K. Becker’s research while affiliated with University of Miami and other places

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Publications (93)

Location of North Pond and its borehole observatories in the North Atlantic Ocean. (a) Location of North Pond in the region that encompasses the Kane Fracture Zone (dotted line) and the segment of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge to the south (dashed line). The base map was made using GeoMapApp (www.geomapapp.org)/CC by (Ryan et al., 2009). (b) Detailed multi‐beam bathymetry around North Pond (Villinger et al., 2018). Locations of the 4 borehole observatories within North Pond are marked with two large stars, and the location of Hole 1074A is marked with a smaller star. Dashed lines show locations of seismic profiles 4–6 and 12–14 used in Section 6 and Figure 9.
Configurations of the four borehole observatories in North Pond.
Ten‐year record of pressures recorded from 1997 to 2007 with the original CORK in Hole 395A.
Ten‐year record of temperatures recorded from 1997 to 2007 with the original CORK in Hole 395A.
Comparison of temperatures recorded in Hole 395A with the DVTP probe in 1997 and CORK in 2007, 10 years after its deployment. Also shown are the Davis and Becker (2004) estimate of the natural pre‐drilling temperature profile, based on 1997–2001 CORK temperature data, and an interpretation from Becker et al. (2001) of zones that accepted inflow from the 1976–1997 downhole flow based on anomalies in a 1997 downhole log of spontaneous potential. Those zones correlate well to brecciated and probably highly transmissive boundaries between major eruptive units delineated by other logs such as resistivity (Bartetzko et al., 2001; Hyndman & Salisbury, 1984).


Long‐Term Observations of Subseafloor Temperatures and Pressures in a Low‐Temperature, Off‐Axis Hydrothermal System in North Pond on the Western Flank of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2022


78 Reads


1 Citation

K. Becker



Basement formation pressures and temperatures were recorded from 1997 to 2017 in four sealed‐hole observatories in North Pond, an isolated ∼8 × 15 km sediment pond surrounded by thinly sedimented basement highs in 7–8 Ma crust west of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge at ∼23°N. Two observatories are located ∼1 km from the southeastern edge of North Pond where sediment thickness is ∼90 m; the other two are ∼1 km from the northeastern edge where sediment thickness is 40–50 m. Sediments are up to 200 m thicker in the more central part of the pond. The borehole observations, along with upper basement temperatures estimated from seafloor heat flux measurements, provide constraints on the nature of low‐temperature ridge‐flank hydrothermal circulation in a setting that may be typical of sparsely sedimented crust formed at slow spreading ridges. Relative to seafloor pressures, basement formation pressures are modestly positive and increase with depth, except for a slight negative differential pressure in the shallowest 30–40 m in one northeastern hole. Although the observatory pairs are ∼6 km apart, the lateral pressure gradient in basement between them is very small. Formation pressure responses to seafloor tidal loading are consistent with high basement permeability that allows for vigorous low‐temperature circulation with low lateral pressure gradients. In contrast, there is significant lateral variability in upper basement temperatures, with highest values of ∼12.5°C beneath the thickly sedimented southwest section, lower values near the edges, and lowest values near the southeast edge. The results are key to assessing past and recent models for the circulation system.


Evidence for Low‐Temperature Diffuse Venting at North Pond, Western Flank of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge

June 2019


100 Reads


8 Citations






C. G. Wheat

Temperature measurements from the water column, along ROV-dives and in the sediment surrounding North Pond, a sediment pond on the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic ridge, are used in an attempt to detect fluid outflow from the upper crust. Heat flow surveys within North Pond suggest hydrothermal fluid circulation beneath the pond. However, since re- and discharge happen diffusively in the surrounding area, which consists of rocky outcrops with very thin or no sediment cover, they cannot be directly investigated with traditional methods. So far, their occurrence has only been postulated. Combining the bottom water temperature measurements acquired during ROV-dives in the north-west of the pond, where fluid outflow is suspected, with measurements of the temperature gradient in the sediment using a T-Stick and data from push cores also taken during the ROV-dives, leads to the conclusion that these data sets allow, within limits, to link bottom water anomalies with high temperature gradients in the sediment, inferring fluid outflow.

Cross-hole tracer experiment reveals rapid fluid flow and low effective porosity in the upper oceanic crust

September 2016


62 Reads


31 Citations

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Numerous field, laboratory, and modeling studies have explored the flows of fluid, heat, and solutes during seafloor hydrothermal circulation, but it has been challenging to determine transport rates and flow directions within natural systems. Here we present results from the first cross-hole tracer experiment in the upper oceanic crust, using four subseafloor borehole observatories equipped with autonomous samplers to track the transport of a dissolved tracer (sulfur hexafluoride, SF6) injected into a ridge-flank hydrothermal system. During the first three years after tracer injection, SF6 was transported both north and south through the basaltic aquifer. The observed tracer transport rate of ∼2–3 m/day is orders of magnitude greater than bulk rates of flow inferred from thermal and chemical observations and calculated with coupled fluid-heat flow simulations. Taken together, these results suggest that the effective porosity of the upper volcanic crust through which much tracer was transported is <1%, with fluid flowing rapidly along a few well-connected channels. This is consistent with the heterogeneous (layered, faulted, and/or fractured) nature of the volcanic upper oceanic crust.

Characterizing borehole fluid flow and formation permeability in the ocean crust using linked analytic models and Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis: Borehole Flow and Formation Permeability

September 2013


60 Reads


17 Citations

Thermal records from boreholes in young oceanic crust, in which water is flowing up or down, are used to assess formation and borehole flow properties using three analytic equations that describe the transient thermal and barometric influence of downhole or uphole flow. We link these calculations with an iterative model and apply Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis to quantify ranges of possible values. The model is applied to two data sets interpreted in previous studies, from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift and Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1026B on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and to two new records collected in Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Holes U1301A and U1301B, also on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Our calculations indicate that fluid flow rates when thermal logs were collected were ˜2 L/s in Holes 504B, 1026B, and U1301A, and >20 L/s in Hole U1301B. The median bulk permeabilities determined with MCMC analyses are 4 to 7 × 10-12 m2 around the uppermost parts of Holes 504B, 1026B, and U1301A, and 1.5 × 10-11 m2 around a deeper section of Hole U1301B, with a standard deviation of 0.2 to 0.3 log cycles at each borehole. The consistency of permeability values inferred from these four holes is surprising, given the range of values determined globally and the tendency for permeability to be highly variable in fractured crystalline rock formations such as the upper oceanic crust.

Initiation of long-term coupled microbiological, geochemical, and hydrological experimentation within the seafloor at North Pond, western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

January 2012


30 Reads


26 Citations

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 336 successfully initiated subseafloor observatory science at a young mid-ocean-ridge flank setting. All of the drilled sites are located in the North Pond region of the Atlantic Ocean (22°45'N, 46°05'W) in 4414-4483 m water depth. This area is known from previous ocean drilling and site survey investigations as a site of particularly vigorous circulation of seawater in permeable 8 Ma basaltic basement underlying a <300 m thick sedimentary pile. Understanding how this seawater circulation affects microbial and geochemical processes in the uppermost basement was the primary science objective of Expedition 336. Basement was cored and wireline-logged in Holes U1382A and U1383C. Upper oceanic crust in Hole U1382A, which is only 50 m west of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Hole 395A, recovered 32 m of core between 110 and 210 meters below seafloor (mbsf). Core recovery in basement was 32%, yielding a number of volcanic flow units with distinct geochemical and petrographic characteristics. A unit of sedimentary breccia containing clasts of basalt, gabbroic rocks, and mantle peridotite was found intercalated between two volcanic flow units and was interpreted as a rock slide deposit. From Hole U1383C we recovered 50.3 m of core between 69.5 and 331.5 mbsf (19%). The basalts are aphyric to highly plagioclase-olivine-phyric tholeiites that fall on a liquid line of descent controlled by olivine fractionation. They are fresh to moderately altered, with clay minerals (saponite, nontronite, and celadonite), Fe oxyhydroxide, carbonate, and zeolite as secondary phases replacing glass and olivine to variable extents. In addition to traditional downhole logs, we also used a new logging tool for detecting in situ microbial life in ocean floor boreholes-the Deep Exploration Biosphere Investigative tool (DEBI-t). Sediment thickness was ∼90 m at Sites U1382 and U1384 and varied between 38 and 53 m at Site U1383. The sediments are predominantly nannofossil ooze with layers of coarse foraminiferal sand and occasional pebble-size clasts of basalt, serpentinite, gabbroic rocks, and bivalve debris. The bottommost meters of sections cored with the advanced piston corer feature brown clay. Extended core barrel coring at the sediment/basement interface recovered <1 m of brecciated basalt with micritic limestone. Sediments were intensely sampled for geochemical pore water analyses and microbiological work. In addition, high-resolution measurements of dissolved oxygen concentration were performed on the whole-round sediment cores. Major strides in ridge-flank studies have been made with subseafloor borehole observatories (CORKs) because they facilitate combined hydrological, geochemical, and microbiological studies and controlled experimentation in the subseafloor. During Expedition 336, two fully functional observatories were installed in two newly drilled holes (U1382A and U1383C) and an instrument and sampling string were placed in an existing hole (395A). Although the CORK wellhead in Hole 395A broke off and Hole U1383B was abandoned after a bit failure, these holes and installations are intended for future observatory science targets. The CORK observatory in Hole U1382A has a packer seal in the bottom of the casing and monitors/samples a single zone in uppermost oceanic crust extending from 90 to 210 mbsf. Hole U1383C was equipped with a three-level CORK observatory that spans a zone of thin basalt flows with intercalated limestone (∼70-146 mbsf), a zone of glassy, thin basaltic flows and hyaloclastites (146-200 mbsf), and a lowermost zone (∼200-331.5 mbsf) of more massive pillow flows with occasional hyaloclastites in the upper part.

Seafloor Uplift in Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge: New High-Resolution Pressure Data

December 2011


22 Reads

Currently, in-situ seafloor and basement pressures are continuously monitored and recorded by an ODP subseafloor hydrogeological observatory (CORK) located in Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Hole 857D was drilled in 1991 in thickly sedimented crust to a depth of 936 mbsf and instrumented with an original CORK that was replaced in 1996. A large hydrothermal field (Dead Dog) lies roughly 1.7 km north of the hole, and two isolated chimneys and several diffuse flow sites are located ~800 meters northeast. The borehole and the vent fields have been visited periodically by submersible/ROV since 1999. Recent results from the CORK at 857D have shown apparent seafloor uplift, supported by depth records from the submersible Alvin. A constant rate of pressure change of ~6 kPa/yr, from its initiation in 2005 to the visit in 2010, has reduced mean seafloor pressure by ~28 kPa, equivalent to nearly 3 meters of head. This uplift rate is several times the typical pre-eruption inflation rates observed at Axial Seamount further south along the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Initially, the apparent uplift at 857D did not seem to have any effect on local high-temperature hydrothermal venting, however recent operations in Middle Valley revealed distinct changes at not only the hydrothermal field to the northeast, but also a shutdown of high-temperature venting to the north of 857D. We will present new data from Middle Valley, including the first year of data collected by a high-resolution pressure data logger deployed at 857D in June, 2010.

CORK observations of hydrologic response to seismic and aseismic fault slip: Regional strain and local formation changes

December 2011


12 Reads

Hydrologically active areas in the deep ocean are also seismically active, and ever since early "CORK" (Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit) hydrologic observatories were established in Ocean Drilling Program boreholes, transient signals related to earthquakes have been observed. In holes that are properly sealed, formation pressure anomalies appear to be the consequence of co-seismic and post-seismic strain, and of strain related to slow fault slip. The sign of the anomalies is always consistent with that pedicted from the earthquake moment tensors. The magnitude of volumetric strain can be determined from pressure change using the calibration provided by the formation response to oceanographic loading at the seafloor. Examples at both subduction zone (Mariana forearc, Nankai Trough) and ridge and ridge flank settings (Juan de Fuca Ridge) show that co-seismic strain inferred from pressure is typically one to two orders of magnitude greater than that predicted for the corresponding earthquakes. Transients observed in the Middle America Trench off Costa Rica follow slow slip and tremor events landward of the locked, or partially locked portion of the subduction plate interface. This relationship suggests that slow slip observed by way of GPS-constrained deformation and seismic tremor on land can reach all the way to the trench with no seismic energy generation. In holes that are not perfectly sealed, formation temperature transients concurrent with pressure transients have been observed, with temperature being sensitive to changes in the rate of flow within the boreholes. Examples from the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank suggest that formation physical properties may be affected near epicentres where ground motion intensity is large. In one recent example, pressure fell in response to dilatational strain, while the temperature, and hence rate of flow in an overpressured and leaking hole increased. This can only be explained by an increase in permeability. All examples demonstrate the utility of using long-term monitoring of formation pressure in ocean boreholes as a sensitive proxy for strain in the study of seismic and aseismic fault slip.

Citations (51)

... Recent numerical studies of coupled heat transfer and fluid flow require high crustal permeabilities of 10 10 to 10 9 m 2 (Price et al., 2022(Price et al., , 2023, similar to the aforementioned studies on the Cocos Plate. These predictions by numerical studies are consistent with CORK observations (Becker et al., 2022;Wheat et al., 2020). However, flow dynamics below North Pond appear to be more complex than outcrop-to-outcrop circulation for "discharge-dominated" systems in the two examples for intermediate-and fast-spreading crust given above (Becker et al., 2022;Price et al., 2022). ...


Evaluating the Physics of Outcrop‐To‐Outcrop Flow With Hydrothermal Flow Models
Long‐Term Observations of Subseafloor Temperatures and Pressures in a Low‐Temperature, Off‐Axis Hydrothermal System in North Pond on the Western Flank of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge

... It is situated on 8 Myr old seafloor, has a spatial extent of approximately 8 × 14 km, and sediments reach maximum thicknesses of ∼250 m. Measured heat flow values at North Pond are well below the conductive reference (Langseth et al., 1984(Langseth et al., , 1992Schmidt-Schierhorn, 2012) and temperature gradients in the sediment are high (Villinger et al., 2019), indicating the advective transport of heat by lateral fluid flow and low-temperature diffuse venting. Recent numerical studies of coupled heat transfer and fluid flow require high crustal permeabilities of 10 10 to 10 9 m 2 (Price et al., 2022(Price et al., , 2023, similar to the aforementioned studies on the Cocos Plate. ...

Evidence for Low‐Temperature Diffuse Venting at North Pond, Western Flank of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge

... Database Figure 1 presents the locations of sites that comprise the new heat flow database created from the TBT and BHT records from 3,888 drilled deep boreholes. Also, 1107 published offshore sites (inside the exclusive economic zone) are included in Figure 1 to visualize their distribution and covered areas (e.g., Von Herzen 1963, 1964Epp et al., 1970;Erickson et al., 1972;Henyey & Bischoff, 1973;Lawver et al., 1973Lawver et al., , 1975Lee & Henyey, 1975;Williams et al., 1979;Becker, 1981;Lonsdale & Becker, 1985;Prol-Ledesma et al., 1989;Khutorskoy et al., 1990;Becker & Fisher, 1991;Sanchez-Zamora et al., 1991, 2013, 2021Nagihara et al., 1996;Fisher et al., 2001;Blackwell & Richards, 2004;Rosales Rodríguez, 2007;Espinoza-Ojeda et al., 2017a;Neumann et al., 2017;Negrete-Aranda et al., 2022;Peñ a-Domínguez et al., 2022). The new database includes TBT and BHT measurements from 14 geothermal and 3857 petroleum boreholes, 17 of which are offshore; see Figure 2 for an illustration of the T-z (temperaturedepth) logs of geothermal and petroleum boreholes used in this study. ...

A brief review of heat-flow studies in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
  • Citing Article
  • January 1991

... If the normalized chargeability would be determined over 6 orders of magnitude, we would expect to have α = 8.8. Revil et al. (1996) and Revil et al. (2002). The overall trend confirms the linear dependence (r 2 = 0.94 in a log-log space) between the surface conductivity and the CEC for high porosity core samples. ...

Electrical conduction in oceanic dikes, Hole 504B
  • Citing Article
  • January 1996

... Formation fluid pressure variations were monitored in sealed deep-ocean boreholes using Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit (CORK) observatories (Davis & Becker, 2007). Data analyzed in this work are from three Ocean Drilling Program/Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (ODP/IODP) Holes 1026B, 1027C, and U1364A. ...

On the Fidelity of "CORK" Borehole Hydrologic Observatory Pressure Records

... The basalt crust in this location has been shown to be porous and highly reactive for CO2 mineralization with minimal alteration and weathering [15]. Researchers have measured ocean crustal permeability values [16] and confirmed that the overlaying 200-300 m thick sediments seal off the ocean crustal fluid flow [17]. Further experimental investigation and reactive transport modelling of this basaltic aquifer predict the dispersion of injected CO2 and its conversion to carbonate minerals occurs quickly [15,18]. ...

Cross-hole tracer experiment reveals rapid fluid flow and low effective porosity in the upper oceanic crust
  • Citing Article
  • September 2016

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

... The hole was subsequently visited multiple times for logging (summarized by Becker et al. [2001]), and North Pond was revisited in 1989 and 2009 for detailed geophysical surveys that collected heat flux, seismic reflection, and multibeam bathymetry data (Langseth et al., 1992;Schmidt-Schierhorn et al., 2012). During the logging visits, borehole temperatures were consistently observed to be nearly isothermal at about ocean bottom-water temperature, both in the casing that extends through the sediment section and into the uppermost ∼300 m of open hole in basement, before transitioning to a higher conductive gradient deeper in the hole Gable et al., 1992;Kopietz et al., 1990). This indicated that cold bottom seawater flowed down the hole into permeable upper basement for over two decades at rates on the order of 20 m/hr (2,000 L/hr) Morin et al., 1992), but that the deeper basement section was much less permeable. ...

Temperature Measurements at Site 395, ODP Leg 109
  • Citing Article
  • October 1990

... The mound in Middle Valley occurs over igneous crust less than 100 ka old and is just 5 km from the southernmost tip of the NNF (see Figures 3b, 6a, and 7 in Davis & Villinger, 1992). Multiple mounds were imaged along the spreading axis of Escanaba Trough (Davis & Becker, 1994); they were often surrounded by high-temperature hydrothermal deposits (Denlinger & Holmes, 1994). ...

Thermal and tectonic structure of Escanaba Trough: new heat-flow measurements and seismic-reflection profiles
  • Citing Article
  • January 1994

... To build the fault data set, we considered interpreted faults from 2D single-channel seismic reflection data ( Figure 5) compiled from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 168 [20,21] and from multichannel seismic data around Holes 1027 and 1026 from Cruise EW0207 [22] and Cruise MGL1211-02 [23], respectively, as well as from published, interpreted seismic sections [16,24,25]. ...

Site surveys related to IODP Expedition 301: ImageFlux (SO149) and RetroFlux (TN116) expeditions and earlier studies
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2005

... Around 20 years ago, the scientific community started to use borehole observatories, so-called CORKs, which were installed inside submarine boreholes, and which allowed the re-establishment and monitoring of in situ conditions (see summary in Davis and Becker, 2001). The key principle as well as the main objective is to provide a hydraulic seal between the borehole environment and the overlying body of water body (ocean) (Fig. 1). ...

Using ODP boreholes for studying sub-seafloor hydrogeology: Results from the first decade of CORK observations
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001

Geoscience Canada