Kennedy Machira’s research while affiliated with Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources and other places

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Publications (20)

Summary of continuous descriptive statistics for MSP activities and Institutional characteristics.
Categorical descriptive statistics for social-economic and institutional characteristics
Institutional and accessibility characteristics for participants of the multi-stakeholder platforms
Institutional and accessibility characteristics based on contractual agreements and seed demonstration participation
Coefficient estimates for factors affecting the supply of certified common bean seed
Private Sector led Multi-Stakeholder Platforms positively influence certified seed supply in Malawi
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2024


52 Reads


Wanangwa Gondwe


Alexander Phiri





Wilson Nkhata

Common bean yields in Malawi remain low, primarily due to the use of low-yielding, recycled local seeds by most smallholder farmers. The low uptake of certified bean seed is attributed to limited incentives from the private sector. This study hypothesizes that the sustainable adoption of market-preferred varieties can be achieved by synchronizing and linking seed production to the grain market through committed value chain actors in a private sector-led multi-stakeholder platform. This paper examines the role of private sector-led multi-stakeholder platforms in the supply of certified common bean seed in Malawi. The research draws on both qualitative and quantitative primary data collected through a semi-structured questionnaire and interviews with key informants. Data were analyzed using an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression model. The results indicate that several variables representing membership in multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) significantly affect the supply of certified common bean seed. Participation in MSPs, contractual arrangements, market structure, extension services, and seed demonstrations positively influenced seed supply. The findings underscore the need for a well-coordinated multi-stakeholder platform to enhance the supply of certified common bean seed, supported by effective policies and incentives from policymakers.


Background characteristics of the study sample.
Sexual history of immigrant youths Johannesburg, 2019.
Factors associated with information about sexual health six months preceding the survey.
Determinants of using condoms inconsistently.
Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratio using negative binomial regression analysis for multiple sex relationships 12 months preceding the survey.
Determinants of Information about Sexual Health and High-Risk Sexual Behaviour amongst Migrant Youths in Johannesburg, South Africa

May 2023


158 Reads


2 Citations


Sexual health is essential to the complete well-being of every individual, and provision of all-inclusive and superior-quality information about living a healthful sexual life is necessary for everyone in a community, especially for youths. Using data collected in 2019 from 467 male and female immigrant youths between 18 and 34 years of age who resided in a suburb of the inner city of Johannesburg, this secondary analytical study examined the determining factors of sources of information about sexual health, using condoms inconsistently, and engaging in multiple sexual relationships. Binary logistic regression and negative binomial regression models were employed to understand the relationships between explanatory variables and outcome variables. The determinants of the sources of information about sexual health were gender, educational attainment level, wealth index, and age at first sexual intercourse. Gender, age group, marital status, and migration status were the determining factors for inconsistency of condom use. Gender, migration status, marital status, age at first sexual intercourse, and having had sex while drunk were the determinants of engaging in multiple sexual relationships. Avoiding behaviours that expose individuals to sexual risks and the negative consequences of unprotected sexual activity is crucial for youths. This study shows that receiving information about sexual health from informal sources and high-risk sexual behaviour are major public health problems amongst the immigrant youths.

Towards sustainability in the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: Implications on household poverty, food and nutrition security

April 2023


745 Reads


20 Citations

Innovation and Green Development

The study assessed the impact of sustainably adopting Sustainable Agricultural Practices (SAPs) on household poverty, food and nutrition security. Different scholars have assessed the impact of adopting agricultural practices including SAPs on livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Nonetheless, through the focus on one-time survey season adoption decisions, the findings on potential impacts of SAPs which are aimed at informing policy direction remain inconclusive. The current study introduced the concept of sustainability in the adoption of SAPs to iron out inconsistences in the adoption of such practices, and hence assessed whether farmers were better off in terms of poverty status, food and nutrition security than their counterparts. Through the use of Selectivity-corrected Endogenous Switching Regression models on a sample of 2100 farmers, the study notes that gender of household head, education of the household head, natural log of household annual income, Tropical Livestock Units (TLU), farmer membership of farmer clubs and village savings and loan groups significantly influenced the probability of smallholder farmers sustaining their adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices. Furthermore, the study notes tangible evidence of an improvement in household food and nutrition security by farmers sustainably adopting SAPs as compared to their counterparts. Nevertheless, no evidence exists that sustained adoption of the practices would alleviate poverty of smallholder farming households. The study recommends the development of an agricultural productivity enhancement program that cuts across the gender divide and social barriers of smallholder farmers, further focusing on promoting farmer clubs and village savings groups to ensure sustained adoption of agricultural practices. Such a program should employ a clear targeting strategy with an aim of targeting food insecure as opposed to poor households in order to eradicate hunger.

Structure, conduct, and performance of beans marketing in Malawi: A case study of Lilongwe District

March 2023


543 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development

Poorly performing markets are one of the major limitations to achieving high farm income and ultimately poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa. Using the structure, conduct, and performance approach applied to bean markets in Malawi, we bring to light the status and performance of the smallholder marketing system. Multiple methods were employed in this study: the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index to evaluate the market structure; adopted pricing strategies and affiliation with large companies or associations to assess conduct; and marketing margins to measure market performance. Our results show that 39 percent of markets are imperfectly competitive. Also, the lack of reliable markets, purchase prices, access to credit, operating capital, and transaction costs were major factors that undermined the potential for bean traders to operate at a higher scale. The commonly adopted pricing mechanisms include cost-plus pricing, dynamic pricing, and quality-dependent pricing. Very few bean traders (7%) are affiliated with large trading companies and associations. Seven bean marketing channels were observed. We recommend that policies favoring improvements in rural road networks and market infrastructure should be encouraged to reduce transaction costs. In order to eliminate barriers to increasing quantities of beans handled by traders, the government should provide soft loans with low interest rates to traders. Deliberate actions to promote the affiliation of small traders with larger companies and associations involved in bean trading should be promoted.

Responding to inefficiencies on smallholder maize farms: Can sustained adoption of sustainable agricultural practices make a difference?

December 2022


119 Reads


2 Citations

African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

This study aimed to bring forth empirical evidence of the effect of the sustained adoption of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs) on the technical and profit efficiency of farmers. Previous studies remain inconclusive about whether the adoption of SAPs has any bearing on the efficiency of maize farmers. The current study introduced the concept of sustained adoption and compared levels of efficiency between one-time SAP adopters and sustained adopters. Using a sample of 2 100 households, the study employed the Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier model to analyse both the technical and profit efficiency of maize farmers, and a two-stage tobit model was used to control for endogeneity. The study found that the one-time adoption of SAPs has no effect on the technical efficiency of maize farmers, whilst sustained adoption significantly improves the technical and profit efficiency of maize farmers. The study recommends a shift towards promoting the sustained adoption of SAPs for sustainable benefits for farmers.

Wasting levels of children under-5 years in 2013, 2016, and 2019.
Improving wasting among children under-5 years in Malawi: The role of farm input subsidies

September 2022


107 Reads


3 Citations

Wasting among children under-5 years remains a public health problem in Malawi, despite the quest to improve food availability through Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP). As such, the study examined the link between FISP and child wasting. Using Malawi Integrated Household Panel Surveys for 2013, 2016, and 2019, two-stage least squares approach was employed to run a Cobb Douglas production function and a correlated Random Effects (CRE) Model to account for endogeneity challenges and an unbalanced panel dataset. The study hypothesized the role of FISP to dietary diversity at the household level on child wasting [weight-for-height (WHZ)]. Based on the analysis, the study found that household access to FISP coupons was not a stand-alone predictor for low wasting among children under-5 years. However, increased maize production due to FISP coupon access significantly correlated with lower wasting likelihood incidences at the household level. Worth to note, that in 2015/16, households that had accessed FISP coupons and were in the central region had higher wasting probabilities among the children under-5 years in Malawi compared to other counterparts panels. This implies challenges to addressing wasting among children under-5 years– which can be attributed to higher redemption costs of the FISP coupon. Therefore, the current study suggests that input subsidies can improve the reduction of wasting among children under-5 years through specific pathways, among them, increased maize production and considering appropriate targeted approaches to ensure households access the inputs for sustained food availability, which in turn enhances improved the children under-5 years health dividends in Malawi.

Determinants of Risky Sexual Behavioral Practices among Teen-girls in Malawi

December 2020


320 Reads


2 Citations

The Open Public Health Journal

Background In Malawi, having multiple sexual partners and engaging in sexual intercourse without using condoms remain a sexual and reproductive health challenge among women. This has consequently increased morbidity and low productivity among women, especially in young women of the country. This paper examined the determinants of risky sexual behavioral practices among teen women in Malawi. Methods The study used 2015-16 Malawi Demographic Health Survey with a weighted sample of 5263 women under 20 years. Both Bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses were used to estimate factors influencing risky sexual behavioral practices among teen women. Results The study found the existence of differential determinants to influence women’s conduct in having both multiple sexual partners and inability to use condom during subsequent sexual intercourses with partners other than spouses. For instance, education (complete primary, IRR=2.755, p<0.001 and complete secondary education, IRR=3.515, p< 0.001); teen motherhood status (IRR = 0.295, p< 0.001), unavailability of the health care services (IRR=1.043, p<0.05) among others positively determined having multiple sexual partners in Malawi among teen women. On the contrary, wealth status (medium, IRR=1.116, p<0.001; rich, IRR=1.194, p<0.001) reduced teen women’s behavior of not using a condom with partners other than spouses during sexual intercourse. Conclusion The study asserts that in Malawi, there is an urgent need for advocacy programmes aimed at reducing sexual and reproductive health challenges among girls at primary school levels and upwards. Equipping the girls, at a community level, with basic knowledge and understanding about the dangers of practicing risky sexual behavior is fundamental for the enhancement of their socio-economic support.

Citations (16)

... The data gathered allowed the identification of the occurrence of positive spillover across contexts and/or situations, as described in previous studies (Isbanner et al., 2021;Mgomezulu et al., 2024;Nash et al., 2019). There were a variety of spillover examples in which participants clearly expressed connections between what they had learned, carried out and witnessed at work and their routines and initiatives in the private domain. ...


Spillover of sustainable routines from work to private life: application of the Identity and Practice Interdependence Framework
Understanding spillover effects of sustained adoption of sustainable agricultural practices on household resilience to food shocks: Evidence from Malawi’s sustainable food systems program

Journal of Agriculture and Food Research

... As a result, per capita income can increase, and poverty levels increase. This shows that income growth alone is not enough to raise living standards and achieve social justice (Munoz, 2015;Neme Castillo & Chiatchoua, 2022;Machira et al., 2023;Bernini et al., 2023;Balasubramanian et al., 2023). ...

Understanding Poverty Dimensions and Transitions in Malawi: A Panel Data Approach
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Research in Globalization

... These findings may possibly influence policymakers and practitioners to identify strategies and approaches to empower young adults to make informed decisions that avoid sexual risk, support attainment of future goals, and promote healthy outcomes 39,40 . Identifying the factors that influence young adults' decisions to avoid sexual activity (especially for sexually inexperienced young adults) or cease sexually activity (especially for sexually experienced youth) supports development of programming and policies focused on young adults' outcomes [40][41][42][43][44][45][46] . Thus, programme facilitators and developers may focus on the modifiable influencing factors when designing and improving programme interventions. ...

Determinants of Information about Sexual Health and High-Risk Sexual Behaviour amongst Migrant Youths in Johannesburg, South Africa


... Traditionally, adoption studies focus on seasonal adoption decisions, regardless of the dataset used. Critics, including Dillon et al. (2020) and Mgomezulu et al. (2023), argue that evaluations should be conducted at least two years after introducing agricultural technology, as the benefits of adoption may not be apparent within a single season. Thus, this study defines adoption as a farmer's awareness of the varieties and their complementary agronomic practices, along with continuous use of the variety over the preceding three years with double-row spacing as an agronomic practice (Mgomezulu et al. 2023). ...

Towards sustainability in the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: Implications on household poverty, food and nutrition security

Innovation and Green Development

... On the other hand, the need for the government to achieve its equity goals cannot be overlooked. However, previous studies on efficiency of smallholder farmers in the use of public funds have totally ignored the fact that these smallholder farmers are operating in a state-influenced political economy (Tchale, 2009;Maganga et al., 2012;Chirwa & Dorward, 2013;Mapemba et al., 2019;Pangapanga-Phiri & Mungatana, 2021;Mgomezulu et al., 2022;Chiromo, 2018)), and hence equity goals are as much important as efficiency goals (MoAFS, 2010). The political economy will in this case not allow society to achieve efficiency without achieving equity first. ...

Responding to inefficiencies on smallholder maize farms: Can sustained adoption of sustainable agricultural practices make a difference?

African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

... The collection was founded at the Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, in Pullman, Washington. Other national and international collections are being extensively developed worldwide [12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. Ongoing bean collection-related activities should be promoted in Kazakhstan due to the following mainstream factors: I, Assistance to food supply and maintaining the nutritional value intrinsic for these vegetable crops; II, Ancient history and cultural values of beans of the humankind; III, Soil enrichment via the bean plant cooperation with the nitrogen-fixers; IV, Remarkable export meaning of the beans; V, Decorational worth of beans; VI, Use of bean collections for teaching, commercial, agricultural skills-forming, and advertising targets; VII, Application of bean collections for bringing up future generations of plant breeders, geneticists, agronomists, gardeners, and landscapers. ...

Structure, conduct, and performance of beans marketing in Malawi: A case study of Lilongwe District

Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development

... The downward trend observed in the burden attributed to CMM is a result of joint efforts made by people worldwide. Previous study has summarized evidence-based interventions that have been effective in reducing CMM over the past decade, including providing preventive zinc, preventive small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements, maternal and child multiple micronutrient powder (MMN), maternal calcium vitamin A supplementation, promotion of breastfeeding, farm input subsidies, appropriate complementary feeding and management of moderate and severe acute malnutrition, etc. (7,29,30). These measures have considerably improved the nutritional health of children and pregnant women, thereby decreasing the disease burden caused by CMM (31)(32)(33). ...

Improving wasting among children under-5 years in Malawi: The role of farm input subsidies

... Risky sexual behaviors such as premarital sex, multiple sexual partners, and unprotected sex have been shown to be major contributors to new HIV infections and account for the high HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa [1][2][3][4]. With the increase in programs that promote HIV testing and HIV status awareness, research interest is now shifting to assess the effect of HIV status awareness on risky sexual behavior [5][6][7]. ...

Determinants of Risky Sexual Behavioral Practices among Teen-girls in Malawi

The Open Public Health Journal

... Further, the prevalence of anaemia among under-five children decreased from 73% in 2004 to 63% in 2010, and remained at that level in 2015-16, suggesting a stall in the reduction. Although there has been extensive research in Malawi on factors associated with various forms of malnutrition among children and overnutrition among women of reproductive age, research looking at the co-occurrence of undernutrition, micro-nutrient deficiencies among children and overnutrition among their mothers in Malawi is scarce (12)(13)(14) . ...

Dietary consumption and its effect on nutrition outcome among under-five children in rural Malawi

... In Malawi, interest in ANC determinates has not gone without notice. Alongside this, several dimensions mar women's health in Malawi; among the many, these include lack of health personnel and facilities, education, lack of income, and mass media, to mention a few [25][26][27][28][29][30]. While some scholarship addresses the intersectionality of various sociodemographic factors [31], no study explores the effect of multidimensional poverty on the use of antenatal care services by Malawian women. ...

Health Care Factors Influencing Teen Mothers' Use Of Contraceptives in Malawi
  • Citing Article
  • June 2017

Ghana Medical Journal