L. Grossman’s research while affiliated with University of Chicago and other places

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Publications (335)

Heating events in the nascent solar system recorded by rare earth element isotopic fractionation in refractory inclusions
  • Conference Paper

August 2021


49 Reads


2 Citations






It is widely accepted that the building blocks of the planets and other inner solar system objects have been vaporized and homogenized at the birth of the solar system. According to this view, solids condensed as the solar nebula cooled, with composition evolving from more refractory phases rich in Ca, Al, and Ti to more volatile phases rich in K and Na. This view has been supported by the observation of the depletions in both the least (Eu, Yb) and most refractory (Gd-Er, Lu) rare earth elements (REEs) in group II calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) [1]. The formation of group II CAIs were thought to represent a snapshot of the condensation sequence, the partial condensate in equilibrium with the solar nebula as it cooled [2,3,4]. However, this view of group II CAI formation was never tested other than through thermodynamic calculations that suffer from large uncertainties due to the paucity of thermodynamic data. To test this paradigm of equilibrium condensation of solar gas, we measured the isotopic compositions of Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, and Yb in 8 CAIs (7 with group II REE patterns). Contrary to expectations for equilibrium condensation, we found significant negative isotopic compositions for the most refractory REEs and more subdued isotopic variations for the least refractory REEs, indicative of disequilibrium formation pathways.

Fig. 1. Abundances and stable isotopic fractionations of REEs ordered by increasing refractoriness (from the least refractory on the left to the most refractory on the right). (A) Abundances of REEs in seven fine-grained CAIs with group II REE patterns [table 2 in (15)] normalized to Sm abundance and chondrites (7). Orange, green, and blue shades are least refractory, moderately refractory, and most refractory REEs, respectively. Each symbol corresponds to one CAI. The dashed line is the average abundance of seven CAIs for each REE. (B) Isotopic fractionations of REEs in the same seven CAIs (Table 1). The dashed line is the average isotopic fractionations of the seven CAIs analyzed. Note that one CAI with a flat REE abundance and isotopic pattern (TS32) is not plotted here (Table 1). See Table 1 caption and Eq. 1 for details on the  φ notation.
Fig. 3. Equilibrium isotopic fractionations of Eu. (A) Calculated reduced partition function ratios (in ‰/amu) of Eu compounds as a function of temperature. (B) Equilibrium isotopic fractionation between gas and solid phases of Eu as a function of temperature. See text for details.
Fig. 4. Trajectories of chemical depletion and isotopic fractionation in the evaporation (left) and condensation (right) stages considered to explain the composition of group II CAIs (see text and the Supplementary Materials for details). Schematics of the models envisioned for evaporation (A) and condensation (B). (C) Gd and (E) Dy isotopic fractionations and depletions during closed-system evaporation for different heating rates. (D) Eu and (F) Yb isotopic fractionations and depletions during closed-system condensation for different cooling rates. The labels on the curves are the heating rates (evaporation) and cooling rates (condensation) used in the calculations.
Fig. 5. Schematics of group II REE fractionation in CAIs. (A) Stage 1: Nebular dust with chondritic proportions of the REEs evaporates in an undersaturated medium, which leaves behind an ultrarefractory residue and produces vapor depleted in the heavy most refractory REEs that are also characterized by light isotope enrichments. (B) Stage 2: The vapor from stage 1 partially condenses. The highly refractory (HREEs except Tm and Yb) and moderately refractory (LREEs and Tm) are completely condensed. The least refractory REEs Eu and Yb remain in the gas and are not completely condensed. The condensation during that stage occurs in near-equilibrium conditions, resulting in minimal isotopic fractionation for Eu and Yb.
Heating events in the nascent solar system recorded by rare earth element isotopic fractionation in refractory inclusions
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2021


385 Reads


50 Citations

Science Advances

Equilibrium condensation of solar gas is often invoked to explain the abundance of refractory elements in planets and meteorites. This is partly motivated, by the observation that the depletions in both the least and most refractory rare earth elements (REEs) in meteoritic group II calcium-aluminum–rich inclusions (CAIs) can be reproduced by thermodynamic models of solar nebula condensation. We measured the isotopic compositions of Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, and Yb in eight CAIs to test this scenario. Contrary to expectation for equilibrium condensation, we find light isotope enrichment for the most refractory REEs and more subdued isotopic variations for the least refractory REEs. This suggests that group II CAIs formed by a two-stage process involving fast evaporation of preexisting materials, followed by near-equilibrium recondensation. The calculated time scales are consistent with heating in events akin to FU Orionis– or EX Lupi–type outbursts of eruptive pre–main-sequence stars.


Crystal growth and disequilibrium distribution of oxygen isotopes in an igneous Ca-Al-rich inclusion from the Allende carbonaceous chondrite

June 2017


128 Reads


50 Citations

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

TS34 is a Type B1 Ca-Al-rich inclusion (CAI) from the Allende CV3 chondrite, consisting of spinel, melilite, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene (fassaite) and minor anorthite in an igneous texture. Oxygen and magnesium isotopic compositions were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry in spots of known chemical composition in all major minerals in TS34. Using the sequence of formation from dynamic crystallization experiments and from chemical compositions of melilite and fassaite, the oxygen isotopic evolution of the CAI melt was established. Oxygen isotopic compositions of the constituent minerals plot along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line. The spinel grains are uniformly ¹⁶O-rich (Δ¹⁷O = −22.7 ± 1.7 ‰, 2SD), while the melilite grains are uniformly ¹⁶O-poor (Δ¹⁷O = −2.8 ± 1.8 ‰) irrespective of their åkermanite content and thus their relative time of crystallization. The fassaite crystals exhibit growth zoning overprinting poorly-developed sector zoning; they generally grow from Ti-rich to Ti-poor compositions. The fassaite crystals also show continuous variations in Δ¹⁷O along the inferred directions of crystal growth, from ¹⁶O-poor (Δ¹⁷O ∼ −3 ‰) to ¹⁶O-rich (Δ¹⁷O ∼ −23 ‰), covering the full range of oxygen isotopic compositions observed in TS34. The early-crystallized ¹⁶O-poor fassaite and the melilite are in oxygen isotope equilibrium and formed simultaneously. The correlation of oxygen isotopic compositions with Ti content in the fassaite imply that the oxygen isotopic composition of the CAI melt evolved from ¹⁶O-poor to ¹⁶O-rich during fassaite crystallization, presumably due to oxygen isotope exchange with a surrounding ¹⁶O-rich nebular gas. Formation of spinel, the liquidus phase in melts of this composition, predates crystallization of all other phases, so its ¹⁶O-rich composition is a relic of an earlier stage. Anorthite exhibits oxygen isotopic compositions between Δ¹⁷O ∼ −2 ‰ and −9 ‰, within the range of those of fassaite, indicating co-crystallization of these two minerals during the earliest to intermediate stage of fassaite growth. The melilite and fassaite yield an ²⁶Al−²⁶Mg mineral isochron with an initial value of (²⁶Al/²⁷Al)0 = (5.003 ± 0.075) × 10⁻⁵, corresponding to a relative age of 0.05 ± 0.02 Myr from the canonical Al−Mg age of CAIs. These data demonstrate that both ¹⁶O-rich and ¹⁶O-poor reservoirs existed in the solar nebula at least ∼0.05 Myr after the birth of the Solar System.

The valence and coordination of titanium in ordinary and enstatite chondrites

June 2016


20 Reads


21 Citations

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

One way to better understand processes related to chondrite metamorphism is to evaluate changes in chondrite features as a function of petrologic type. Toward this end the valence and coordination of Ti in olivine and pyroxene in suites of ordinary (H, L, and LL) and enstatite (EH and EL) chondrites of types 3 through 6 have been determined with XANES spectroscopy. Trivalent Ti, typically 10-40% of the Ti in the analytical volumes, was found in ordinary chondrites of all types, despite the stability of oxidized iron in the samples. Average valences and the proportions of Ti that are in tetrahedral coordination generally decrease with increasing grade between types 3.0 and 3.5, increase from 3.5 to 4, and then level off. These trends are consistent with previous studies of chondrite oxidation states using other methods, except here the onset of oxidation is observed at a lower type, ∼3.5, than previously indicated (4). These results are also consistent with previous suggestions that oxidation of higher-grade ordinary chondrite samples involved exposure to aqueous fluids from melting of accreted ice. In the enstatite chondrites, typically 20-90% of the Ti is trivalent Ti, so it is reduced compared to Ti in the ordinary chondrites. Valence decreases slightly from petrologic type 3 to 4 and increases from 4 to 6, but no increases in tetrahedral coordination with petrologic type are observed, indicating a redox environment or process distinct from that of ordinary chondrite metamorphism. The presence of Ti4+ in the E chondrites supports previous suggestions that they formed from oxidized precursors that underwent reduction. Unlike ordinary chondrites, enstatite chondrites are thought to have been derived from a body or bodies that did not accrete ice, which could account for their different valence-coordination-petrologic type relationships. The hypothesis, based on observations of unmetamorphosed chondrules and supported by laboratory experiments, that equilibration of Ti valence is sluggish compared to that of Fe could account for the coexistence of reduced Ti and oxidized Fe seen in chondrites of all petrologic types.

Oxygen isotopic variations in the outer margins and Wark-Lovering rims of refractory inclusions

May 2016


184 Reads


25 Citations

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Oxygen isotopic variations across the outer margins and Wark-Lovering (WL) rims of a diverse suite of six coarse-grained Types A and B refractory inclusions from both oxidized and reduced CV3 chondrites suggest that CAIs originated from a 16O-rich protosolar gas reservoir and were later exposed to both relatively 17,18O-rich and 16O-rich reservoirs. The O-isotope profiles of CAIs can be explained by changes in the composition of gas near the protoSun or the migration of CAIs through a heterogeneous nebula. Variability within the inclusion interiors appears to have been set prior to WL rim growth. Modeling the isotopic zoning profiles as diffusion gradients between inclusion interiors and edges establishes a range of permissible time-temperature combinations for their exposure in the nebula. At mean temperatures of 1400 K, models that match the isotope gradients in the inclusions yield timescales ranging from 5×103 to 3×105 years. Assuming CAIs originated with a relatively 16O-rich (protosolar) isotopic composition, differences among the melilite interiors and the isotopic gradients in their margins imply the existence of a number of isotopically distinct reservoirs. Evidence at the edges of some CAIs for subsequent isotopic exchange may relate to the beginning of rim formation. In the WL rim layers surrounding the interiors, spinel is relatively 16O-rich but subtly distinct among different CAIs. Melilite is often relatively 16O-poor, but rare relatively 16O-rich grains also exist. Pyroxene generally exhibits intermediate O-isotope compositions and isotopic zoning. Olivine in both WL and accretionary rims, when present, is isotopically heterogeneous. The extreme isotopic heterogeneity among and within individual WL rim layers and in particular, the observed trends of outward 16O-enrichments, suggest that rims surrounding CAIs contained in CV3 chondrites, like the inclusions themselves, formed from a number of isotopically distinct gas reservoirs. Collectively, these results support numerical protoplanetary disk models in which CAIs were transported between several distinct nebular reservoirs multiple times prior to accretion onto a parent body.

Origin of uranium isotope variations in early solar nebula condensates

March 2016


6 Reads

High temperature condensates found in meteorites display uranium isotopic variations (235U/238U) that complicate dating of the formation of the Solar System and whose origin remains mysterious. It is possible that these variations are due to decay of the short-lived radionuclide 247Cm (t1/2=15.6 Myr) into 235U but they could also be due to uranium kinetic isotopic fractionation during condensation. We report uranium isotope measurements of meteoritic refractory inclusions that reveal excesses of 235U reaching ~+6 % relative to average solar system composition, which can only be due to decay of 247Cm. This allows us to constrain the 247Cm/235U ratio at Solar System formation to (7.0 +- 1.6) x 10-5. This value provides new clues on the universality of nucleosynthetic r-process of rapid neutron capture.

Fig. 1. d 235 U plotted as a function of the 144 Nd/ 238 U ratio in meteoritic samples. Open circles, previous studies (11, 17–19, 33, 34); blue circles, Allende CAIs from this work; light-blue square, bulk Allende from this work]. The +59‰ d 235 U value observed in the Curious Marie CAI is well outside the range of variations expected from fractionation during condensation (gray rectangle) and is thus interpreted as definitive evidence for live 247 Cm in the ESS. The scatter in the data (for example, at very low Nd/U ratios) suggests that stable isotopic fractionation during evaporation/condensation also influenced the U isotopic composition of CAIs. The slope of the two-point isochron between Curious Marie and the rest of the samples translates into a 247 Cm/ 235 U of (0.9 ± 0.07) × 10 −4 at the time of Nd/U fractionation in Curious Marie. Accounting for a possible delay between this fractionation event (possibly related to the extensive alteration of this CAI) and the formation of the SS of 5 ± 5 My, the inferred 247 Cm/ 235 U at SS formation is (1.1 ± 0.3) × 10 −4 (red line).  
Origin of uranium isotope variations in early solar nebula condensates

March 2016


197 Reads


66 Citations

Science Advances

High-temperature condensates found in meteorites display uranium isotopic variations ((235)U/(238)U), which complicate dating the solar system's formation and whose origin remains mysterious. It is possible that these variations are due to the decay of the short-lived radionuclide (247)Cm (t 1/2 = 15.6 My) into (235)U, but they could also be due to uranium kinetic isotopic fractionation during condensation. We report uranium isotope measurements of meteoritic refractory inclusions that reveal excesses of (235)U reaching ~+6% relative to average solar system composition, which can only be due to the decay of (247)Cm. This allows us to constrain the (247)Cm/(235)U ratio at solar system formation to (1.1 ± 0.3) × 10(-4). This value provides new clues on the universality of the nucleosynthetic r-process of rapid neutron capture.

Microstructural analysis of Wark‐Lovering rims in the Allende and Axtell CV3 chondrites: Implications for high‐temperature nebular processes

March 2016


17 Reads


18 Citations

Meteoritics & Planetary Science

A coordinated, electron-backscatter-diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) study was undertaken to obtain information on the origin of rims on refractory inclusions in the Allende and Axtell CV3 chondrites. These measurements were supported by theoretical modeling using density functional theory. Crystal-orientation analysis of Wark-Lovering rims via EBSD revealed pyroxene grains with similar crystallographic orientations to one another in both inclusions. An epitaxial relationship between grains within the diopside and anorthite rim layers was observed in Allende. TEM examination of the rims of both samples also revealed oriented crystals at depth. The microstructural data on the rims suggest that grain clusters grew in the form of three-dimensional islands. Density functional theory calculations confirm that formation of oriented grain islands is the result of energy minimization at high temperature. The results point toward condensation as the mode of origin for the rims studied here.

Citations (66)

... Most meteorites are in first order an agglomerate of three basic components (Krot et al. 2014), each of which is thought to have formed separately in the protoplanetary disk (Ebel 2006;Fedkin and Grossman 2006): chondrules, refractory inclusions, and matrix material. The former two are embedded in the matrix. ...


Asteroid taxonomy : a probabilistic synthesis of spectrometry and albedo from complete and partial observations
The Fayalite Content of Chondritic Olivine:: Obstacle to Understanding the Condensation of Rocky Material
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2006

... REEs possess multiple stable isotopes, whose distinctive signatures further augment the effectiveness of geochemical tracing. For example, stable Nd isotopes have recently emerged as important indicators for tracing magmatic evolution (McCoy-West et al., 2021, 2020, 2017 and continental weathering (Bai et al., 2023b); stable Ce isotopes have gained recognition as powerful tools for investigating Earthʼs redox history (Bai et al., 2024;Li et al., 2023a, b;Nakada et al., 2016); and the combined application of multiple REE stable isotopes (Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, and Yb) is now providing critical evidence for unraveling the formation of the early solar system (Hu et al., 2024(Hu et al., , 2021McCoy-West et al., 2017). Despite the significant progress made in REE stable isotope geochemistry in recent years, particularly in the development of high-precision Ce-Nd-Sm-Eu analytical techniques (2SD < 0.05‰) and their geological applications (Bai et al., 2023b;Li et al., 2023a, b), there remain substantial gaps in the exploration of other REE stable isotopes and their behavior across various reservoirs. ...

Heating events in the nascent solar system recorded by rare earth element isotopic fractionation in refractory inclusions

Science Advances

... Meteorites and their components exhibit a diverse range of oxygen isotope compositions (e.g., D. L. Schrader et al. 2013;N. Kawasaki et al. 2017;Y. Marrocchi et al. 2018). This isotopic variation is usually interpreted as the result of mixing between isotopically distinct reservoirs in the solar nebula (e.g., T. Ushikubo et al. 2012;N. Kawasaki et al. 2018;T. J. Tenner et al. 2018;D. Yamamoto et al. 2022). The reservoirs would be formed through self-shielding of carbon monoxide (CO) gas in the protosolar molecular cloud (e.g., H. Yurimoto & K. Kuramoto 2004;A. N. Krot et al. 2020) or the early solar nebula (e.g., J. R. Lyons & E. D. Young 2005). Minor CO isotopologues (i.e., C 17 O and C 1 ...

Crystal growth and disequilibrium distribution of oxygen isotopes in an igneous Ca-Al-rich inclusion from the Allende carbonaceous chondrite

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

... Thus, EOC's bulk composition values show that thermal metamorphism is an isochemical process relative to major elements (Ca, Mg, Al, Si, Fe, Ti) and REE [4] and that siderophile element concentrations decrease as the petrological type of chondrite (Cs, Bi, Cd, Br, In, Tl) [5] increases, indicating open system conditions on the parent body of chondrites. Fe, Mg [6,7] and Ca [8] concentrations in olivine and pyroxene and Cr and Ni concentrations in olivine [6,9,10] were homogenized due to the increasing diffusion rate of major elements under the oxidation conditions of thermal metamorphism. The mesostasis of EOC chondrules was recrystallized into plagioclase. ...

The valence and coordination of titanium in ordinary and enstatite chondrites
  • Citing Article
  • June 2016

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

... These refractory inclusions are usually surrounded by a sequence of rims composed of multi-mineralic layers (Wark & Lovering 1977). Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain the formation of such rims, including condensation and subsequent accretion on the CAI (Yurimoto et al. 2008;Simon et al. 2011Simon et al. , 2016Bolser et al. 2016), crystallization from a melt of the outer region of the CAI produced by flash-heating mechanisms (Han et al. 2020), formation as evaporation residues (Wark & Boynton 2001), and growth of layers as a result of chemical gradients set up during alteration of the interior of the inclusion in a nebular setting (MacPherson et al. 1981). It is possible that more than one of these processes were involved in the formation of distinct layers in these rims (Davis et al. 1986;Murrell & Burnett 1986;Han et al. 2020). ...

Oxygen isotopic variations in the outer margins and Wark-Lovering rims of refractory inclusions

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

... These refractory inclusions are usually surrounded by a sequence of rims composed of multi-mineralic layers (Wark & Lovering 1977). Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain the formation of such rims, including condensation and subsequent accretion on the CAI (Yurimoto et al. 2008;Simon et al. 2011Simon et al. , 2016Bolser et al. 2016), crystallization from a melt of the outer region of the CAI produced by flash-heating mechanisms (Han et al. 2020), formation as evaporation residues (Wark & Boynton 2001), and growth of layers as a result of chemical gradients set up during alteration of the interior of the inclusion in a nebular setting (MacPherson et al. 1981). It is possible that more than one of these processes were involved in the formation of distinct layers in these rims (Davis et al. 1986;Murrell & Burnett 1986;Han et al. 2020). ...

Microstructural analysis of Wark‐Lovering rims in the Allende and Axtell CV3 chondrites: Implications for high‐temperature nebular processes
  • Citing Article
  • March 2016

Meteoritics & Planetary Science

... Formation of NC iron meteorite parent bodies (IMPBs) at the silicate condensation line should have resulted in their accreting water-free materials, whereas CC IMPBs forming at the watersnowline should have accreted water-rich materials 9,10 . As water was the primary oxidizing agent in the early forming planetesimals [15][16][17] , accretion of NC and CC IMPBs at the silicate condensation line and water-snowline, respectively, can qualitatively account for their contrasting oxidation states 4 . Accretion of significant amounts of ice by CC IMPBs is also postulated to delay their onset of melting (by lowering the concentration of heat producing 26 Al) and subsequent core formation, relative to the anhydrous NC IMPBs 4 . ...

Effects of dust enrichment on oxygen fugacity of cosmic gases
  • Citing Article
  • March 2016

Meteoritics & Planetary Science

... Galactic archeological studies (Ji et al. 2016a(Ji et al. , 2016b, geochemical studies (Wallner et al. 2021), and studies of the early solar system (Tissot et al. 2016) offer unique insights into which astrophysical sites could plausibly explain observed r-process elemental abundances. A recent study of r-process abundances in the Magellanic Clouds has indicated that the astrophysical r-process site has a time delay longer than that for core-collapse SNe (Reggiani et al. 2021). ...

Origin of uranium isotope variations in early solar nebula condensates

Science Advances

... Third, small FeNi metal grains occur in the matrix of some primitive carbonaceous chondrites, but these grains seem to predominantly represent chondrule metal, although some grains may have a condensation origin similar to FeNi metal from AOAs (44). Last, FeNi metal in Bencubbin-type (CB) and high-metal (CH) chondrites is thought to have formed by condensation from an impactgenerated vapor plume, relatively late in solar system history, at ~4-5 Ma after CAI formation (45)(46)(47). This metal, therefore, formed later than most of the other carbonaceous chondrites had formed and cannot represent the FeNi metal that was present throughout the accretion disk. ...

Chemical Evidence for Differentiation, Evaporation and Recondensation from Silicate Clasts in Gujba
  • Citing Article
  • January 2016

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

... We suppose that the mineral initially crystallized as nepheline from a carbonatite magma, and subsequently underwent alteration in a high-Ca environment. Ca-bearing and Ca-rich nephelines have been found in alkaline rocks from the Messum complex, Namibia [24], from the Marangudzi Complex, Zimbabwe [25], and from the Allende meteorite [26,27]. water-absent nepheline-like mineral is characterized by compositions corresponding to Na0.53-0.7Ca0.01-0.16Al1.07-1.24Si1.06-1.22O4, ...

Two Generations of Sodic Metasomatism in an Allende Type B CAI