Josette Caruana’s research while affiliated with University of Malta and other places

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Publications (40)

Editorial: Public sector accounting current developments—insight, critique and transformative redefinitions
  • Article

October 2024


29 Reads


2 Citations

Public Money & Management



Josette Caruana




Green Public Procurement in Public Administration: Perceptions and Challenges in Practice

July 2024


16 Reads


1 Citation

Safeguarding our roots: natural resources accounting and reporting in the public sector
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2024


56 Reads

Meditari Accountancy Research

Purpose This study aims to explore natural resources from a public sector accounting perspective, focusing on their definitions, classifications, recognition criteria and disclosure requirements provided by different standard-setters and regulators at both international and national levels. Design/methodology/approach By reviewing accounting frameworks for natural resources, this study extrapolates accounting dilemmas around the debate on natural resource accounting, using the dialogic accounting perspective as a theoretical framework. Findings Natural resources cannot be defined as a single category. Various categories have different characteristics, requiring different standards to recognize multiple orientations. This avoids monetary reductionism. Furthermore, uncertainty, both in existence and measurement, may disqualify some of these resources from being considered assets. Perhaps, concentrating on the flow of services derived from natural resources is better than focusing on their valuation. This may lead to a split-asset approach (flows and underlying assets) for certain resources. This study’s findings indicate that public-sector entities should consider preparing a separate non-financial report regarding the management of natural resources with the objective of maintaining inter-generational equity. Originality/value This study contributes to the debate on natural resources from an accounting and reporting perspective, highlighting the importance of holding public-sector entities accountable for the use of natural resources.


The IPSASB’s conceptual framework and views on selected national frameworks

January 2023


3 Reads

A contabilidade e os relatórios do sector público (PSA) foram objeto de reformas nacionais consideráveis durante as últimas décadas e estão no centro das atenções da Comissão Europeia, que pretende harmonizar os sistemas contabilísticos dos seus Estados-Membros através do desenvolvimento das Normas Europeias de Contabilidade do Sector Público (EPSAS). Por conseguinte, o tema é de grande relevância tanto para o meio académico como para os profissionais.Este livro apresenta diferentes pontos de vista sobre as PSA na Europa atualmente. Abrange temas como a história das CSP, as suas diferenças em relação às estatísticas contabilísticas e financeiras do sector privado, bem como a elaboração do orçamento. Uma parte principal é dedicada às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade do Sector Público (IPSAS), abordando a sua difusão, quadro concetual e normas específicas do sector público seleccionadas, incluindo um estudo de caso. Além disso, a informação financeira consolidada é abordada através de exemplos. Este manual não é apenas útil para estudantes e investigadores, mas também para leitores interessados que procuram perspectivas alargadas sobre as PSA, tais como profissionais e membros de organizações intergovernamentais. Pretende complementar os módulos de ensino universitário sobre PSA, como os que estão acessíveis gratuitamente em

Citations (25)

... O escopo do modelo contábil também tem sido um tópico da agenda de pesquisa com questionamentos sobre até que ponto os padrões de demonstrações contábeis e características técnicas permanecem relevantes e se o sistema "tradicional" de contabilidade aplicada ao setor público deveria ser substituído por um mais "interativo", com escopo mais amplo e cujas decisões sobre os princípios, por exemplo, mensuração, seriam realizadas juntamente com os cidadãos (Bisogno et al., 2024). Neste sentido, os autores sugerem considerar as duas perspectivas, em vez de substituir uma pela outra, e identificar avenidas para pesquisas futuras (Bisogno et al., 2024). ...


Complexidades emergentes em contabilidade e orçamento público: reflexões para uma agenda de pesquisa
Editorial: Public sector accounting current developments—insight, critique and transformative redefinitions
  • Citing Article
  • October 2024

Public Money & Management

... As Barbera et al. (2024) argue, this could help encompass both a measurement/calculative dimension and a relational dimension, while preserving multidimensionality . Therefore, as the debate article by Bisogno et al. (2024) highlights, public sector accounting, reporting and auditing need to be reassessed to deal with an uncertain and evolving environment at both a macro and a micro level-embracing a multi-perspective approach which addresses new research areas and bridges the research-practice gap. ...

Debate: Researching in challenging times—adapting and enhancing public sector accounting practices
  • Citing Article
  • August 2024

Public Money & Management

... Eugenio spearheaded the liaison with PMM in order to launch the PMM CIGAR Annual Issue, reaching an agreement that has proved beneficial for both the CIGAR Network Association and the journal. Eugenio has led the editorial team for four consecutive annual issues (see the editorials introducing the first three PMM CIGAR issues, Caperchione et al., 2021;Caruana et al., 2023), steering the activities towards quality annual issues that have made a difference to both research and practice of public sector accounting. ...

Editorial: A finger firmly on the pulse
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Public Money & Management

... In this context, NRs are defined as "non-produced" assets, focusing essentially on NRs used in economic activities that are subject to ownership rights. The statistical framework is based on accrual methodology, but its application differs from that based on a financial accounting framework (Dabbicco and Caruana, 2023). Accordingly, different definitions of NRs are expected, resulting in different NR measurements. ...

The Measurement of Income and Expenditure: Comparing Public Accounts and National Accounts
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2023

... These contrasting experiences are mirrored in a case study on the Polish and Maltese governments respectively. While Malta is committed to IPSAS adoption and less developed budgeting practices, Poland utilises sophisticated budgeting techniques and demonstrates no inclination to adopt IPSAS (Kowalczyk & Caruana, 2022). ...

Governmental accounting and budgeting in Malta and Poland – a different dance to the same tune
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

International Journal of Public Sector Management

... Although there is undoubtedly an integral relationship between these processes, financial accountability in our understanding refers only to the second process, where the emphasis is placed on the responsible and productive useof public money, i.e. public expenditure. Furthermore, it is necessary to specify the concept of financial accountability in relation to the overall process of public expenditure management (Dabbicco, et al., 2022). Effendi (2017) investigated the influence of budgetary participation on the organizations working procedures in local governments in Indonesia. ...

The Contribution of Public Sector Accounting and Public Financial Management During and After Times of Crisis
  • Citing Chapter
  • September 2022

... The need to carefully plan and execute sustainability related projects can be assisted by management accounting and reporting tools (Caruana and Dabbicco 2022;Cohen 2022). Further challenges for public financial management emerge from the need to engage citizens in building inclusive communities. ...

New development: The role of the accountancy profession in saving our planet
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

Public Money & Management

... Eugenio spearheaded the liaison with PMM in order to launch the PMM CIGAR Annual Issue, reaching an agreement that has proved beneficial for both the CIGAR Network Association and the journal. Eugenio has led the editorial team for four consecutive annual issues (see the editorials introducing the first three PMM CIGAR issues, Caperchione et al., 2021;Caruana et al., 2023), steering the activities towards quality annual issues that have made a difference to both research and practice of public sector accounting. ...

Editorial: Comparison as a habit—The case for international governmental accounting research
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

Public Money & Management

... Persoalan tentang bagaimana seharusnya aset sektor awam perlu diperakaunkan masih menjadi perbahasan sejak lebih 30 tahun yang lalu (Roje & Redmayne, 2020). Menurut Caruana (2021) isu berkaitan pengiktirafan, pengukuran dan pendedahan aset (termasuk juga liabiliti) adalah paling sukar untuk diatasi. Secara khusus tentang pengukuran aset sektor awam, di bawah perakaunan asas akruan, menurut Oulasvirta (2021) masih terdapat perbahasan berterusan tentang kaedah pengukuran susulan manakah yang paling baik memenuhi keperluan pihak berkepentingan sektor awam. ...

The proposed IPSAS on measurement for public sector financial reporting—recycling or reiteration?
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

Public Money & Management

... A responsabilização é importante visto que ambientes comprometidos com a accountability inspiram mais confiança na integridade da conduta de servidores públicos (Caruana & Kowalczyk, 2020 a funcionarem com um maior nível de eficiência, eficácia e economia (Caruana & Kowalczyk, 2020). ...

The Quest for Audit Quality in the Public Sector
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020

Accounting in Europe