Junxia Zhang’s research while affiliated with Hebei University and other places

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Publications (17)

Phylogeny of euophryine jumping spiders from ultra‐conserved elements, with evidence on the intersexual coevolution of genitalia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini)
  • Article

January 2025


104 Reads

Systematic Entomology

Zhaoyi Li



Wenqiang Zhang




Junxia Zhang

Knowledge of phylogeny is required to understand the evolution of highly diverse groups such as the euophryine jumping spiders, a lineage showing high species and morphological diversity. In this study, we applied a phylogenomic approach using ultra‐conserved elements (UCE) obtained from 145 taxa to infer the phylogeny of euophryine jumping spiders. The results provide a well‐supported phylogenetic framework for Euophryini, especially for the deeper relationships, in which the monophyly of Euophryini, as well as most clades corresponding to a genus or a group of closely related genera, are strongly supported. Additionally, the evolutionary patterns of male embolus length and female copulatory duct length of 117 euophryine species were investigated through ancestral character state reconstruction and phylogenetically independent contrast analyses using the UCE phylogenetic framework. The results suggest strongly that the evolution of the lengths of male embolus and female copulatory duct in Euophryini is positively correlated. The common ancestor of Euophryini likely had relatively short embolus and copulatory duct, followed by repeated lengthening or shortening of both structures in different lineages. Possible mechanisms that may have caused this intersexual coevolution pattern in Euophryini are discussed. This study advances our understandings of the phylogeny, systematics and genitalic evolution of euophryines, providing a solid foundation for future studies on the diversification and evolution of this jumping spider group.

On a new genus and twelve new species of jumping spiders from southwestern China (Araneae, Salticidae, Salticinae, Euophryini)

November 2024


2 Reads


A new genus, Eremitarys gen. nov., and twelve new species of the tribe Euophryini from southwestern China are described: Eremitarys fulva sp. nov., Euochin ailao sp. nov. (♂♀), E. mang sp. nov. (♂), E. memorabilis sp. nov. (♂), E. miao sp. nov. (♂), E. pingbian sp. nov. (♂♀), E. yangtze sp. nov. (♂♀), E. yeyu sp. nov. (♂♀), E. yuan sp. nov. (♂), E. yuxi sp. nov. (♂♀), E. zunyi sp. nov. (♂♀), and Zabka dianmian sp. nov. (♂♀). Diagnostic illustrations and photographs are provided.

Phylogenetic results. Tree shown is the maximum-likelihood tree from the UCE dataset; numbers along the branches indicate bootstrap support values from the ML (before “/”) and ASTRAL (after “/”) analyses, only numbers lower than 100% are shown; “-” indicates this node is not recovered in the ASTRAL analysis.
Eupoinae and summary phylogeny of Salticidae1 photos of living spiders of eupoines and microhabitats 2 summary phylogeny of salticid subfamilies (modified from Maddison et al. 2017).
Clarifying the phylogenetic placement of Eupoinae Maddison, 2015 (Araneae, Salticidae) with ultra-conserved element data
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


102 Reads


2 Citations

The subfamily Eupoinae Maddison, 2015 is an enigmatic group of minute leaf-litter-dwelling jumping spiders from Southeast Asia. Although previous molecular phylogenetic studies have suggested that it is one of the basal (non-salticine) lineages within jumping spiders, its exact placement remains unclear. In this study, ultra-conserved element data were collected from major salticid lineages to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of all salticid subfamilies, with a special focus on the placement of Eupoinae. The results provide a well-supported phylogeny for jumping spider subfamilies, and suggest a sister relationship of Eupoinae with Spartaeinae Wanless, 1984, a basal lineage of jumping spiders with relatively high species diversity and morphological and behavioural diversity. With the placement of Eupoinae, we have resolved the relationships of all salticid subfamilies, supplying a robust framework for evolutionary studies of jumping spiders.


Robust phylogenomics settles controversies of classification and reveals evolution of male embolic complex of the Laufeia clade (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini)

September 2024


110 Reads


2 Citations


The Laufeia clade is a peculiar lineage of euophryine jumping spiders showing rapid divergence of male genital structures, especially the embolic complex that directly interacts with female genitalia during sperm transfer. With the rapid growth of species discovery and the perplexing morphology of male genitalia in the Laufeia clade, the controversy in its classification has become a crucial problem. In this study, we applied a phylogenomic approach using ultra‐conserved elements data to infer the phylogeny of the Laufeia clade with extensive taxon sampling. A comparative morphological study was performed to evaluate diagnostic characters and understand the evolution of the male embolic complex within the Laufeia clade. The evolution of microhabitats (foliage, tree trunk, rock and surface litter) was also investigated to uncover the potential link between the microhabitat shifts and male embolic complex divergence. The results provide a strongly supported phylogenetic framework and updated generic concepts for the Laufeia clade. The synapomorphies for the updated genera within the Laufeia clade were identified through character mapping on the phylogeny. Ancestral state reconstruction analyses revealed that the Type I embolic complex (characterized by a disc‐like embolic disc with a lamina as its outer edge) was ancestral and gradually evolved into the Type II (without lamina of embolic disc, base of embolic complex often modified into a functional “conductor”) and Type III (lacking lamina of embolic disc and base of embolic complex) embolic complex, and that some embolic shapes evolved multiple times independently in different lineages of the Laufeia clade. The shift from foliage‐dwelling to tree trunk‐dwelling in the common ancestor of the Laufeia clade may have facilitated the divergent evolution of male embolic complex in the Laufeia clade. This study provides a solid foundation for future studies of systematics and evolution of this group.

On a new genus and seven species of Chrysillini from China (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae)

July 2024


96 Reads


1 Citation


A new genus of chrysilline jumping spiders, Qingattus gen. nov., is established for a new species from southern China: Qingattus wulan spec. nov. (♂♀). Three other new species of Chrysillini are described: Heliophanoides ultramarine spec. nov. (♂♀), Phintella chunfen spec. nov. (♂) and P. yi spec. nov. (♂). Newly recorded from China are Cosmophasis ombria (Thorell, 1877) (♂♀), Heliophanus chovdensis Prószyński, 1982 (♂♀), and Okinawicius tokarensis (Bohdanowicz & Prószyński, 1987) (♂♀).

On the enigmatic jumping spider genus Ogdenia Peckham, 1908 (Araneae, Salticidae, Chrysillini)

May 2024


242 Reads

The monotypic genus Ogdenia Peckham, 1908, is redefined based on the redescription of the holotype of O. mutilla (Peckham & Peckham, 1907), along with the newly discovered male specimens and intraspecific variation from China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam. Description, illustrations, and photographs are provided.

Taxonomic revision of Orcevia Thorell, 1890, with description of fifteen new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini)

December 2023


64 Reads


2 Citations


The Asian euophryine genus Orcevia Thorell, 1890 is revised, and fifteen new species from southern China and Southeast Asia are described: Orcevia bokoblin Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. calcicola Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. deelemanae Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. feitongae Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. gongae Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂), O. jinping Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. meinei Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. mercuryi Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. nietzschei Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. pakse Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂), O. shuyuani Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. timburtoni Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. wuliang Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. yahaha Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀), O. zabkai Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀) and O. zu Yu & Zhang, sp. nov. (♂♀). Three new combinations and one new synonym are proposed: Orcevia sokoli (Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2013) comb. nov. (transferred from Echeclus Thorell, 1890), O. sica (Wu & Yang, 2008) comb. nov. (=Laufeia longapophysis Lei & Peng, 2012 syn. nov.; transferred from Laufeia Simon, 1889), and Magyarus terrestris (Logunov, 2021) comb. nov. (transferred from Orcevia). The previously unknown females of Orcevia sica (Wu & Yang, 2008) comb. nov. and O. proszynskii (Song, Gu & Chen, 1988) are described. O. perakensis (Simon, 1901) is herein listed as a species inquirenda.

Chalcovietnamicus vietnamensis (Żabka, 1985)
Chalcovietnamicus daiqini (Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012) comb. nov.
Review of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991, with description of four new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini)

August 2023


141 Reads


3 Citations


The euophryine genus Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991, a member of the Laufeia group of genera, is reviewed, and four new species from southern China and Southeast Asia are described with both sexes: Chalcovietnamicus logunovi Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov., C. marusiki Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov., C. terbakar Yu, Maddison & Zhang, sp. nov. and C. weihangi Yu & Zhang, sp. nov.. The monotypic genus Junxattus Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012 syn. nov. is considered as a junior synonym of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991, and Parvattus Zhang & Maddison, 2012 is revalidated and removed from synonymy with Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991. The previously unknown female of C. vietnamensis (Żabka, 1985) is described based on specimens from Vietnam and Singapore. All species of Chalcovietnamicus are assigned to two species groups (daiqini-group and vietnamensis-group), except C. naga Logunov, 2020 that is herein considered as an incertae sedis.

Citations (9)

... As shown in previous studies (Kallal et al., 2021;Shao et al., 2023;Yu et al., 2024), the CF values in our analyses exhibited considerable variation and were typically lower than the support values. For example, although both clades received the maximum value of statistical support, the Chapoda Clade has much higher CF F I G U R E 4 Phylogenetically independent contrasts of male embolus length (x) vs. female copulatory duct length (y) are positively correlated in euophryine species (n = 117, p < 0.0001, both were log10-transformed): a, not standardized; b, standardized by carapace length; c, standardized by 2nd leg patella plus tibia length; d, standardized by genitalia size (bulb width in male and vulva width in female). ...


Phylogeny of euophryine jumping spiders from ultra‐conserved elements, with evidence on the intersexual coevolution of genitalia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini)
Robust phylogenomics settles controversies of classification and reveals evolution of male embolic complex of the Laufeia clade (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini)
  • Citing Article
  • September 2024


... However, he did not provide explicit key diagnostic features to clearly distinguish each genus. Furthermore, previous taxonomic works of the Laufeia clade focused primarily on the shapes of the embolus itself (Pr oszy nski and Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012: 40, 51;Zhang and Maddison, 2015: 30;Yu et al., 2023aYu et al., , 2023bYu et al., , 2023c, lacking a thorough understanding of detailed structures and patterns of the rest of the embolic complex. Thus, to what extent the variations in the embolic complex of male palp shown in the Laufeia clade are synapomorphic and could serve as reliable delimitations for different lineages remains to be evaluated with a solid phylogenetic framework and comprehensive comparative morphological study. ...

Taxonomic revision of Orcevia Thorell, 1890, with description of fifteen new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini)
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023


... Two recently established genera, Amoenema Lokina Yu, Maddison &, have also been tentatively placed within the Laufeia clade based on morphology (Yu et al., 2023c). Additionally, Junxattus was considered as a junior synonym of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991 based on morphological similarities (Yu et al., 2023a). Therefore, the existing molecular phylogenetic framework for the Laufeia clade is problematic as a consequence of its insufficient taxon sampling (only four species have been included; Maddison, 2013, 2015). ...

Review of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991, with description of four new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini)
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023


... Colopsus has been placed in the tribe Plexippini Simon, 1901 based on other molecular phylogenetic results (Kanesharatnam and Benjamin 2021). However, in a recent comparative mitogenomic study of jumping spiders, Colopsus longipalpis was not clustered with the other members of the tribe Plexippini on the phylogeny (Zhang et al. 2023a), which challenged Logunov's taxonomic treatment of Cheliceroides. ...

Comparative Mitogenomics of Jumping Spiders with First Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Euophryini (Araneae: Salticidae)


... In recent years, biologists have tended to popularize the notion that metabarcoding and metagenomics will quickly come of age and reshape the ways in which biodiversity can be studied and reported. Certainly, while the debate rumbles on over empirically best practices in applying eDNA sequence and estimates of bias, this innovative methodology argues the most exciting future trends in eDNA for biodiversity conservation [22]. Environmental DNA (eDNA) has rapidly progressed from earliest demonstrations of its capacity to detect cryptic and elusive species through shed genetic material, to development of metabarcoding and shotgun sequencing techniques of eDNA to assess entire communities. ...

Applicability and Advantage of Mitochondrial Metagenomics and Metabarcoding in Spider Biodiversity Survey


... Phylogenomic datasets collected over the past decade have allowed the backbone of spider phylogeny to come into focus. Major clades such as Synspermiata, Araneoidea, and the retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) Clade, which also have morphological support (e.g., Griswold et al. 1999Griswold et al. , 2005Michalik and Ramírez 2014), are now consistently recovered in multiple phylogenomic analyses (Garrison et al. 2016;Ramírez et al. 2021;Kulkarni et al. 2021;Shao et al. 2023;Zhang et al. 2023). Similarly, the RTA Clade includes several supported subclades, including the Dionycha, Oval Calamistrum Clade (OCC), and the "marronoid" clade. ...

A novel probe set for the phylogenomics and evolution of RTA spiders


... Galvis, 2017;Salgado and Ruiz, 2017, 2020Schubert, 2020;Hill and Otto, 2023;Wang and Zhang, 2023), the species diversity within the Laufeia clade has dramatically increased, and currently 63 species have been recorded for this lineage Li, 2021, 2022;Yu et al., 2023a, b, c;World Spider Catalog, 2024). Two recently established genera, Amoenema Lokina Yu, Maddison &, have also been tentatively placed within the Laufeia clade based on morphology (Yu et al., 2023c). Additionally, Junxattus was considered as a junior synonym of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991 based on morphological similarities (Yu et al., 2023a). ...

Two new genera of Euophryini from southern China and Malaysia (Araneae, Salticidae, Salticinae)
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023


... Whereas the mitogenomes of only 16 species of wolf spiders have been determined. Our results showed that the mitogenomic structure of the pond wolf spider P. pseudoannulata was similar to that of other lycosid species (Ding et al. 2022;Ye et al. 2023;Yi et al. 2023). The reconstructed phylogenetic tree illuminated the positions of P. pseudoannulata and W. fidelis in subfamily Pardosinae of Lycosidae, and the phylogenetic relationships between 17 species of the six lycosid genera, and indicated the subfamily Lycosinae and the genus Lycosa were both non-monophyletic. ...

The complete mitogenome of Plator insolens (Araneae: Trochanteriidae) with phylogenetic implication

... Charippus was classified within the tribe Euophryini because of its typical euophryine-like genital structures, and was suggested as possibly belonging to the Cytaea-Euryattus clade (Zhang and Maddison, 2015). Charippus indeed shares similarities in the palpal bulb and epigynum characters with Cytaea Keyserling, 1882, and the species Charippus yunnanensis (Cao & Li, 2016) was previously misplaced in Cytaea (Yu et al., 2022). However, the UCE phylogeny suggests that Charippus is not closely related to the Cytaea-Euryattus clade, but instead is grouped within the Laufeia clade (Fig. 1). ...

Revision of the genus Charippus Thorell, 1895, with descriptions of eight new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini)
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022
