June 2012
214 Reads
139 Citations
Proceedings / CVPR, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Matching patches between two images, also known as computing nearest-neighbor fields, has been proven a useful technique in various computer vision/graphics algorithms. But this is a computationally challenging nearest-neighbor search task, because both the query set and the candidate set are of image size. In this paper, we propose Propagation-Assisted KD-Trees to quickly compute an approximate solution. We develop a novel propagation search method for kd-trees. In this method the tree nodes checked by each query are propagated from the nearby queries. This method not only avoids the time-consuming backtracking in traditional tree methods, but is more accurate. Experiments on public data show that our method is 10-20 times faster than the PatchMatch method [4] at the same accuracy, or reduces its error by 70% at the same running time. Our method is also 2-5 times faster and is more accurate than Coherency Sensitive Hashing [22], a latest state-of-the-art method.