Josephine MacHunter’s research while affiliated with Instituto de Energia e Ambiente and other places

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Publications (16)

An example showing two hypothetical species with species–environment relationships on the logit scale: linear (with prevalence 0.3327, Species 1, top panel) and quadratic (with prevalence 0.3974, Species 2, bottom panel). The study area contains 10 000 points in total. (a, e): Theoretical probabilities (black solid lines) and suitabilities (green dashed lines) predicted from Maxent models built using 1000 presences and 5000 random points. The rugs on the top of individual plots represent presences, and those on the bottom show absences. (b, f): Relationships between theoretical probabilities and predicted suitabilities. For plot (f), since the predicted suitabilities were not symmetric, the relationships were considered in two sections divided by the maximum value of the suitabilities. The relationship for the left section was displayed with the solid line and the right one with the dashed line. The Spearman correlation coefficients between theoretical probabilities and predicted suitabilities were also shown. (c, g): Predicted/expected (P/E) ratios within 10 bins (red open dots) and moving windows (black solid lines) as well as those calculated from the thin plate regression splines (blue dashed lines) using 1000 presences and 5000 random points. (d, h): P/E ratios within 10 bins (red open dots) and moving windows (black solid lines) as well as those calculated from the thin plate regression splines (blue dashed lines) using 10 presences and 5000 random points. In (c, d, g, h), the values for each method were scaled to (0, 1) by dividing their maximum values.
Bias in the estimated Boyce index (BI). The reference value of the BI was calculated with the moving window method (i.e. CBI) using 1000 presences and 5000 random points (i.e. background sites). Bias was defined as the estimated value of the BI minus the reference value. Eight methods for calculating the index: OBI, CBI, SBItp, SBIcr, SBIbs, SBIps, SBIad and SBIm. Two species distribution modelling methods: random forest and Maxent. Two levels for the number of training presences (NPtrain): 20 and 500. Species prevalence: 0.05–0.9. Four levels of the number of presences for calculating the BI: 1000, 200, 50 and 10.
Bias in the estimated Boyce index (BI) for species with prevalence: 0.05–0.1. The reference value of the BI was calculated with the moving window method (i.e. CBI) using 1000 presences and 5000 random points (i.e. background sites). Bias was defined as the estimated value of the BI minus the reference value. Eight methods for calculating the index: OBI, CBI, SBItp, SBIcr, SBIbs, SBIps, SBIad and SBIm. Two species distribution modelling methods: random forest and Maxent. Two levels for the number of training presences (NPtrain): 20 and 500. Four levels of the number of presences for calculating the BI: 1000, 200, 50 and 10.
Bias in the estimated Boyce index (BI) for species with prevalence: 0.2–0.3. The reference value of the BI was calculated with the moving window method (i.e. CBI) using 1000 presences and 5000 random points (i.e. background sites). Bias was defined as the estimated value of the BI minus the reference value. Eight methods for calculating the index: OBI, CBI, SBItp, SBIcr, SBIbs, SBIps, SBIad and SBIm. Two species distribution modelling methods: random forest and Maxent. Two levels for the number of training presences (NPtrain): 20 and 500. Four levels of the number of presences for calculating the BI: 1000, 200, 50 and 10.
Bias in the estimated Boyce index (BI) for species with prevalence: 0.7–0.8. The reference value of the BI was calculated with the moving window method (i.e. CBI) using 1000 presences and 5000 random points (i.e. background sites). Bias was defined as the estimated value of the BI minus the reference value. Eight methods for calculating the index: OBI, CBI, SBItp, SBIcr, SBIbs, SBIps, SBIad and SBIm. Two species distribution modelling methods: random forest and Maxent. Two levels for the number of training presences (NPtrain): 20 and 500. Four levels of the number of presences for calculating the BI: 1000, 200, 50 and 10.
Improving the estimation of the Boyce index using statistical smoothing methods for evaluating species distribution models with presence‐only data
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2024


63 Reads



Matt White


Josephine Machunter

Species distribution models (SDMs) underpin a wide range of decisions concerning biodiversity. Although SDMs can be built using presence‐only data, rigorous evaluation of these models remains challenging. One evaluation method is the Boyce index (BI), which uses the relative frequencies between presence sites and background sites within a series of bins or moving windows spanning the entire range of predicted values from the SDM. Obtaining accurate estimates of the BI using these methods relies upon having a large number of presences, which is often not feasible, particularly for rare or restricted species that are often the focus of modelling. Wider application of the BI requires a method that can accurately and reliably estimate the BI using small numbers of presence records. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of five statistical smoothing methods (i.e. thin plate regression splines, cubic regression splines, B‐splines, P‐splines and adaptive smoothers) and the mean of these five methods (denoted as ‘mean') to estimate the BI. We simulated 600 species with varying prevalence and built distribution models using random forest and Maxent methods. For training data, we used two levels for the number of presences (NPtrain: 20 and 500), along with 2 × NPtrain and 10000 random points (i.e. random background sites) for each modelling method. We used the number of presences at four levels (NPbi: 1000, 200, 50 and 10) to investigate its effect, together with 5000 random points to calculate the BI. Our results indicate that the BI estimates from the binning and moving window methods are severely affected by the decrease of NPbi, but all the estimates of the BI from smoothing‐based methods were almost always unbiased for realistic situations. Hence, we recommend these methods for estimating the BI for evaluating SDMs when verified absence data are unavailable.


Fig. 1 A The extent of mallee woodlands vegetation (orange area) in south-east Australia and locations of survey sites. B Mallee woodlands vegetation (photo credit: MFBP). C The extent of foothill forests vegetation (green area) in Victoria, Australia, and locations of survey sites. D Foothill forests vegetation (photo credit: FR)
Fig. 4 Responses to fire regime attributes in mallee woodlands (A-D) and foothill forests (E-H) for selected bird species to illustrate the strongest and key types of responses observed in each ecosystem. Lines are fitted generalized additive models. Line color indicates vegetation types within each ecosystem. In mallee woodlands: yellow lines = Triodia mallee, red lines = chenopod mallee. In foothill forests: turquoise lines = driest, blue lines = dry, purple lines = mesic. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals. YPHE = yellow-plumed honeyeater, SSR = southern scrub-robin, WEHE = white-eared honeyeater, BHHE = brown-headed honeyeater, RORO = rose robin, SULB = superb lyrebird, SILV = silvereye, SPPA = spotted pardalote
Fig. 5 Responses of bird species to A time since fire, B amount late, C amount early, and D spatial diversity of fire in Triodia mallee (n = 22 species) and Dry foothill forests (n = 33). Bars represent the percentage of species modelled in each vegetation type whose fitted response curve resembled each of six response shapes (brown = bell, light blue = incline, peach = plateau, dark blue = decline, purple = "u-shape", gray = not significant [horizontal line can fit within the 95% confidence interval of the predicted response curve]) following Watson et al. 2012a. Numbers within bars indicate counts of species within groups
Fig. 7 Responses of functional groups of birds to fire regime attributes in mallee woodlands (A-D) and foothill forests (E-H). Significant responses are displayed to illustrate the key responses observed in each ecosystem. Lines are fitted generalized additive models. Line color indicates vegetation types within each ecosystem. In mallee woodlands: red = chenopod mallee, brown-green lines = Heathy mallee, yellow lines = Triodia mallee. In foothill forests: turquoise lines = Driest, blue lines = Dry, purple lines = Mesic. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals and lines with no shaded area are not significant. "Can/up" = canopy/upper-midstorey foragers, "Low-mid" = lower-midstorey foragers, "Ground" = ground foragers, "Hollow" = hollow nesters
Ecosystem type and species’ traits help explain bird responses to spatial patterns of fire

October 2023


236 Reads

Fire Ecology






Luke T. Kelly

Background Understanding how temporal and spatial attributes of fire regimes, environmental conditions, and species’ traits interact to shape ecological communities will help improve biodiversity conservation in fire-affected areas. We compared the influence of time since the last fire at a site, and the area and diversity of post-fire successional vegetation surrounding a site (i.e., the “spatial context” of fire), on bird species and functional groups in two ecosystems in south-eastern Australia. These ecosystems, semi-arid “mallee” woodlands and temperate “foothill” forests, differ in stand-regeneration patterns, climate, and topography. For 22 bird species in mallee woodlands, 33 species in foothill forests and four functional groups of birds in both ecosystems, we fitted non-linear models that differed in fire regime predictor variables. Results In foothill forests, models that included both time since fire and a spatial context variable explained more variation in bird abundances than models that included only time since fire or a spatial variable. In mallee woodlands, the addition of spatial attributes of fire helped explain the occurrence of several species, but this finding was muted when measured across all species. There were key differences between ecosystems in functional group responses to fire regimes. Canopy/upper-midstorey foragers were positively associated with the amount of late -successional vegetation in mallee woodlands, but not in foothill forests. Lower-midstorey foragers showed a decline response to the amount of late -successional vegetation in mallee woodlands and a contrasting incline response in foothill forests. However, lower-midstorey foragers showed a similar response to the amount of surrounding early -successional vegetation in both ecosystems—decreasing in abundance when > 50% of the surrounding vegetation was early-successional. Conclusions The influence of fire regimes on birds varies among species within sites, across landscapes and between ecosystems. Species’ foraging traits influence bird associations with fire regimes, and help to make sense of a myriad of relationships, but are usefully understood in the context of ecosystem types and the regeneration patterns of their dominant flora. The spatial context of fire regimes is also important—the amount of successional vegetation surrounding a site influences bird abundance. Fire management strategies that incorporate the spatial contexts of fire regimes, as well as the temporal and ecological contexts of fire regimes, will have the greatest benefits for biodiversity.

Box and whisker plots of the variation in normalized swing weights for each objective across nine participants for each objective. See Table 1 for description of objectives. Site‐specific normalized weights for NTG and SWH have been adjusted by a factor proportional to the number of objectives and then aggregated across sites.
Management strategy performance: Relative benefit for each objective for alternative management strategies (described in Table 3). (A) No weights, (B) Average weights across nine participants. NTG, natural temperate grassland; SHW, seasonal herbaceous wetland. See Table 1 for description of objectives and performance measures used to evaluate the relative benefit of alternative management strategies.
Structured decision making to navigate trade‐offs between multiple conservation values in threatened grasslands

May 2023


51 Reads


2 Citations

Abstract Managing biodiversity often requires making difficult trade‐offs, especially when threatened species and ecosystems overlap in their distributions, and management actions to promote their persistence varies between them. Trade‐offs reflect preferences and how much decision makers are willing to give up in benefits for one objective in exchange for gains in other objectives. Despite the increase of tools for exploring trade‐offs, decisions are often made without clear specification of preferences among objectives, reducing transparency and limiting clear communication of the rationale behind decisions. We used structured decision making to navigate trade‐offs between ecological objectives and management costs across three conservation reserves of protected grasslands in Victoria, Australia. The objectives included four nationally listed threatened species, two nationally listed threatened ecosystems, a group of locally threatened and rare non‐listed species and management costs. Alternative management strategies included various combinations of fire management and weed control. The consequences of alternatives were estimated using stochastic models, empirical data and expert judgment. Context dependent preferences were elicited using swing weighting from nine decision makers and stakeholders. While all species and ecosystems are valued, how they are weighted, and the resulting preferred management strategy is context dependent. Weights were variable across participants for all objectives. There was stronger alignment of weights for one of the ecosystems, Natural Temperate Grasslands, than other objectives. One of the threatened species, striped legless lizard, tended to be weighted higher than other ecological objectives, while management costs had the lowest weights. Stakeholder's weightings for objectives varied, however the influence on the rank order of management strategies was minimal. The structured approach to navigate trade‐offs identified management strategies that best address stakeholder preferences across multiple objectives. This approach offers improvements in evidence‐based decision making and provides a transparent and defensible rationale for selecting management interventions that considers all relevant objectives.

Animal population decline and recovery after severe fire: Relating ecological and life history traits with expert estimates of population impacts from the Australian 2019-20 megafires

May 2023


299 Reads


12 Citations

Biological Conservation

Catastrophic megafires can increase extinction risks; identifying species priorities for management and policy support is critical for preparing and responding to future fires. However, empirical data on population loss and recovery post-fire, especially megafire, are limited and taxonomically biased. These gaps could be bridged if species' morphological, behavioural, ecological and life history traits indicated their fire responses. Using expert elicitation that estimated population changes following the 2019–20 Australian megafires for 142 terrestrial and aquatic animal species (from every vertebrate class, one invertebrate group), we examined whether expert estimates of fire-related mortality, mortality in the year post-fire, and recovery trajectories over 10 years/three generations post-fire, were related to species traits. Expert estimates for fire-related mortality were lower for species that could potentially flee or shelter from fire, and that associated with fire-prone habitats. Post-fire mortality estimates were linked to diet, diet specialisation, home range size, and susceptibility to introduced herbivores that damage or compete for resources. Longer-term population recovery estimates were linked to diet/habitat specialisation, susceptibility to introduced species; species with slower life histories and shorter subadult dispersal distances also had lower recovery estimates. Across animal groups, experts estimated that recovery was poorest for species with pre-fire population decline and more threatened conservation status. Sustained management is likely needed to recover species with habitat and diet specialisations, slower life histories, pre-existing declines and threatened conservation statuses. This study shows that traits could help inform management priorities before and after future megafires, but further empirical data on animal fire response is essential.

The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time‐bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires

March 2022


595 Reads


77 Citations

Global Ecology and Biogeography

Aim After environmental disasters, species with large population losses may need urgent protection to prevent extinction and support recovery. Following the 2019–2020 Australian megafires, we estimated population losses and recovery in fire‐affected fauna, to inform conservation status assessments and management. Location Temperate and subtropical Australia. Time period 2019–2030 and beyond. Major taxa Australian terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates; one invertebrate group. Methods From > 1,050 fire‐affected taxa, we selected 173 whose distributions substantially overlapped the fire extent. We estimated the proportion of each taxon’s distribution affected by fires, using fire severity and aquatic impact mapping, and new distribution mapping. Using expert elicitation informed by evidence of responses to previous wildfires, we estimated local population responses to fires of varying severity. We combined the spatial and elicitation data to estimate overall population loss and recovery trajectories, and thus indicate potential eligibility for listing as threatened, or uplisting, under Australian legislation. Results We estimate that the 2019–2020 Australian megafires caused, or contributed to, population declines that make 70–82 taxa eligible for listing as threatened; and another 21–27 taxa eligible for uplisting. If so‐listed, this represents a 22–26% increase in Australian statutory lists of threatened terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates and spiny crayfish, and uplisting for 8–10% of threatened taxa. Such changes would cause an abrupt worsening of underlying trajectories in vertebrates, as measured by Red List Indices. We predict that 54–88% of 173 assessed taxa will not recover to pre‐fire population size within 10 years/three generations. Main conclusions We suggest the 2019–2020 Australian megafires have worsened the conservation prospects for many species. Of the 91 taxa recommended for listing/uplisting consideration, 84 are now under formal review through national processes. Improving predictions about taxon vulnerability with empirical data on population responses, reducing the likelihood of future catastrophic events and mitigating their impacts on biodiversity, are critical.

Framework for Using and Updating Ecological Models to Inform Bushfire Management Planning

November 2019


374 Reads


1 Citation

Effectively managing the risks of fire to ecosystem resilience and threatened species is a core commitment of Victoria’s Safer Together policy. Through collaboration with Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and its partner agencies, the project team have developed a decision-making framework, including a Fire Analysis Module for Ecological values (FAME), to facilitate more effective and transparent consideration of ecological values in strategic fire management decisions.

Assessing fire impacts on the carbon stability of fire‐tolerant forests

September 2017


106 Reads


31 Citations

The carbon stability of fire-tolerant forests is often assumed but less frequently assessed, limiting potential to anticipate threats to forest carbon posed by predicted increases in forest fire activity. Assessing the carbon stability of fire-tolerant forests requires multi-indicator approaches that recognise the myriad of ways that fires influence the carbon balance including combustion, deposition of pyrogenic material, and tree death, post-fire decomposition, recruitment, and growth. Five years after a large-scale wildfire in south-eastern Australia, we assessed the impacts of low- and high-severity wildfire, with and without prescribed fire (≤ 10 years before), on carbon stocks in multiple pools, and on carbon stability indicators (carbon stock percentages in live trees and in small trees, and carbon stocks in char and fuels) in fire-tolerant eucalypt forests. Relative to unburnt forest, high-severity wildfire decreased short-term (five-year) carbon stability by significantly decreasing live tree carbon stocks and percentage stocks in live standing trees (reflecting elevated tree mortality), by increasing the percentage of live tree carbon in small trees (those vulnerable to the next fire), and by potentially increasing the probability of another fire through increased elevated fine fuel loads. In contrast, low-severity wildfire enhanced carbon stability by having negligible effects on above-ground stocks and indicators, and by significantly increasing carbon stocks in char and, in particular, soils, indicating pyrogenic carbon accumulation. Overall, recent preceding prescribed fire did not markedly influence wildfire effects on short-term carbon stability at stand scales. Despite wide confidence intervals around mean stock differences – indicating uncertainty about the magnitude of fire effects in these natural forests – our assessment highlights the need for active management of carbon assets in fire-tolerant eucalypt forests under contemporary fire regimes. Decreased live tree carbon and increased reliance on younger cohorts for carbon recovery after high-severity wildfire, could increase vulnerabilities to imminent fires, leading to decisions about interventions to maintain the productivity of some stands. Our multi-indicator assessment also highlights the importance of considering all carbon pools, particularly pyrogenic reservoirs like soils, when evaluating the potential for prescribed fire regimes to mitigate the carbon costs of wildfires in fire-prone landscapes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Fire regimes and environmental gradients shape vertebrate and plant distributions in temperate eucalypt forests

April 2017


441 Reads


40 Citations

Fire is a global driver of ecosystem structure, function, and change. Problems common to fire scientists and managers worldwide include a limited knowledge of how multiple taxonomic groups within a given ecosystem respond to recurrent fires, and how interactions between fire regimes and environmental gradients influence biodiversity. We tested six hypotheses relating to fire regimes and environmental gradients in forest ecosystems using data on birds (493 sites), mammals (175 sites), and vascular plants (615 sites) systematically collected in dry eucalypt forests in southeastern Australia. We addressed each of these hypotheses by fitting species distribution models which differed in the environmental variables used, the spatial extent of the data, or the type of response data. We found (1) as predicted, fire interacted with environmental gradients and shaped species distributions, but there was substantial variation between species; (2) multiple characteristics of fire regimes influenced the distribution of forest species; (3) common to vertebrates and plants was a strong influence of temperature and rainfall gradients, but contrary to predictions, inter-fire interval was the most influential component of the fire regime on both taxonomic groups; (4) mixed support for the hypothesis that fire would be a stronger influence on species occurrence at a smaller spatial extent; only for vertebrates did scale have an effect in the direction expected; (5) as predicted, vertebrates closely associated with direct measures of habitat structure were those most strongly influenced by fire regimes; and (6) the modeled fire responses for birds were sensitive to the use of either presence–absence or abundance data. These results underscore the important insights that can be gained by modeling how fire regimes, not just fire events, influence biota in forests. Our work highlights the need for management of fire regimes to be complemented by an understanding of the underlying environmental gradients and key elements of habitat structure that influence resource availability for plants and animals. We have demonstrated that there are general patterns in biotic responses to fire regimes and environmental gradients, but landscape management must continue to carefully consider species, scale, and the quality of biodiversity data to achieve biodiversity conservation in fire-prone forests.

Citations (11)

... Conservation strategies typically involve a set of actions designed to achieve desired outcomes of invested parties (Martin et al., 2023). However, deciding on the best strategy to implement is challenging for a range of reasons, including the need to make trade-offs between multiple, often conflicting, values or objectives (Converse et al., 2013;Regan et al., 2023), diversity of interested parties (e.g. Indigenous Peoples, western scientists, government departments, industry or local communities) (McMurdo Hamilton et al., 2021), complex alternatives , limited resources (Ng et al., 2014), and ubiquitous uncertainty (Gee et al., 2023;Gerber et al., 2023). ...


To translocate or not to translocate? Embedding population modelling in an inclusive structured decision‐making process to overcome a conservation impasse
Structured decision making to navigate trade‐offs between multiple conservation values in threatened grasslands

... Despite having naturally high site fidelity in the region of our study, we found that this black-tailed deer population had a great deal of adaptive capacity to change their movement and behavior to respond to the impacts and eventual resources following megafire. Climate change and climatic disturbances (such as megafire) may have a more severe impact on species that are unable to adjust their behavior to accommodate sudden changes in their environments [90]. Resilience of dominant herbivores could help facilitate ecological resilience at broader trophic levels following disturbance. ...

Animal population decline and recovery after severe fire: Relating ecological and life history traits with expert estimates of population impacts from the Australian 2019-20 megafires
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Biological Conservation

... Recent studies have shown the southern greater glider to be contracting their distribution to higher elevation areas with cooler microclimates [2]. Additional threatening processes include increasing fire severity [3,8,36]. The negative effects of fire on southern greater gliders can be observed up to 10 years after a wildfire [3]. ...

The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time‐bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires

Global Ecology and Biogeography

... This enabled us to determine if, how, and when metrics are used to guide the development of planned burn programs, evaluate management outcomes, and report on management effectiveness. To assess the final criteria, we consulted with developers of the analytical/decision framework used to calculate earlier metrics (Rumpff et al. 2019) and reviewed a recent assessment of the theoretical basis and adequacy of datasets underpinning them (Giljohann et al. 2021). ...

Framework for Using and Updating Ecological Models to Inform Bushfire Management Planning

... Traditionally, canopy-dominant species were thought to be more sensitive to climate (Alexander et al., 2018) compared to subcanopy trees, but this may not be the case in more mesic forests, such as in the eastern United States, where the subcanopy trees could have a larger decrease in growth during hot periods (Rollinson et al., 2021). However, canopy-dominant trees sequester carbon for longer periods, account for more biomass and carbon reserve (Bennett et al., 2017), and have lived long enough to experience multiple droughts and pluvials of differing intensities. Thus, they are arguably a fundamental portion of the forest canopy for understanding impacts on growth from climate extremes and their consequences for carbon sequestration. ...

Assessing fire impacts on the carbon stability of fire‐tolerant forests
  • Citing Article
  • September 2017

... Her notable works include assessments to balance managing for multiple objectives such as maintaining habitats for biodiversity and reducing fire hazard [468], and the impacts of fires on avian species [469]. Her recent works include assessments of how fires impact the distribution of birds, small mammals, and plant species [470,471]. ...

Fire Regimes and Environmental Gradients Shape Bird, Mammal and Plant Distributions in Temperate Forests
  • Citing Article
  • July 2017

Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America

... SHA combines information on (a) the fire-age of vegetation (from vegetation and fire maps), (b) the distribution of species (from binary habitat distribution models), and (c) the fire-age associations of species (from fire response curves), to produce a spatial layer with pixel values indicating the "relative suitability" of habitat for the focal species. Fire response curves can be based on expert knowledge (e.g., Machunter et al. 2009), empirical data (e.g., Kelly et al. 2017), or a combination of both and may differ between vegetation types (e.g., Rainsford et al. 2021). This method can be further developed over time through the addition of other fire regime variables. ...

Fire regimes and environmental gradients shape vertebrate and plant distributions in temperate eucalypt forests

... Like birds, the response of plants to fire severity is ecosystem and context specific. For example, in south-eastern Australia high fire severity has resulted in increased eucalypt regeneration, and a positive relationship between fire severity and both flowering and vegetative growth has been observed in several shrub species [28,29]. In contrast, high severity fire had a negative influence on conifer regeneration in the US Pacific Northwest, and on Araucaria and Nothofagus species in the forests of south-central Chile [30]. ...

Mortality and recruitment of fire-tolerant eucalypts as influenced by wildfire severity and recent prescribed fire
  • Citing Article
  • August 2016

Forest Ecology and Management

... In Australian ecosystems, fire regimes are shifting to be more intense, large-scale and frequent (Di Virgilio et al., 2019;Kelly et al., 2020). These extreme or consecutive wildfire events cause wide-spread dispersal and mortality of species (Dickman, 2021;Nimmo et al., 2019) and alter vegetation structure and resource availability (Fox, 1982;Haslem et al., 2016;Le Breton et al., 2022). ...

Do multiple fires interact to affect vegetation structure in temperate eucalypt forests?
  • Citing Article
  • July 2016

... SHA combines information on (a) the fire-age of vegetation (from vegetation and fire maps), (b) the distribution of species (from binary habitat distribution models), and (c) the fire-age associations of species (from fire response curves), to produce a spatial layer with pixel values indicating the "relative suitability" of habitat for the focal species. Fire response curves can be based on expert knowledge (e.g., Machunter et al. 2009), empirical data (e.g., Kelly et al. 2017), or a combination of both and may differ between vegetation types (e.g., Rainsford et al. 2021). This method can be further developed over time through the addition of other fire regime variables. ...

Towards a Process for Integrating Vertebrate Fauna into Fire Management Planning