören fünf Lebermoose, Cephaloziella inaequalis R.M.Schust. (Cephaloziellaceae), Colura cristata Jovet-Ast (Lejeuneaceae), Mizutania riccardioides Furuki & Z.Iwats. (Calypogeiaceae), Radula loriana Castle (Radulaceae) und Riccia fluitans L. (Ricciaceae), acht Laubmoose, Calymperes fasciculatum Dozy & Molk. (Calymperaceae), Calymperes pallidum Mitt. (Calymperaceae), Calymperes subintegrum Broth. (Calymperaceae), Chionoloma induratum Dixon (Pottiaceae), Fissidens holleanus Dozy & Molk. (Fissidentaceae), Pogonatum piliferum (Dozy & Molk.) Touw (Polytrichaceae), Splachnobryum obtusum (Brid.) Müll.Hal. (Pottiaceae), Racopilum cuspidigerum (Schwägr.) Ångstr. (Racopilaceae), und ein Hornmoos, Notothylas breutelii (Gottsche) Gottsche (Notothyladaceae). Cephaloziella, Mizutania, Pogonatum und Racopilum stellen neue Gattungen für Singapur dar, Polytrichaceae und Racopilaceae sind neue Familien. Pogonatum piliferum repräsentiert den ersten und einzigen Vertreter der Klasse Polytrichopsida für Singapur. Beschreibungen sowie Hinweise zu Verbreitung und Ökologie werden für alle Arten bereitgestellt. Abbildungen werden für sieben Arten präsentiert.
November 2022
1 Read
Journal of Bryology
November 2022
648 Reads
10 Citations
Journal of Bryology
August 2022
389 Reads
6 Citations
Journal of Bryology
May 2022
624 Reads
21 Citations
Journal of Bryology
May 2022
1,250 Reads
12 Citations
Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore
A checklist of all species of bryophytes, lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms that are found in the wild (native, naturalised and casual) in Singapore is presented. We have attempted to account for all names of species and infraspecific taxa that have ever been recorded for Singapore, along with the pertinent publications that reported each of these names. For each currently accepted name, the synonyms of relevance for Singapore are included. The native or non-native status for all taxa is given, along with the most recent national conservation assessment applied to each native taxon. If we were aware that the most recent assessment required an update, the taxon is newly assessed here. The checklist includes 2654 native taxa, 479 naturalised/casual taxa and 101 cryptogenic taxa.
April 2022
11 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Bryology
December 2021
631 Reads
9 Citations
Journal of Bryology
New findings of bryophytes are presented
... Among them, 17 species and one varieties of mosses and 13 species, two varieties and two forms of liverworts are reported for the first time for Novaya Zemlya, 66 species of mosses and 16 species and one variety of liver worts for the first time for Yuzhny Island, 14 species of mosses and seven species, two varieties and one form of liverworts are reported for the first time for Vaygach Island. Five moss species have already been reported in the "New records" papers for Novaya Zemlya and one for Vaygach Island (Ellis et al., 2021(Ellis et al., , 2022a(Ellis et al., , 2022bSofronova et al., 2022;Kotkova et al., 2022). Information on the bryoflora of Matveev Island has not been previously reported, and all records are new to this lonesome island. ...
November 2022
Journal of Bryology
... Sabovljević et al. (2001) and Sabovljević (2004) predicted many new bryophyte records for the country with the intensification of moss and liverworts distribution studies. Indeed to the list of species , species recorded afterwards should be considered as well (Ellis et al., 2022;Sabovljević et al., 2022Sabovljević et al., , 2023aTomović et al., 2022Tomović et al., , 2023a. ...
August 2022
Journal of Bryology
... Likewise, he encouraged close collaboration between the Gardens and Pasir Panjang Nursery on ex-situ native plant conservation and species recovery, and Wildlife Management division and NBC on research projects. The result of these efforts could be seen in the completion of four milestone research projects that have since been published -1) A comprehensive biodiversity survey of Bukit Timah Nature Reserve by Chan and Davison (2019); 2) Flora of Singapore: Checklist and bibliography by Lindsay et al. (2022); 3) An account of the re-discovery of 173 presumed nationally extinct plant taxa and discovery of 155 new native plant records in Singapore over 14 years, including 22 new to science and five endemics by Neo et al. (2024); and 4) A study of the birds in the Gardens' Rainforest that showed how avian functional diversity was retained after more than 120 years of turnover by Low et al. (2024). When K.B.H. Er sent the Low et al.'s paper to Dr Leong as he was undergoing the last stages of chemotherapy before his passing, he remarked in his usual serious but happy tone, "This is important science." ...
May 2022
Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore
... Herein an additional amblystegialean species, Drepanocladus capillifolius, is reported for the first time from two localities on the North Island. This is a panholarctic species which was recently recorded at stations in south-eastern Australia and Tasmania (Ellis et al. 2021(Ellis et al. , 2023Ellis, Afonina, et al. 2022). Although it is a distinct species (Ochyra 1989;Ochyra and Matteri 2001), some confusion arose around it because it was amalgamated with D. longifolius (Mitt.) ...
May 2022
Journal of Bryology
... Herein an additional amblystegialean species, Drepanocladus capillifolius, is reported for the first time from two localities on the North Island. This is a panholarctic species which was recently recorded at stations in south-eastern Australia and Tasmania (Ellis et al. 2021(Ellis et al. , 2023Ellis, Afonina, et al. 2022). Although it is a distinct species (Ochyra 1989;Ochyra and Matteri 2001), some confusion arose around it because it was amalgamated with D. longifolius (Mitt.) ...
December 2021
Journal of Bryology
... It is now also known from North America (Eckel 2010), Turkey (Kirmaci and Kürschner in Ellis, Alikhadzhiev MKh et al. 2020) and Morocco (Ros et al. in Ellis et al. 2022). It is recorded from 20 European countries (plus Andorra, see Martin and O'Leary in Ellis, Alataş et al. 2021), with its conservation status assessed as of Least Concern (Schröck 2019). Reported in Macaronesia only for the archipelago of the Canary Islands (Dirkse and Losada-Lima 2011) and more recently from Madeira (Dirkse et al. 2018), its presence in the Azores is not surprising. ...
July 2021
Journal of Bryology
... The bryophyte flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina is still largely unexplored. However, research conducted in the last decade resulted in new and noteworthy national records (Ellis et al. 2016, 2021a, b, Pantović et al. 2016. ...
March 2021
Journal of Bryology
... Ces espèces, auxquelles il faut rajouter Dicranum scoparium, Frullania dilatata et F. tamarisci, Hylocomium splendens, Lejeunea cavifolia, Lophocolea bidentata, Metzgeria furcata, Plagiochila porelloides, Plagiomnium affine, Porella arboris-vitae, Ptychostomum capillare et Trichostomum brachydontium, représentent l'essentiel du cortège muscinal.La bryoflore inventoriée se compose de 182 mousses sensu stricto, 46 hépatiques et d'une anthocérote de grande valeur patrimoniale, Anthoceros caucasicus, seule mention française actuelle, découverte dans le secteur de Vignelongue (Chambonas) en début du printemps 2021. Notons également la seconde observation à l'échelle de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes pour Ptychostomum minii, espèce méditerranéenne connue auparavant en France dans le massif varois des Maures seulement (Skrzypczak, 1998) puis récemment observée toujours en Ardèche, au nord d'Aubenas(Ellis et al., 2021). Quatre nouvelles espèces viennent enrichir la bryoflore d'Ardèche : Campylopus atrovirens, Didymodon ferrugineus, Palustriella falcata et Tortella fasciculata. ...
March 2021
Journal of Bryology
... In terms of its moss flora, this archipelago was for a long time the least studied of all subantarctic islands, but in recent decades more than 35 species have been newly recorded (e.g. Ochyra and Bell 1984;Ochyra 1993Ochyra , 2002Ochyra , 2003Blockeel et al. 2006;Blockeel, Bednarek-Ochyra, Ochyra, Garilleti, et al. 2007;Blockeel, Bednarek-Ochyra, Ochyra, Düzenli, et al. 2007;Ochyra and Bednarek-Ochyra 2013; Bednarek-Ochyra 2014a; Ochyra, Sollman et al. 2015;Ellis, Asthana et al. 2016;Ellis, Ah-Peng et al. 2017;Ellis, Alataş et al. 2017;Ellis, Afonina et al. 2017Ellis et al. 2018Ellis et al. , 2020Bednarek-Ochyra and Plášek 2019), and currently over 75 species are known. Herein, one more species, Bryum eatonii, is added. ...
October 2020
Journal of Bryology
... Australia -Ellis (2003); Reese (1989Reese ( , 1992; Reese and Stone (1987, 1995, 2012; India - Ellis (1989Ellis ( , 2016a; Malaysia -Ellis (2016b); Reese et al. (1986b); Reese and Mohamed (1985); Tixier (1978); Malesia (including the Philippines, Papua New Guinea): Akiyama and Reese (1992); Eddy (1990); Ellis (1991Ellis ( , 2020, Ellis and Tan (1999); Menzel and Schultze-Motel (1990); Mohamed and Reese (1985); Oceania -Nowak (1980); ...
October 2020
Journal of Bryology