April 2019
116 Reads
36 Citations
Library Philosophy and Practice
Bibliometric is an emerging thrust area of research and has now become a well established part of information research and a quantitative approach to the description of documents. Bibliometric has grown out of the realization that literature is growing and changing out of a rate with which no librarian or information worker equipped with traditional bibliographic skills and methods could keep abreast. This study aims to present a bibliometric analysis of the Library Philosophy and Practice journal, the aim being to offer a summary of research activity in library and information science and characterize its most important aspects. The paper analyzes a bibliometric study of 1402 articles were published during the period from 1998 to 2018 in the Library Philosophy and Practice journal. The paper covers the bibliometric analyses of year-wise distribution of articles, category-wise classification of papers, subject-wise distribution of articles, authorship patterns, and institutions-wise distribution of contributions.