Jürgen Schlumbohm’s research while affiliated with European University Institute and other places

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Publications (8)

Household Strategies for Survival: An Introduction
  • Article

December 2000


148 Reads


82 Citations

International Review of Social History

Laurence Fontaine


Jürgen Schlumbohm

In early modern Europe, as in developing countries today, much of the population had to struggle to survive. Estimates for many parts of pre-industrial Europe, as for several countries in the so-called Third World, suggest that the majority of the inhabitants owned so little property that their livelihood was highly insecure. Basically, all those who lived by the work of their hands were at risk, and the reasons for their vulnerability were manifold. Economic cycles and seasonal fluctuations jeopardized the livelihood of the rural and urban masses. Warfare, taxation, and other decisions by the ruling elites sometimes had far-reaching direct and indirect repercussions on the lives of the poor. This is also true of natural factors, both catastrophes and the usual weather fluctuations, which were a major factor affecting harvest yields. Equal in importance were the risks and uncertainties inherent in life and family cycles: disease, old age, widowhood, or having many young children.

Incertitude et régularité des parcours de vie. Enfance, jeunesse, mariage dans une paroisse rurale allemande, XVII-XIXe siècles

January 1999


2 Reads


1 Citation

Annales de Démographie Historique

A l'appui d'une base de donnees nominative (reconstitution de familles, listes de menages, cadastres etc.), il a ete possible de reconstruire les parcours de vie dans la paroisse de Belm, pres d'Osnabruck. L'article examine le bien-fonde de l'hypothese selon laquelle le hasard regnait sur les evenements de la vie jusqu'au XIXe siecle et les parcours de vie ont ete standardises seulement depuis, avec des etapes plus ou moins egales pour tous, grâce au recul de la mortalite et a l'essor de l'Etat-providence (instruction obligatoire, pension/retraite etc.). Une hypothese alternative est avancee : s'il est vrai qu'il n'y avait pas un modele unique des parcours de vie, plusieurs modeles differents existaient selon les regions, les categories sociales, le sexe et l'ordre de naissance (heritiers - enfants dotes). Et si l'avenir n'etait pas previsible, les hommes et les femmes du passe pouvaient quand meme evaluer les risques et en tenir compte dans leurs strategies.

Micro-history and the macro- models of the European demographic system in pre-industrial times: Life course patterns in the parish of Belm (Northwest Germany), seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries

February 1996


18 Reads


52 Citations

The History of the Family

"Current models of the European demo-economic system in pre-industrial times are based on strong assumptions about the predominant patterns of individual life courses. Now recent micro-studies of individual communities make it possible to check whether the actual patterns of life fit these assumptions. The findings for Belm present an amazing blend of confirmations and contradictions. In particular, the connection between marriage and the formation of a new self-supporting household is subject to doubt. Together with the findings of other micro-studies, the evidence for Belm suggests that the assumptions about mechanisms linking marriage to economic resources should be reconsidered, and that there is need for a dialogue between macro-theories and micro-history."

Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale. Construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Beim (XVIIe-XIXe siècles)

August 1995


4 Reads


7 Citations

Annales Histoire Sciences Sociales

Micro-History of Local Society : Construction of Social Ties in the Parish of Beim (17th- 19th Centuries). On the basis of family reconstitution, linked to census lists, cadasters and other records, it is possible to reconstruct the life courses, family histories and kinship networks for all the inhabitants of local society. The parish of Beim near the town of Osnabruck in Northwest Germany is marked by strong inequality between minority of peasants with large land holdings and the majority of landless peasants, who were labourers, tenants and linen producers at the same time. This article seeks to analyse the relations between the individual families of the two classes in detail by examining economic ties like land-lease, labour and credit, as well as social ties like kinship and godparenthood. Both mobility and stability can be assessed : the micro-historical approach helps to better understand both the coherence and the tensions in local society.

Proto-industrialization revisited: Demography, social structure, and modern domestic industry

August 1993


21 Reads


36 Citations

Continuity and Change

RésuméCet article tend à évaluer la riche moisson de recherches parues depuis une quinzaine d'années à propos de trois aspects importants des hypothéses originelles concernant la proto-industrialisation. Les auteurs proposent d'importantes modifications du modèle démographique de la proto-industrialisation. Puis ils se penchent sur des problèmes négligés jusqu'ici, concernant notamment les groupes engagés dans des activités proto-industrielles et l'interpénétration des activités agricoles et de l'industrie à domicile. Ils examinent enfin la coexistence et la rivalité simultanée entre proto-industrie ou industrie à domicile d'une part et industrie mécanisée d'autre part, situation qui a survécu jusqu'en plein vingtiéme siécle.AbstractDer Aufsatz versucht, die reichen Erträge der empirischen Forschungsliteratur der letzten fünfzehn Jahre im Hinblick auf die ursprünglichen Hypothesen der Protoindustrialisierung für drei wichtige Aspekte zu bilanzieren. Was das ‘demookonomische Modell‘ der Proto-Industrialisierung angeht, so werden hier wichtige Modifikationen vorgeschlagen. Auch die bisher zu wenig berücksichtigte Frage nach den sozialen Trägerschichten der Proto-Industrialisierung und die nach der wechselseitigen Verflechtung von Landwirtschaft und Hausindustrie wird einer systematischen Erörterung unterzogen. Im letzten Teil wird das bis weit in das 20. Jahrhundert hineinreichende Neben- und Gegeneinander von Proto-Industrie bzw. Hausindustrie einerseits und Fabrikindustrie andererseits diskutiert.

From Peasant Society to Class Society: Some Aspects of Family and Class in a Northwest German Protoindustrial Parish, 17th-19th Centuries

April 1992


11 Reads


21 Citations

Journal of Family History

In the parish of Belm, Northwest Germany, population trebled between 1650 and 1830, but the number of peasant holdings remained stable. A new class of people without real property came into existence. Protoindustrialization in the form of linen production supplemented incomes from agriculture. This article outlines social differentials in demographic behavior and household structure. It looks at social mobility and the selection of mates. Furthermore, it explores the economic and non-economic ties that bound together propertied and propertyless families. Finally, it asks how important kinship was for propertied peasants and for landless people. It suggests that kin relationships across classes or within class may have been a factor relevant in the formation of classes.

Industrialización antes de la industrialización / P. Kriedte, H. Medick, J. Schlumbohm; tr. por: J. Vicuña.

677 Reads

Traducción de: Industrialisierung vor der industialisier "La aparición de este libro, que replanteó, enriqueciéndolo, el concepto de 'protoindustrialización', a dado lugar a uno de los debates más fecundos de la historiografía actual. Sus autores com -binaron aquí la agrícola y el estudio del origen de la industrialización moderna, y enriquecieron el análisis con planteamientos derivados de la historia socia de la familia, de la problemática marxista de la transición del feudalismo al de historia cultural. Así, permite ver bajo una nueva luz la 'revolución industrial', y reno -var el debate de la transición del feudalismo al capitalismo."

Citations (6)

... "Ein Gerät wird gemacht von menschlicher Hand, welche sich eines außer ihr liegenden Stoffes bemächtigt und ihm eine besondere Einheit und Form verleiht, […]." (271) Geräte und Maschinen sind mithin bei Tönnies direkt mit der sozialgeschichtlichen Entwicklung von der Manufaktur zur Fabrik verbunden, weil auch in Erinnerung an Adam Smith's Nadelfabrik (Smith 1993) und Marxens Fabrikkapitel die Produktionaktualisierend formuliertim Rahmen der sog. Protoindustrialisierung (Kriedte et al. 1998) und der auf sie folgenden industriellen Revolution(en) durch Maschinisierung der Arbeitsteilungund im Sinne der Produktivitätimmer effizienter gestaltet werden konnte. Hinsichtlich der oben genannten Verkehrsbedingungen ist es deshalb mediengeschichtlich durchaus relevant, dass "[…] daher insbesondere die Verbindungen des Kapitals für die Zwecke des Wuchers, des Handels und der Produktion. ...


Mediale Konstitutionsbedingungen von ‚Gemeinschaft & Gesellschaft‘ nach Ferdinand Tönnies
Eine Forschungslandschaft in Bewegung. Die Proto-Industrialisierung am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts
  • Citing Article
  • January 1998

Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook

... The same is true for the various "strategies of survival" with which parents sought to secure the earnings of their children. 43 One of these began where the authorities had the greatest problems with oversight: mobility. Proletarian families without a permanent residence repeatedly changed their workplace, not only because of their economic situation but also to avoid state control and sanctions. ...

Household Strategies for Survival: An Introduction
  • Citing Article
  • December 2000

International Review of Social History

... Las investigaciones que todas estas hipótesis han suscitado muestran claramente que es muy difícil establecer un patrón único, válido para todas las áreas y localidades protoindustriales de Europa 7 , como han reconocido los autores que las propusieron (Kriedte et al., 1993(Kriedte et al., , 1996. La tendencia a una mayor fecundidad que parece observarse entre las familias que se dedicaban al trabajo manufacturero no siempre se traducía en un incremento de la población en los términos que proponía el modelo. ...

Proto-industrialization revisited: Demography, social structure, and modern domestic industry
  • Citing Article
  • August 1993

Continuity and Change

... 60-1). Smallholders and landless farmhands together are also referred to as 'peasant' (Vasudevan 1988;Schlumbohm 1992). In 1679, the owner-occupier of the ancestral hamlet farm also owned a plough and two to three draught horses; a third of the hamlet squatters owned one to two horses and a quarter a plough; the lowest hamlet classes and villagers owned neither horse nor plough (Wilming 1998). ...

From Peasant Society to Class Society: Some Aspects of Family and Class in a Northwest German Protoindustrial Parish, 17th-19th Centuries
  • Citing Article
  • April 1992

Journal of Family History

... En contrepartie, le propriétaire prête au manouvrier son train d'attelage pour retourner, labourer et moi ssonner ses parcelles. Le contrat est toujours limité dans le temps (il est souvent conclu pour quatre ans) mais il peut être prorogé de manière répétée3 (Schlumbohm, 1995). ...

Quelques problèmes de micro-histoire d'une société locale. Construction de liens sociaux dans la paroisse de Beim (XVIIe-XIXe siècles)
  • Citing Article
  • August 1995

Annales Histoire Sciences Sociales

... However, until very recently, a rigorous examination of Hajnal's thesis across broader European terrain was impossible because it would require harmonized large-scale data infrastructures and methodologies that did not yet exist, or that were not known to family historians. While some local and small-scale regional studies attempted to test the markers of Hajnal's typology beyond Italy, most of these studies proved ineffective at improving the clarity of the cartography of European household formation patterns (e.g., Duben 1990;Caftanzoglou 1994;Smith 1993;Schlumbohm 1996). For many areas of Europe, hardly any data were available, which made systematic comparisons of household formation patterns and exploration of their spatial contours difficult to undertake (e.g., Szołtysek 2012). ...

Micro-history and the macro- models of the European demographic system in pre-industrial times: Life course patterns in the parish of Belm (Northwest Germany), seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries
  • Citing Article
  • February 1996

The History of the Family