July 2022
123 Reads
7 Citations
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July 2022
123 Reads
7 Citations
July 2019
5,408 Reads
1,470 Citations
July 2019
5,188 Reads
181 Citations
February 2019
12,692 Reads
407 Citations
Weltweit erfolgreichstes Standardwerk im Marketing / "Bibel des Marketing" Der Bestseller „Marketing-Management“ von Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller und Marc Opresnik ist das weltweit erfolgreichste Standardwerk im Marketing und wird weithin als die „Bibel des Marketing“ bezeichnet. Die 15. Auflage von Marketing-Management ist ein Meilenstein in der langen und erfolgreichen Geschichte des Marktführers. Klassische Konzepte, Leitlinien und Beispiele wurden beibehalten und mit den modernen Realitäten, auf die Marketing trifft, verknüpft. Drei allgemein wirksame Kräfte – Globalisierung, Technologie und gesellschaftliche Verantwortlichkeit – wurden als entscheidend für den Erfolg moderner Marketingprogramme erkannt und ziehen sich durch das ganze Buch. Brandneue Fallstudien am Ende jeden Kapitels erläutern praxisnah und anschaulich an einem bekannten und erfolgreichen Unternehmen Herausforderungen, die als Diskussionsgrundlage und Analyse in Vorlesungen verwendet werden können. Darüber hinaus beinhalten jetzt noch mehr Kapitel zusätzliche kleinere Fallstudien, sogenannte „Marketing-Highlights“, welche innovative informative Marketingstrategien diverser Unternehmen beschreiben. Ein neues Kapitel „Digitale Kommunikation managen“ geht verstärkt auf die Herausforderungen in Onlinemarketing, Social Media und mobilem Marketing ein. Das Schlusskapitel spricht nun verstärkt die Themen soziale Verantwortlichkeit, Unternehmensethik und Nachhaltigkeit an.
January 2016
978 Reads
41 Citations
October 2015
705 Reads
October 2015
10,885 Reads
February 2012
24 Reads
8 Citations
January 2012
47,795 Reads
34 Citations
This international edition of Marketing Management is designed to introduce new best practices and strategic frameworks to further enhance learning about the Arab world. We retained the key theme of holistic marketing, and the recognition that “everything matters” with marketing and that a broad, integrated perspective is often necessary. This theme is not developed so deeply, however, that it would restrict or inhibit an instructor’s flexibility and teaching approach. To provide flexibility in the classroom, we also retained the new modular structure and eight parts corresponding to the eight key marketing management tasks. This edition includes the following: • Many of the introductory vignettes that open each chapter have been replaced with relevant regional examples to set the stage for the chapter material to follow. By covering familiar brands or companies, the vignettes serve as great discussion starters. • In-chapter cases have been replaced with regional cases, which are complimented by familiar global cases. Students will be able to relate to familiar companies, and will identify with the topics more, creating a more robust learning experience. • Trends and statistics from across the region, as well as global ones, will give students a better picture of Marketing Management in the Arab world, and how concepts are applied in their environment, as well as globally. • Each chapter has one Marketing Excellence feature appearing at the end of each chapter to highlight innovative, insightful marketing accomplishments by leading regional and global organizations. • Where appropriate, Marketing Insight and Marketing Memo boxes have been updated and adapted to give a regional perspective. Marketing Insight boxes delve into important marketing topics, often highlighting current research findings. Marketing Memo. boxes offer practical advice and direction in dealing with various decisions at all stages of the marketing management process. • Many in-text boxes have been adapted or replaced with regional examples and provide vivid illustrations of chapter concepts using actual companies and situations. The boxes cover a variety of products, services, and markets, and many have accompanying illustrations in the form of ads or product shots. • Chapters are updated throughout, especially in terms of academic references. • We have retained the Marketing Applications, Marketing Debate and Marketing Discussion sections at the end of each chapter. The Marketing Applications have two practical exercises to challenge students, and the Marketing Debate suggests opposing points of view on an important marketing topic from the chapter and asks students to take a side. Marketing Discussion identifies provocative marketing issues and allows for a personal point of view.
January 2012
385 Reads
53 Citations
... Hal tersebut diajukan menjadi solusi permasalahan mitra karena branding menjadi hal terpenting yang harus dibangun oleh suatu bisnis di era saat ini. Branding merupakan sebuah kegiatan pemberian nama, desain, logo maupun gambar yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi suatu produk maupun jasa agar menjadi pembeda dengan satu produk dengan produk lainnya dapat dinamakan sebagai branding [2]. Proses branding yang dijalankan dimulai dengan merancang identitas usaha yang jelas dan sesuai dengan karakteristik dan visi misi usaha sehingga ketepatan dalam media dan strategi promosi yang tepat dapat menarik konsumen serta menimbulkan brand awareness di masyarakat [3]. ...
February 2012
... Adanya pelayanan yang maksimal mampu menambah kepuasan nasabah, dimana kebutuhanya dirasa sudah tercukupi bahkan sudah melampaui ekspektasinya. Hal ini sejalan dengan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Keller and Kotler (2022), untuk mencapai tujuannya pihak bank syariah perlu melakukan perbaikan untuk mengoptimalkan layanan dan mendapatkan respon yang baik dari nasabah. Berikut beberapa cara pengoptimalan layanan: (1) Perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap antarmuka pengguna (user interface) dari kedua layanan tersebut. ...
July 2022
... A more straightforward and organized store atmosphere may be preferable if consumers tend to be task-and functionally oriented. According to (Berman & Evans in), that Kotler & Keller ( 2022) Kotler & Keller ( 2022) Sari et al., 2021)"there are indicators of influential store atmosphere elements consisting of store exterior, general interior, layout, and interior display". ...
July 2019
... Customer loyalty becomes a useful asset for a business if it is based on constant and genuine satisfaction (Engel et al., 1995). Kotler and Keller (2009) also emphasize that the key to creating loyal customers is to provide high customer value. Factors that influence consumer loyalty in purchasing vegetables at the panorama spill market, Bengkulu City Based on the validity and reliability test (Measurement Outer Model), all indicators and latent variables have met the test criteria and can be said to be valid and reliable. ...
July 2019
... It is common practice for companies to adapt their pricing, packaging and product sizes to reflect the purchasing power and consumption habits of local consumers. To illustrate, in markets where price sensitivity is a key factor, the provision of smaller packaging or value meal options enables global brands to retain their accessibility while maintaining profitability (Keller & Kotler, 2016). Such multidimensional adaptation is not merely a strategic necessity; it is also a reflection of respect for local identities. ...
January 2016
... Selain itu, mayoritas konsumen bersedia merekomendasikan coffee shop pilihan mereka kepada orang lain, menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman positif berperan penting dalam menarik pelanggan baru.Pemilik coffee shop dapat mengembangkan usaha mereka dengan menerapkan konsep CDMP, seperti menawarkan variasi menu, promo menarik, area parkir luas, harga kompetitif, kenyamanan, kebersihan, serta fasilitas ibadah. Inovasi produk dan strategi pemasaran (Marketing Mix 4P's) harus disesuaikan dengan tren dan kebiasaan konsumen(Kotler, Philip & Kevin Lane Keller, 2016). Pelaku bisnis perlu memahami faktor eksternal (budaya, demografi, status sosial) dan internal (motivasi, persepsi, emosi) yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen. ...
February 2019
... Having a client-centered tourism product taxonomy is vital to be able to create a marketing-oriented product category system. Some taxonomy systems have been proposed in previous works, such as [7] or [8]. They suggest that the tourism sector should adopt a standard taxonomy for tourist events, but encouraging widespread adoption is a challenge. ...
January 2012
... Yoo et al. (2000) defined it on the basis of consumer choice, which was based on the difference between branded and unbranded product. Consumer decision making is based on the value provided by a product/brand, and this led Kotler, Keller, Hassan, Baalbaki, and Shamma (2012) to suggest brand equity as the added value endowed on products and services on the basis of price, market share, or profitability. Yasin et al. (2007) related the value of a brand in terms of brand equity to the product's position in the mind of consumers. ...
January 2012
... Consumer buying behaviour is considered to be an inseparable part of marketing, and Kotler and Keller (2006) explained that consumer buying behaviour is the study of the ways of buying and disposing of goods, services, ideas or experiences by the individuals, groups and organisations in order to satisfy their needs and wants. ...
... Key drivers of satisfaction in banking include quality of service, quick response, safety, and interpersonal touch. These collectively shape how customers feel about dealing with the bank and hence what they will do and say, as stated by Oliver [1] and Kotler and Keller [2] referencing Parasuraman, et al. [3]. ...
January 2006