June 2023
33 Reads
Bulletin of the Karaganda university History Philosophy series
This article provides a philosophical interpretation of MacIntyre's Virtue Ethics. Through a close analysis of key concepts such as telos, narrative unity, and the cultivation of virtues, the article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of MacIntyre's ethical framework. Drawing on historical and interdisciplinary research, the article investigates the intellectual influences and historical context that shaped MacIntyre's Virtue Ethics, including his debt to Aristotle's Virtue Ethics. The article explores the similarities and differences between MacIntyre's Virtue Ethics and other ethical theories such as consequentialism and deontology. In particular, it highlights the unique features of MacIntyre's approach, including the emphasis on narrative unity and the importance of social practices. Further, the article examines the relevance of MacIntyre's Virtue Ethics in addressing pressing ethical challenges facing modern society. It argues that the cultivation of virtues and the emphasis on narrative unity can provide a framework for ethical decision-making in a world full of competing values and interests. Overall, this article offers a comprehensive and nuanced interpretation of MacIntyre's Virtue Ethics, demonstrating its continued relevance in the field of ethics and its potential for guiding individuals and commаnities towards a more ethical and meaningful existence.