Jürgen Altmann’s research while affiliated with TU Dortmund University and other places

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Publications (16)

Outlook: The Future of IT in Peace and Security
  • Chapter

November 2024


14 Reads



Jürgen Altmann




Not only today, but also in the future, information technology and advances in the field of computer science will have a high relevance for peace and security. Of course, a textbook like this can only cover a selective part of research and a certain point in time. Nonetheless, it can be attempted to identify trends, challenges and offer an outlook into the future. In this chapter, we want to formulate a basis for anticipating future developments and correct classification. These considerations were made both by the editor and the involved authors. Thus, an outlook based on fundamentals, cyber conflicts and war, cyber peace, cyber arms control, infrastructures as well as social interaction is given.

Seismic modelling of tracked-vehicle signals for monitoring and verification

June 2021


31 Reads


1 Citation

Applied Geophysics

To better understand characteristics of seismic signals of tracked vehicles measured when passing a sensor line, we numerically modelled force-pulse responses of a layered soil that is similar in its seismic properties to that found at the original measurement site. The vertical-force pulses from the road wheels rolling over the track elements are fitted to the measured ones. Single-pulse seismic waves vary with distance due to different wave types, reflections at layer boundaries, vehicle velocity and relative position of the left and right track elements. They are computed by a modelling program and superposed at sensor positions with the appropriate slant distance and time shift for each track element. These sum signals are in qualitative agreement with those from the original measurements. However, they are several magnitudes weaker and much smoother. Furthermore, higher frequencies are damped much less at larger distances. Due to the large variability of the sum signals, recognition of tracked-vehicle types exclusively through their seismic signals seems difficult.

Zur naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Bewertung der Empfehlungen des WissenschaftsratsNatural science and technical peace and conflict studies: current challenges and evaluation of the recommendations of the science council
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2020


61 Reads


6 Citations

Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

Zusammenfassung Die besorgniserregende Aufkündigung des INF-Vertrags, der wiederholte Einsatz von Chemiewaffen in Syrien, kontroverse Diskussionen über die Einführung autonomer Waffensysteme oder zunehmende Cyber-Bedrohungen prägen das aktuelle politische Weltgeschehen. Besonders in einer Zeit, in der nukleare, biologische und chemische Abrüstung- und Rüstungskontrollmaßnahmen vor großen Herausforderungen stehen und gleichzeitig neue Technologien veränderte Anforderungen an diese Kontrollmechanismen mit sich bringen, gewinnt die naturwissenschaftlich-technische Friedensforschung enorm an Bedeutung. Sie beschäftigt sich auf der Grundlage von Erkenntnissen aus verschiedenen Naturwissenschaften und technischen Fachrichtungen (z. B. Physik, Chemie, Biologie, Informatik) mit der Rolle naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Möglichkeiten im Kontext von Krieg und Frieden sowie Rüstung und Abrüstung. Sie unterstützt die politischen Prozesse der Kriegsprävention, der Abrüstung und der Vertrauensbildung mit Analysen der Eigenschaften und Folgen neuer Waffenarten und Technologien. Aus dieser Forschung werden Vorschläge für die Begrenzung neuer Waffenentwicklungen ebenso entwickelt wie technische Lösungen für eine verbesserte Rüstungskontrolle. Dieser Artikel benennt aktuelle Herausforderungen der naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Friedensforschung und geht dabei auch auf die aktuellen Empfehlungen des Wissenschaftsrats zur Weiterentwicklung der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung aus dem Jahr 2019 ein.


Advances in Seismic and Acoustic Monitoring

March 2020


46 Reads


1 Citation

Seismic and acoustic (infrasound) monitoring form important parts of the International Monitoring System (IMS) for verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Of the globally planned 170 seismic plus 60 infrasound stations, 87% have been certified. Understanding of the propagation in the Earth and the atmosphere has improved markedly, instruments and evaluation algorithms have become more sophisticated. Thus the detection threshold has decreased to values below 0.1 kt TNT equivalent for teleseismic signals, and below 0.5 kt for infrasound, much better than the IMS design goal of 1 kt. A seismic aftershock monitoring system (SAMS) can be set up during on-site inspections by the CTBT Organization. Semi-automatic evaluation of the SAMS signals is used to localise the hypocentre of an underground explosion precisely. Other research focuses on the reduction of periodic disturbances e.g. from aircraft. Acoustic and seismic sensors can detect land and air vehicles in the monitoring of peace-keeping agreements, and ballistic-missile launches for improved early warning. Local systems of seismic sensors have promise for safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for final repositories of spent nuclear fuel.

Natural Science and Technical Peace Research: Definition, History, and Current Work

January 2020


54 Reads


6 Citations

Sicherheit & Frieden

Scientific discoveries and technological innovations have always exerted a great influence on peace and security. New civil and military technologies are revolutionizing warfare. Particularly striking areas are cyber warfare and the rapid development of uninhabited weapon systems. Issues of nuclear disarmament, missile defence or space armament as well as chemical and biological weapons remain urgent. The conference SCIENCE · PEACE · SECURITY ’19 aimed for an accurate understanding and fruitful discussions of today’s and tomorrow’s peace and security challenges. This includes natural science/technical as well as interdisciplinary contributions, focusing on problems of international security and peace-building as well as contributions dedicated to transparency, trust-building, arms control, disarmament, and conflict management. This special issue presents selected contributions based on discussions at the conference.

Neue Typen von Kernwaffen und ihren Trägern: Gefahren für die strategische Stabilität

October 2019


28 Reads

Mit der Entwicklung von Kernwaffen, die Energie freisetzen, die zehntausend- bis millionenfach über der konventioneller Bomben liegt, wurde es möglich, eine Großstadt mit einer einzigen Bombe zu zerstören. Im Kalten Krieg wurden von den USA und der UdSSR große Arsenale aufgebaut, die durch Rüstungskontrollverträge ab 1972 begrenzt und ab 1987 sowie 1991 reduziert wurden. Heute ist Rüstungsbegrenzung extrem gefährdet.

Der Cyber-Rüstungswettlauf: Gefahren und mögliche Begrenzungen

September 2019


7 Reads


2 Citations

Streitkräfte vieler Staaten haben sich dem Cyberbereich als fünftem Raum der Kriegführung zugewandt; 2013 hatten mindestens 47 Länder militärische Cybereinheiten gegründet (vgl. Lewis 2013), und auch die Bundeswehr verfügt seit 2016 über einen eigenen Organisationsbereich Cyber- und Informationsraum (vgl. BMVg o. J.; Reinhold 2017). Cyberstreitkräfte sollen nicht nur defensiv agieren – Angriff und Gegenangriff sind Teil ihrer Kampfvorbereitungen. Ein Cyber-Wettrüsten ist in vollem Gange. Cyberangriffe umfassen ein breites Spektrum, vom einfachen Eindringen in die (militärischen oder zivilen) Rechnersysteme eines Gegners zur Informationsgewinnung bis zur Zerstörung der militärischen oder zivilen Infrastruktur; dies reicht weit über die IT-Systeme hinaus.

Autonome Waffensysteme – der nächste Schritt im qualitativen Rüstungswettlauf ?

August 2019


20 Reads


6 Citations

Die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik spielt in modernen Streitkräften eine zunehmende und mittlerweile zentrale Rolle. Auch auf diesem Feld der militärischen Forschung und Technik führen die USA. Das liegt vor allem an ihrem erklärten Ziel, eine „entscheidende militärische Überlegenheit“ zu erlangen, „um jeden Gegner auf jedem Schlachtfeld zu besiegen“ (US-Verteidigungsministerium 2012a; vgl. auch Hagel 2014).

Autonomous Weapon Systems – Dangers and Need for an International Prohibition

August 2019


95 Reads


6 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Advances in ICT, robotics and sensors bring autonomous weapon systems (AWS) within reach. Shooting without control by a human operator has military advantages, but also disadvantages – human understanding of the situation and control of events would suffer. Beyond this, compliance with the law of armed conflict is in question. Would it be ethical to allow a machine to take a human life? The increased pace of battle may overburden human understanding and decision making and lead to uncontrolled escalation. An international campaign as well as IT, robotics and AI professionals and enterprises are calling for an international ban of AWS. States have discussed about limitations in the UN context, but no consensus has evolved so far. Germany has argued for a ban of fully autonomous weapons, but has not joined the countries proposing an AWS ban, and is using a problematic definition.

Citations (7)

... The spectrogram of this signal covers the entire spectrum, but with three strong harmonics at frequencies of 4, 16 and 32 Hz from the moment in which the moving vehicle is first detected. The presence of these strong harmonics, the low speed and the high amplitude suggest that this signal is generated by a heavy tracked vehicle [17][18][19] . ...


Sources of seismic noise in an open-pit mining environment
Seismic modelling of tracked-vehicle signals for monitoring and verification
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

Applied Geophysics

... This aspect is essential in order to improve security by preventing misattribution. This is a novel approach that has not been scientifically researched so far but lies in the tradition and demands of technical peace and conflict research (Reuter et al. 2020). ...

Zur naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Bewertung der Empfehlungen des WissenschaftsratsNatural science and technical peace and conflict studies: current challenges and evaluation of the recommendations of the science council

Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

... This work is a contribution to the field of IT peace research [60], [61] as well as natural science/technical peace research [62], [63] 2 and sheds light on technology's normative and social effects in crisis and conflict. While Verbruggen et al. have dedicated several papers to autonomous weapon systems, following a more reflective and open research path [64], this work contributes by incorporating VSD. ...

Natural Science and Technical Peace Research: Definition, History, and Current Work
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Sicherheit & Frieden

... Curbing the proliferation of weapons, as well as reducing those already in existence, is therefore one of the most important concerns of the international community (Müller 2005). Despite the urgency emphasized by experts (Hansel and Silomon 2021;Dittrich and Boening 2017;Altmann 2019;Dunn 2005;Denning 2001;Maybaum and Tölle 2016;Litwak and King 2015), little progress has been made regarding arms control measures in cyberspace. Although increasingly established, at least in the normative field, so far these are mere declarations of intent or possible diplomatic measures in response to a cyberattack. ...

Der Cyber-Rüstungswettlauf: Gefahren und mögliche Begrenzungen
  • Citing Chapter
  • September 2019

... It also requires a basic understanding of compliance with the basic principles of IHL. Submitting such an important decision to a lethal autonomous weapons system is a dangerous decision and this requires further in-depth study (Altmann, 2019). Apart from the ethical issues, the use of AI in the military field also raises problems in terms of adherence to basic IHL principles, such as the distinction principle (Pacholska, 2023). ...

Autonomous Weapon Systems – Dangers and Need for an International Prohibition
  • Citing Chapter
  • August 2019

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... A look at the past shows that arms control has been a successful means to respond to the security challenges of armament processes regarding different kinds of weapons and to contain or stop arms races, hence, significantly contributing to security and stability worldwide (Reinhold and Reuter 2019). Curbing the proliferation of weapons, as well as reducing those already in existence, is therefore one of the most important concerns of the international community (Müller 2005). ...

The Future of IT in Peace and Security: IT Applications and Infrastructures in Conflicts, Crises, War, and Peace

... This work is a contribution to the field of IT peace research [60], [61] as well as natural science/technical peace research [62], [63] 2 and sheds light on technology's normative and social effects in crisis and conflict. While Verbruggen et al. have dedicated several papers to autonomous weapon systems, following a more reflective and open research path [64], this work contributes by incorporating VSD. ...

Natural-Science/Technical Peace Research: IT Applications and Infrastructures in Conflicts, Crises, War, and Peace
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2019