September 2001
41 Reads
69 Citations
A technical note. To describe and discuss a novel technique for surgical resection of spinal meningioma. With conventional methods for surgical resection of isolated intradural spinal meningioma, there are two ways of dealing with the dural attachment of the tumor. One is complete resection of the involved dura together with the tumor, and the other is coagulation only of the tumor base of the dura. In the case of the novel technique herein described, the dura mater is preserved in a new manner. In the surgical procedure a small incision is made in the surface of the dura mater after the conventional laminectomy. The spinal dura can be easily divided into two layers, comprising inner and outer layers. The outer layer is stripped away from the inner layer surrounding the tumor base. The tumor is then resected together with the inner layer alone outside the arachnoid membrane, and finally the outer layer is simply closed. This method has been applied to three cases. The preserved outer layer of the dura mater did not demonstrate the existence of tumor cells histologically. Neither complications nor tumor recurrence have been experienced. The authors introduced a novel technique for surgical resection of isolated intradural spinal meningioma. Using this simple procedure the outer part of the dura mater, which is not involved by the tumor, can be preserved and complicated dural reconstruction is not necessary. Furthermore, there is less risk of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid fistulas than when the dura is completely resected together with the tumor. However, long-term observation as a result of the possibility of local recurrence is strongly recommended.