Kim Bartholomew’s research while affiliated with Simon Fraser University and other places

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Publications (48)

Fig 1.  Experimental design and procedural sequence of the original three experimental study groups.
Control, SBP (Secure Base Prime), and distraction experiments. Experimental differences between the groups occur after Conflict Audio 2 as indicated by the red (SBP picture) and yellow boxes (distraction picture). AAC = Affective Adjective Checklist (Modified: 16 item).
Table 1.  Percentage differences between Post1-Pre and Post2-Post1 of the Anger and Anxiety AAC Composite Scores means of the University Group.
Fig 2.  Mean scores for the Anger AAC composite between experimental groups.
SBP: Secure Base Prime, SM:”Smiling Man”, CM:”Cold Mother and Child”.
Table 2.  Percentage differences between Post1-Pre and Post2-Post1 of the Anger and Anxiety AAC Composite Scores means for High Scorers (top 20% of the University Group).
Table 3.  Percentage differences between Post1-Pre and Post2-Post1 of the Anger and Anxiety AAC Composite Scores means of the Internet Group.


Secure Base Priming Diminishes Conflict-Based Anger and Anxiety
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2016


371 Reads


8 Citations



Tamara Koren


Kim Bartholomew

This study examines the impact of a visual representation of a secure base (i.e. a secure base prime) on attenuating experimentally produced anger and anxiety. Specifically, we examined the assuaging of negative emotions through exposure to an image of a mother-infant embrace or a heterosexual couple embracing. Subjects seated at a computer terminal rated their affect (Pre Affect) using the Affect Adjective Checklist (AAC) then listened to two sets of intense two person conflicts. After the first conflict exposure they rated affect again (Post 1 AAC). Following the second exposure they saw a blank screen (control condition), pictures of everyday objects (distraction condition) or a photo of two people embracing (Secure Base Prime condition). They then reported emotions using the Post 2 AAC. Compared to either control or distraction subjects, Secure Base Prime (SBP) subjects reported significantly less anger and anxiety. These results were then replicated using an internet sample with control, SBP and two new controls: Smiling Man (to control for expression of positive affect) and Cold Mother (an unsmiling mother with infant). The SBP amelioration of anger and anxiety was replicated with the internet sample. No control groups produced this effect, which was generated only by a combination of positive affect in a physically embracing dyad. The results are discussed in terms of attachment theory and research on spreading activation.


Themes of lust and love in music lyrics from 1971 to 2011.
Themes of lust only, love only, and combined lust/love in music lyrics from 1971 to 2011.
Examples of Song Lyrics With Varying Lust and Love Themes.
Total Proportions of Lyrics With Lust and Love Themes.
Themes of Lust and Love in Popular Music Lyrics From 1971 to 2011

August 2014


8,014 Reads


28 Citations

We explored themes related to sexual desire (lust) and romantic desire (love) in the lyrics of popular music over the past 40 years. We examined whether there have been changes in the prevalence of lust and love themes and changes in how these themes inter-relate in music lyrics over time. The study sample consisted of the top 40 songs of Billboard Year End Hot 100 single songs for every 5 years from 1971 to 2011 (N = 360). There was a linear decrease over time in the proportion of songs with a love theme and in the proportion of songs with a combination of lust and love themes. In contrast, there was a significant increase in the proportion of songs with a theme focusing on lust in the absence of love. Themes of lust in the absence of love were especially prevalent in hip-hop/rap music, although music genre did not account for the changing themes over time. These shifts in themes found in popular music may both influence cultural norms and reflect a cultural shift toward acceptance of sexuality outside of love relationships.

Depiction of masturbation in North American movies

October 2013


726 Reads


8 Citations

The Canadian journal of human sexuality

Although masturbation is one of the most common sexual behaviours, ambivalent cultural attitudes toward this behaviour persist. We examined how masturbation is portrayed in popular North American movies as a means of documenting current social norms regarding masturbation. The sample consisted of 44 movies from 2005 to 2010 in which a target character was shown masturbating. Coders assessed several aspects of these portrayals, including the positivity of the scene, initiating factors (e.g., watching pornography, boredom), and the outcome of the masturbation (e.g., interruption, sexual relief). As well, we explored potential gender differences in these portrayals. Masturbation was generally shown in a somewhat negative light, especially when engaged in by male characters. It was portrayed as a substitute for preferred partnered sex and as often leading to negative outcomes such as being caught or interrupted. The results suggest that movie portrayals of masturbation may reinforce misconceptions about masturbation and its outcomes.

Figure 1. 
Table 1 . Sample Characteristics by Gender
Table 4 . Means of Satisfaction, Commitment, and Need Fulfillment for Significant Other and Other Significant Other
Table 5 . Predicting Relationship Satisfaction Based on Need Fulfillment
Table 6 . Predicting Commitment Based on Need Fulfillment
Need Fulfillment in Polyamorous Relationships

March 2013


9,210 Reads


111 Citations

Polyamory is characterized by simultaneous consensual romantic relationships with multiple partners. Polyamory allows individuals to fulfill their relationship needs with multiple romantic partners, yet researchers have not identified how having needs met in one romantic relationship may be related to relationship outcomes in a concurrent relationship. Polyamorous individuals (N=1,093) completed online measures of need fulfillment, relationship satisfaction, and commitment for two concurrent romantic relationships. Participants reported high levels of need fulfillment and satisfaction in both relationships. Need fulfillment with one partner negatively predicted approximately 1% of the variance in relationship satisfaction with the other partner; however, there was no association between need fulfillment with one partner and commitment to the other. Generally, the findings suggest that polyamorous relationships are relatively independent of one another. This study provides initial evidence that polyamory may be a viable and fulfilling alternative way of conducting intimate relationships.

Conceptualizing Relationship Violence as a Dyadic Process

March 2012


200 Reads


49 Citations

Partners in close relationships inevitably encounter situations in which their interpersonal goals are incompatible, and a disturbing number of partners resort to violence when confronted by these challenges. We present a dyadic framework for integrating theory and research on intimate partner violence based on the premise that relationships are inherently interactional. We consider the enduring characteristics of both partners (background/dispositional factors), how partners' predispositions interact over time to create an intimate relationship (the relationship context), and the particular situations in which relational patterns can give rise to violent interactions (the situational context).

“Not just a dog”: An attachment perspective on relationships with assistance dogs

September 2011


705 Reads


85 Citations

Attachment & Human Development

We explored individuals' relationships with an assistance dog from an attachment-theory perspective. We used both inductive and deductive thematic methods to analyze semi-structured interviews with 25 participants who had lost an assistance dog to retirement or death. Analyses revealed attachment processes of safe haven, secure base, and separation anxiety. Although attachment dynamics were an important feature of these relationships, caregiving was equally important. When confronted with the loss of their dog, almost all participants experienced intense grief. Most grief responses were consistent with the loss of a caregiving relationship. Findings suggest that grief is a natural response to the loss of a beloved companion who fulfilled fundamental needs for attachment and caregiving.

Patterns of Abuse in Male Same-Sex Relationships

February 2008


158 Reads


75 Citations

Violence and Victims

Previous studies of abuse in male same-sex relationships have been limited by convenience samples and/or by incomplete assessments of partner abuse. We examined patterns of same-sex partner abuse in a random sample of 284 gay and bisexual men. Respondents reported on perpetration and receipt of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse over multiple time frames, as well as injuries resulting from abuse. Almost all respondents reported psychological abuse, more than one-third reported physical abuse, and 10% reported having engaged in unwanted sexual activity because of partner force or threats of force. More than half of recipients of partner violence reported sustaining injury. We found strong associations between different forms of abuse, and between severity of abuse receipt and perpetration.

Correlates of Partner Abuse in Male Same-Sex Relationships

February 2008


186 Reads


99 Citations

Violence and Victims

We investigated correlates of partner abuse in male same-sex relationships in a randomly selected community sample (N = 186). We included factors associated with abuse in heterosexual relationships, as well as factors of relevance to gay relationships. We assessed perpetration and receipt of partner abuse to examine whether variables were associated independently with abuse perpetration and/or receipt. Correlates of same-sex partner abuse were largely parallel to established correlates of heterosexual abuse. Income, education, and attachment orientation were associated with bidirectional partner abuse, and family violence and substance use were uniquely associated with victimization. Further, there were factors unique to same-sex partner abuse; HIV status and public outness were associated with bidirectional partner abuse, and internalized homophobia was uniquely associated with abuse perpetration.

Table 1 Couple Profiles and Strategies
Table 1 (continued)
Love as a battlefield - Attachment and relationship dynamics in couples identified for male partner violence

January 2008


1,426 Reads


82 Citations

Journal of Family Issues

The authors explored the attachment dynamics of heterosexual couples identified for male partner violence. Based on semistructured interviews, participants were assessed for attachment orientations. Based on a thematic analysis of the interviews, two strategies for regulating distance within these relationships were identified: pursuit and distancing. Partners' abusive acts often appeared to serve one of these attachment strategies. As a pursuit strategy, violence forced one partner to focus on the other, and as a distancing strategy, violence served to push a partner back when the perpetrator had been approached too closely and perceived no other means of escape or self-protection. To understand the context in which individuals acted abusively, the authors considered the interaction between the attachment orientations of both partners as they sought to regulate their emotional and physical proximity. Findings highlight the relational basis of intimate violence.

Citations (47)

... & Ogolsky, 2020), and young adults are at higher risk of experiencing or perpetrating IPV, especially during their twenties (Johnson et al., 2015). The most common type of IPV among young couples is situational violence (Langhinrichsen-Rohling et al., 2012;Paradis et al., 2017), whereby conflict may escalate into mutual aggressive behaviors, i.e., often perpetrated by both partners (Bartholomew et al., 2015;Kelly & Johnson, 2008). Targeting young adults' IPV risk factors is necessary to intervene before violent patterns become internalized and affect future relationships (Fincham & Cui, 2010;Godbout et al., 2017). ...


“That’s Just How I Am”: How Partners’ Personality Relates to Intimate Partner Violence, and the Moderating Role of Cumulative Childhood Trauma
Established and emerging perspectives on violence in intimate relationships.
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2015

... Матеріалом для її створення були записи скарг та повідомлень пацієнтів стосовно міжособистісних стосунків. Методика мала гарні психометричні властивості та була чутливою до клінічних змін [1]. ...

Interpersonal Problems, Attachment Styles, and Outcome in Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

... The interviewer and coder then weigh all the information captured in the interview based on extensive guidelines for coding (Kroger & Marcia, 2011;Marcia et al., 1993). Accordingly, a coded semi-structured interview offers the ability to examine the psychological processes behind the manifest content of an individual's interview answers (Bartholomew et al., 2000). In developing close-ended questionnaire measures, most of these possibilities are inevitably abandoned; instead, questionnaire measures of identity processes rely heavily on the quality of their predetermined items and the participants' insight into and awareness of their identity processes. ...

Coded semistructured interviews in social psychological research

... A drawing of a mother and child was selected for the security prime, because this would be a recognizable relationship for all participating children. Previous research similarly included a picture of a mother and infant (e.g., Dutton et al., 2016;Mikulincer, Hirschberger et al., 2001). A silhouette was used, so that ethnicity of the mother-child dyad and gender of the child were unrecognizable, increasing chances that children could relate to the picture. ...

Secure Base Priming Diminishes Conflict-Based Anger and Anxiety

... Although infants with avoidant tendencies appear indifferent, they may be experiencing internal anger and anxiety when rejected but ignore and distance themselves from their caregivers to avoid feelings of rejection (Rosenstein & Horowitz, 1996). Hence, infants with insecure tendencies may develop patterns of responding and relating that make it difficult for them to form secure intimate bonds and solve relational problems (Allison et al., 2008). ...

Love as a battlefield - Attachment and relationship dynamics in couples identified for male partner violence

Journal of Family Issues

... t impede expressing and asking for assistance in close relationships, may be a contributing factor to the reported drop-in perceived support among vitiligo patients. In addition, if alexithymic-related social skill deficiencies are present, it could be difficult to forge and maintain social ties (Cozzarelli C.,, 1998;Florian V,, 1995;Bartholomew K et. al.,1997). Researchers found several links between attachment type attributes and the different alexithymic qualities. The restricted proximity avoidant attachment type characteristic made a significant DDF prediction. Because there would be fewer possibilities to share such experiences with others, greater isolation from attachment or support fi ...

Adult Attachment Patterns and Social Support Processes
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1997

... Often conflictrelated, physical dating violence has been repeatedly associated with the use of destructive conflict behaviors (e.g., Fortin et al., 2021;Gonzalez-Mendez et al., 2018). Although conflict and violence are rooted in a dyadic and relational context, prior research has been mostly relying on individual reports, neglecting to account for the interdependent nature of dating partners (Bartholomew & Cobb, 2011). The present study addresses this gap by considering both partners' perspectives to gain better insight into the relational dynamics surrounding conflict management and physical violence in adolescent dating relationships. ...

Conceptualizing Relationship Violence as a Dyadic Process
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2012

... In early childhood, researchers prefer direct observation to gauge attachment styles accurately due to the non-verbal nature of this age group. As individuals mature, the methods shift towards projective tests, semi-structured interviews, and selfassessment questionnaires, which are more suitable for capturing the complex psychological constructs of older children, adolescents, and adults (Bartholomew & Shaver, 1998;David & Norberg, 2022;Pollard, Bucci & Berry 2023;Yang, Suanpong, Ruangkanjanases, Yu & Xu 2022). The following section will describe the most widely used techniques for measuring Mental Attachment Models. ...

Measures of attachment: Do they converge?
  • Citing Article
  • January 1998

... This, in turn, contributes to the development of secure attachment. Bowlby (1982), Griffin and Bartholomew (1994) God's love For individuals with religious beliefs, adhering to the rules set by God and living a life in accordance with these rules can impact their self-worth. Feeling loved by God can also have a positive effect on self-worth. ...

Models of the Self and Other: Fundamental Dimensions Underlying Measures of Adult Attachment
  • Citing Article
  • September 1994

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology