Julian M. Allwood’s research while affiliated with University of Cambridge and other places

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Publications (157)

Connecting environmental systems analysis to manufacturing technology: A catalogue of the world's steel and aluminium components
  • Article

January 2025


25 Reads

Resources Conservation and Recycling


Julian M Allwood

Sustainable metals: integrating science and systems approaches
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


98 Reads


1 Citation

This article introduces a special issue of the transactions arising from a Royal Society Discussion Meeting on ‘sustainable metals’. Recognizing that progress to date toward the goals of ‘sustainability’ has been limited, the meeting aimed to open up a new level of interdisciplinary dialogue, collaboration and discussion of disruptive approaches. In this paper, the major concerns of sustainability are enumerated, and climate change is identified as the most urgent. The constraints on deploying technical innovations at scale and speed are discussed, suggesting that much of the required change will require using existing technologies differently, and many opportunities of this type have been overlooked. These constraints also give useful direction for future research and suggest an expanded future role for scientists. Previously, scientists and technologists have aimed largely to ‘solve’ problems in sustainability through invention. This introductory paper argues that they have an equally important role as participants in the complex societal discussions required to identify pathways to change. Scientific expertise is as important for explaining what cannot be achieved in time or at scale, as it is for promoting the excitement of invention. This article is part of the discussion meeting issue ‘Sustainable metals: science and systems’.


Material efficiency at the component level: how much metal can we do without?

November 2024


39 Reads


1 Citation

Global production of steel and aluminium is a major driver of greenhouse gas emissions. Various processes might allow continued primary production of the two metals, but all depend on emissions-free electricity or carbon storage, and global capacity of these two key resources will be below demand for decades to come. As a result, zero-emissions steel and aluminium will mainly come from recycling, but supply will be lower than demand. This motivates demand reduction, and for the first time, this article estimates the inefficiency in current metal use by component type. The results demonstrate that around 80% of steel and 90% of aluminium liquid metal produced today may be unnecessary. Around 40% of liquid steel and 60% of liquid aluminium are never used in final components as they are removed along the supply chain of manufacturing. Of the metal that enters final service, approximately one-third could be saved by avoiding component over-specification. A further third could be saved, where the properties of metal are not used to their limits. These results point to specific opportunities for innovation in design and manufacturing technology, of which the highest priority is to re-think the use of sheet metal in construction. This article is part of the discussion meeting issue ‘Sustainable metals: science and systems’.

Chemical analysis of the clinkers produced over molten steel
a, Ternary diagram pair presenting the oxide composition of the slags studied in the SiO2–CaO–Al2O3 and SiO2–CaO–Fe2O3 systems measured using XRF. Every oxide composition was analysed by X-ray diffraction, and the resulting crystallographic composition is shown as a pie chart. Right, a detail of the SiO2-CaO-Al2O3 ternary diagram on the left. b, Percentage of gehlenite in the slag and the fraction of alite over total alite and belite in the tested systems both as a function of (C/S)*, the available lime-to-silica ratio for the formation of silicate phases. The method for calculating (C/S)* is given in the Methods. The grey shaded region represents the range of C/S for which both Alite and Belite can form. c, Diffractograms and phase compositions of selected slags produced in this work. γ, C2S-γ; β, C2S-β; m, C3S-monoclinic; g, ghelenite; a, C3A cubic; c, graphite; and q, quartz. d, Comparison between the tested slags and compositions reported in the literature. The literature used to create this figure is given in Supplementary Table 3. Med., medium; Com., commercial; a.u., arbitrary units.
Performance analysis of a selection of clinkers produced with the new process
a, Instantaneous and cumulative heat released by high- and medium-alite cement and high-C3A cement produced with the new process, commercial clinker ground in the same conditions and commercial cement produced with the commercial clinker shown for reference. b, Cumulative and frequency plots of the particle size distributions of the cements used for the strength tests. c, Strength evolution of cements produced using the new process, both as pure cements and LC³ blends. d, Slag as poured from the furnace, fresh and hardened mortar bars; sample after compression failure. Med., medium; Com., commercial; gyp., gypsum.
Environmental and economic analysis
LC³-50 is 50% clinker, 30% calcined clay, 15% limestone and 5% gypsum; CEC is the process described in this paper. a, Emissions are estimated based on global data, whereas costs are estimated for the UK. The four recipes for electric cement (CEC) use global average or future zero emissions electricity, with or without blending with calcined clay and are compared with ordinary Portland cement and LC³-50. Full details of the sources and calculation of these estimates are provided in the Supplementary Information. b, Representation of the range of concrete compositions and the outcomes of separation (W is water). c, Historical and projected cement and clinker production worldwide, implied RCP availability assuming a 50-year lifetime for buildings (left); global cement-related emissions under a range of scenarios (right); the potential supply of RCP is greater than that which could be used in EAFs but production could be increased if new dedicated EAFs are built to produce cement. d, The current material flows and industrial operations for the production of bulk construction materials. e, The material flows anticipated if the process described in this paper is deployed at scale in the UK and all arising steel scrap is recycled domestically. cem., cement; decarb, decarbonized.
Electric recycling of Portland cement at scale

May 2024


669 Reads


26 Citations


Cement production causes 7.5% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, arising from limestone decarbonation and fossil-fuel combustion1–3. Current decarbonation strategies include substituting Portland clinker with supplementary materials, but these mainly arise in emitting processes, developing alternative binders but none yet promises scale, or adopting carbon capture and storage that still releases some emissions4–8. However, used cement is potentially an abundant, decarbonated feedstock. Here we show that recovered cement paste can be reclinkered if used as a partial substitute for the lime–dolomite flux used in steel recycling nowadays. The resulting slag can meet existing specifications for Portland clinker and can be blended effectively with calcined clay and limestone. The process is sensitive to the silica content of the recovered cement paste, and silica and alumina that may come from the scrap, but this can be adjusted easily. We show that the proposed process may be economically competitive, and if powered by emissions-free electricity, can lead to zero emissions cement while also reducing the emissions of steel recycling by reducing lime flux requirements. The global supply of scrap steel for recycling may treble by 2050, and it is likely that more slag can be made per unit of steel recycled. With material efficiency in construction9,10, future global cement requirements could be met by this route.

Citations (83)

... As a result, almost all flights must Decarbonizing the global steel industry in a resource-constrained futurea systems perspective [23] systems and operations Claire Davis Reuse, remanufacturing and recycling in the steel sector [24] systems and manufacturing Julian M. Allwood Material efficiency at the component level: how much metal can we do without? [25] systems and construction Cyrille Dunant What is the embodied CO 2 cost of getting building design wrong? [26] application innovation Laurine Choisez ...


Sustainable metals: integrating science and systems approaches
Material efficiency at the component level: how much metal can we do without?

... The construction industry, particularly the concrete sector, is a major consumer of natural resources and a significant contributor to global CO₂ emissions (Blaifi et al., 2023;Guendouz et al., 2023aGuendouz et al., , 2023b. Cement production alone accounts for approximately 7% of these emissions, primarily due to the calcination of limestone and the combustion of fossil fuels during manufacturing Dunant et al., 2024;Guendoyz;Boukhelkhal, 2018a). ...

Electric recycling of Portland cement at scale


... Few authors have referenced the impacts of the flow of materials through the economy (e.g. Allwood and Cullen, 2012;Allwood, 2014), while Cooper (2005) emphasized the sufficiency of resources, at a fundamental level: "a circle is a circle, zero-waste means zero waste and a closed loop is a closed loop". Thus, the terminology associated with the circular economy is misrepresentative, reenforcing the deceiving idea that the nature of the economy can somehow inform a revolution in sustainable economics because it is a closed, zero-waste, circular system (Skene, 2018), bringing an ideological agenda with hypothetical-normative utopia generating uncertainty into contributions to sustainability and depoliticizing sustainable growth (Corvellec et al., 2022). ...

Material efficiency—Squaring the circular economy: Recycling within a hierarchy of material management strategies
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2024

... Subsidies are also implicit in the unequal carbon taxation applied to energy. In particular, the carbon taxing of electricity and the exemption for domestic gas consumption imposes a significant price disparity between the two and disincentivises domestic electrification, a key source of economic and employment growth over the coming decades (Stephenson & Allwood, 2023). By charging 5% instead of 20% Value Added Tax (VAT) on domestic fuel bills, the UK effectively subsidises gas by the missing 15%. ...

Technology to the rescue? Techno-scientific practices in the United Kingdom Net Zero Strategy and their role in locking in high energy decarbonisation pathways
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Energy Research & Social Science

... For example, it is possible to reduce iron with hydrogen, but hydrogen must be manufactured, and in turn, if it is made without emissions, it depends on either emissions-free electricity or carbon capture and storage. The reality of these limits is reflected in some recent analyses on resource constraints for decarbonizing the foundation industries [13][14][15]. ...

What bulk material production is possible on a transition to net zero emissions by 2050 with limited zero emissions resources?
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Journal of Cleaner Production

... In the UK construction industry, concrete makes up over 80% of material mass and contributes around two-thirds of embodied carbon, compared to steel at 22% and clay products at 7% [23]. Chen et al. [20] show that using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), like GGBS or Fly Ash, is the most common and cost-effective way to reduce the environmental impact of concrete, promoting sustainable construction. ...

Mapping material use and embodied carbon in UK construction
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Resources Conservation and Recycling

... A chronic misallocation of the UK's abundant housing stock (Tunstall 2015) means three-quarters of UK households have either just enough or not enough living space (Gough et al. 2024). This creates wellbeing problems in cramped households (Samuel 2023), whilst excess space due to under-occupation has consequences for energy sufficiency and therefore the climate (Drewniok et al. 2023;Huebner & Shipworth 2017). Such disequilibrium between those with too much space and those without enough could be resolved in a perfect market-one where house moves are cheap and easy to make, and movers have complete choices with incentives to downsize (Meen & Whitehead 2020). ...

Modelling the embodied carbon cost of UK domestic building construction: Today to 2050
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023

Ecological Economics

... In addition, it allows a more sustainable use of valuable resources as well as savings in energy and greenhouse gas emissions. [1][2][3][4] Battery production waste like electrode scraps which occur prior to electrolyte filling differs significantly from end-of-life (EOL) cells as the active materials have not undergone any electrochemical processes. For the direct recycling of EOL cells, the recovered active material would have to be freed from surface impurities, reaction products and defects. ...

Cost, range anxiety and future electricity supply: A review of how today's technology trends may influence the future uptake of BEVs

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

... To estimate emissions, we use two recently-developed models and reparameterise them to reflect current data and alternative scenarios for housing in England: a high-resolution material flow analysis estimating the embodied carbon in housing construction developed by Drewniok et al. (2022bDrewniok et al. ( , 2022a, and the operational housing emissions model developed in Serrenho et al. (2019). Drewniok et al. (2022a) estimate the amount and type of materials used in the production of new dwellings by combining information about the proportion of different dwelling types from the English Housing Survey (EHS, 2020b) with case study archetypes for each dwelling type identified from letting agency or developers' websites. ...

Mapping Material Use and Embodied Carbon in UK Construction
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

SSRN Electronic Journal