Klaus Dierßen’s research while affiliated with Kiel University and other places

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Publications (46)

Vegetation Analysis as a Source of Historic Information – The Case of Madeira Island
  • Chapter

October 2017


47 Reads


2 Citations


Klaus Dierssen

The Island of Madeira is situated in the Atlantic Ocean (32°23′N–33°07′N, 16°15′W–17°15′W) and has officially been discovered in 1419 by captain Zarco and his crew. The abundant vegetation cover they encountered upon arrival promised fertile soils and sufficient water supply for prosperous agricultural activity, which led to a quick colonization of the island in the following years. In 1469 Manuel Afonso de Sanha received land for colonization in the central north of Madeira Island nowadays know as Ponta Delgada, where thick native woodland covered steep mountain slopes reaching from the sea shore to altitudes of more than 1000 m above sea level. Settlers transformed the steep slopes, which were difficult to access, from wooded into arable land, thereby causing profound changes in site characteristics: extensive terrace and complex irrigation systems were established. Land owners desired to extend the agricultural terrace systems until the base of vertical rock sections above the village of Ponta Delgada. The scarcity of accessible crop land in combination with the absence of public land close to the houses forced numerous inhabitants to use natural resources provided by the mountains to earn a living. The indigenous mountain forests provided fire wood, construction material and alimentation to raise sheep, goats and cattle. Over more than 500 years intense human – landscape interactions have changed the evergreen island ecosystem “Laurisilva” that fascinated it’s discoverers. Between heights of 700 and 1600 m above sea level some woodland areas, located in remote gorges, are classified today as remnants of undisturbed autochthonous woodland. Scientific projects of vegetation mapping have been carried out in these zones, providing a large number of plant species lists showing the composition of the natural vegetation cover. These data compared with current vegetation mapping data obtained in the research area of Ponta Delgada is a rich source of information to address a variety of questions on the environmental history. Systematically conducted vegetation mapping can reveal the extension of past human influence in the landscape and locate different intensities in past use of mountain resources. Which altitudes were used for which purpose? Has there been a division between areas for collection of forage, for cutting of firewood and for felling timber? Furthermore the living and working conditions of peasants can be investigated: how far would they have walked from their living space to collect necessary resources from the mountains? How much time would they spend to fulfill these tasks? What kind of infrastructure was in the hills, were there main footpaths and places next to springs, which were used as places for rest? A study of local toponymy completes information on former land use and activities within the mountains. For quick visualization of results thematic maps have been elaborated using a Geographical Information System.

Feuchtgebiete und Moore

September 2017


64 Reads

Ökologische Forschung in Feuchtgebieten begann mit wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen von Limnologen an stehenden und fließenden Gewässern. Ökosystemare Aspekte, die Gradienten zwischen Gewässern und grundwasserfernen Standorten einerseits und die Einbindung von Feuchtgebieten in den Landschaftshaushalt zum Forschungsgegenstand haben, sind naturgemäß jüngeren Datums. Aufbauend auf die einführenden Abschnitte wird versucht, einen Überblick über die wesentlichen Feuchtgebietstypen zu vermitteln. Dabei stehen Spezifika der Systeme im Vordergrund: prägende Strukturen und standörtliche Faktoren, Konkurrenzmechanismen, Dynamik und Auswirkungen der Landnutzung. Die starke Verknüpfung der Feuchtgebiete mit ihrem Umland über abiotische, biotische und anthropogene Prozesse macht das Herausarbeiten allgemeiner Gesetzmäßigkeiten schwierig. Die Parametrisierung selbst der wesentlichen Prozesse ist bislang erst exemplarisch und unzulänglich gelungen, und trotz inzwischen umfangreicher Datensätze über Messwerte und Zeitreihenanalysen sowie experimentelle Untersuchungen liegen zuverlässige und prognosefähige Modelle allenfalls von Teilsystemen vor. Dabei sind weltweit praktisch alle Feuchtgebiete durch anthropogene Eingriffe besonders stark betroffen und vor allem in den vergangenen 200 Jahren tiefgreifend verändert worden. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind die internationalen Bemühungen um ihren Schutz und eine Restitution zu verstehen.

Naturschutz – Ökosystemforschung als wichtige Grundlage für Naturschutz – Sachstand und Perspektiven

September 2017


17 Reads


1 Citation

Der Artikel enthält folgende Kapitel: Einführung Zur Begriffserklärung Ziele, Schutzgüter und Instrumente des Naturschutzes Inhalte und Anwendungsebenen der Ökosystemforschung In welchen Arbeitsbereichen kann Naturschutz auf Methoden und Ergebnissen der Ökosystemforschung aufbauen? Ausblick Zitierte Literatur Zusammenfassung

Mucina et al. 2016. Vegetation of Europe. Appendix S6: ESL1: List of diagnostic species of classes of the plant communities dominated by vascular plants (EVC1)
  • Data
  • File available

December 2016


537 Reads



Klaus Dierßen





Figure 1. Main structure of the browser. A detailed search can be accomplished by entering an argument in the search box. By default, the search operation starts at the top of the index, but this behaviour can be overruled by checking the option Search from current position. Note that this option is automatically switched on after the first search is executed. Subsequent search operations, with the same argument, are accomplished by clicking the magnifier icon on the right side of the search box.  
Figure 2. Major text elements as presented by the EuroVegBrowser.  
Mucina et al. 2016. Vegetation of Europe. Appendix S5: Manual for the installation and use of the EuroVegBrowser

December 2016


391 Reads

Citations (17)

... Aus dem Bereich der Ökosystem-Theorie steht hierfür eine ständig zunehmende Literatur zur Verfügung über Funktionen von Ökosystemen (de Groot, 1992; Fränzle et al., 1993; Müller, 1992; Müller, 1996a; Müller et al., 1997a; Müller et al., 1997b) und deren Fähigkeit zur Selbstorganisation (Breckling & Müller, 1997; Müller et al., 1997a; Müller et al., 1997b). Die Ergebnisse aus diesem Bereich sollen in Zukunft stärkere Berücksichtigung bei der Ableitung von Schutzgütern für nachfolgende Generationen finden (Dierßen, 1999). Der Funktionsbegriff wird aber neben dieser naturwissenschaftlichen Bedeutung auch in einem anthropozentrischen Kontext genutzt, wenn im Zuge der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion gefordert wird, in Landschaften die Lebensraum-, Nutz-, Kultur-und Regelungsfunktion zu betrachten (Kirchner-Heßler et al., 1999). ...


Ökosystem-Funktionen als Kriterium einer Operationalisierung ökologischer Aspekte von Nachhaltigkeit?
Naturschutz – Ökosystemforschung als wichtige Grundlage für Naturschutz – Sachstand und Perspektiven
  • Citing Chapter
  • September 2017

Funde seltener, gefährdeter, neuer und wenig beachteter Gefäßpflanzen in Schleswig-Holstein

... The extent of the area is approximately 140 km 2 . The study area is characterised by a catchment area of five glacially formed and consecutively connected lakes and a few settlements within an agricultural landscape (Fränzle et al., 2008). ...

Ecosystem Organization of a Complex Landscape: Long-Term Research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany
  • Citing Book
  • January 2008

... Another issue is defining anthropogenic vegetation, especially in a continent such as Europe where human impact on the landscape has been widespread since ancient times. The two major vegetation/habitat classifications coexisting in Europe today, phytosociological classification (Mucina et al. 2016) and the EUNIS habitat classification (Chytrý et al. 2020), have not fully equivalent definitions of which plant communities fall within their "anthropogenic" or "manmade" categories. These issues are further muddled by the fact that most classification studies of anthropogenic vegetation have focused either on a restricted political unit (Němec et al. 2011;Tabašević, Jovanović, et al. 2021) or in a subset of the vegetation, such as segetal (Zohary 1950), ruderal (Zaliberová 1995), or trampled (Golovanov et al. 2023) vegetation. ...

Vegetation of Europe: Hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities

Applied Vegetation Science

... Im Süden münden der Trübengraben ( (1981,1982). Die Syntaxa einschließlich ihres Gefährdungsstatus folgen den Übersichten von ARENDT et al. (2004), KNAPP et al. (1985, RENNWALD (2000), SCHUBERT (2001), SCHUBERT et al. (1995SCHUBERT et al. ( , 2020a, TÄUSCHER (1998TÄUSCHER ( , 2020b und TÄUSCHER & VAN DE WEYER (2016). ...

Rote Liste der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands mit Anmerkungen zur Gefährdung

... The Wadden Sea area is located along the European North Sea coast and is officially described as a wetland site with tidal flats. It stretches approximately 450 km from Den Helder in the Netherlands to Sk allinge north of Esbjerg in Denmarkits largest part situated in Germanyand represents one of the most intensively researched natural areas in the world (Dierßen, 2014). Characterised by a unique flora and fauna, the Wadden Sea coast is a key resting place for migratory birds and is safeguarded by a network of different national and international protection schemes (Nationalparks, RAMSAR, FFH, etc.). ...

Nationalparks Schleswig-Holsteinisches, Hamburgisches und Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2004

... The initial driving force behind the present study, was therefore, the need for the correct interpretation of the syntaxonomic affiliation of rocky scrub communities-characterized by the occurrence of Cotoneaster integerrimus and Juniperus communis-collected in southwestern Poland in the Sudetes Mountains (Sudetes Mts.). Since there are two names for this community in the literature-Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum [42] and Junipero-Cotoneasteretum [43]we wanted to establish which of them is currently valid. ...

Verzeichnis der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands mit Synonymen und Formationseinteilung

... The interactions between the physical, chemical and biological elements in the wetland can lead to significant impacts on the hydrological cycle, often termed hydrological functions (Aimrun et aL, 2004;Acreman, 2003;Dierssen and Opitz, 2000;Davidsson et al., 2000). Research reported on predictions of the hydraulic conductivity for number of soils, representing a range in texture, bulk density and organic matter content were reasonable (Arya et al., 1999;Clymo, 2004;van der Kamp, 2001;Aimrun et al., 2004;Beckwith et al., 2003a;Baird 1997) VOL. ...

Guidelines for Wetland Management and Reconstruction

... The database originated from data collected by J. Dengler aimed at the phytosociological classification of the dry grasslands of the region, at that time managed in the software for vegetation plot handling SORT (Ackermann and Durka 1998). It was subsequently transferred to TUR-BOVEG 2.0 (Hennekens and Schaminée 2001) and be-came a collaborative project under the name "Database Dry Grasslands in the Nordic and Baltic Region" (see Dengler et al. 2006b;Dengler and Rūsiņa 2012). In 2016, the scope was widened to include all grasslands s.l., and thus, the name was changed to "Nordic-Baltic Grassland Vegetation Database" (NBGVD; Dengler and Kozub 2022). ...

Working group on dry grasslands in the Nordic and Baltic region – Outline of the project and first results for the class Festuco-Brometea