Kailiang Yu’s research while affiliated with Princeton University and other places

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Publications (112)

Conceptual framework for water fluxes in plants under different wind scenarios
High wind speeds reduce canopy and vegetation boundary layer resistances, leading to increased atmospheric aridity and mechanical damage for plants. Under this condition, it is advantageous for plants to have high drought tolerance, low leaf area on branches and high mechanical resistance. By contrast, in areas with low wind speeds, plants benefit from high water transport and fast growth because low wind speeds result in less drought stress, defoliation and windthrow.
Partial regression plots illustrating the effects of wind speed on plant hydraulics and associated traits, with variation in other climate variables simultaneously accounted for
a–d, Partial regression plots illustrating the effects of wind speed on: P50 (a); KS (b); AL/AS (c); and D (d). The best linear model was identified for each trait from a set of variables that were not highly correlated with each other (Supplementary Table 6). For P50 the best model also included μS, MI, VPD and PDM as well as wind speed; for the other three hydraulic traits, including KS, AL/AS and D, the best models all included μS, MI, MAT, VPD and PDM as well as wind speed. e, For WD, the best model included MI and PDM as well as wind speed. f, For plant height the best model included MI, PDM, VPD and MAT as well as wind speed. Solid lines are indicated for statistically significant relationships (P < 0.05), with shaded areas indicating 95th confidence intervals. Variable abbreviations are summarized in Table 1.
of variance partitioning analyses quantifying the individual contribution of each climatic variable on plant hydraulic traits
a–d, Individual effects (%) of P50 (a); KS (b); AL/AS (c); and D (d). NS, not significant. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
Path models of relationships among wind speed, MI and plant traits
a, A conceptual framework for the relationships among wind speed and plant traits. Wind speed affects plant hydraulics directly, as it could cause water stress and decrease leaf temperature. In addition, wind speed affects plant hydraulics indirectly through its effects on plant height and leaf size. Moreover, wind speed negatively correlated with MI, which positively affects plant hydraulics, leaf size and plant height. b, Model exploring the direct effects of wind speed on plant hydraulics. c, Model exploring the indirect effects of wind speed on plant hydraulics. Numbers on arrows are standardized path coefficients. R² values at the corner of each variable represent the proportions of variation explained. Black arrows indicate significant paths (P < 0.05).
Relationship between wind speed and plant hydraulics at the global scale
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January 2025


392 Reads

Nature Ecology & Evolution



Kailiang Yu




Ian J. Wright

Wind is an important ecological factor for plants as it can increase evapotranspiration and cause dehydration. However, the impact of wind on plant hydraulics at a global scale remains unclear. Here we compiled plant key hydraulic traits, including water potential at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity (P50), xylem-specific hydraulic conductivity (KS), leaf area to sapwood area ratio (AL/AS) and conduit diameter (D) with 2,786 species-at-site combinations across 1,922 woody species at 469 sites worldwide and analysed their correlations with wind speed. Even with other climatic factors controlled (for example, moisture index, temperature and vapour pressure deficit), wind speed clearly affected plant hydraulics; for example, on average, species from windier sites constructed sapwood with smaller D and lower KS that was more resilient to drought (more negative P50), deploying less leaf total area for a given sapwood cross-section. Species with these traits may be at an advantage under future climates with higher wind speeds.

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Global patterns of nitrogen saturation in forests

November 2024


191 Reads

One Earth

Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has increased N availability in forests close to human settlements, potentially causing N-limited forests to become N saturated, and influencing forest productivity and future climate. However, the global patterns of N-saturated forests have remained unclear, hindering effective N management. In N-saturated forests, organisms use N extravagantly, and a high proportion of the supplied N is lost in forms such as N2O emissions. Here, we used experimental N addition data to derive the sensitivity of soil N2O emissions to N deposition (sN). Using field observations of forest N status, the global patterns of N-saturated forests indicated by sN show an accuracy of 81%. Globally, 47.5% of forests are N saturated, especially tropical and temperate forests affected by human activity. The spatially explicit map of forest N status is useful for predicting forest greenhouse gas emissions and productivity and for implementing region-specific environmental management practices.

Carbon restoration potential on global land under water resource constraints

October 2024


903 Reads


1 Citation

Nature Water

Ecosystem restoration is a critical nature-based solution to mitigate climate change. However, the carbon sequestration potential of restoration, defined as the maximum achievable carbon storage, has likely been overestimated because previous studies have not adequately accounted for the competition between ecosystem water demands for maximizing carbon sequestration and human water needs. Here we used a comprehensive process-based model combined with extensive land-use data and evaporation recycling accounting for land–atmosphere feedback to estimate the water requirements associated with ecosystem restoration. We found that achieving the carbon sequestration potential of restoration would significantly reduce global water availability per capita by 26%, posing considerable risks to water security in water-stressed and highly populated regions. If human water use is safeguarded, the achievable carbon sequestration potential would be reduced by a third (from 396 PgC to 270 PgC). Brazil, the United States and Russia have the largest achievable potentials. Future projections accounting for changes in climate, atmospheric CO2, land use and human population under the shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP) scenarios SSP119, SSP245 and SSP585 suggest an increase in this achievable potential to 274–302 PgC by the end of the century, with China expected to have the largest potential. Our findings provide a nuanced understanding of the trade-offs and synergies between carbon sequestration goals and water security, offering an empirical framework to guide the sustainable implementation of ecosystem restoration strategies.

Growing-Season Precipitation Is a Key Driver of Plant Leaf Area to Sapwood Area Ratio at the Global Scale

September 2024


172 Reads


1 Citation

Plant Cell and Environment

Leaf area to sapwood area ratio ( A L / A S ) influences carbon sequestration, community composition, and ecosystem functioning in terrestrial vegetation and is closely related to leaf economics and hydraulics. However, critical predictors of A L / A S are not well understood. We compiled an A L / A S data set with 1612 species‐site combinations (1137 species from 285 sites worldwide) from our field experiments and published literature. We found the global mean A L / A S to be 0.63 m ² cm ⁻² , with its variation largely driven by growing‐season precipitation ( P gs ), which accounted for 18% of the variation in A L / A S . Species in tropical rainforests exhibited the highest A L / A S (0.82 m ² cm ⁻² ), whereas desert species showed the lowest A L / A S (0.16 m ² cm ⁻² ). Soil factors such as soil nitrogen and soil organic carbon exhibited positive effects on A L / A S , whereas soil pH was negatively correlated with A L / A S . Tree density accounted for 7% of the variation in A L / A S . All biotic and abiotic predictors collectively explained up to 45% of the variation in A L / A S . Additionally, A L / A S was positively correlated to the net primary productivity (NPP) of the ecosystem. Our study provides insights into the driving factors of A L / A S at the global scale and highlights the importance of A L / A S in ecosystem productivity. Given that P gs is the most critical driver of A L / A S , alterations in global precipitation belts, particularly seasonal precipitation, may induce changes in plant leaf area on the branches.

Water limitation drives species loss in grassland communities after nitrogen addition and warming

September 2024


226 Reads


1 Citation

Nutrient addition, particularly nitrogen, often increases plant aboveground biomass but causes species loss. Asymmetric competition for light is frequently assumed to explain the biomass-driven species loss. However, it remains unclear whether other factors such as water can also play a role. Increased aboveground leaf area following nitrogen addition and warming may increase transpiration and cause water limitation, leading to a decline in diversity. To test this, we conducted field measurements in a grassland community exposed to nitrogen and water addition, and warming. We found that warming and/or nitrogen addition significantly increased aboveground biomass but reduced species richness. Water addition prevented species loss in either nitrogen-enriched or warmed treatments, while it partially mitigated species loss in the treatment exposed to increases in both temperature and nitrogen. These findings thus strongly suggest that water limitation can be an important driver of species loss as biomass increases after nitrogen addition and warming when soil moisture is limiting. This result is further supported by a meta-analysis of published studies across grasslands worldwide. Our study indicates that loss of grassland species richness in the future may be greatest under a scenario of increasing temperature and nitrogen deposition, but decreasing precipitation.

Navigating the biogeography of wide-spread short-forests in global drylands

September 2024


151 Reads

Canopy height is pivotal in sustaining carbon cycling and upholding ecological functions, especially in dryland forests where massive short-forests exist primarily due to insufficient water supply. Here, we divided global dryland forests into the tall-forests (36%) and short-forests (64%) and mapped their distributions separately for plantations and natural forests. Short-forests are ubiquitously distributed in global drylands, constituting 54% planted forests and 65% natural forests, with broader distribution thresholds across environmental gradients compared to tall-forests. Notably, the key ecological determinants of canopy height for both planted and natural short-forests are similar, involving topography (elevation), soil (soil moisture content), climate (mean temperature of warmest quarter and aridity index), and anthropogenic (population density) factors, but divergent between planted and natural tall-forests. The canopy height of planted tall-forests is predominantly influenced by precipitation, while natural tall-forests additionally depend on temperature, disturbance, and soil. Under all climate change scenarios, we projected that some dryland forests (more than 70%) cannot sustain current forest canopy heights, with a more pronounced decline in harsher climates, and some dryland tall forests may even degrade into short-forests or non-forests. With many dryland regions being marked as potential areas for forestation, our study offers critical insights for preserving dryland forests' carbon sequestration potential and guiding decision-making in dryland forestation initiatives.

Phylogeny (a), sample sites (b) and distributions of temperature and precipitation at the sampling sites (c, d) of the plant species used in this study. Mycorrhizal types include arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and ectomycorrhiza (EcM). Aridity index (AI) was defined by the ratio of annual precipitation to annual potential evapotranspiration, where higher values indicating more humid. The values of AI > 2 were set to 2.
The differences in each of the hydraulic traits between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (EcM) woody plants. Hydraulic traits include leaf water potential at 50% loss of leaf hydraulic conductance (P50_leaf) (a), leaf water potential at turgor loss point (TLP) (b), branch water potential at 50% loss of branch hydraulic conductivity (P50_branch) (c, e), and xylem vessel/tracheid diameter (D) (d, f). The light blue line with arrow indicates the direction of higher drought tolerance for each trait. The number of combinations of species‐by‐site were listed below the box. The box‐plots show quartiles for each trait with extreme values as dots. Traits were compared between AM and EcM plants by effect size and t‐test. The effect sizes (Cohen's D) were listed above the box. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.
The differences in each of the hydraulic traits between arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and ectomycorrhiza (EcM) plants across humidity gradients and biomes. Hydraulic traits include leaf water potential at 50% loss of leaf hydraulic conductance (P50_leaf) (a), leaf water potential at turgor loss point (TLP) (b), branch water potential at 50% loss of branch hydraulic conductivity (P50_branch) (c, e) and xylem vessel/tracheid diameter (D) (d, f). Three humidity gradients, divided according to the aridity index (AI), include semiarid and arid (AI < 0.5), subhumid (0.5 ≤ AI < 1) and humid (AI ≥ 1). Three biomes include semiarid woodland and shrubland (WDS), temperate seasonal forest (TMS) and tropical/subtropical seasonal forest (TRS). The light blue line with arrow indicates the direction of higher drought tolerance for each trait. The number of combinations of species‐by‐site were listed below the box. The box‐plots show quartiles for each trait with extreme values as dots. Traits were compared between AM and EcM plants by effect size and t‐test. The effect sizes (Cohen's D) were listed above the box. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.
Different sensitivities of hydraulic traits to water availability between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (EcM). Red dots, lines and fonts stand for AM; Blue dots, lines and fonts stand for EcM. Hydraulic traits include leaf water potential at 50% loss of leaf hydraulic conductance (P50_leaf) (a), leaf water potential at turgor loss point (TLP) (b), branch water potential at 50% loss of branch hydraulic conductivity (P50_branch) (c, e) and xylem vessel/tracheid diameter (D) (d, f). The light blue line with arrow indicates the direction of higher drought tolerance for each of traits. Correlations of hydraulic traits and aridity index (AI) were calculated by linear regression analysis. The solid lines indicate significant correlations, while the dashed lines indicate insignificant correlations. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.
Contrasting drought tolerance traits of woody plants is associated with mycorrhizal types at the global scale

September 2024


486 Reads

It is well‐known that the mycorrhizal type of plants correlates with different modes of nutrient cycling and availability. However, the differences in drought tolerance between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (EcM) plants remains poorly characterized. We synthesized a global dataset of four hydraulic traits associated with drought tolerance of 1457 woody species (1139 AM and 318 EcM species) at 308 field sites. We compared these traits between AM and EcM species, with evolutionary history (i.e. angiosperms vs gymnosperms), water availability (i.e. aridity index) and biomes considered as additional factors. Overall, we found that evolutionary history and biogeography influenced differences in hydraulic traits between mycorrhizal types. Specifically, we found that (1) AM angiosperms are less drought‐tolerant than EcM angiosperms in wet regions or biomes, but AM gymnosperms are more drought‐tolerant than EcM gymnosperms in dry regions or biomes, and (2) in both angiosperms and gymnosperms, variation in hydraulic traits as well as their sensitivity to water availability were higher in AM species than in EcM species. Our results suggest that global shifts in water availability (especially drought) may alter the biogeographic distribution and abundance of AM and EcM plants, with consequences for ecosystem element cycling and ultimately, the land carbon sink.

Enhanced productivity and evapotranspiration dominated by woody plant encroachment-induced vegetation greening in boreal wetland ecosystems

August 2024


103 Reads

Woody plant encroachment (WPE), a global phenomenon documented across various biomes and continents, has the potential to significantly impact ecosystem carbon and water cycling. However, the impacts of WPE on carbon and water cycling in wetland ecosystems of middle and high latitudes are still lacking. In this study, the interannual and seasonal impacts of WPE on gross primary production (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET), as well as their underlying mechanisms, within boreal wetland ecosystems located in middle-high latitude regions, were examined using remote sensing datasets spanning the period 2001–2016. Our results demonstrated that WPE enhanced annual GPP, ET, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) in boreal wetlands with impacts increasing over time. The multi-year average GPP and ET in fully encroached wetland ecosystems were approximately 31% and 3% higher, respectively, compared to pure wetland ecosystems. Prominent increases in wetland GPP occurred during the early growing season, while an exacerbation of ET was observed during the peak growing season. The impacts of WPE on wetland GPP and ET were predominantly attributed to increased vegetation greenness followed by secondary contributions from climate change. Climate change not only directly influenced the responses of GPP and ET to WPE but also exerted indirect effects by regulating vegetation greenness and the degree of encroachment. Our findings offer valuable insights into the understanding of the interaction between WPE and climate change, highlighting the importance of considering WPE effects and their drivers for accurate predictions of carbon and water cycles, as well as atmosphere–biosphere feedbacks in boreal wetlands.

Potential expansion of plants with crassulacean acid metabolism in the Anthropocene

July 2024


68 Reads


An overlooked phenomenon is a potential increase in the distribution and abundance of plants with the highly water-usage-efficient crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). In the present article, we critically analyze recent research to investigate to what extent and why CAM plants may have recently expanded their range and abundance under global change. We discuss the ecophysiological and evolutionary mechanisms linked with CAM succulence and the drivers underlying potential CAM expansion, including drought, warming, and atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment. We further map the biogeographic pattern of CAM expansion and show that some CAM plants (e.g., Cylindropuntia, Opuntia, and Agave) are expanding and encroaching within dryland landscapes worldwide. Our results collectively highlight the recent expansion of CAM plants, a trend that could be sustained under increasing aridity with climate change. We recommend that CAM expansion be evaluated in a data-model integrated framework to better understand and predict the ecological and socioeconomic consequences of CAM expansion during the Anthropocene.

Citations (78)

... mm), it may adversely affect its physiological activities and thus threaten its survival. In order to respond to excess precipitation, A. rugicollis may tend to seek drier habitats, which could affect its choice of mating and egg-laying sites and further alter the range of the population [49,50]. Solar radiation, as an important source of energy, also has a significant effect on the development and reproduction of A. rugicollis, which in turn alters its activity rhythms [51]. ...


Assessment of the Potential Suitable Habitat of Apriona rugicollis Chevrolat, 1852 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Under Climate Change and Human Activities Based on the Biomod2 Ensemble Model
Growing-Season Precipitation Is a Key Driver of Plant Leaf Area to Sapwood Area Ratio at the Global Scale
  • Citing Article
  • September 2024

Plant Cell and Environment

... Likewise, Rotundo and Aguiar [138] reported that seed longevity in Patagonian steppe grassland was extended when present in the litter layer of soil, a feature likely to accumulate where earthworms and other detrivores have been lost from a system. Soil moisture and broader hydrology features are often limiting for plants in natural grasslands, as indicated by the outcomes of a global meta-analysis [139], and vary with season and location. Differences in the physical condition of soil, for example pore size distribution as affected by texture and aggregation, may either mitigate or exacerbate climatic stresses, such as changes in key rainfall patterns (e.g., [140]). ...

Water limitation drives species loss in grassland communities after nitrogen addition and warming

... However, vegetation change-driven water evapotranspiration in the biological process of land-atmosphere coupling, in turn, increased the variability of the water cycle in drylands [31][32][33]. As a result, vegetation greenness and primary productivity would be tremendously constrained by enhanced atmospheric water dryness and SW deficits in dryland ecosystems [34][35][36]. Concurrent processes in the interactions between significant CO 2 fertilization and enhanced atmospheric and SW constraints on greening drylands bring uncertainties into future predictions in the evolutionary direction of ecosystem greening in global drylands. ...

Global critical soil moisture thresholds of plant water stress

... This suggests that the primary environmental factors driving changes in physical traits are closely associated with variations along the first axis. Under extreme drought conditions, P. euphratica adapts by increasing its trunk's water-conducting capacity and the degree of xylem embolism [37]. The xylem, composed of heartwood and sapwood, plays a vital role in water transport. ...

Hydraulic vulnerability difference between branches and roots increases with environmental aridity


... Application of N fertilizers to natural grasslands is known to increase biomass productivity [97], though at the cost of reduced species diversity [98]. A meta-analysis by Shi et al. [99] recently showed that this trade-off only applies to the application of inorganic N. An initial application of inorganic N is nevertheless sometimes adopted as a remediation measure for severely degraded grasslands [100], especially where nutrients are limiting plant establishment. ...

A global meta-analysis on the effects of organic and inorganic fertilization on grasslands and croplands

... Instead, it was mid-sized treeswhere rates of crown expansion peaked and mortality was at its lowest (Fig. 2) that contributed most to net gains in live aboveground biomass across the landscape. This underscores the importance of being able to partition biomass gains and losses across size-structured populations in order to fully understand their dynamics (Piponiot et al., 2022;Zuidema & van der Sleen, 2022;Yu et al., 2024). ...

Forest demography and biomass accumulation rates are associated with transient mean tree size vs density scaling relations

PNAS Nexus

... Additionally, returning straw to the field helps improve soil nutrient availability, reduce environmental pollution, and promote sustainable agricultural development [11,12]. Thus, returning straw to cropland is regarded as the primary method for efficient and sustainable use of straw resources [13]. Soil tillage is also a significant influence on SOC. ...

Nutrient limitation of soil organic carbon stocks under straw return
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024

Soil Biology and Biochemistry

... With the progress of remote sensing technology, remote sensing data with long time series and wide spatial coverage became available. Consequently, NPP estimation models experienced unprecedented development, with the "remote sensing data + model" approach becoming the mainstream method for indirectly estimating vegetation NPP [9-11], which has since been widely applied in global forest dynamics, carbon cycling, and climate change research [12,13]. At present, models for NPP estimation using remote sensing technology are mainly classified into three categories: physiological and ecological process models, climate productivity models, and the light use efficiency models [14]. ...

Carbon cycle responses to climate change across China's terrestrial ecosystem: Sensitivity and driving process
  • Citing Article
  • January 2024

The Science of The Total Environment

... Additionally, N-associated compounds, such as chlorophyll, increased with increasing N availability (Figure 5d). Previous research has also shown that increased N availability significantly boosts SPAD value in crops (Zhao et al., 2003), in sugar maple (Young et al., 2023) and at a large-scale region (He et al., 2022). ...

Plant Evolution History Overwhelms Current Environment Gradients in Affecting Leaf Chlorophyll Across the Tibetan Plateau

... Recent studies have indicated a significant weakening trend in the connection between summer greening and spring greening in the Northern Hemisphere [30], and our research supports this viewpoint. From April to August, the rate of increase in the VLAI is faster during the early stage than in the later stage in Northeast China. ...

Diminishing carryover benefits of earlier spring vegetation growth

Nature Ecology & Evolution