Kent E. Carpenter’s research while affiliated with Old Dominion University and other places

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Publications (171)

Population genetics of Macrognathus siamensis (Synbranchiformes: Mastacembelidae): Implications for non-migratory fishery resources in the Mekong River basin
  • Article

November 2024


10 Reads

Fisheries Research



Kent E Carpenter




The spotted spiny eel, Macrognathus siamensis is an economically important freshwater fish in the Mekong River basin, which is undergoing dramatic biodiversity changes due to anthropogenic impacts. The species is non-migratory, with a moderate larval duration that facilitates downstream genetic connectivity. Restriction site-associated DNA sequence datasets that includes 3736 and 1244 single nucleotide polymorphisms representing putatively neutral loci, from all geographic sites and without the Tachileik site, indicate strong population structure in this sedentary fish, with a significant isolation-by-distance signature. This structure reflects isolation of tributary populations and downstream dispersal of these distinct populations to mix in the Mekong mainstem and contributes to increased genetic diversity in the lower reaches of the Mekong basin. Genetic data indicates that the dispersal of eggs and larvae downstream is not impeded by Khone Falls and that the falls prevent upstream dispersal of eggs and larvae. Despite this downstream connectivity, there is a strong population structure among above- and below-Khone Falls groups. An analysis of outlier loci putatively under selection provides evidence that the difference between connected metapopulations above and below the falls is due to the fundamental differences in environmental regimes. We hypothesize that instead of a physical barrier, the falls simply represents a demarcation between previously recognized upstream limited-floodplain environments and downstream extensive-floodplain environments. These findings emphasize the need to monitor genetic diversity of key sedentary fishery species to assess whether proposed dams along the river could affect genetic diversity downstream. This genetic diversity is particularly important for the resilience of downstream populations because of the many environmental impacts caused by dams, land use, and climate change. Early detection of reduced downstream genetic diversity could trigger remediation programs to ensure resilience and continued fisheries productivity of important non-migratory fish resources.

Species tree for Carangaria estimated with ASTRAL-III
Species tree for Carangaria estimated with ASTRAL-III using gene trees with weakly supported nodes (bootstrap values [BS] <20%) collapsed into polytomies to reduce the effects of gene-tree error. Gene trees were estimated using IQ-TREE (HM; GTR + G) based on newly sequenced data that covers 990 loci and 389 species. Collapsing gene-tree branches with low support helped reduce the negative effects of gene-tree estimation error, successfully resolving flatfish monophyly (FM [BS 76%]; green arrow) using the complete dataset. Tree files with tip labels and support values are available from the Figshare digital repository.
Schematic representation of the two alternative foreground schemes used to identify positively selected genes in flatfishes using the aBSREL model in HyPhy
a, Stem flatfishes, which aimed to detect genes responsible for the initial break of symmetry in the single branch leading to all extant flatfish species. b, Crown flatfishes, which aimed to detect genes responsible for further adaptations experienced later in the flatfish radiation.
Amino acid alignments highlighting substitutions (in purple) claimed to be Pleuronectoidei-specific by LEA¹
By adding sequences from Psettodes and other non-flatfish carangarians into the alignments, we show that three out of the four Pleuronectoidei-specific substitutions discussed by the authors are in fact shared with Psettodoidei or other non-flatfish carangarian species. These include two missense substitutions in the musculature development-related gene sgca, which the authors suggest is related to the formation of the flat phenotype. Both substitutions are shared with Polydactylus sextarius, a symmetrical carangarian species, and, therefore, may not necessarily explain the evolution of the flatfish thin musculature. The hoxd12a substitution is shared between Pleuronectoidei and Psettodoidei. This gene is involved in the development of the flatfish dorsal fin, an important locomotion adaptation that improves their maneuverability in the benthic environment, and that may provide additional evidence for the single origin of the asymmetric body plan.
Phylogenetic relationships, divergence times and support values for the two competing hypotheses
a, FM tree estimated using LEA’s dataset with ASTRAL under an NHM (GHOST) of nucleotide substitution (see Supplementary Note 2 for details on time calibration). b, FP tree illustrates the phylogenetic hypothesis and divergence times proposed by LEA. a,b, Branch and fish silhouette colors denote major flatfish (PLE and PST, green) and nonflatfish carangarian (black) clades. Color-coded squares at branches denote diagnostic characters defining flatfishes. Some diagnostic characters represent morphological features already identifiable in the earliest flatfish fossils, including AR (orbital migration) and NAR (supraneural reduction)² traits. Further diagnostic characters shared between extant PLE and PST also include ARs (recessus orbitalis, pseudomesial bar and asymmetrical pigmentation) and NARs (for example, absence of supraneurals, dorsal-fin insertion above skull and depression on the inner face of saccular otolith)⁶. Full squares represent traits evolving under the single-origin assumption, and crossed squares represent traits evolving under the assumption of convergent evolution. c, Meta-table shows bootstrap support for the FM and FP hypotheses using different genomic data types, datasets, phylogenetic reconstruction methods and nucleotide substitution models (HM and NHM). Each row represents a different dataset or subset, and each column represents a different phylogenetic method and substitution model. Blue squares denote support for FM, and shades show bootstrap values (0–100%); red squares indicate support for FP; white squares denote lacking analyses (statistically intractable; Supplementary Information). Coalescent analyses were run in ASTRAL using ML gene trees estimated with IQ-TREE (both HM and NHM) based on either the complete gene-tree topology or a less resolved topology after collapsing clades with low bootstrap support (<20%). Note that ASTRAL analyses based on our full exonic dataset produced contrasting results (analyses using collapsed gene trees support FM). Concatenation ML analyses were conducted in IQ-TREE (both HM and NHM). PST, Psettodoidei; PLE, Pleuronectoidei; AR, asymmetry-related; NAR, nonasymmetry-related, ML, maximum-likelihood.
Source data
Hypothesized molecular mechanisms underlying flatfish asymmetric development
a, Upset plot comparing positively selected genes (PSGs) identified with aBSREL for the stem and crown (foreground) flatfishes using the FM tree (horizontal blue bars) and the PSGs reported by LEA for Pleuronectoidei and Psettodoidei using the FP tree (horizontal red bars). Black dots connected by black lines represent all existent dataset intersection combinations; vertical bars indicate the number of PSGs within a particular intersection. The substantial overlap (intersection size) of PSGs identified in the two major flatfish lineages and across different analyses suggests that Pleuronectoidei and Psettodoidei share the same molecular mechanisms of asymmetric development, ultimately corroborating the single-origin hypothesis. b–f, The suggested developmental model summarizes the hypothesized evolutionary mechanisms underlying flatfish asymmetric development2,3. b, Simplified representation of a Pleuronectoidei postmetamorphic juvenile highlighting the two major developmental events responsible for the eye migration—subocular dermal cell proliferation (purple) and the TH-responsive asymmetric center (green) that later develops into the pseudomesial bar³ (flatfish autapomorphy that frames the migrated orbit²). c, In postmetamorphic Psettodoidei, the position of the subocular dermal cell proliferation (dashed purple line) and the TH-responsive asymmetric center (dashed green line) are inferred based on the presence of the pseudomesial bar and the complete eye migration in the adult, where migrating orbit eclipses the body mid-line². d, Eye migration is entirely inhibited in the MMI-treated larvae due to the disruption of the thyroid axis³. e,f, Apyrase-treated larvae (e) have incomplete orbit migration caused by inhibition of the TH-responsive asymmetric center ossification³, closely resembling the primitive condition found in the earliest flatfish fossils that lack the pseudomesial bar (f)². Note that TFF-1 (a transcription factor that regulates the TH signaling pathway) and bmp4 (involved in the heterotypic ossification of the TH-responsive asymmetric center and the origin of the pseudomesial bar) were identified as PSGs in our analyses using the FM topology, but not in LEA’s study using the FP topology. Fish illustrations are adapted from refs. 2,3.
Source data
Phylogenomic and comparative genomic analyses support a single evolutionary origin of flatfish asymmetry
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

May 2024


537 Reads


2 Citations

Nature Genetics

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Targeting ocean conservation outcomes through threat reduction

January 2024


215 Reads


2 Citations

npj Ocean Sustainability

Nations have committed to reductions in the global rate of species extinctions through the Sustainable Development Goals 14 and 15, for ocean and terrestrial species, respectively. Biodiversity loss is worsening despite rapid growth in the number and extent of protected areas, both at sea and on land. Resolving this requires targeting the locations and actions that will deliver positive conservation outcomes for biodiversity. The Species Threat Abatement and Restoration (STAR) metric, developed by a consortium of experts, quantifies the contributions that abating threats and restoring habitats in specific places offer towards reducing extinction risk based on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species TM. STAR is now recommended as an appropriate metric by recent disclosure frameworks for companies to report their impacts on nature and STAR has seen widespread uptake within the private sector. However, it is currently only available for the terrestrial realm. We extend the coverage of the threat abatement component of the STAR metric (STAR T), used to identify locations where positive interventions could make a large contribution to reducing global species extinction risk and where developments that increase threats to species should be mitigated, to the marine realm for 1646 marine species. Reducing unsustainable fishing provides the greatest opportunity to lower species extinction risk, comprising 43% of the marine STAR T score. Three-quarters (75%) of the global marine STAR T score falls entirely outside the boundaries of protected areas and only 2.7% falls within no-take protected areas. The STAR metric can be used both to guide protected area expansion and to target other actions, such as establishment and enforcement of fishing limits, to recover biodiversity. npj Ocean Sustainability (2024) 3:4 ; https://doi.

IUCN Red List status of 14,669 European species
Abbreviations: EX: Extinct, EW: Extinct in the Wild, RE: Regionally Extinct, CR: Critically Endangered, EN: Endangered, VU: Vulnerable, DD: Data Deficient, NT: Near Threatened, LC: Least Concern.
Species richness in Europe
Spatial distribution of terrestrial and freshwater species richness in Europe based on an analysis of all European IUCN Red List assessments.
Major threats to biodiversity in Europe
For all species, vertebrates, invertebrates and plants (CR: Critically Endangered, EN: Endangered, VU: Vulnerable, DD: Data Deficient, NT: Near Threatened, LC: Least Concern; N: All species = 14,669, Vertebrates = 2,494, Invertebrates = 7,600, Plants = 4,575).
A multi-taxon analysis of European Red Lists reveals major threats to biodiversity

November 2023


1,642 Reads


24 Citations

Biodiversity loss is a major global challenge and minimizing extinction rates is the goal of several multilateral environmental agreements. Policy decisions require comprehensive, spatially explicit information on species’ distributions and threats. We present an analysis of the conservation status of 14,669 European terrestrial, freshwater and marine species (ca. 10% of the continental fauna and flora), including all vertebrates and selected groups of invertebrates and plants. Our results reveal that 19% of European species are threatened with extinction, with higher extinction risks for plants (27%) and invertebrates (24%) compared to vertebrates (18%). These numbers exceed recent IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) assumptions of extinction risk. Changes in agricultural practices and associated habitat loss, overharvesting, pollution and development are major threats to biodiversity. Maintaining and restoring sustainable land and water use practices is crucial to minimize future biodiversity declines.

Map of sampling localities. For fishes purchased from markets, the market location is shown; vendors stated that fishes were captured from local coastal waters in the vicinity of the markets. For fishes collected in the field using rotenone while snorkeling, SCUBA diving, or using fishing gear, points on the map represent precise collection localities.
Methods for sequence identification and verification. Photograph of Plectranthias inermis USNM 431978, 33 mm SL.
Photographs of groupers (Epinephelus), a challenging genus to identify and one that is frequently mislabeled. Live-color photographs, voucher specimens, and molecular sequence data enabled verified identifications of these specimens collected from Philippine fish markets. Epinephelus areolatus USNM 435700, 163 mm SL; E. bleekeri USNM 443235, 209 mm SL; E. bontoides USNM 403254, 160 mm SL; E. coeruleopunctatus USNM 431516, 223 mm SL; E. coioides USNM 435656, 237 mm SL; E. corallicola USNM 431624, 143 mm SL; E. fasciatus USNM 403060, 108 mm SL; E. fuscoguttatus USNM 431625, 261 mm SL; E. hexagonatus USNM 443283, 152 mm SL; E. kupangensis USNM 443558, 172 mm SL; E. lanceolatus USNM 431627, 204 mm SL; E. maculatus USNM 431623, 250 mm SL; E. malabaricus USNM 431611, 261 mm SL; E. melanostigma USNM 431622, 204 mm SL; E. merra USNM 443288, 144 mm SL; E. morrhua USNM 403199, 252 mm SL; E. ongus USNM 435567, 170 mm SL; E. polyphekadion USNM 423651, 154 mm SL; E. quoyanus USNM 445240, 215 mm SL; E. sexfasciatus USNM 445239, 151 mm SL; and E. undulosus USNM 431568, 181 mm SL.
Photographs of snappers (Lutjanus) a commercially important genus; live-color photographs, voucher specimens, and molecular sequence data enabled verified identifications of these specimens collected from Philippine fish markets. Lutjanus argentimaculatus USNM 403082, 182 mm SL; L. biguttatus USNM 443245, 145 mm SL; L. bohar USNM 445453, 185 mm SL; L. carponotatus USNM 424827, 110 mm SL; L. decussatus USNM 445218, 170 mm SL; L. dodecacanthoides USNM 443545, 142 mm SL; L. fulviflamma USNM 403054, 134 mm SL; L. fulvus USNM 435687, 166 mm SL; L. gibbus USNM 403099, 223 mm SL; L. johnii USNM 423648, 139 mm SL; L. lutjanus USNM 403104, 127 mm SL; L. monostigma USNM 403313, 168 mm SL; L. quinquelineatus USNM 423610, 149 mm SL; L. rivulatus USNM 438092, 205 mm SL; L. rufolineatus USNM 445298, 148 mm SL; L. russellii USNM 423649, 144 mm SL; L. sebae USNM 403135, 256 mm SL; and L. timoriensis USNM 403119, 160 mm SL.
Species diversity included in the Biodiversity of Philippine Marine Fishes dataset. (a) Number of species by family; families represented by a single species shown to the right of the graph. (b) Number of newly sequenced species within each family in the dataset. Gold bars represent species publicly available for the first time; gray bars represent species for which some genetic data are available publicly but are first publicly available herein for COI.
Biodiversity of Philippine marine fishes: A DNA barcode reference library based on voucher specimens

June 2023


2,025 Reads


10 Citations

Scientific Data

Accurate identification of fishes is essential for understanding their biology and to ensure food safety for consumers. DNA barcoding is an important tool because it can verify identifications of both whole and processed fishes that have had key morphological characters removed (e.g., filets, fish meal); however, DNA reference libraries are incomplete, and public repositories for sequence data contain incorrectly identified sequences. During a nine-year sampling program in the Philippines, a global biodiversity hotspot for marine fishes, we developed a verified reference library of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences for 2,525 specimens representing 984 species. Specimens were primarily purchased from markets, with additional diversity collected using rotenone or fishing gear. Species identifications were verified based on taxonomic, phenotypic, and genotypic data, and sequences are associated with voucher specimens, live-color photographs, and genetic samples catalogued at Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History. The Biodiversity of Philippine Marine Fishes dataset is released herein to increase knowledge of species diversity and distributions and to facilitate accurate identification of market fishes.

Status of the world’s fishes, based on a random sample of 1,500 species: A) IUCN Red List Categories for the full sample, freshwater and marine species; B) Percentage of species assigned via the different IUCN Red List Criteria; C) Red List Indices for birds, mammals, amphibians and corals (source: IUCN), crayfish (Richman et al. 2015), freshwater crabs (Cumberlidge et al. 2009), freshwater shrimps (De Grave et al. 2015), and estimated Red List Indices based on a sampled approach for dragonflies and damselflies (Clausnitzer et al. 2009), reptiles (Böhm et al. 2013), plants (Brummitt et al. 2015) and fishes, distinguishing marine (M) and freshwater (FW) species (black circle, this study). Taxa not yet reassessed appear as a single point
Number of species threatened (dark grey) and not threatened (light grey) classified to each of the main threat categories for the Sampled Red List of fishes of the IUCN Red List, distinguishing marine and freshwater species. Threats are classified according to the Threats Classification Scheme (Version 3.2) of the IUCN Red List. Diagrams in the right show threat subcategories for biological resource use and pollution. 5.1: Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals, 5.2: Gathering terrestrial plants, 5.3: Logging & wood harvesting, 5.4: Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources, 9.1: Domestic & urban waste water, 9.2: Industrial & military effluents, 9.3: Agricultural & forestry effluents, 9.4: Garbage & solid waste, 9.5: Air-borne pollutants
Species richness of the sampled assessment, showing normalised species richness per grid cell: A) all freshwater fish (n = 714 species); B) all marine fish (n = 799); C) Data Deficient (DD) freshwater fish (n = 114); D) DD marine fish (n = 173); E) threatened freshwater fish (CR, EN, VU; n = 133); F) threatened marine fish (n = 34)
Comparison among Global List of fishes (blue) and Sampled list (brown) used to estimate the Sampled Red List indices for all fishes, and marine and freshwater species separately. A) Number of species belonging to the 15 more extensive orders; B) number of species distributed by FAO Major Fishing Areas; C) percentage of species habitat preferences, according to FishBase (adapted from Holthus and Maragos 1995)
Monitoring extinction risk and threats of the world's fishes based on the Sampled Red List Index

September 2022


587 Reads


27 Citations

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

threatened with extinction, resulting in a sampled RLI of 0.914 for all species, 0.968 in marine and 0.862 in freshwater ecosystems. Our sample showed fishing as the principal threat for marine species, and pollution by agricultural and forestry effluents for freshwater fishes. The sampled list provides a robust representation for tracking trends in the conservation status of the world's fishes, including disaggregated sampled indices for marine and freshwater fish. Reassessment and backcasting of this index is urgent to check the achievement of the commitments proposed in global biodiversity targets. Abstract Global biodiversitytargets require us to identify species at risk of extinction and quantify status and trends of biodiversity. The Red List Index (RLI) tracks trends in the conservation status of entire species groups over time by monitoring changes in categories assigned to species. Here, we calculate this index for the world's fishes in 2010, using a sampled approach to the RLI based on a randomly selected sample of 1,500 species, and also present RLI splits for freshwater and marine systems separately. We further compare specific traits of a worldwide fish list to our sample to assess its representativeness. Overall, 15.1% of species in the sample were estimated to be

Fig. 2 Number of species threatened (dark grey) and not threatened (light grey) classified to each of the main threat categories for the Sampled Red List of fishes of the IUCN Red List, distinguishing marine and freshwater species. Threats are classified according to the Threats Classification Scheme (Version 3.2) of the IUCN Red List. Diagrams in the right show threat subcategories for biological resource use and pollution.
Fig. 3 Species richness of the sampled assessment, showing normalised species richness per grid cell: A) all freshwater fish (n = 714 species); B) all marine fish (n = 799); C)
Monitoring extinction risk and threats of the world’s fishes based on the Sampled Red List Index

March 2022


250 Reads


2 Citations

Global biodiversitytargets require us to identify species at risk of extinction and quantify status and trends of biodiversity. The Red List Index (RLI) tracks trends in the conservation status of entire species groups over time by monitoring changes in categories assigned to species. Here, we calculate this index for the world’s fishes in 2010, using a sampled approach to the RLI based on a randomly selected sample of 1,500 species, and also present RLI splits for freshwater and marine systems separately. We further compare specific traits of a worldwide fish list to our sample to assess its representativeness. Overall, 15.1% of species in the sample were estimated to be threatened with extinction, resulting in a sampled RLI of 0.914 for all species, 0.968 in marine and 0.862 in freshwater ecosystems. Our sample showed fishing as the principal threat for marine species, and pollution by agricultural and forestry effluents for freshwater fishes. The sampled list provides a robust representation for tracking trends in the conservation status of the world’s fishes, including disaggregated sampled indices for marine and freshwater fish. Reassessment and backcasting of this index is urgent to check the achievement of the commitments proposed in global biodiversity targets.

A comprehensive petrochemical vulnerability index for marine fishes in the Gulf of Mexico

January 2022


108 Reads


8 Citations

The Science of The Total Environment

Oil and gas extraction activities occur across the globe, yet species-specific toxicological information on the biological and ecological impacts of exposure to petrochemicals is lacking for the vast majority of marine species. To help prioritize species for recovery, mitigation, and conservation in light of significant toxicological data gaps, a trait-based petrochemical vulnerability index was developed and applied to the more than 1700 marine fishes present across the entire Gulf of Mexico, including all known bony fishes, sharks, rays and chimaeras. Using life history and other traits related to likelihood of exposure, physiological sensitivity to exposure, and population resiliency, final calculated petrochemical vulnerability scores can be used to provide information on the relative sensitivity, or resilience, of marine fish populations across the Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas activities. Based on current knowledge of traits, marine fishes with the highest vulnerability scores primarily occur in areas of high petrochemical activity, are found at or near the surface, and have low reproductive turnover rates and/or highly specialized diet and habitat requirements. Relative population vulnerability scores for marine fishes can be improved with additional toxicokinetic studies, including those that account for the synergistic or additive effect of multiple stressors, as well as increased research on ecological and life history traits, especially for deep living species.

Citations (67)

... R. hippoglossoides stocks were fished heavily until the 1990s, with catches in the Northeast Atlantic exceeding the advised limit and catches in the Northwest Atlantic proceeding relatively uncontrolled (Bowering & Nedreaas, 2000). Since then, recruitment has increased in both locations (MFRI, 2021;Treble & Nogueira, 2020), which would have allowed R. hippoglossoides and their parasites to increase or remain stable, which may have masked the declining trend observed across the other host species. When the data from the Northwest Atlantic were examined independently, there was a nonsignificant increase in Pseudoterranova spp. ...


Meta‐analysis suggests that, for marine mammals, the risk of parasitism by anisakids changed between 1978 and 2015
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Greenland Halibut

... Myriad restrictions are urgently needed around the world to restore depleted species' ecological, social, and economic potential. Spatial protections also have considerable potential to abate fishing mortality, especially if they are well tailored to the biology of a species and its specific threats (16,36,40). ...

Targeting ocean conservation outcomes through threat reduction

npj Ocean Sustainability

... The CBD and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide critical frameworks that can enhance the efficacy of local conservation efforts by ensuring they contribute to global objectives. The CBD emphasizes the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components, which aligns with local initiatives to enhance forest management and protect endangered species [117,118]. This alignment is crucial, as local actions often lack the necessary scale and resources to achieve significant impact in isolation [119]. ...

A multi-taxon analysis of European Red Lists reveals major threats to biodiversity

... In 2011, a collaboration among researchers at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (NMNH), the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources−National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Department of Agriculture, Philippines (BFAR−NFRDI), and United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was established to document the diversity of fishes in Philippine markets. The goal of this collaboration was to develop a voucher-based genetic reference library to advance consumer safety and biodiversity research (Bemis et al. 2023). The project has yielded descriptions of several new species (e.g., Williams and Carpenter 2015;Carpenter et al. 2017;Matsunuma et al. 2018) and discovered additional taxa that have yet to be described (see Bemis et al. 2023). ...

Biodiversity of Philippine marine fishes: A DNA barcode reference library based on voucher specimens

Scientific Data

... Half a century of global biodiversity deterioration for comprehensively assessed groups from 1970 to 2020 as measured by the RLI. (A) A steep decline in the global RLI of sharks and rays (black line) inferred in1970, 1980, 2005, and 2020 as well as RLIs of completely assessed groups (gray lines and solid dots), including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, groupers, hagfishes, cone snails, and stony corals, and the sampled RLI estimates (hollow dots) for marine and freshwater fishes(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30). A RLI value of 1.0 indicates that all species are Least Concern (i.e., do not have a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future), whereas a RLI value of 0 indicates that all species have gone extinct. ...

Monitoring extinction risk and threats of the world's fishes based on the Sampled Red List Index

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

... Specifically, we calculated an aquatic RLI for the world's 1199 sharks and rays spanning more than 50 years (1970-2020) based on one of the most comprehensive Red List reassessments authored by 322 assessors and 363 contributors and checked by 118 reviewers in consultation with more than 180 members of the IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group (19,20). Second, we compared the shark and ray RLI status and trends to other comprehensively assessed vertebrate and marine lineages. ...

Extinction risk and conservation of the world's sharks and rays


... To our knowledge, this is the first effort to integrate uncertainty into a relative trait-based vulnerability index. Typically, studies provide a mid-range score (e.g., 3/5) for unknown data, or provide a best estimated score (Woodyard et al., 2022;Chin et al., 2010;Foden et al., 2013). Our results indicate that the ranking system can handle some uncertainty and provide precise vulnerability rankings for the species of interest. ...

A comprehensive petrochemical vulnerability index for marine fishes in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

The Science of The Total Environment

... As with other data poor species, for example, fungi, invertebrates and marine species, application of the KBA criteria can be difficult (Harvey et al., 2021;Plumptre et al., 2019). Only 47 tree species trigger KBA sites using the AZE criteria (BGCI, 2023;BirdLife International, 2023). ...

Identifying key biodiversity areas as marine conservation priorities in the greater Caribbean

Biodiversity and Conservation

... The Philippines is ranked third in the world for plastic pollution, producing 0.28-0.75 million metric tons of marine plastic annually and ranking third for plastic leakage into the ocean [15]. Studies have shown that MPs are present in the country's beaches and benthic sediments [16][17][18][19][20], edible mollusks [21][22][23][24], and different fishes in aquatic areas such as Luzon [25], the coast of Negros Oriental in Central Visayas [18,26], Tanon Strait [17] and selected sites along Pasig and Marikina Rivers [27]. MPs were also documented in the top three commercially sold fish, ...

Microplastics in the Mottled Rabbitfish(Siganus fuscescens) in Negros Oriental, Philippines with Notes on the Siganid Fishery

... To account for incomplete lineage sorting, Multispecies coalescent (MSC) species-tree analyses were carried out in ASTRAL III (Sayyari and Mirarab, 2016) using as input gene trees for each locus estimated in IQ-TREE. Because ASTRAL III is sensitive to gene tree estimation error, poorly supported relationships in individual gene trees (UB < 30 %) were collapsed before using them as input (Arcila et al., 2021). ...

Testing the Utility of Alternative Metrics of Branch Support to Address the Ancient Evolutionary Radiation of Tunas, Stromateoids, and Allies (Teleostei: Pelagiaria)
  • Citing Article
  • March 2021

Systematic Biology