July 1994
289 Reads
39 Citations
A mathematical model has developed to determine the thermal conductivity and permeability for the dried layer of liquid sample undergoing sublimation dehydration. A microcomputer-based automatic measurement system has developed for the data acquisition as well as determination of these transport properties applying the drying data to the model. Aqueous solutions of 29-45 % soluble coffee solid were freeze dried under drying conditions used in commercial operations.Thermal conductivity decreased in proportion to the porosity of the dried layer, and its temperature and pressure dependances were not appeared. The permeability increased with increasing the porosity, pressure and temperature of the dried layer. The results indicated that in commercial operations the solute concentration is one of the critical processing factors since this factor decisively governs the structure of a solute matrix formed during freezing of coffee solutions and the transport properties mainly depend upon the nature of this structure during drying.