Karen Zinzius’s research while affiliated with University of Münster and other places

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Publications (15)

Figure 5: CRX specifically inhibits NTRC redox activity. 400 nM recombinant NTRC were 712 incubated for 10 minutes at RT in presence of either 0 (black dots) or 2.5 µM (red and empty dots) 713 free calcium, 200 µM NADPH, and different concentrations of either WT CRX (full dots) or its 714 active site mutant (C1,2S, empty dots) (A). After ten minutes 200 µM DTNB were added as 715 substrate for reduction. The increase in absorption at 412 nm was recorded to calculate the redox 716 activity (slope 0-80 s after addition of DTNB). Data were normalized on the highest activity 717 measured for each protein purification. Error bars represent s.d. of three independent 718 measurements. Stars indicate a significant difference by student's t-test of p<0.05. The same 719 settings were used for incubation of 400 nM NTRC and 5 µM of either TRX f, CRX WT or its active 720 site mutant (C1,2S) (B), and for incubation of 1 µM CRX, 200 nM TRXR and different 721 concentrations of NTRC NTR domain active site mutant C136S (C). The reduction of 1 µM 722 oxidized recombinant PRX1 was monitored by measuring NADPH oxidation at 340 nm in presence 723 A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P T
Figure Legends 675
Calredoxin regulates the chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
  • Article
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July 2023


118 Reads

Plant Physiology

Karen Zinzius


Giulia Maria Marchetti


Ronja Fischer




Calredoxin (CRX) is a calcium (Ca2+)-dependent thioredoxin (TRX) in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) with a largely unclear physiological role. We elucidated the CRX functionality by performing in-depth quantitative proteomics of wild-type cells compared with a crx insertional mutant (IMcrx), two CRISPR/Cas9 KO mutants, and CRX rescues. These analyses revealed that the chloroplast NADPH-dependent TRX reductase (NTRC) is co-regulated with CRX. Electron transfer measurements revealed that CRX inhibits NADPH-dependent reduction of oxidized chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (PRX1) via NTRC and that the function of the NADPH-NTRC complex is under strict control of CRX. Via non-reducing SDS-PAGE assays and mass spectrometry, our data also demonstrated that PRX1 is more oxidized under high light (HL) conditions in the absence of CRX. The redox tuning of PRX1 and control of the NADPH-NTRC complex via CRX interconnect redox control with active photosynthetic electron transport and metabolism, as well as Ca2+ signaling. In this way, an economic use of NADPH for PRX1 reduction is ensured. The finding that the absence of CRX under HL conditions severely inhibited light-driven CO2 fixation underpins the importance of CRX for redox tuning, as well as for efficient photosynthesis.


Figure 1: CRISPR-Cas9 mediated KO of CRX. Generation of CRX mutant affected in exon 1 (A). Only the clone, E1, showed a PCR product bigger in size than WT. A second set of mutants was created by targeting a sequence in exon 4 (B). Sequencing of PCR products deviating from WT product size showed that all respective mutants are isogenic, having part of the co-transformed paromomycin vector integrated after the predicted Cas9 cleavage site. Primer sequences used for mutant screening (C). For final proof of knockout, a chosen set of mutant and WT strains were subjected to a TAP/LL to HSM/HL (~200 µEm -2 s -1 ) shift. Cells were harvested, lysed and after separation by SDS-PAGE, proteins were transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane and probed with antibodies against ATPB and CRX (D). As mutants A5 and B3 turned out to be isogenic while both are deficient in CRX, only mutant A5 was used for further experiments. Cas9 cleavage sites within the crRNA sequence are marked by red triangles in A and B.
Figure 3: Lack of CRX induces decrease in NTRC accumulation. Hierarchical clustering of 881 proteins with significant differential abundance (p<0.01, ANOVA followed by Tukey's posthoc test with FDR of 1%) after 24 h high light (500 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ) (A). Downregulation of co-regulated proteins belonging to PSI, PSII and ATPase in the E1 and CC125 strains (B). Proteins co-clustering with CRX (C). In the highlighted clusters, proteins with significantly different expression between either mutant/rescue vs corresponding wt (+) or mutant vs rescue (#) are indicated.
Figure 5: Determination of absolute CRX and NTRC amounts in the wild type strains CC125 and WTcrx (CC4375) in LL (30 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ) and HL (500 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ). For absolute quantitation, recombinant 15 N-labeled CRX and NTRC were spiked into 14 N whole cell extracts grown in TP medium. Quantitation of intrinsic CRX and NTRC were based on known amounts of 15 N-labeled CRX and NTRC. Bars indicate s.d. of 3 replicates with different amounts of 15 N CRX/NTRC added. Stars indicates statistical significance by Student's T-Test of *<0.05, **<0.005, ***<0.001.
Figure 8: Model for CRX, PRX1 and NTRC interaction in the presence of NADPH. In the presence of Ca 2+ , CRX can reduce PRX1 (i) and also inhibits NTRC reduction of PRX1 (ii). In the absence of Ca 2+ , CRX cannot reduce PRX1 and NTRC inhibition is weaker. The resulting redox state of PRX1 is marked in orange. Figure created with BioRender.com.
Calredoxin regulates the chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

November 2022


118 Reads

Calredoxin (CRX) is a calcium (Ca ²⁺ )-dependent thioredoxin (TRX) in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with largely unclear physiological role. We elucidated the CRX functionality by performing in-depth quantitative proteomics of wild type cells in comparison with crx insertional mutant (IM crx ), two CRISPR/Cas9 KO mutants and CRX rescues. These analyses revealed that the chloroplast NADPH-dependent TRX reductase (NTRC) is co-regulated with CRX. Electron transfer measurements revealed that CRX inhibits NADPH-dependent reduction of oxidized chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (PRX1) via NTRC and that the function of the NADPH-NTRC complex is under strict control of CRX. Via non-reducing SDS-PAGE assays and mass spectrometry, our data also demonstrated that PRX1 is more oxidized under high light (HL) conditions in the absence of CRX. The redox tuning of PRX1 and control of the NADPH-NTRC complex via CRX interconnects redox control with active photosynthetic electron transport and metabolism as well as Ca ²⁺ signaling. In this way, an economic use of NADPH for PRX1 reduction is ensured. The finding, that the absence of CRX under HL conditions severely inhibited light-driven CO 2 fixation underpins the importance of CRX for redox tuning as well as for efficient photosynthesis. One-sentence summary Calredoxin dependent redox regulation ensures efficient photosynthesis.

Photosystem I light-harvesting proteins regulate photosynthetic electron transfer and hydrogen production

February 2022


187 Reads


12 Citations

Plant Physiology

Linear (LEF) and cyclic electron transfer (CEF) compete for light-driven electrons transferred from the acceptor side of photosystem I (PSI). Under anoxic conditions, such highly reducing electrons also could be used for hydrogen production via electron transfer between ferredoxin and hydrogenase in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Partitioning between LEF and CEF is regulated through PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION5 (PGR5). There is evidence that partitioning of electrons also could be mediated via PSI remodeling processes. This plasticity is linked to the dynamics of PSI-associated light-harvesting proteins LHCA2 and LHCA9. These two unique light-harvesting proteins are distinct from all other LHCAs because they are loosely bound at the PSAL pole. Here, we investigated photosynthetic electron transfer and hydrogen production in single, double, and triple mutants deficient in PGR5, LHCA2, and LHCA9. Our data indicate that lhca2 and lhca9 mutants are efficient in photosynthetic electron transfer, that LHCA2 impacts the pgr5 phenotype, and that pgr5/lhca2 is a potent H2 photo-producer. In addition, pgr5/lhca2 and pgr5/lhca9 mutants displayed substantially different H2 photo-production kinetics. This indicates that the absence of LHCA2 or LHCA9 impacts H2 photo-production independently, despite both being attached at the PSAL pole, pointing to distinct regulatory capacities.

Novel Insights Into N-Glycan Fucosylation and Core Xylosylation in C. reinhardtii

January 2020


145 Reads


21 Citations

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C. reinhardtii) N-glycans carry plant typical β1,2-core xylose, α1,3-fucose residues, as well as plant atypical terminal β1,4-xylose and methylated mannoses. In a recent study, XylT1A was shown to act as core xylosyltransferase, whereby its action was of importance for an inhibition of excessive Man1A dependent trimming. N-Glycans found in a XylT1A/Man1A double mutant carried core xylose residues, suggesting the existence of a second core xylosyltransferase in C. reinhardtii. To further elucidate enzymes important for N-glycosylation, novel single knockdown mutants of candidate genes involved in the N-glycosylation pathway were characterized. In addition, double, triple, and quadruple mutants affecting already known N-glycosylation pathway genes were generated. By characterizing N-glycan compositions of intact N-glycopeptides from these mutant strains by mass spectrometry, a candidate gene encoding for a second putative core xylosyltransferase (XylT1B) was identified. Additionally, the role of a putative fucosyltransferase was revealed. Mutant strains with knockdown of both xylosyltransferases and the fucosyltransferase resulted in the formation of N-glycans with strongly diminished core modifications. Thus, the mutant strains generated will pave the way for further investigations on how single N-glycan core epitopes modulate protein function in C. reinhardtii.

Figure 2. FRET-based analysis of Ca 2+ -induced conformational change of CRX Cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and mVenus (YFP) were cloned N-and C-terminal of CRX and expressed heterologously in E. coli. (a) A conformational change upon Ca 2+ -binding would alter Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) from CFP to YFP as shown schematically. (b) Emission of the CRX-based Ca 2+ reporter after excitation at 435 nm. CFP and mVenus emission peaks are indicated by blue and yellow arrows respectively. Emission spectra with (black) and without (blue) free Ca 2+ are shown. (c) The amount of FRET is shown as the ratio of YFP to CFP emission and in dependence on the free Ca 2+ concentration.
Figure 3. NMR measurements show Ca 2+ -induced conformational change of CRX (a) All methionines (M) in CRX are indicated as a red stick model and labeled according to their position. The ribbon represents the CRX structure (PDB ID: 5E37) whose two CaM domains and TRX domain are shown in orange, pink and blue, respectively. (b) Overlay of 1 H-13 C HSQC spectra of [ 13 C-Met]-CRX with Ca 2+ (blue) and without Ca 2+ (red). Numbers indicate methionine positions. (c) Average chemical shift perturbations AV = (( 1 H) 2 + ((0.394/1.666) 13 C) 2 ) 1/2 ) of CRX Met with and without Ca 2+ . Each number represents the standard deviation of the statistical distribution of Met 1 H and 13 C chemical shifts reported in BioMagResBank. In order to equalize the weights of the 1 H and 13 C chemical shift changes for each peak, the latter was normalized by dividing it with the corresponding standard deviation ratio of the methionine chemical shift distribution found in the registered proteins. As a result, AV values were corrected to the scale based on the 1 H chemical shift changes.
Figure 4. CRX redox activity and interaction with PRX1 depend on EF-hand 4 Recombinant WT (black squares) and single point mutated EF-hand mutants (triangles) of CRX were reduced by E.coli thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and NADPH in defined Ca 2+ concentrations. 1 µM oxidized recombinant PRX1 and 80 µM H2O2 (a, b) or 200 µM DTNB (c) were added as a substrate for reduction by CRX. NADPH oxidation (a, b) and DTNB reduction (c) were tracked at 340 nm and 412 nm respectively. To calculate the redox activity NADPH consumption (a) or 80 s of stable slope after addition of DTNB (c) were plotted against the Ca 2+ concentration and fitted by the Hill equation (v=(vmax*[S] nH )/(KCa2+ nH +[S] nH ).
Figure 5. Chlamydomonas PRX1 crystal structure (a) The decameric ring shape of C174S PRX1 (PDB ID: 6J13). Monomers are labeled from A to E and A' to E'. (b) Model of the C. reinhardtii CRX:PRX1 complex. The C-terminal peptides of the PRX -TRX complex (PDB ID: 3VWU) is shown in ball-and-stick and light-green ribbon models, respectively. PRX1 is colored in red, and mouse PRX4 is colored in light blue. CRX is colored in orange, magenta and blue. (c) Close up view on cross-linked region identified by mass spectrometry analysis after in vitro crosslinking of recombinant CRX and PRX1. The distance between the nitrogen atoms of the cross-linked lysines K273 (CRX) and K94 (PRX1) is 1.9 Å. Colors are as in (b).
Calcium sensing via EF-hand 4 enables thioredoxin activity in the sensor-responder protein calredoxin in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

November 2019


120 Reads


8 Citations

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Calcium (Ca2+) and redox signaling enable cells to quickly adapt to changing environments. The signaling protein calredoxin (CRX) from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a chloroplast-resident thioredoxin having Ca2+-dependent activity and harboring a unique combination of an EF-hand domain connected to a typical thioredoxin fold. Using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), FRET and NMR techniques, we found that Ca2+-binding not only induces a conformational change in the EF-hand domain, but also in the thioredoxin domain, translating into the onset of thioredoxin redox activity. Functional analyses of CRX with genetically altered EF-hands revealed that EF-hand 4 is important for mediating the communication between the two domains. Moreover, we crystallized a variant (C174S) of the CRX target protein peroxiredoxin 1 (PRX1) at 2.4 Å resolution, modeled the interaction complex of the two proteins, and analyzed it by cross-linking and MS analyses, revealing that the interaction interface is located close to the active sites of both proteins. Our findings shed light on the Ca2+ binding-induced changes in CRX structure in solution at the level of the overall protein and individual domains and residues.

Novel insights into N-glycan fucosylation and core xylosylation in C. reinhardtii

September 2019


86 Reads


1 Citation

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii N -glycans carry plant typical β1,2-core xylose, α1,3-fucose residues as well as plant atypical terminal β1,4-xylose and methylated mannoses. In a recent study, XylT1A was shown to act as core xylosyltransferase, whereby its action was of importance for an inhibition of excessive Man1A dependent trimming. N -Glycans found in a XylT1A/Man1A double mutant carried core xylose residues, suggesting the existence of a second core xylosyltransferase in C. reinhardtii . To further elucidate enzymes important for N -glycosylation, novel single knockdown mutants of candidate genes involved in the N -glycosylation pathway were characterized. In addition, double, triple and quadruple mutants affecting already known N -glycosylation pathway genes were generated. By characterizing N -glycan compositions of intact N -glycopeptides from these mutant strains by mass spectrometry, a candidate gene encoding for a second putative core xylosyltransferase (XylT1B) was identified. Additionally, the role of a putative fucosyltransferase was revealed. Mutant strains with knockdown of both xylosyltransferases and the fucosyltransferase resulted in the formation of N -glycans with strongly diminished core modifications. Thus, the mutant strains generated will pave the way for further investigations on how single N -glycan core epitopes modulate protein function in C. reinhardtii . Significance Statement Our data provide novel insights into the function of XylT1B and FucT in C. reinhardtii as N -glycan core modifying enzymes. In the course of our study, different mutants were created by genetic crosses showing either varying or a lack of N -glycan core modification, enabling comparative analyses in relation to single N -glycan core epitope and overall protein function in C. reinhardtii .

SDS–PAGE and native PAGE analysis of purified wild-type CrPRX1 protein and its crystals. (a) SDS–PAGE showing the purification of CrPRX1 by Ni–NTA and gel-filtration chromatography. Lane 1, flowthrough from the nickel column. Lanes 2 and 3, fractions from the 20 mM imidazole wash. Lane 4, elution of CrPRX1 with 250 mM imidazole. Lanes 5 and 6, fractions from Superdex 200. (b) Native PAGE of CrPRX1 from dissolved crystals and solution samples. Lanes 1–3, CrPRX1 crystals. Lanes 4 and 5, CrPRX1 from stock protein solution.
Photographs of typical crystals of wild-type CrPRX1 and the C2S mutant. (a) Crystals of wild-type CrPRX1. Crystals were obtained in a droplet consisting of 0.1 M sodium citrate pH 7.5, 50 mM ammonium acetate, 21% polyethylene glycol 400, 15% glycerol at 277 K. (b) Crystals of the C2S mutant of CrPRX1. Crystals were obtained in a droplet consisting of 0.1 M HEPES pH 7.6, 0.2 M sodium thiocyanate, 20% PEG 3350 at 277 K.
Diffraction image of a CrPRX1 crystal of the C2S mutant recorded on BL44XU at SPring-8.
Self-rotation functions of the C2S mutant of CrPRX1 at κ = 72° and 180°. Strong peaks are also found every 72°. The peak heights at the κ = 72, 144, 180, 216, 288 and 360° sections are 119 700, 160 200, 302 200, 160 200, 119 700 and 302 200, respectively.
HS-AFM images of CrPRX1. (a) Topography image. (b) Height profile of a CrPRX1 particle along the white line in (a). The imaging rate was 1 s per frame.
X-ray crystallographic and high-speed AFM studies of peroxiredoxin 1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

January 2018


79 Reads


9 Citations

Peroxiredoxins (PRXs) are a group of antioxidant enzymes that are found in all organisms, including plants and green algae. The 2-Cys PRX from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrPRX1) is a chloroplast-localized protein that is critical for clearing reactive oxygen species in chloroplasts. CrPRX1 is reduced by thioredoxins or calredoxin (CrCRX), a recently identified calcium-dependent redox protein. The molecular interaction between PRXs and thioredoxin/CrCRX is functionally important, but discussion has been limited owing to a lack of structural information on CrPRX1, especially regarding its oligomeric state. In this study, high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) images of CrPRX1 and an X-ray crystallographic analysis have enabled examination of the oligomeric state of CrPRX1. Diffraction data from a crystal of the Cys174Ser mutant of CrPRX1 indicate the existence of noncrystallographic fivefold symmetry. HS-AFM images of CrPRX1 further show that CrPRX1 particles form rings with pentagonal rotational symmetry. On the basis of these findings, the oligomeric state of CrPRX1 is discussed and it is concluded that this PRX exists in a ring-shaped decameric form comprising a pentamer of dimers.

Citations (6)

... Stresses accelerate chlorophyll degradation, making chlorophyll content a crucial physiological indicator for assessing plant stress resistance [40,41]. Drought stress significantly influences light energy absorption and photosynthesis rate in plants, affecting carbon assimilation by inhibiting electron transport and phosphorylation activity [42,43]. Research indicated that Golden2-like1 and Golden2-like2 are indispensable nuclear genes for chloroplast biogenesis and photosynthesis [44,45]. ...


Silencing of SlMYB78-like Reduces the Tolerance to Drought and Salt Stress via the ABA Pathway in Tomato
Photosystem I light-harvesting proteins regulate photosynthetic electron transfer and hydrogen production

Plant Physiology

... According to this result, XTB (Cre16.g678997) was then proposed as an additional core xylosyltransferase [28,29]. Indeed, XTB was reported to be involved both in the core xylosylation as well as in the addition of the second xylose residue in C. reinhardtii N-glycans. ...

Novel Insights Into N-Glycan Fucosylation and Core Xylosylation in C. reinhardtii

... Besides CBC regulation, Chlamydomonas TRXs participate in the maintenance of ROS homeostasis through reduction of PRXs and GPXs (Charoenwattanasatien et al., 2020;Dayer, Fischer, Eggen, & Lemaire, 2008;Goyer et al., 2002), and may also play a role in hydrogen peroxide signaling through regulation of catalase (Shao, Beck, Lemaire, & Krieger-Liszkay, 2008). In addition, TRXs regulate chloroplast redox homeostasis through redox-dependent activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase (NADP-MDH). ...

Calcium sensing via EF-hand 4 enables thioredoxin activity in the sensor-responder protein calredoxin in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Journal of Biological Chemistry

... described in(Charoenwattanasatien et al., 2018)) was reduced or oxidized with 1 mM DTT or H 2 O 2 560 for 1 h at RT. The reducing/oxidizing agent was washed out over a G25 column (GE Healthcare) 561following the manufacturer's instructions using 30 mM MOPS, 100 mM KCl, pH 7.2 as buffering 562 agent. ...

X-ray crystallographic and high-speed AFM studies of peroxiredoxin 1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

... Recombinantly overexpressed NDA2 preferentially oxidizes NADH [185], implying that NDA2 might rely on a transhydrogenase for substrate supply in vivo [186]. NDA2 exhibits two EF hands hinting at a potential Ca 2+ -dependent regulation [187]. Furthermore, NDA2 has been detected phosphorylated in reducing conditions [188]. ...

Calredoxin represents a novel type of calcium-dependent sensor-responder connected to redox regulation in the chloroplast