Juan Elías Sabino-López’s research while affiliated with Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero and other places

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Publications (13)

Aspersión foliar de nanoestructuras con zinc en plántulas de pepino (Cucumis sativus)Foliar spraying with zinc nanoestrutures in cucumber seddlings (Cucumis sativus)
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


14 Reads

Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios

Arelis Quirino-García



Juan Elías Sabino-López




María de los Ángeles Maldonado-Peralta

The foliar spraying effect of zinc nanostructures (ZnO-NE) was studied on cucumber seedlings growth in greenhouse. The treatments were four solutions made thought nanostructures with Zn (ZnO-BE) obtained by professional (MP) and domestic (MD) microwaves, and by direct precipitation (PD); the positive control (TP) was commercial fertilizer (ZnSO4) and negative (TN) water. Cucumber seeds were immersed for 2 h in the solution with the respective Zn2+ (30 mg L-1) source and sowed in polystyrene containers with peat and perlite (1:1 v/v), in greenhouse. Seedlings with two true leaves were sprayed with the corresponding solutions, every seven days for three weeks. Lower seedling height was presented in TN and greater stem diameter with ZnO-NE of MD. The ZnO-NE from MD and PD produced wider leaves (6.98 and 6.89 mm), PD longer leaves (6.01 mm); Seedlings treated with ZnO-NE of MP and MD increased leaf area (360.86 and 313.82 cm-2). The three ZnO-NE sources increased root length, and root volume stood out in TP (10.2 mL). Fresh root biomass was higher with ZnO-NE from MD (3.54 g). All Zn sources improved the fresh and dry weight of stem; fresh (6.5 g) and dry (0.85 g) weight of leaf highlighted with ZnO-NE from PD. Foliar spraying with ZnO-NE is an alternative to improve growth and biomass production on cucumber seedlings grown in greenhouse.


Características socioproductivas y económicas de productores de chile criollo de Teticic, Olinalá, GuerreroSocioproductive and economic characteristics of criollo chili producers from Teticic, Olinalá, Guerrero

Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios

The chilli is a crop of cultural, economic and social importance for Mexico, it is produced and consumed throughout the national territory. The objective of analyzing the socio-productive and economic characteristics of criollo chilli producers in the community of Teticic, Olinalá, Guerrero, México, in 2021, an interview with social, economic and productive variables was applied to 39 chilli producers in the community, the information was concentrated in Excel and a hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out in the statistical program SPSS version 21 where a factor analysis was applied for the selection of variables, the Ward method and the Euclidean distance were used, which allowed to obtain five groups of producers. Chilli cultivation is a subsistence agricultural system presided over mainly by men with an average age of 47 years with basic education, dedicated mainly to agriculture with an average of 21 years of experience, using family labor. This crop faces a series of productive, commercial, post-harvest, service and support problems from the government that limit its productivity and could put at risk the conservation of chilli crioles seeds.

Rendimiento del maíz (Zea mays L.) en respuesta a la fertilización con nitrógeno, fósforo y silicio al suelo

July 2023


314 Reads


1 Citation


En el estado de Guerrero, el maíz (Zea mays) se siembra en diferentes condiciones edáficas y climáticas, en altitudes que van desde el nivel del mar hasta los 2880 m de altitud, principalmente en régimen de temporal y por productores que utilizan maíces nativos y mejorados. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de la fertilización con nitrógeno y fósforo en combinación con silicio en los componentes de rendimiento del cultivo de maíz; bajo la hipótesis de que al menos una fórmula de fertilización y la aplicación de silicio al suelo generan un efecto positivo en el tamaño de la mazorca y el rendimiento de grano de maíz. La fertilización consideró dos factores; primero la fórmula de Nitrógeno, Fosforo y Potasio (N-P-K) con dos niveles (90-60 00 y 60‑40‑00); el segundo fue la fertilización de silicio (Si) con tres niveles (sin Si, Fermiphos y Silifosca®), cuya combinación originó seis tratamientos; los cuales se distribuyeron en un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con tres repeticiones. La fertilización N-P-K no afectó estadísticamente las variables evaluadas; excepto el diámetro que, fue estadísticamente diferente y se incrementó en 2% con 90-60-00. La aplicación de silicio (Fermiphos y Silifosca®) aumentó más de 12% la longitud y 6% el diámetro de la mazorca y 24% el rendimiento de grano. La fertilización con 90-60-00 + silicio (Fermiphos y Silifosca®) incrementó de 8 a 32% el tamaño y rendimiento; mientras que, la fertilización con 60-40-00 + silicio (Fermiphos y Silifosca®) superó de 4 a 28% los parámetros evaluados. El incremento de la fórmula de fertilización tuvo impactos mínimos y no constantes en el tamaño de la mazorca. Pero, la aplicación de Silifosca® o Fermiphos combinada con la fertilización N-P-K favoreció cambios positivos en el tamaño de la mazorca y rendimiento de grano con 90-60-00 y la adición de Silifosca®.

Croseños et al 2023

June 2023


57 Reads

Croseños-Palazin et al. Radiación gamma en chile apaxtleco Ecosist. Recur. Agropec. 10(2): e3444, 2023 https://doi.org/10.19136/era.a10n2.3444 Cambios horméticos por efecto de radiación gamma 60 Co en plantas M 1 de chile apaxtleco Hormetic changes by gamma 60 Co radiation effect in chille apaxtleco M 1 plants

Figure 2. Regression coefficient between intercepted radiation (%) and leaves (%) of crotalaria, at different planting densities and cutting age.
Forage yield (kg ha 1 d 1 ) of crotalaria, at different planting densities and cutting ages.
Intercepted radiation (%) of crotalaria, at different planting densities and cutting age.
Morphology composition (%) of crotalaria, at different planting densities and cutting age.
Yield, intercepted radiation and morphology of crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea L.) at different densities

August 2022


107 Reads


2 Citations

Agro Productividad

Objetive: The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield, intercepted radiation and morphology of crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea L.) at different planting densities, in the dry tropics of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Desing / Methodology / Approach: The treatments were: four planting densities at 400,000, 200,000, 100,000 plants ha-1 and a stream. A growth analysis was also evaluated at 30, 38, 45, 52, 60, 68 and 75 days of growth, understanding that the pod was fully developed. The variables evaluated were: dry matter yield, intercepted radiation and morphological composition. Results: The dry matter yield, regardless of the cutting age, was obtained in descending order at the planting densities of: 400,000 ˃ chorrillo ˃ 200,000 ˃ 100,000 plants ha-1 with 19,837, 17,918, 8,786 and 4,074 kg DM ha-1, Study Limitations / Implications: In the tropics it is necessary to broaden the panorama with the producers, in the use of forage legumes to improve the feeding of cattle. Findings / Conclusions: It is recommended to sow at a sowing density of 400,000 plants ha-1 and to cut after 45 days of growth in crotalaria since it is when the best structural characteristics of the meadow and 95% of intercepted radiation are found


July 2022


116 Reads


1 Citation

Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems

p> Background. The sweet biznaga ( Echinocactus platyacanthus ) is endemic to Mexico, whose seeds show low germination, viability, longevity, genetics, and latency; therefore, gamma irradiation is an alternative to stimulate the emergence and growth of seedlings, by causing variations in the chemical composition of DNA, which causes cytological, biochemical, physiological and morphological changes in plants. Objective. The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the effect of different doses of gamma 60Co radiation on seed germination and seedling vigor of E. platyacanthus . Methodology. E. platyacanthus seeds were irradiated at 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 and 550 Gy of 60Co gamma rays, then they were sown in transparent plastic containers covered with filter paper and were distributed in a completely randomized design with four repetitions in a germination chamber, the percentage of germination and survival of seedlings in the container was recorded 30 days after sowing (das). The seedlings were transplanted at 30 das into black polyethylene bags with tezontle and established in a completely randomized design with 12 treatments and four replications, in a tunnel-type greenhouse. At 20 and 30 days after transplantation (dat) seedling vigor was measured based on height (cm), stem diameter (mm) and root length (mm) and at 20 dat survival was recorded (%) of seedling in the substrate. An analysis of variance and Tukey's test for comparison of means (p ≤ 0.05) were performed. Results. Gamma irradiation stimulated seed germination from 10 to 29%. In seedlings, root height and length were modified with intermediate doses of gamma rays (100 to 200 Gy); but higher doses negatively affected these indicators. Survival of containerized M1 seedlings was up to 63% higher than the control, depending on the irradiation dose. Implications. Irradiation with 60Co gamma rays improves seed germination, survival and vigor of E. platyacanthus seedlings. Conclusions. Irradiation with 60Co gamma rays stimulated seed germination and improved some characteristics of vigor in E. platyacanthus seedlings, by modifying root height and length according to age. In addition, it increased the survival of containerized seedlings.</p

Estado nutrimental en el extracto celular de pecíolo y hojas de genotipos de jamaica

December 2021


299 Reads


1 Citation

Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios

Existen varias técnicas de diagnóstico nutrimental en las plantas, que permiten tomar decisiones correctivas de fertilización. Pero, al igual que en otros cultivos, en el de jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) no se revisa el estado nutrimental. El objetivo fue estudiar el estado nutrimental de ocho genotipos de H. sabdariffa L. en floración, mediante el análisis en el extracto celular de pecíolo (ECP), lecturas SPAD y tejido vegetal en laboratorio, para el establecimiento de índices de referencia nutrimental. Se recolectaron y sembraron ocho genotipos de jamaica en bolsas de polietileno de 12 L llenadas con una mezcla de tezontle y tierra de monte (1:1 v/v) en un diseño completamente al azar con cinco repeticiones. Las plantas crecieron en un invernadero cubierto con plástico blanco de 800 µm con 70% de trasmisión de luz. Las plantas se fertilizaron con 44N-30-20K kg ha-1 y se regaron con agua corriente. Se determinaron las lecturas SPAD en hojas recientemente maduras y en el extracto celular de los peciolos se determinó el NO3-, K+, Ca2+ y Na+ con medidores de bolsillo. Las hojas se procesaron para análisis químico de nitrógeno total, fósforo, potasio, calcio, magnesio, hierro, cobre, zinc, manganeso y boro. Se tuvieron diferencias significativas en los iones para ECP, lecturas SPAD y concentración nutrimental en hojas de los genotipos estudiados. La concentración de nutrimentos de los iones específicos en el extracto celular de peciolos, lecturas SPAD y en tejido vegetal pueden ser usados como valores de referencia para comparar con estudios posteriores en este cultivo.

First report of Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) in Apaxtleco chili (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivated in greenhouse

March 2021


53 Reads


2 Citations

Agro Productividad

Objectives: To generate information about a new host of the Polyphagotarsonemuslatus (Banks) mite, and to understand the damages caused by the cultivation ofApatlexco chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in the northern region of the state ofGuerrero.Design/Methodology/Approach: The identification of the mite was carried out throughtaxonomic keys and the damages caused in vegetative shoots, mature leaves andflower buds were described.Results: The P. latus mite was identified as causing important damage to the crops ofAplaxtleco chili pepper grown in greenhouses in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, and thisis the first report of this mite in the Aplaxtleco chili pepper crop grown in greenhouses inthe state of Guerrero, Mexico.Findings/Conclusions: Economic income is obtained from the cultivation of Aplaxtlecochili peppers, a characteristic crop of the municipality of Aplaxtla, in the northern zone of Guerrero; therefore, knowing the identity of the P. latus mite in the Aplaxtleco chili cropwill help to suggest effective control methods to obtain higher yields.

Figura 1. Manejo agronómico del cultivo de uchuva (Physalis peruvinana L.) en invernadero, en Montecillo, Texcoco, México.
El mercado de la uchuva en México

December 2020


1,929 Reads


1 Citation

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas

La uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) es un cultivo adaptable a climas adversos y prolongada producción de frutos con alto potencial económico. En México, la uchuva aún no se cultiva con fines comerciales, por desconocimiento de su consumo y rentabilidad. El objetivo fue analizar la rentabilidad del cultivo de la uchuva en invernadero e hidroponía y su consumo en la ciudad de México, para conocer su potencial comercial. Plantas de uchuva se cultivaron en un invernadero con medidas de 10 x 30 m, los insumos y actividades del proceso productivo y cosecha fueron registrados en una hoja de cálculo de Excel (2010), cuantificados y extrapolados a 1 ha. Se determinaron los costos de producción y la rentabilidad del cultivo con base en la tasa interna de retorno (TIR), el valor actual neto (VAN) y la relación beneficio/costo (B/C). El punto de equilibrio en ventas se estimó con los costos totales y la inversión inicial. La demanda se estimó con base en la información de 150 encuestas realizadas en los mercados nombrados. El 100 y Medellín, en la Ciudad de México. Se realizaron pruebas de degustación a los encuestados, considerando el sabor, olor y color de frutos comercialmente maduros. El rendimiento estimado fue de 52.65 Mg ha-1 de fruto fresco con cáliz, con una inversión de 3664551.00apreciodeventade30.003 664 551.00 a precio de venta de 30.00 kg-1, con VAN de $633 071.00, TIR de 17.24%, y relación B/C de 1.1. La demanda estuvo determinada por el precio del fruto, el ingreso y el nivel de estudios de los encuestados. La mayoría de los encuestados mostró disposición de compra de este fruto y recomendó su consumo.


June 2020


377 Reads


1 Citation

Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems

Background: mango is cultivated in most tropical and subtropical regions of the world, it is estimated that there are more than a thousand cultivars, so its regional characterization represents a priority in countries such as Mexico, which holds the first place for export. Objective: the objective of the present study was to identify biochemical characteristics (photosynthetic pigments, type and proportion of carbohydrates) of eight recently introduced cultivars and two new selections in Mexico. Methodology: by spectrophotometric analysis, the concentrations of total sugars, reducing sugars and starches were evaluated, as well as the content of chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids of the cultivars 'Nam Results: in the case of total and reducing sugars, the cultivars 'Kesar', 'Nam Doc Mai', 'Ivory', 'Mallika' and 'A. Zafiro' (0.42, 0.34, 0.34, 0.33, and 0.32 mg*g-1 pf-1) presented the highest values (respectively), the starch content was very heterogeneous and 'Rosygold' (0.36 mg*g-1 pf-1) was identified as cultivar with higher levels. The results showed 'Ivory' (0.64, 0.59, 0.27 mg*g-1 pf-1) as the cultivar with the highest concentration of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid photosynthetic pigments respectively. Based on the correlation analysis (r), a certain dependence could be observed between total and reducing sugars (r= 0.70), total sugars and starches (r= 0.76), reducing sugars and starches (r = 0.79). In the case of photosynthetic pigments, a close relationship between chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids was identified (r= 0.99); In the photosynthetic carbohydrate / pigment interaction, a significant correlation was observed between total sugars and chlorophylls a (r=-0.80), b (r=-0.80) and carotenoids (r= 0.82). The close relationship found between reducing sugars and chlorophyll a (r= 0.60), chlorophyll b (r= 0.99) and carotenoids (r= 0.99) stood out. Implications: it is necessary to continue the study in floral and fruiting stages to have a complete profile of the cultivars. Conclusion: these results will contribute in future agronomic †

Citations (6)

... Some of these species are characterized by rapid biomass production (Parenti et al., 2021), being drought-tolerant, resistant to nematodes and other pests, and high germination rates, which in turn influence the yield and quality of dry matter produced (Wang et al., 2002;Kamireddy et al., 2013). Studies conducted on C. juncea show that, between 40 and 60 days of development, it presents 7 Mg ha -1 of dry matter per cutting, contributing up to 176.37 kg N ha -1 (Ríos-Hilario et al., 2022); in addition, the leaf contains 27 % protein (Almeida-Santos et al., 2019). Chepil, chipil, chipile, or chipilín (Crotalaria longirostrata Hook. ...


Yield, intercepted radiation and morphology of crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea L.) at different densities

Agro Productividad

... Además,Nasr and Esh (2014) encontraron variación en el comportamiento del crecimiento, el color, la forma de yemas y los entrenudos. En otros cultivos, como uchuva disminuyó la altura y diámetro de la planta, la longitud de la raíz, pero aumentó la longitud de entrenudos(Antúnez- Ocampo et al., 2017); en Echinocactus platyacanthus Link y Otto aumentó la altura de planta, pero inhibió el crecimiento de la raíz(Antúnez-Ocampo et al., 2022). Por lo tanto, la radiación gamma puede generar mutantes con características favorables que mejoren el valor agronómico o mutantes con características deletéreas que influyen negativamente el valor agronómico.Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental ResearchISSN: 2595-573X ...


Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems

... Posteriormente, se les determinó la concentración de nitratos (NO 3 ), sodio (Na), Calcio (Ca) y potasio (K), utilizando los sensores Horiba en sus diferentes presentaciones (LAQUAtwin Kyoto, Japon) (Benavides-Mendoza, de Alba y Francisco, 2021). La determinación se realizó siguiendo el protocolo empleado por Flores-Bernal et al., (2021). ...

Estado nutrimental en el extracto celular de pecíolo y hojas de genotipos de jamaica

Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios

... Worldwide, Mexico is one of the primary producers of chili pepper (Capsicum spp.). Around 150,000 hectares are planted with chili pepper, generating a production of 3.2 million tons per year, placing the country as the leading exporter of chili pepper on an international scale and the second largest producer in the world [22]. About 75% of Mexican chili pepper producers use a large number of chemical pesticides to combat pests and diseases [23]. ...

First report of Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) in Apaxtleco chili (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivated in greenhouse
  • Citing Article
  • March 2021

Agro Productividad

... También se ha cultivado con el propósito de conocer su fenología y comportamiento productivo en diferentes fechas de siembra y suministro de potasio y boro Sabino et al., 2018), y para realizar estudios encaminados al mejoramiento genético mediante mutagénesis (Antúnez et al., 2017). Sin embargo, en México aún no existen estudios de comercialización y rentabilidad de este cultivo. ...

Fecha de trasplante, boro, potasio y poda en la producción de frutos de Physalis peruviana L. en hidroponía e invernadero


... Optimum levels of leaf mineral contents improved fruit quality and crop yield (Tables 3 and 4; Figures 1 and 3) similar to the observations of dos-Santos et al. [16] and Antúnez-Ocampo et al. [17] in sunflower and ground cherry plants, respectively. They attributed the improved fruit quality and crop yield to a balanced use of Zn and B fertilizers. ...

Flowering and fructification of physalis peruviana l. by ammonium and nitrate application, vigor and plant age