Katarzyna Jasińska’s research while affiliated with Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and other places

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Publications (14)

Passengers’ experience in underground non-transfer metro stations: The impact of spatial characteristics
  • Article

January 2024


13 Reads


3 Citations

Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

Katarzyna Jasińska


Figure 1. Research procedure. Source: own.
Figure 2. The frequency of the occurrence of M&A motives in the transactions conducted by the public companies from the electrical energy generation sector during the period 1 January 2015-19 November 2021 in the research sample.
Key information about the research sample.
The most important M&A motives identified in M&A transactions in the research sample, grouped by year.
The Dominant Motives of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector in Western Europe from the Perspective of Green Economy
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2022


746 Reads


18 Citations


The aim of the research, the results of which are used in this publication, was to identify the motives for mergers and acquisitions in the energy sector after the introduction of green economy elements in Western Europe. The mentioned region is the group of countries where changes related to the move to green energy are most visible (in addition to some countries from other regions, such as Singapore, New Zealand, or countries of the Arabian Peninsula). The research assumed the hypothesis that over the years since the Paris Conference the themes of mergers and acquisitions have changed from motives close to the views related to energy generation in traditional systems (black energy in large, monopolistic systems) to motives close to green energy (the research hypothesis). This was confirmed in the research, as business risk diversification (defined as diversification of the power sources from black to green) was the most popular M&A motive. In addition to emphasizing the direction of changes in the M&A motives, the authors of this study decided to check whether since 2015 (when the Paris Conference was organized) the motives behind the M&A transactions conducted by companies operating in the electrical energy generation sector have changed, making their motives close to the green energy dominant in Western Europe. Apart from verification of the abovementioned hypothesis, the aim of the research was to check whether there are any characteristic directions of changes in M&A motives across companies from particular Western European countries. The motives are changing from positional approaches to motives closer to resource approaches (green economy). The research used a critical analysis of the literature on the subject, a study that used desk research based on openly available sources and our own analytical tool developed for the needs of this analysis, which is the transformation of the concept of analysis of the M&A motives proposed in K. Borowski’s research: “The strategic development of the technology companies. The mergers and acquisitions perspective”.


The beginnings of Polish lexicography: How to present glosses in the medieval dictionary in the digital age?

December 2021


10 Reads


The purpose of this paper is to show how this specific type of attestations—Polish glosses in Latin dictionaries—can be presented in the electronic form. The starting point for my considerations will be the online database Rozariusze z polskimi glosami (Rosarii with Polish glosses – rozariusze.ijp.pan.pl). The database collects Polish vocabulary written in the so-called rosarii, i.e. texts representing the Polish redaction of the Vocabularius Ex quo dictionary. The online tool allows users to view and search the collected resources in the following layouts: attestations, entries, concordance. The database was created to collect the elaboration of Polish glosses in the so-called rosarii, but it also may be an inspiration or a partial model for research of such attestations in the other vernacular languages.

Începuturile lexicografiei poloneze: care este modalitatea de prezentare a gloselor din dicționarul medieval în epoca digitală?

December 2021


3 Reads


Obiectivul prezentului studiu este de a ilustra modul în care acest tip specific de atestare—glosele poloneze din dicționarele latine—poate fi ilustrat în format electronic. Punctul de plecare al analizei noastre îl constituie baza de date online Rozariusze z polskimi glosami (Rosarii cu glose poloneze – rozariusze.ijp.pan.pl). Baza de date este constituită din elemente de vocabular polonez utilizat în așa-numitele rosarii, adică texte care reprezintă redacția poloneză a dicționarului Vocabularius Ex quo. Instrumentul online permite utilizatorilor să vizualizeze și să caute resursele grupate în următoarele categorii: atestări, intrări, concordanțe. Această bază de date a fost creată pentru a colecta informații despre elaborarea gloselor poloneze din așa-numitele rosarii, dar poate fi o sursă de inspirație sau un model parțial pentru cercetări similare asupra acestui tip de atestări și în alte limbi vernaculare.

Figure 1. Research structure. Source: own study.
Figure 2. The company digitization management process. Source: own study.
Management gaps in the company's digitization process under the conditions of Industry 4.0.
Participants of the in-depth interview.
The Digital Chasm between an Idea and Its Implementation in Industry 4.0—The Case Study of a Polish Service Company

August 2021


104 Reads


4 Citations


Digitization in Industry 4.0 is a key trend in a modern company’s development. However, business practice shows that digitization can be associated not only with the prospect of development but with numerous limitations that a company may struggle with. The goal of this manuscript is to verify the existence and identify of the management gaps that lead to formation of digitization problems in companies under the conditions of Industry 4.0. Management gap is understood here as a set of discontinuities, identified within management functions, which result in specific problems in the implementation of digitization projects. In general, this aspect is omitted in the literature on the subject, which focuses on benefits of implementing Industry 4.0 technology. The chosen goal of the manuscript is part of the research trend related to the identification of general digitization problems and to a company’s development, taking into account the use of technological solutions, as well as to the scope of research on the problems of implementing ICT projects. The development of an enterprise is understood as the ability to improve an organization both in the face of internal challenges and the environmental with maintaining innovation potential. The research structure is based on the construction of a conceptual model of management gaps and its empirical verification. In the theoretical part, the chosen research method is analysis of literature from the last 20 years and in the practical part analysis of a business case supplemented with an in-depth interview conducted among the management of the analyzed company. In the theoretical part, the article defines basic concepts related to Industry 4.0 and digitization of companies. It presents the place and role of digitization and its impact on the blurring of boundaries of traditional management layers. Based on these considerations, a conceptual model is developed defining management gaps within which problems of digitization of enterprises are indicated. The practical part of the article presents an empirical verification of the existence of the formulated management gaps on the basis of a business case analysis. The case study describes a mass, geographically dispersed implementation of the application for 34,000 users, which is the result of the implementation of the digitization strategy. Conclusions were formulated in the last part of the manuscript. On the theoretical ground, the analysis confirms that the process of digitization in an enterprise under the conditions of Industry 4.0 is related to blurring the boundaries of operational, tactical and strategic management. The premises of the said blur are identifiable and appear in each of the above-mentioned layers. On the practical ground, the existence of reasons for blurring the boundaries of management is related to the need to adapt the organization to the new operating conditions related to Industry 4.0. The strategic activities should be targeted at determining the directions of company improvement, which should precede the efforts to implement advanced solutions in the field of Industry 4.0. This approach allows providing a sustainable company development with the possibility of creating short-term effects and maintaining a long-term growth perspective.

Citations (4)

... Underground space development in China has made notable achievements, as numerous projects using underground space to improve the landscape have emerged in large cities. The perceptions of individuals of these benefits are influenced by their socioeconomic backgrounds and the degrees to which they are aware of underground space development, especially in countries such as China [37][38][39]. ...


Enhancing Urban Landscapes through Underground Space Utilization: Public Perceptions
Passengers’ experience in underground non-transfer metro stations: The impact of spatial characteristics
  • Citing Article
  • January 2024

Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

... Moreover, leading companies with a large amount of capital strategically acquire new technologies through M&As in their core fields in generation, transmission, and distribution and retail sectors to prepare for future innovative businesses. As stated in [1], energy utilities are increasingly using M&As to search for growth opportunities under various complex factors, shift toward green energy and cope with sustainability issues, change their business model to a sustainable one, and conduct or supplement their own research and development (R&D) of new technologies and innovations. ...

The Dominant Motives of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector in Western Europe from the Perspective of Green Economy


... One proposition is the usage of simulation technology such as software-based process evaluation (Bambura et al., 2020;Medini et al., 2021) and the usage of digital twins, collecting realtime data and enabling a continuous improvement process (Barni et al., 2018). Another frequent proposition is to raise the level of automation, which is considered a key enabling factor for mass customization (Jasińska and Szala, 2021), for instance through hybrid human-robot collaborations to make processes more efficient and create a better working environment (Colim et al., 2021). The data gathered from such collaboration can be used further for data-mining-based analysis (Oliveira et al., 2019). ...

Potential directions for improving production processes in Industry 4.0 conditions based on a Polish furniture enterprise – a case study
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Informatyka Ekonomiczna

... With the introduction of Industry 4.0, as a major participant in green innovation, digitization has become an important support and inevitable choice for its development [5]. on whether enterprises can grasp the green market dynamics, understand competitors, meet consumer needs, and, thus, gain opportunities. ...

The Digital Chasm between an Idea and Its Implementation in Industry 4.0—The Case Study of a Polish Service Company
