Juliana Müller’s research while affiliated with RWTH Aachen University and other places

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Publications (27)

Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) Using Silicon Photonic Slicing Filters
  • Article

May 2022


18 Reads


8 Citations

Journal of Lightwave Technology



Juliana Müller




We demonstrate an optical arbitrary waveform measurement (OAWM) system that exploits a bank of silicon photonic (SiP) frequency-tunable coupled-resonator optical waveguide (CROW) filters for gapless spectral slicing of broadband optical signals. The spectral slices are coherently detected using a frequency comb as a multi-wavelength local oscillator (LO) and stitched together by digital signal processing (DSP). For high-quality signal reconstruction, we have implemented a maximum-ratio combining (MRC) technique based on precise calibration of the complex-valued opto-electronic transfer functions of all detection paths. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we demonstrate the viability of the scheme by implementing a four-channel system that offers an overall detection bandwidth of 140 GHz. Exploiting a femtosecond laser with precisely known pulse shape for calibration along with dynamic amplitude and phase estimation, we reconstruct 100 GBd QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM optical data signals. The reconstructed signals show improved quality compared to that obtained with a single high-speed intradyne receiver, while the electronic bandwidth requirements of the individual coherent receivers are greatly reduced.

Time-interleaved ADC architecture. Frequency (de)multiplexing and optical delay lines implementing differential group delays are employed to generate interleaved pulse trains with a higher overall repetition rate. After sampling of the electrical signal by means of a dual output EOM, the pulse trains are separated again and differentially received. The insets show the layout of the integrated pulse interleaver and deinterleaver components as implemented on the SiN PIC. The single inputs of both components, as well as the output of the interleaver, are implemented as edge couplers to minimize insertion losses. The outputs of the deinterleaver are implemented as grating couplers, that have higher losses but are also easier to package in large port counts.
6th-order CROW filter realized with racetrack rings with adiabatically tapered waveguides adopted to ensure high coupling strengths in the straight sections and increased mode confinement in the bends, reducing bending losses. The actual waveguides are surrounded by dummy structures to increase the homogeneity of the fabrication process.
Comparison between Gaussian, Bessel and van Vliet functions in terms of (a) power and (b) group delay. A Gaussian amplitude profile is targeted to ensure a smooth comb filtering resulting in pulses with a low time-bandwidth product, while a flat group delay in the passband is required to not broaden the generated pulses beyond their power spectrum limited pulse width.
Micrograph of the 4-channel pulse interleaver including CROW filters and optical delay lines. Metal heaters are meandered to increase their efficiency, in order to maintain reasonable tuning ranges given the low thermo-optic coefficient of SiN.
(a) Comparison between the power transfer function of the modeled (grey) and measured (blue) CROW filter. (b) Spectra of the four channels composing the pulse deinterleaver overlaid over the spectrum of a 25 GHz FSR MLL. The measured filter shapes degrade for the higher channel numbers, since the structures are placed consecutively down a single bus and have partially overlapping spectra. (c) Measured spectra of the 4 sub-combs resulting from filtering the targeted MLL spectrum with the CROW filters (done here with the deinterleaver chip providing four distinct outputs).


Wideband SiN pulse interleaver for optically-enabled analog-to-digital conversion: a device-to-system analysis with cyclic equalization
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2022


49 Reads


2 Citations

We present the design and experimental characterization of a silicon nitride pulse interleaver based on coupled resonator optical waveguide filters. In order to achieve a targeted free spectral range of 1.44 THz, which is large given the reduced optical confinement of the silicon nitride platform, individual ring resonators are designed with tapered waveguides. Its application to time-interleaved photonically-assisted ADCs is analyzed by combining experimental characterization of the photonic integrated circuit with a comprehensive model of the entire ADC. The impact of fundamental signal distortion and noise sources affecting the converter is investigated and suitable equalization techniques at the digital signal processing level are evaluated. The novel application of a simple but powerful equalization filter in the DSP domain allows for a significant improvement of the digitized signal SNR. An ENOB of 5 over a 75 GHz bandwidth (150 GS/s) and an ENOB of 4.3 over a 100 GHz bandwidth (200 GS/s) are expected to be achievable with compact and off-the-shelf single-section semiconductor mode locked lasers, that can be further improved with lower noise light sources.


Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement Using Silicon Photonic Slicing Filters

December 2021


309 Reads


16 Citations

Journal of Lightwave Technology

We demonstrate an optical arbitrary waveform measurement (OAWM) system that exploits a bank of silicon photonic (SiP) frequency-tunable coupled-resonator optical waveguide (CROW) filters for gapless spectral slicing of broadband optical signals. The spectral slices are coherently detected using a frequency comb as a multi-wavelength local oscillator (LO) and stitched together by digital signal processing (DSP). For high-quality signal reconstruction, we have implemented a maximum-ratio combining (MRC) technique based on precise calibration of the complex-valued opto-electronic transfer functions of all detection paths. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we demonstrate the viability of the scheme by implementing a four-channel system that offers an overall detection bandwidth of 140 GHz. Exploiting a femtosecond laser with precisely known pulse shape for calibration along with dynamic amplitude and phase estimation, we reconstruct 100 GBd QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM optical data signals. The reconstructed signals show improved quality compared to that obtained with a single high-speed intradyne receiver, while the electronic bandwidth requirements of the individual coherent receivers are greatly reduced.

Optically Enabled ADCs and Application to Optical Communications

September 2021


277 Reads


13 Citations

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

Electrical-optical signal processing has been shown to be a promising path to overcome the limitations of state-of-the-art all-electrical data converters. In addition to ultra-broadband signal processing, it allows leveraging ultra-low jitter mode-locked lasers and thus increasing the aperture jitter limited effective number of bits at high analog signal frequencies. In this paper, we review our recent progress towards optically enabled time-and frequency-interleaved analog-to-digital converters, as well as their monolithic integration in electronic-photonic integrated circuits. For signal frequencies up to 65 GHz, an optoelectronic track-and-hold amplifier based on the source-emitter-follower architecture is shown as a power efficient approach in optically enabled BiCMOS technology. At higher signal frequencies, integrated photonic filters enable signal slicing in the frequency domain and further scaling of the conversion bandwidth, with the reconstruction of a 140 GHz optical signal being shown. We further show how such optically enabled data converter architectures can be applied to a nonlinear Fourier transform based integrated transceiver in particular and discuss their applicability to broadband optical links in general.

Fundamental limitations of spectrally-sliced optically enabled data converters arising from MLL timing jitter

June 2020


156 Reads


25 Citations

The effect of phase noise introduced by optical sources in spectrally-sliced optically enabled DACs and ADCs is modeled and analyzed in detail. In both data converter architectures, a mode-locked laser is assumed to provide an optical comb whose lines are used to either synthesize or analyze individual spectral slices. While the optical phase noise of the central MLL line as well as of other optical carriers used in the analyzed system architectures have a minor impact on the system performance, the RF phase noise of the MLL fundamentally limits it. In particular, the corresponding jitter of the MLL pulse train is transferred almost one-to-one to the system-level timing jitter of the data converters. While MLL phase noise can in principle be tracked and removed by electronic signal processing, this results in electric oscillator phase noise replacing the MLL jitter and is not conducive in systems leveraging the ultra-low jitter of low-noise mode-locked lasers. Precise analytical models are derived and validated by detailed numerical simulations.

Fig. 4. Noise-to-signal ratio of the optically enabled ADC as a function of the RF input signal frequency. Solid lines correspond to Eq. (6) in the presence of electric oscillator phase noise only (yellow, for an all-electric ADC), MLL jitter only (blue), or a combination of both (red). Theoretical estimates are overlaid by simulation results with error bars showing the 3σ confidence intervals.
Mode-locked laser timing jitter limitation in optically enabled, spectrally sliced ADCs

April 2020


250 Reads

Novel analog-to-digital converter (ADC) architectures are motivated by the demand for rising sampling rates and effective number of bits (ENOB). The main limitation on ENOB in purely electrical ADCs lies in the relatively high jitter of oscillators, in the order of a few tens of fs for state-of-the-art components. When compared to the extremely low jitter obtained with best-in-class Ti:sapphire mode-locked lasers (MLL), in the attosecond range, it is apparent that a mixed electrical-optical architecture could significantly improve the converters' ENOB. We model and analyze the ENOB limitations arising from optical sources in optically enabled, spectrally sliced ADCs, after discussing the system architecture and implementation details. The phase noise of the optical carrier, serving for electro-optic signal transduction, is shown not to propagate to the reconstructed digitized signal and therefore not to represent a fundamental limit. The optical phase noise of the MLL used to generate reference tones for individual slices also does not fundamentally impact the converted signal, so long as it remains correlated among all the comb lines. On the other hand, the timing jitter of the MLL, as also reflected in its RF linewidth, is fundamentally limiting the ADC performance, since it is directly mapped as jitter to the converted signal. The hybrid nature of a photonically enabled, spectrally sliced ADC implies the utilization of a number of reduced bandwidth electrical ADCs to convert parallel slices, resulting in the propagation of jitter from the electrical oscillator supplying their clock. Due to the reduced sampling rate of the electrical ADCs, as compared to the overall system, the overall noise performance of the presented architecture is substantially improved with respect to a fully electrical ADC.

Fig. 2. Exemplary eigenvalue decomposition after superposition of four eigenvalues as a function of Δí µí±‡. (a) Real value and (b) imaginary value.
Fig. 3. Eigenvalue positions, after superposition, as a function of Δí µí±‡ for all possible combinations resulting from QPSK modulation, plotted as a color-coded histogram.
Fig. 4. Net layout with input layer (left), hidden layer and output layer (right) represented as nodes. Additionally, bias parameters í µí±¥ h and í µí± § h were used. The grey box highlights the known (fixed) transmission parameters.
Fig. 8. Pre-FEC BERs employing different equalizers for simulation 2. Inset: BERs at the second full collision around the SD-FEC threshold.
Fig. 9. Pre-FEC BERs employing different equalizers for simulation 3.
Silicon Photonics DWDM NLFT Soliton Transmitter

April 2020


126 Reads

We investigate the transmission of densely multiplexed solitons using a photonic integrated chip and the nonlinear Fourier-transform and analyze required launch conditions, the effect of (de-)multiplexing and noise on the nonlinear spectrum, and equalization techniques that can be used to enhance the transmission performance.

Citations (21)

... This can, e.g., be accomplished by generating the Tx comb via electro-optic modulation of a CW laser tone where the modulator's driver signals are synchronized to the electronic clock [17,18] or by RF synchronized pulsed solid-state lasers [19,20]. The generated frequency comb is then fed to a demultiplexing filter (DEMUX), which may be implemented, e.g., as a wavelengthselective switch (WSS), an arrayed waveguide grating [21,22], or a bank of ring filters [23,24], and which separates the various comb tones for subsequent IQ modulation. The IQMs are electrically driven by an array of 2N = 8 synchronized DACs, which are connected to a digital signal processing (DSP) unit that calculates the various IQ drive signals from the targeted output waveform. ...


Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation (OAWG) Using Actively Phase-Stabilized Spectral Stitching
Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) Using Silicon Photonic Slicing Filters
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

Journal of Lightwave Technology

... 52 In this study, we apply nonlinear equalization to the output of the optically enabled (OE), time-interleaved (TI-)ADC architecture shown in Fig. 9(b), for which we have previously benchmarked linear feed-forward equalization (FFE) with digital electronics. 53 The OE-TI-ADC samples an electrical signal by applying it to a Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM), to which pulses with different center wavelengths are being fed. 11 Their separation by center wavelength at a following optical processing stage subdivides the modulated pulse train into a number of reduced rate sample streams, that can be analyzed by lower speed electrical ADCs. ...

Wideband SiN pulse interleaver for optically-enabled analog-to-digital conversion: a device-to-system analysis with cyclic equalization

... Significant works have provided theoretical analysis of the timing skew in time-demultiplexing PADCs [7,12,14]. Deep-learning-powered neural networks or a femtosecond calibrating laser are used to suppress the timing skew spurs [15,16]. However, an accurate mathematical model and a direct decoupling method of the timing skew in time-demultiplexing PADC are still in a state of exploration. ...

Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement Using Silicon Photonic Slicing Filters

Journal of Lightwave Technology

... In a proof-of-concept experiment, we achieve record-high bandwidths exceeding 600 GHz. © 2022 The Author(s) 1. Introduction Optical arbitrary waveform measurement (OAWM) based on frequency combs [1-3] has the potential to unlock a wide variety of applications, ranging from reception of high-speed data signals [2][3][4][5] and elastic optical networking [6] to investigation of ultra-short events and photonic-electronic analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) [7][8]. Previous demonstrations of OAWM relied on spectrally sliced coherent detection [1][2][3], where optical filters are used to decompose a broadband signal into several spectral slices, that are individually detected by an array of in-phase/quadrature receivers (IQR) using a frequency comb as multi-wavelength local oscillator (LO). ...

Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) on the Silicon Photonic Platform
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2021

... to ultra-broadband photonic-electronic analog-to-digital conversion [10][11][12][13] and investigation of ultra-short events in science and technology [1]. Previous demonstrations of combbased OAWM have relied on spectrally sliced reception, where the broadband optical input signal is first decomposed into a multitude of narrowband spectral slices by appropriate optical filters. ...

Optically Enabled ADCs and Application to Optical Communications

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

... In many applications, e.g. optical communications [2], [3], high-speed signal processing [4] and optical switching [5], higher-order filters have been used to implement transfer functions with steeper roll-offs (Chebyshev) or flattop passbands (Butterworth). Coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROW) are commonly used [6]. ...

Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) on the Silicon Photonic Platform

... Photonic analog-to-digital conversion methods with the advantage of low timing jitter [4] and broad bandwidth [5] have been explored extensively [6], which also support the development of next-generation information systems [3,[7][8]. While most demonstrations of photonic ADC were in bulky systems composed of relatively expensive discrete fibre-optic components, which are sensitive to external perturbations such as vibrations and temperature gradients [9][10][11][12][13]. ...

Fundamental limitations of spectrally-sliced optically enabled data converters arising from MLL timing jitter

... The optical modulation amplitude (OMA), normalized relative to the input power and defined as (P 1 − P 0 )/P in with P 1 /P 2 the power levels in the bus WG after the ring in the 1-and 0-bit state and P in the power level in the bus WG before the ring, is −6.7 dB and the extinction ratio (ER) 5 dB for a drive voltage of 2 V pp and at the carrier wavelength that maximizes the OMA. The electro-optic bandwidth (BW), taken at the −3 dB S 21 and taking into account the phase shifter's RC time constant and the resonant peaking of the resonator [6], is 36 GHz for a field coupling coefficient of 0.243 (power coupling 0.059) [23]. The phase shifter resistance (182 Ω) takes into account both the increased distance to the highly doped region in the WG coupling section resulting in a 50 % increase, as well as a slight 5 % increase due to the SWG itself [ Fig. 4(a)]. ...

Fabrication tolerant high-speed SiP ring modulators and optical add-drop multiplexers for WDM applications
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • February 2020

... Noticeable efforts have been exerted towards implementing the soliton modes modulator on silicon photonic devices. [22][23][24] Yet the full transmission system requires also a demodulator part, performing a rather complicated operation of identifying either the solitonic eigenvalues at the receiver side. Also, the aforementioned approach does not give the improved data rate values, and requires significant further development. ...

DWDM Soliton Transmission enabled by Integrated Photonics and Nonlinear Fourier Transform

... Although low-coherence light sources are not usually used as the light source in telecommunication systems, the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is a significant component in these systems that has a similar mechanism as SLDs, which can be used to increase the laser power from the transmitter; compensate the fiber loss, especially in the long-distance link; and improve the sensitivity of the receiver 187,188 . They are also investigated in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) systems to improve communication performance 189,190 . While SOAs help with telecommunication systems by amplifying coherent light, low-coherence light sources found their importance in OWC, which is often seen as a complementary technology to Wi-Fi, and in indoor scenarios, visible light serves a dual role for both illumination and communication. ...

8-channel WDM silicon photonics transceiver with SOA and semiconductor mode-locked laser