K Krawielitzki’s research while affiliated with University of Rostock and other places

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Publications (116)

Protein metabolism in mice selected for high carcass protein content or high body weight
  • Article

February 2011


24 Reads


1 Citation

J Anim Physiol a Anim Nutr

R. Schadereit


M. Klein





U. Renne

Protein turnover, efficiency of growth and body composition were investigated in N balance experiments with growing male mice (26‐36 days of age) which were long‐time selected for high carcass protein amount (DU‐6P) or for high body weight (DU‐6) and in the unselected randomly bred control (DU‐Ks). In total 12 mice per line were housed singly in metabolic cages and had free access to a commercial stock diet (crude protein 267 g, gross energy 19 MJ/kg dry matter). N balance, whole body protein synthesis (PS, end‐product method, single dose of ¹⁵ N‐labelled amino‐acid mixture), fractional myofibrillar muscle breakdown rate (FBR, 3‐methylhistidine method) and N distribution in the body were measured. Additionally, the maintenance nitrogen requirement (MNR) and the maximum possible rate of N accretion (MNA) of the different lines was estimated after feeding semi‐synthetic diets with increasing protein levels. Body weight of both selection lines was about twice that of the control mice at the same age. The DU‐6P mice synthesized and deposited more protein and less fat per unit metabolic BW, than the DU‐6 mice did. However, scaled to the corresponding body protein pools, the rates of protein synthesis were not significantly different between both selection lines in contrast to the deposition rate. Selection for high body weight resulted in higher body fat content, higher muscle FBR and a lower proportion of carcass N compared to DU‐6P mice. The protein synthesis (13‐14 g protein/kg BW 0.75 per day) and MNR values (290‐305 mg N/kg BW 0.75 per day) of the selected mice were higher than those of control mice (11 g protein and 265 mg N/kg BW 0.75 , respectively) and may be due to selection‐linked enlargments of visceral organs. The MNA of DU‐6P and DU‐6 mice amounted to 6 and 5 g protein/kg BW 0.75 , respectively, and the MNA of the controls was between these values. Compared to DU‐6, the higher protein accretion rate of DU‐6P mice seems to be due more to a lower muscle protein breakdown rate than an increased protein synthesis rate. Zusammenfassung Proteinumsatz von Mäusen, die auf hohen Körperproteingehalt oder auf hohes Körpergewicht selektiert wurden An je 12 wachsenden männlichen Mäusen, die über 80 Generationen am 42. Lebenstag entweder auf hohen Proteingehalt im Schlachtkörper (DU‐6P) oder auf hohe Lebendmasse (DU‐6) selektiert worden waren, wurden Proteinstoffwechsel, Wachstumseffizienz und Körperzusammensetzung im Vergleich zur unselektierten Kontrollinie (DU‐Ks) untersucht. Die Tiere wurden einzeln in Stoffwechselkäfigen bei freiem Zugang zu Wasser und Altromin‐Zuchtfutter (Rohprotein 267 g/kg TS, Bruttoenergie 19 MJ/kg TS) gehalten. Neben der N‐Bilanz wurden Gesamtkörper‐Proteinsynthese (PS, Endproduktmethode, einmalige Gabe einer ¹⁵ N‐Aminosäurenmischung, Auswertung mittels Kompart‐mentmodell), fraktionelle Muskelprotein‐Abbaurate (FBR, 3‐Methylhistidin‐Methode), Verteilung des Körperstickstoffs, N‐Erhaltungsbedarf (MNR, regressiv nach Fütterung semi‐synthetischer Rationen mit steigenden Proteinniveaus) sowie maximales N‐Ansatzvermögen (MNA) der Mauslinien gemessen. Die mittleren Lebendmassen (LM) der selektierten Tiere waren bei gleichem Alter etwa doppelt so hoch wie die der unselektierten Kontrolle. Pro kg metabolischer LM synthetisierten und deponierten DU‐6P‐Mäuse täglich mehr Protein als DU‐6‐Mäuse. Bei Bezug auf die entsprechenden Körperprotein‐gehalte waren die Unterschiede in den täglichen Proteinsyntheseraten beider Selektionslinien im Gegensatz zur Proteinansatzrate nicht mehr signifikant. Die Selektion auf hohe LM (DU‐6) führte zu höheren Körper‐Fettgehalten, zu höheren FBR und damit zu niedrigeren Körper‐N‐Gehalten im Vergleich zur Selektion auf hohen Proteingehalt (DU‐6P). Proteinsynthese (13–14 g Protein/kg LM 0.75 .d) und MNR (290–305 mg N/kg LM 0.75 .d) der selektierten Mäuse waren höher als die der Kontrolltiere (11 g Protein bzw. 265 mg N/kg LM 0.75 .d) und können mit den selektionsbedingten Vergrößerungen der relativen Organgewichte zusammenhängen. Die MNA‐Werte lagen zwischen 5 (DU‐6) und 6 g (DU‐6P) Protein/kg LM 0.75 .d. Der im Vergleich zur Linie DU‐6 höhere Proteinansatz der DU‐6P‐Tiere scheint mehr durch eine verminderte Muskelprotein‐Abbaurate als durch eine höhere Proteinsyntheserate bedingt zu sein.

Determining of Nitrogen Absorption and Nitrogen Secretion in Different Sections of the Pig's Intestine by Digesta Exchange between 15 N Labelled and Unlabelled Animals

September 2009


15 Reads


32 Citations

Archiv für Tierernaehrung

In an experiment with 3 pigs (initial live weight 30 kg, each fitted with 2 re-entrant fistulas in duodenum and ileum, one labelled with 15N), the duodenal and ileum digesta was exchanged. The N and 15N contents were estimated in faeces, urine, duodenal and ileum digesta of all experimental animals as well as in special organs and in the contents of different tract sections. The 15N excess (15N') of N compounds secreted into the gut lumen was determined using the 15N' in pancreas, gut mucosa and TCA-soluble blood serum. From measuring the digesta passage through the 3 sections of the digestive tract: 1. mouth ... duodenum, 2. duodenum ... ileum, 3. ileum ... after (Krawielitzki et al., 1989) the absorption and secretion rates of nitrogen were calculated. Secretion into the 1st section amounted to 5.3 g N/d (= 15% of intake) and the absorption to approximately 1% of intake. In the 2nd section the corresponding dates were 8.9 resp. 38.6 g N/d (= 25 resp. 110% of N intake), and in the 3rd one 1.9 resp. 8.4 g N/d (= 5.6 resp. 24% of N intake). Total absorption amounted to 134% of N intake and the over all re-absorption of endogenous N compounds secreted into the gut lumen to about 90%. During the passage the amount of endogenous N (g/d) decreased from 5.3 at the duodenum to 3.8 at the ileum to 1.6 in the faeces, but the relative portion increased (13 resp. 35 resp. 39%). An incorporation into body proteins occurred only from N compounds absorbed in the 1st and in the 2nd section. N (or 15N) absorbed in the large intestine was almost quantitatively excreted by urine. The method of digesta exchange between cannulated labelled and unlabelled pigs seems to be a suitable method to estimate absorption and secretion of exogenous and endogenous N portions in various sections of the digestive tract.

Determination of the Transit Rates in Different Sections of the Pig's Intestine

September 2009


15 Reads


3 Citations

Archiv für Tierernaehrung

An experiment was carried out using pigs weighing approximately 30 kg. The animals were fitted with two re-entrant cannulas in duodenum and ileum. During a 5 day period the passage of digesta through duodenum and ileum as well as the excretion by urine and faeces was estimated, taking an aliquot of 5% for N analysis. Transit of digesta amounted to 12.4 ... 13.2. kg/d in the duodenum and 2.7 ... 3.6 kg/d in the ileum. The appertaining N passage rates were 36.8 ... 42.4 resp. 8.7 ... 11.2 g N/d, corresponding to 108 ... 120% and 27 ... 32% of the N intake. The transit rate of duodenal digesta was highest immediately after feeding (1.4 ... 1.5 kg/h), decreased thereafter strongly, reaching a second lower maximum of 0.85 ... 1.0 kg/h 2 ... 3 h after feeding and then going down to 0.3 ... 0.4 kg/h just before the next feeding. The daily mean value was about 500 g/h. Endogenous N content of duodenal digesta varied between 10% after feeding and 50% 6 ... 12 h after feeding, with an average of 18.1%. In contrast the endogenous N content of ileal digesta was relatively constant amounting about 42% during the whole day. These findings correspond with those found by other authors using other rations and other live weights of the pigs. They refer to a clear diurnal rhythm of digesta transit and to the enormous dynamics of absorption and secretion processes in the intestinal tract of pigs during digestion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Einsatz von Isotopen bei in vivo-Studien zur Untersuchung des Eiweißstoffwechsels

August 2008


7 Reads


1 Citation

Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies

Es werden an einigen Beispielen des Einsatzes von radioaktiv (H bzw. C) und stabilisotop (N) markierten Traceraminosāuren für in vivo-Untersuchungen verschiedene Probleme der Untersuchungsmethodik und kritische Punkte bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse erörtert.Bei Einsatz radioaktiver oder stabilisotop markierter Verbindungen zur Untersuchung des Eiweißstoffwechsels ist stets die Berücksichtigung und Messung verschiedener physikalischer und physiologischer Parameter notwendig, um Interpretationsirrtūmer zu minimieren.

Korrektur emissionssprektrometrisch bestimmter 15N-Überschußwerte bei Proben mit geringen N-Mengen

August 2008


6 Reads

Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies

Using 15N labelled amino acids the amount of nitrogen in amino acid fractions, resulting from the impurity of the applied chemicals of the Kjeldahl method, was estimated. The study shows that the measured 15N values are dependent on the nitrogen content of the sample and the level of 15N labelling. Within the range of 250 μg … 1000 μg nitrogen in the sample and in the case of 15N-excess >1 Atom% a correction of the measured 15N excess values is recommended

Citations (36)

... Beer yeast was produced according to a method modified from the procedure described by Wutzke & Heine (1984). The growth medium contained 2.95 g (''NH4)2SO4 (95 atom % excess "N), inoculated with 50 mg yeast. ...


Secretion and reabsorption of endogenous protein along the small intestine of sheep: Estimates derived from 15N dilution of plasma non-protein-N
Präparative Darstellung von hochangereichertem 15N-markiertem Hefeprotein
  • Citing Chapter
  • December 1984

... L'une des inconnues avec ce type de travail réside dans l'estimation de la dégradation par fermentation par rapport à la sécrétion endogène au niveau du gros intestin (donc après l'iléon). Un modèle de transfert de digesta, développé par Krawielitzki et al. (1999) (Swanson, 1977). De façon empirique, l'excrétion d'azote urinaire endogène est estimé en déterminant la quantité d'azote excrété dans les urines d'animaux recevant des régimes riches en énergie mais extrêmement pauvres en protéines (Swanson, 1977). ...

Nitrogen secretion and absorption in different segments of the digestive tract estimated by digesta exchange between 15N-labelled and unlabelled sheep
  • Citing Article
  • March 1999

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences

... Metabolically, most of the endogenous N secretions are reabsorbed before the ileum. Sandek et al. (2002) evaluated N secretion and reabsorption in the rumen and the small and large intestine of sheep. They reported that of the endogenous N entering the small intestine 70 to 77% was reabsorbed, values in agreement with Roy (1983) but higher than values reported by Voigt (1996). ...

Studies on N-metabolism in different gastro-intestinal sections of sheep using the digesta exchange technique. 3. N secretion and reabsorption
  • Citing Article
  • May 2002

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences

... In this study a mixture of 15 N labelled amino acids, derived from algal biomass, was used to study pro- tein turnover instead of the more usual single labelled amino acid (e.g., Houlihan et al. 1988;Conceição et al. 1997a, b). The advantages of using mixtures of 15 N labelled amino acids over a single labelled amino acid for determination of whole body rates of protein syn- thesis have been discussed elsewhere ( Wutzke et al. 1992;Krawielitzki et al. 1997). ...

The influence of feeding frequency on nitrogen turnover and whole body protein synthesis in adult rats (estimation using [14C]- and [15N]-labelled leucine)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1997

Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies

... Contributions of total EN to N duodenal flow averaged 24 and 30% for total N and Leu, respectively, with mucosa as the representative pool. In sheep, Van Bruchem et al. (1997) reported that EN averaged 25% of duodenal N flow using labeled food, whereas Sandek et al. (2001) reported that EN contributed 3.4 and 12% of the NAN duodenal flow, using a combination of labeling and transferring digesta between animals. ...

Studies on N-metabolism in different gastrointestinal sections of sheep using the digesta exchange technique. 1. Model and experimental conditions
  • Citing Article
  • August 2001

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences

... Regarding the findings in the literature, it is believed that protein deposition during growth is a balance between protein synthesis and degradation. The results of the present study supports the hypothesis that this phenomenon (synthesis and degradation) are influenced by age (Rimbach and Liebert 1999), sex (Sebastian et al. 1997), genotype (Fatufe et al. 2004), nutrition (Çiftci and Ceylan 2004) and genetic improvements of birds (Schadereit et al. 1998). ...

Protein turnover, body composition, muscle characteristics, and blood hormones in response to different direction of growth selection in mice
  • Citing Article
  • June 1998

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences

... To improve the estimation of endogenous secretions through the gut in dairy cows, Ouellet et al. (2002 and adapted an isotopic dilution approach used in pigs (e.g. Lien et al., 1997) and sheep (Sandek et al., 2001). This approach allowed the development of a model delineating the contribution of undigested rumen bacteria synthesized from endogenous secretions or from urea to fecal N, thus allowing the exclusion of the latter from MFP. ...

Studies on N-metabolism in different gastrointestinal sections of sheep using the digesta exchange technique. 2. Passage of endogenous nitrogen
  • Citing Article
  • November 2001

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences

... The differentiation as to whether nutrients are digested and absorbed in the small intestine or in the hindgut is of great relevance as the digestion processes in the small intestine are based mainly on enzymatic digestion-with a species-dependent proportion of microbial digestion, whereas the digestive processes in the hindgut are based on bacterial degradation (see Figure 1). Although this microbial fermentation allows the host to generate energy (e.g., from fermentative degradation of resistant starch or fiber but also of prececally undigested proteins and peptides), there is consensus that only prececally digested proteins can be included in the amino acid pool of the host and thereby contribute to amino acid supply as there is no relevant absorption of amino acids from the hindgut [6][7][8]. The fate of protein in the hindgut is caused by absorption of ammonia, which is produced by bacterial degradation [8]. ...

Untersuchungen über die Proteinverdaulichkeit und Aminosäurenresorption in verschiedenen Abschnitten des Verdauungstraktes beim Schwein
  • Citing Article
  • September 2009

Archiv für Tierernaehrung

... This is consistent with the observation that nitrogen absorbed from the hindgut contributes primarily to urinary nitrogen excretion. Indeed, while it was shown that approximately 18% of total nitrogen absorption occurred in the colon of pigs (Krawielitzki et al., 1990;Krawielitzki et al., 1996), the absorption of labelled nitrogen from the colon was entirely accounted for by label excretion in urine (Krawielitzki et al., 1990). These contrasting observations indicate that the potential contribution of lower gut nitrogen supply to the host is still not completely understood. ...

Absorption and secretion of exogenous and endogenous N along the digestive tract and kinetic parameters of protein metabolism in growing pigs. 2. Determining kinetic parameters of protein metabolism in the pig using the 15N tracer technique
  • Citing Article
  • September 1996

J Anim Physiol a Anim Nutr

... Total nitrogen (TN) content was measured using the Kjeldahl method. 22 Briefly, the samples were digested with sulfuric acid, and all nitrogen was converted to ammonium sulfate. The resulting ammonium sulfate was further alkalized and distilled with 20 g/L boric acid. ...

Präparative Darstellung von hochangereichertem N-markiertem Hefeprotein
  • Citing Article
  • January 1984

Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies