Kevin B. Stevenson’s research while affiliated with Johns Hopkins University and other places

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Publications (296)

Statistical trends in JWST transiting exoplanet atmospheres
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January 2025


21 Reads

Guangwei Fu


Kevin B. Stevenson





Andrew W. Mann

Our brains are hardwired for pattern recognition as correlations are useful for predicting and understanding nature. As more exoplanet atmospheres are being characterized with JWST, we are starting to unveil their properties on a population level. Here we present a framework for comparing exoplanet transmission spectroscopy from 3 to 5μ\mum with four bands: L (2.9 - 3.7μ\mum), SO2_2 (3.95 - 4.1μ\mum), CO2_2 (4.25 - 4.4μ\mum) and CO (4.5 - 4.9μ\mum). Together, the four bands cover the major carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur-bearing molecules including H2_2O, CH4_4, NH3_3, H2_2S, SO2_2, CO2_2, and CO. Among the eight high-precision gas giant exoplanet planet spectra we collected, we found strong correlations between the SO2_2-L index and planet mass (r=-0.41±\pm0.09) and temperature (r=-0.64±\pm0.08), indicating SO2_2 preferably exists (SO2_2-L>>-0.5) among low mass (<\sim<0.3MJ_J) and cooler (<\sim<1200K) targets. We also observe strong temperature dependency for both CO2_2-L and CO-L indices. Under equilibrium chemistry and isothermal thermal structure assumptions, we find that the planet sample favors super-solar metallicity and low C/O ratio (<<0.7). In addition, the presence of a mass-metallicity correlation is favored over uniform metallicity with the eight planets. We further introduce the SO2_2-L versus CO2_2-L diagram alike the color-magnitude diagram for stars and brown dwarfs. All reported trends here will be testable and be further quantified with existing and future JWST observations within the next few years.


A Comprehensive Analysis of Spitzer 4.5 μm Phase Curves of Hot Jupiters

December 2024


11 Reads

The Astronomical Journal

Although exoplanetary science was not initially projected to be a substantial part of the Spitzer mission, its exoplanet observations set the stage for current and future surveys with JWST and Ariel. We present a comprehensive reduction and analysis of Spitzer’s 4.5 μ m phase curves of 29 hot Jupiters on low-eccentricity orbits. The analysis, performed with the Spitzer Phase Curve Analysis pipeline, confirms that BLISS mapping is the best detrending scheme of the three independent schemes we tested for most, but not all, observations. Visual inspection remains necessary to ensure consistency across detrending methods due to the diversity of phase-curve data and systematics. Regardless of the model selection scheme, whether using the lowest BIC or a uniform detrending approach, we observe the same trends, or lack thereof. We explore phase-curve trends as a function of irradiation temperature, orbital period, planetary radius, mass, and stellar effective temperature. We discuss the trends that are robustly detected and provide potential explanations for those that are not observed. While it is almost tautological that planets receiving greater instellation are hotter, we are still far from confirming dynamical theories of heat transport in hot Jupiter atmospheres due to the sample’s diversity. Even among planets with similar temperatures, other factors like rotation and metallicity vary significantly. Larger, curated sample sizes and higher-fidelity phase-curve measurements from JWST and Ariel are needed to firmly establish the parameters governing day–night heat transport on synchronously rotating planets.

JWST-TST DREAMS: A Precise Water Abundance for Hot Jupiter WASP-17b from the NIRISS SOSS Transmission Spectrum

December 2024


6 Reads

Water has proven to be ubiquitously detected in near-infrared (NIR) transmission spectroscopy observations of hot Jupiter atmospheres, including WASP-17b. However, previous analyses of WASP-17b's atmosphere based upon Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Spitzer data could not constrain the water abundance, finding that sub-solar, super-solar and bimodal posterior distributions were all statistically valid. In this work, we observe one transit of the hot Jupiter WASP-17b using JWST's Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy (NIRISS SOSS) mode. We analyze our data using three independent data analysis pipelines, finding excellent agreement between results. Our transmission spectrum shows multiple H2_2O absorption features and a flatter slope towards the optical than seen in previous HST observations. We analyze our spectrum using both PICASO+Virga forward models and free retrievals. POSEIDON retrievals provide a well-constrained super-solar log\log(H2_2O) abundance (-2.960.24+0.31^{+0.31}_{-0.24}), breaking the degeneracy from the previous HST/Spitzer analysis. We verify our POSEIDON results with petitRADTRANS retrievals. Additionally, we constrain the abundance of log\log(H^-), -10.190.23+0.30^{+0.30}_{-0.23}, finding that our model including H^- is preferred over our model without H^- to 5.1 σ\sigma. Furthermore, we constrain the log\log(K) abundance (-8.070.52+0.58^{+0.58}_{-0.52}) in WASP-17b's atmosphere for the first time using space-based observations. Our abundance constraints demonstrate the power of NIRISS SOSS's increased resolution, precision, and wavelength range to improve upon previous NIR space-based results. This work is part of a series of studies by our JWST Telescope Scientist Team (JWST-TST), in which we use Guaranteed Time Observations to perform Deep Reconnaissance of Exoplanet Atmospheres through Multi-instrument Spectroscopy (DREAMS).

A Fourth Planet in the Kepler-51 System Revealed by Transit Timing Variations

December 2024


21 Reads

The Astronomical Journal

Kepler-51 is a ≲1 Gyr old Sun-like star hosting three transiting planets with radii ≈6–9 R ⊕ and orbital periods ≈45–130 days. Transit timing variations (TTVs) measured with past Kepler and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations have been successfully modeled by considering gravitational interactions between the three transiting planets, yielding low masses and low mean densities (≲0.1 g cm ⁻³ ) for all three planets. However, the transit time of the outermost transiting planet Kepler-51d recently measured by the James Webb Space Telescope 10 yr after the Kepler observations is significantly discrepant from the prediction made by the three-planet TTV model, which we confirmed with ground-based and follow-up HST observations. We show that the departure from the three-planet model is explained by including a fourth outer planet, Kepler-51e, in the TTV model. A wide range of masses (≲ M Jup ) and orbital periods (≲10 yr) are possible for Kepler-51e. Nevertheless, all the coplanar solutions found from our brute-force search imply masses ≲10 M ⊕ for the inner transiting planets. Thus, their densities remain low, though with larger uncertainties than previously estimated. Unlike other possible solutions, the one in which Kepler-51e is around the 2:1 mean motion resonance with Kepler-51d implies low orbital eccentricities (≲0.05) and comparable masses (∼5 M ⊕ ) for all four planets, as is seen in other compact multiplanet systems. This work demonstrates the importance of long-term follow-up of TTV systems for probing longer-period planets in a system.

On the local formation of the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets

November 2024


2 Reads

The discovery of seven ~Earth-mass planets, orbiting the 0.09 solar mass M-Dwarf TRAPPIST-1 captivated the public and sparked a proliferation of investigations into the system's origins. Among other properties, the resonant architecture of the planets has been interpreted to imply that orbital migration played a dominant role in the system's early formation. If correct, this hypothesis could imply that all of the seven worlds formed far from the star, and might harbor enhanced inventories of volatile elements. However, multiple factors also contradict this interpretation. In particular, the planets' apparent rocky compositions and non-hierarchical mass distribution might evidence them having formed closer to their current orbital locations. In this paper, we investigate the latter possibility with over 600 accretion simulations that model the effects of collisional fragmentation. In addition to producing multiple TRAPPIST-like configurations, we experiment with a number of different models for tracking the evolution of the planets' volatile contents and bulk iron-to-silicate ratios. We conclude that a trend in bulk iron contents is the more likely explanation for the observed radial trend of decreasing uncompressed densities in the real system. Given the degree of radial mixing that occurs in our simulations, in most cases we find that all seven planets finish with similar volatile contents. Another confounding quality of the TRAPPIST-1 system is the fact that the innermost planets are not in first-order resonances with one-another. By applying a tidal migration model to our most promising accretion model results, we demonstrate cases where higher-order resonances are populated.

Figure 8. Combined UVIS and IR spectrum, shown alongside the ground-based Magellan data from Diamond-Lowe et al. (2023). Mean depths and their corresponding 1σ errors are shown as solid lines and shaded regions, respectively. The HST mean depths for each instrument agree well.
Figure 9. Allan variance plot for the NIR spectroscopic data. This depicts (normalized) RMS scatter versus bin size, where the data are binned in time. The solid red line represents the expected decrease in scatter as √ N assuming Poisson statistics. Each grey line is a spectroscopic bin. One can see that there is negligible correlated noise.
Figure 10. Stellar contamination forward models based on Sing et al. (2011), assuming different spot temperatures and dimming fraction (variability). Top: Blue lines represent a 3000 K cold spot scenario, with the solid line representing the level of variability that can be rejected to 5σ and the dashed line the level of variability rejected to 2σ. The red lines are the analogous version for a 3600 K hot spot scenario. Bottom: Models rejected at 2σ are shown extrapolated out to JWST wavelengths, demonstrating that the change in transit depth due to cold or hot spot contamination that can be expected is on the order of 30 − 40 ppm. Mean transit depth is shown as a grey dashed line.
Retrieved cold/hot temperatures and coverage fraction for different model scenarios using exoretrievals.
An HST Transmission Spectrum of the Closest M-Dwarf Transiting Rocky Planet LTT 1445Ab

October 2024


17 Reads

Which rocky exoplanets have atmospheres, and which do not? This presumably simply question is the first that must be answered in the pathway toward understanding the prevalence of nearby habitable planets. A mere 6.9 pc from Earth, the LTT 1445A system is the closest transiting M-dwarf system, and its largest known planet, at 1.31  R\rm 1.31\; R_{\oplus} and 424 K, is one of the best rocky targets in which to search for an atmosphere. We use HST/WFC3 transmission spectroscopy with the G280 and G141 grisms to study the spectrum of LTT 1445Ab between 0.21.65  μm\rm 0.2-1.65\;\mu m. In doing so, we uncover a flare on the neighboring star LTT 1445C, and report one of the first simultaneous near-UV/optical spectra of an M dwarf flare. The planet spectrum is consistent with a flat line, though the infrared portion displays potential features that could be explained by known opacity sources such as HCN. Some atmospheric retrievals weakly favor (2σ\sim2\sigma) an atmosphere over a flat line, but it remains challenging to discern between stellar contamination, an atmosphere, and a featureless spectrum at this time. We do, however, confidently rule out 100×\leq100\times solar metallicity atmospheres. Although stellar contamination retrievals cannot fit the infrared features well, the overall spectrum is consistent with stellar contamination from hot spots, cold spots, or both. Based on the UV/optical data, we place limits on the extent of stellar variability expected in the near-infrared (304030-40 ppm), which will be critical for upcoming JWST observations of this highly optimal target.

Spectroscopically resolved partial phase curve of the rapid heating and cooling of the highly-eccentric Hot Jupiter HAT-P-2b with WFC3

October 2024


15 Reads

The extreme environments of transiting close-in exoplanets in highly-eccentric orbits are ideal for testing exo-climate physics. Spectroscopically resolved phase curves not only allow for the characterization of their thermal response to irradiation changes but also unveil phase-dependent atmospheric chemistry and dynamics. We observed a partial phase curve of the highly-eccentric close-in giant planet HAT-P-2b (e=0.51,M=9MJupe=0.51,M=9M_{\rm{Jup}}) with the Wide Field Camera 3 aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Using these data, we updated the planet's orbital parameters and radius, and retrieved high-frequency pulsations consistent with the planet-induced pulsations reported in Spitzer data. We found that the peak in planetary flux occurred at 6.7±0.66.7\pm0.6 hr after periastron, with a heating and cooling timescales of 9.02.1+3.59.0^{+3.5}_{-2.1} hr, and 3.60.6+0.73.6^{+0.7}_{-0.6} hr, respectively. We compare the light-curve to various 1-dimensional and 3-dimensional forward models, varying the planet's chemical composition. The strong contrast in flux increase and decrease timescales before and after periapse indicates an opacity term that emerges during the planet's heating phase, potentially due to more H^{-} than expected from chemical equilibrium models. The phase-resolved spectra are largely featureless, that we interpret as indicative an inhomogeneous dayside. However, we identified an anomalously high flux in the spectroscopic bin coinciding with the hydrogen Paschen β\beta line and that is likely connected to the planet's orbit. We interpret this as due to shock heating of the upper atmosphere given the short timescale involved, or evidence for other star-planet interactions.

JWST-TST DREAMS: A Super-Solar Metallicity in WASP-17 b Dayside Atmosphere from NIRISS SOSS Eclipse Spectroscopy

October 2024


5 Reads

We present the first emission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-17 b using one eclipse observation from the JWST Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy (SOSS) mode. Covering a wavelength range of 0.6 to 2.8 microns, our retrieval analysis reveals a strong detection of H2O in WASP-17b dayside atmosphere (6.4sigma). Our retrievals consistently favor a super-solar dayside H2O abundance and a non-inverted temperature-pressure profile over a large pressure range. Additionally, our examination of the brightness temperature reveals excess emission below 1 microns, suggesting the possibility of a high internal temperature (600 to 700 K) and/or contributions from reflected light. We highlight that JWST emission spectroscopy retrieval results can be sensitive to whether negative eclipse depths are allowed at optical wavelengths during light curve fitting. Our findings deepen our understanding of WASP-17b atmospheric composition while also highlighting the sensitivity of our results to pressure-temperature profile parameterizations. This work is part of a series of studies by our JWST Telescope Scientist Team (JWST-TST), in which we will use Guaranteed Time Observations to perform Deep Reconnaissance of Exoplanet Atmospheres through Multi-instrument Spectroscopy (DREAMS).

JWST-TST DREAMS: Non-Uniform Dayside Emission for WASP-17b from MIRI/LRS

October 2024


20 Reads

We present the first spectroscopic characterisation of the dayside atmosphere of WASP-17b in the mid-infrared using a single JWST MIRI/LRS eclipse observation. From forward-model fits to the 5-12 μ\mum emission spectrum, we tightly constrain the heat redistribution factor of WASP-17b to be 0.92±\pm0.02 at the pressures probed by this data, indicative of inefficient global heat redistribution. We also marginally detect a supersolar abundance of water, consistent with previous findings for WASP-17b, but note our weak constraints on this parameter. These results reflect the thermodynamically rich but chemically poor information content of MIRI/LRS emission data for high-temperature hot Jupiters. Using the eclipse mapping method, which utilises the signals that the spatial emission profile of an exoplanet imprints on the eclipse light curve during ingress/egress due to its partial occultation by the host star, we also construct the first eclipse map of WASP-17b, allowing us to diagnose its multidimensional atmospheric dynamics for the first time. We find a day-night temperature contrast of order 1000 K at the pressures probed by this data, consistent with our derived heat redistribution factor, along with an eastward longitudinal hotspot offset of 18.73.8+11.1deg18.7^{+11.1\deg}_{-3.8}, indicative of the presence of an equatorial jet induced by day-night thermal forcing being the dominant redistributor of heat from the substellar point. These dynamics are consistent with general circulation model predictions for WASP-17b. This work is part of a series of studies by the JWST Telescope Scientist Team (JWST-TST), in which we use Guaranteed Time Observations to perform Deep Reconnaissance of Exoplanet Atmospheres through Multi-instrument Spectroscopy (DREAMS).

The Clear Sky Corridor: Insights Towards Aerosol Formation in Exoplanets Using An AI-based Survey of Exoplanet Atmospheres

October 2024


14 Reads

Producing optimized and accurate transmission spectra of exoplanets from telescope data has traditionally been a manual and labor-intensive procedure. Here we present the results of the first attempt to improve and standardize this procedure using artificial intelligence (AI) based processing of light curves and spectroscopic data from transiting exoplanets observed with the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument. We implement an AI-based parameter optimizer that autonomously operates the Eureka pipeline to produce homogeneous transmission spectra of publicly available HST WFC3 datasets, spanning exoplanet types from hot Jupiters to sub-Neptunes. Surveying 43 exoplanets with temperatures between 280 and 2580 Kelvin, we confirm modeled relationships between the amplitude of the water band at 1.4um in hot Jupiters and their equilibrium temperatures. We also identify a similar, novel trend in Neptune/sub-Neptune atmospheres, but shifted to cooler temperatures. Excitingly, a planet mass versus equilibrium temperature diagram reveals a "Clear Sky Corridor," where planets between 700 and 1700 Kelvin (depending on the mass) show stronger 1.4um H2O band measurements. This novel trend points to metallicity as a potentially important driver of aerosol formation. As we unveil and include these new discoveries into our understanding of aerosol formation, we enter a thrilling future for the study of exoplanet atmospheres. With HST sculpting this foundational understanding for aerosol formation in various exoplanet types, ranging from Jupiters to sub-Neptunes, we present a compelling platform for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to discover similar atmospheric trends for more planets across a broader wavelength range.

Citations (48)

... The start of operations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), has demonstrated this over the last couple of years. Thanks to its unrivaled data quality and spectral coverage, JWST have revolutionized our ability to detect atmospheric molecules, constrain cloud properties, and infer the dynamic, chemical, and physical processes responsible for these observations (e.g., Ahrer et al. 2023;Alderson et al. 2023;Bell et al. 2023Bell et al. , 2024Coulombe et al. 2023;Feinstein et al. 2023;Madhusudhan et al. 2023;Rustamkulov et al. 2023;Beatty et al. 2024;Benneke et al. 2024;Carter et al. 2024;Dyrek et al. 2024;Fu et al. 2024;Holmberg & Madhusudhan 2024;Murphy et al. 2024;Sing et al. 2024;Valentine et al. 2024;Welbanks et al. 2024;Xue et al. 2024). ...


Gen TSO: A General JWST Simulator for Exoplanet Times-series Observations
JWST-TST DREAMS: Nonuniform Dayside Emission for WASP-17b from MIRI/LRS

The Astronomical Journal

... Advancements in a wide range of detection techniques have allowed seven exoplanets to be observed orbiting white dwarfs (S. Sigurdsson et al. 2003 Limbach et al. 2024). JWST has proven to be a valuable tool for this job as it has been used to detect Jupiter analogs through direct imaging (S. ...

The MIRI Exoplanets Orbiting White dwarfs (MEOW) Survey: Mid-infrared Excess Reveals a Giant Planet Candidate around a Nearby White Dwarf

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... Trierweiler et al. 2022;O'Connor et al. 2023;Akiba et al. 2024;Pham & Rein 2024), some of which do not feature any type of terrestrial or giant planetary perturber (Veras et al. 2022). Further, the known white dwarfs which are most likely to host exoplanets do not (yet) illustrate a clear correlation with detectable rocky debris in their stellar photospheres (Thorsett et al. 1993;Sigurdsson et al. 2003;Luhman et al. 2011;Gänsicke et al. 2019;Vanderburg et al. 2020;Blackman et al. 2021;Limbach et al. 2024;Mullally et al. 2024;Zhang et al. 2024). ...

The MIRI Exoplanets Orbiting White Dwarfs (MEOW) Survey: Mid-Infrared Excess Reveals a Giant Planet Candidate around a Nearby White Dwarf

... The start of operations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), has demonstrated this over the last couple of years. Thanks to its unrivaled data quality and spectral coverage, JWST have revolutionized our ability to detect atmospheric molecules, constrain cloud properties, and infer the dynamic, chemical, and physical processes responsible for these observations (e.g., Ahrer et al. 2023;Alderson et al. 2023;Bell et al. 2023Bell et al. , 2024Coulombe et al. 2023;Feinstein et al. 2023;Madhusudhan et al. 2023;Rustamkulov et al. 2023;Beatty et al. 2024;Benneke et al. 2024;Carter et al. 2024;Dyrek et al. 2024;Fu et al. 2024;Holmberg & Madhusudhan 2024;Murphy et al. 2024;Sing et al. 2024;Valentine et al. 2024;Welbanks et al. 2024;Xue et al. 2024). ...

A benchmark JWST near-infrared spectrum for the exoplanet WASP-39 b

Nature Astronomy

... JWST has enabled detailed spectral measurements of transiting exoplanets using transmission, emission, and phase curve spectroscopy (e.g., Rustamkulov et al. 2022;Bean et al. 2023;August et al. 2023;Mikal-Evans et al. 2023;Bell et al. 2024). The infrared observatory has proven to be an extremely stable platform (Rigby et al. 2023;Espinoza et al. 2023) with achievable photometric precisions on the order of 10s of partsper-million or better (e.g., Lustig-Yaeger et al. 2023;Coulombe et al. 2023). ...

Nightside clouds and disequilibrium chemistry on the hot Jupiter WASP-43b

Nature Astronomy

... years, the focus of such studies has been on small planets orbiting M dwarf stars, as the small size of late-type stars boosts the planet's atmosphere signal, in either transmission or emission, compared to Sun-like stars (e.g., J. De Wit et al. 2016;L. Kreidberg et al. 2019; H. R. Wakeford et al. 2019; T. P. Greene et al. 2023;O. Lim et al. 2023;J. Kirk et al. 2024;. ...

JWST/NIRCam Transmission Spectroscopy of the Nearby Sub-Earth GJ 341b

The Astronomical Journal

... The launch of JWST has given us an order-ofmagnitude improvement in photometric precision and spectroscopic access into the infrared. JWST observations so far have already brought new discoveries such as the detection of SO 2 (Rustamkulov et al. 2023;Tsai et al. 2023;Dyrek et al. 2023;Alderson et al. 2023;Powell et al. 2024) and spectrally resolved CO 2 (The JWST Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Team et al. 2022;Xue et al. 2023;Fu et al. 2024). The molecules SO 2 and CO 2 are both predicted to be sensitive atmospheric metallicity tracers (Tsai et al. 2023;Moses et al. 2013), and metallicity has been proposed as a key parameter to test different planet formation scenarios (Mordasini et al. 2016). ...

Sulfur dioxide in the mid-infrared transmission spectrum of WASP-39b


... In the current state of exoplanet science, JWST represents a prime opportunity to observe and characterize the atmospheres of these Earth-sized terrestrial exoplanets that orbit in the habitable zones of their host stars (TRAPPIST-1 JWST Community Initiative et al. 2024;Kempton & Knutson 2024). However the most compelling targets for observations by JWST are those planets orbiting M-type stars (Morley et al. 2017;May et al. 2023). In 2020, the Astronomy & Astrophysics Decadal Survey, which highlights the scientific priorities, opportunities, and funding recommendations for the next decade, listed identifying and characterizing terrestrial exoplanets as a key goal (National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine 2023). ...

Double Trouble: Two Transits of the Super-Earth GJ 1132 b Observed with JWST NIRSpec G395H

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... In particular, diamond hazes would be able to reconcile the spectral slope (Fukui et al. 2014;Wong et al. 2022) and the lack of temperature inversion in WASP-80b, as the emission spectrum seems to be less affected by clouds and hazes (Bell et al. 2023). WASP-80b is an interesting target for searching for diamond hazes, as it shows the hint of reflected light in the near-infrared wavelength (Jacobs et al. 2023) and also shows the spectral feature of CH 4 (Bell et al. 2023) which provides the diamond precursors CH 3 . Putative reflective aerosols in WASP-69b ) may have a different origin, as CH 4 appears to be depleted on the planet. ...

Probing Reflection from Aerosols with the Near-infrared Dayside Spectrum of WASP-80b

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... dayside irradiation suggests a significant day-to-night gradient in temperature and atmospheric composition. The planet is also in a retrograde orbit to its rotation (A. H. M. J. Triaud et al. 2010), suggesting a high internal temperature. While well studied in transmission (A. M. Mandell et al. 2013;D. K. Sing et al. 2015;L. Alderson et al. 2022;D. Grant et al. 2023), the emission characteristics of WASP-17 b are less explored. A. M. Mandell et al. (2013) first identified water absorption using HST WFC3 G141 transit observations. This was then complemented by HST Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph G430L and G750L and Spitzer photometric measurements, integrated into the hot Jupiter survey led by D ...

JWST-TST DREAMS: Quartz Clouds in the Atmosphere of WASP-17b

The Astrophysical Journal Letters