Kerem Schamberger’s research while affiliated with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and other places

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Publications (7)

Labour Struggles in Digital Capitalism: Challenges and Opportunities for Worker Organisation, Mobilisation, and Activism in Germany
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2022


171 Reads


5 Citations

tripleC Communication Capitalism & Critique Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society


Kerem Schamberger

In this article, we investigate labour struggles under the condition of digital capitalism. The main research question this paper addresses is: How do German unions evaluate and respond to the rapidly accelerating digitalisation of economy and work? Based on a series of interviews with union representatives in Germany, we trace recent developments in an increasingly digitised economy and outline challenges and opportunities for unions. Our findings show that the large-scale deployment of digital technologies fragments the workforce, reduces social standards, worsens working conditions, and exacerbates power imbalances to the detriment of the employed. These disadvantages are only insufficiently met with new opportunities to raise public awareness and connect with and mobilise workers by means of digital communication technologies. Our study suggests a growing significance of technological expertise for unions, a need to meet global capital with enhanced international and regional cooperation among labour organisations, and the importance of uniting established unions and grassroots workers’ movements in shared struggles to improve the situation of workers under technology-enhanced conditions of globalised exploitation and control.


Transformation der Medien - Medien der Transformation. Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft

September 2021


1,091 Reads


2 Citations

Die Medienlandschaft steckt durch Digitalisierung und Globalisierung in einem epochalen Umbruch. Doch welche Chancen und welche Gefahren birgt das Internet für den demokratischen Diskurs? Welche Rolle spielen Konzerne und Plattform-Kapitalist*innen im Medienwandel? Wird immer nur alles schlechter, oder können Journalismus, Social Media und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit auch dazu beitragen, die Welt besser zu machen und einen sozial-ökologischen Wandel zu Nachhaltigkeit herbeizuführen? Und was können wir aus vorangegangenen Medien-Umbrüchen wie dem in Ostdeutschland nach dem Fall der Mauer lernen? Diese und andere Fragen beleuchten 27 Autorinnen und Autoren aus vielfältigen Perspektiven. Der Sammelband geht zurück auf die 3. Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft, die 2019 an der Universität Leipzig stattfand, und erschien 2021 unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC BY-ND 3.0 DE im Westend-Verlag als Print-Buch zum Kaufen sowie online als Open-Access-Buch.

TripleC-Interview mit Kerem Schamberger über Berufsverbote, linke Kommunikationswissenschaft und Kritik an der deutschen Wissenschaftslandschaft

January 2017


17 Reads


1 Citation

tripleC Communication Capitalism & Critique Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society

Kerem Schamberger ist ein Doktorand am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Er ist auch ein linker Aktivist und Mitglied der Deutschen Kommunistischen Partei (DKP). Im Zuge seiner Anstellung wurde auf Basis der bayrischen Gesetzeslage vom Bayrischen Verfassungsschutz geprüft, ob Kerem als verfassungsfeindlich gilt und ihm daher die Anstellung verweigert werden sollte. In der deutschen Mediensoziologie gab es mit Horst Holzer in den 1970er-Jahren einen ähnlichen Fall eines Berufsverbots, das damals durchgesetzt wurde. tripleC hat ein Interview mit Kerem geführt und ihn gebeten, die Hintergründe genauer zu erläutern. Das Interview wurde von Christian Fuchs und Thomas Allmer auf Deutsch geführt und ins Englische übersetzt.

tripleC-Interview with Kerem Schamberger about Occupational Bans, Left-Wing Communication Studies and Critique of German Academia

January 2017


19 Reads


2 Citations

tripleC Communication Capitalism & Critique Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society

Kerem Schamberger is a doctoral student at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich’s Department of Communication Studies and Media Research. He is also a left-wing activist and member of the German Communist Party (DKP). In the course of his appointment, the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz), based on Bavarian legislation, assessed whether Kerem should be considered as being a threat to the constitution and whether he should be denied employment. In German media sociology, there was a comparable case in the 1970s when an occupational ban was carried out against Horst Holzer. tripleC interviewed Kerem and asked him to explain the background in more detail. Christian Fuchs and Thomas Allmer conducted the interview in German and translated it into English.

‘It is a crime to be abusive towards the president’: A case study on media freedom and journalists’ autonomy in Museveni's Uganda

July 2016


125 Reads


14 Citations

African Journalism Studies

Using the case of the hybrid media system of Uganda and Schimank’s approach of agent-structure dynamics, this article argues that media freedom and journalists’ autonomy first and foremost depend on society’s expectations of the media system. Closely linked to those informal structures of expectations which are path and time dependent, journalists’ room for manoeuvre is limited by the resources allocated to individual and collective media actors. In a first step and following Schimank’s approach, the article presents a category system that could drive the analysis of media freedom in Uganda and beyond. The empirical study is based on research material consisting of 30 expert interviews, two elite round tables on site in Uganda and documents. This material shows that both journalists’ working conditions and (related to this and even more important) their perception among the ruling elites, public administrations and those governed, limit media freedom. It is precisely the media’s relative societal position which allowed the government to implement a system of media laws and media regulation authorities which creates arbitrariness and, therefore, a feeling of insecurity within the profession.

Citations (2)

... Therefore, exploring the possibility of mergers between these organisations, despite their stark ideological differences (Borghi et al. 2021;Schmalz et al. 2023), could lead to statutory recognition for these hybrid entities, while offering unions an opportunity to become more relevant. This may pave the way for cross-sectoral and international alliances, which may be necessary to counter the power of global DLPs (Pötzsch and Schamberger 2022), with noteworthy consequences for regulatory practice, public policy, and reforms. ...


A Systematic Review on Worker Voice in the Platform Economy: The Constitution of a Grassroots Voice Mechanism
Labour Struggles in Digital Capitalism: Challenges and Opportunities for Worker Organisation, Mobilisation, and Activism in Germany

tripleC Communication Capitalism & Critique Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society

... When it comes to covering LGBT+ rights in Uganda, few local journalists adhere to basic journalistic rules of engagement-that is, to include multiple perspectives, show independence from special interest, and strive for accuracy, which leads to frequent misrepresentations of the community (Meyen et al., 2016). Consequently, Ugandan mainstream media coverage of LGBT+ ranges from ambivalent and reluctant to antagonistic, sometimes even outright hostile in the tabloid press (Bompani andBrown, 2015, Strand, 2018). ...

‘It is a crime to be abusive towards the president’: A case study on media freedom and journalists’ autonomy in Museveni's Uganda
  • Citing Article
  • July 2016

African Journalism Studies