October 2016
48 Reads
Political Science Undergraduate Review
This policy brief takes a look at the issue of the 50-year war that has been ongoing between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People’s Army). It is “written” by Colombia’s chief of the government’s negotiating team at the peace talks in Havana, and is to be “presented” to the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos. It looks at the background of the conflict, as well as efforts to end it. The brief highlights 3 pieces of proposed ways in which the conflict could be ended. It looks at strict government guidelines, all-out war, and amnesty. It specifically highlights amnesty as the most effective method that should be pursued by the government. (Between the time when this brief was written in March 2016 and the present, the peace talks were concluded, brought to a referendum on October 2nd that would fully accept the agreements, and failed to pass.)