November 2023
4 Reads
1 Citation
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (English ed )
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November 2023
4 Reads
1 Citation
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (English ed )
October 2023
2 Reads
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (English ed )
December 2021
39 Reads
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Resumen Introducción Las esposas de militares en acción, que vivían en cuarteles ubicados en zonas de conflicto armado en Colombia antes de las negociaciones de paz con las FARC, vivieron como observadoras de la guerra, de primera mano, la participación de sus esposos y las consecuencias y los efectos de los combates que otros vivieron. Objetivo Plantear una hipótesis sobre el tipo de experiencia traumática vivida por ellas y caracterizar las diferentes dimensiones de la experiencia de observar el sufrimiento de otros. Métodos Investigación cualitativa y análisis secundario de discurso en una muestra intencional en bola de nieve de esposas de militares (oficiales y jefes) con quienes se habían realizado entrevistas semiestructuradas. Conclusiones No solo el trauma directo vivido en primera persona genera consecuencias psicopatológicas y psicosomáticas, sino que también las experiencias vividas al observar el sufrimiento y la muerte de otros de manera constante generan una experiencia acumulativa que puede afectar a la salud física y mental. A esta experiencia se la denomina trauma pasivo.
July 2021
107 Reads
3 Citations
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Resumen Introducción El fenómeno de la migración genera una serie de experiencias en el ser humano que se traducen en emociones, sentimientos, procesos de adaptación, duelos y procesos psicopatológicos, hasta expresiones patológicas representadas por cuadros clínicos de diferente índole. Objetivo La intención de este artículo es realizar una reflexión conceptual y clínica de la semiología en torno al concepto y la experiencia de la migración, para con ello ilustrar la complejidad que entraña como fenómeno humano. Método Revisión narrativa reducida, circunscrita y restringida a los aspectos semiológicos, psicopatológicos y clínicos de la migración. Discusión La separación, las rupturas y las pérdidas que se derivan de la migración no pasan inadvertidas al individuo, se inscriben en su corporalidad como lesiones fisiológicas que afectan a su vida y como lesiones simbólicas que afectan a su existencia. Conclusiones La migración supone una ruptura de la totalidad del ser. El contexto, el otro y las relaciones quedan cercenados de la unidad total que es el individuo, como si perdiera la mitad de sí mismo.
July 2019
27 Reads
3 Citations
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (English ed )
Introduction The aim of this article was to conduct a systematic review in order to find information that enables a connection between chronic pain and the grieving process to be established, beyond the intuitive relationships that connects them. Methods The medical literature was reviewed in search of articles that provide some evidence of the connection between chronic pain and grief. Results The available information on both topics by themselves is profuse but there are very few publications that deal with both issues simultaneously. Conclusions The connection between chronic pain and grief has been mentioned intuitively as a condition taken for granted. However, little evidence of this relationship has been published, which suggests that this topic has not been widely researched.
June 2017
179 Reads
6 Citations
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Resumen Introducción En este artículo se intenta encontrar, mediante una revisión sistemática, la información que permita establecer alguna conexión entre el dolor crónico y el proceso de duelo, más allá de las relaciones intuitivas que los conectan. Método Revisión de la literatura médica sobre los artículos que puedan mostrar alguna evidencia de la relación del dolor crónico y el duelo. Resultados La información disponible sobre ambos temas por separado es abundante, pero cuando se trata de informaciones que los relacionen, es muy poco lo que se encuentra. Conclusión La relación entre el dolor crónico y el duelo se ha mencionado de manera intuitiva como una condición que se da por sentado. Sin embargo, se ha publicado muy poca evidencia de esa relación, lo cual es una muestra de que es un aspecto muy poco investigado.
December 2013
106 Reads
17 Citations
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Introduction: Death is an event that always breaks into family life in a surprising way. Of all the deaths, suicide is the one which more strongly questions the functionality of a family and increases the risk of difficulties in the mourning process. Families in which a suicide has occurred are exposed to a greater possibility of disintegration, disorganization and pathological expressions in their members. Objective: To present a reduced and circumscribed narrative revision, restricted to examine the relationship between suicide and the mourning process in the family. Results: The suicide of a loved one is an event that may contribute to pathological grief and mental dysfunctions in surviving relatives. Conclusions: Death in the family is a natural phenomenon. However, death by suicide is one of the phenomena that can generate more alterations in the structure and organization of the family, due to the difficulty related to the mourning process.
December 2013
17 Reads
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Introduction: Death is an event that always breaks into family life in a surprising way. Of all the deaths, suicide is the one which more strongly questions the functionality of a family and increases the risk of difficulties in the mourning process. Families in which a suicide has occurred are exposed to a greater possibility of disintegration, disorganization and pathological expressions in their members. Objective: To present a reduced and circumscribed narrative revision, restricted to examine the relationship between suicide and the mourning process in the family. Results: The suicide of a loved one is an event that may contribute to pathological grief and mental dysfunctions in surviving relatives. Conclusions: Death in the family is a natural phenomenon. However, death by suicide is one of the phenomena that can generate more alterations in the structure and organization of the family, due to the difficulty related to the mourning process.
September 2012
37 Reads
10 Citations
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Introduction: In this article the authors explore the different vicissitudes in the construction of the infidelity experience. Objective: Increase knowledge concerning infidelity beyond existing topics in the literature. Deepen the understanding of infidelity towards a sort of complexity that includes contextual aspects of each couple. Methods: A qualitative analysis of different cases of couples having experienced infidelity. Conclusions: Infidelity is a painful couple event requiring an individualized understanding of its construction process.
July 2012
14 Reads
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
Introduction: In this article the authors explore the different vicissitudes in the construction of the infidelity experience. Objective: Increase knowledge concerning infidelity beyond existing topics in the literature. Deepen the understanding of infidelity towards a sort of complexity that includes contextual aspects of each couple. Methods: A qualitative analysis of different cases of couples having experienced infidelity. Conclusions: Infidelity is a painful couple event requiring an individualized understanding of its construction process.
... Here too, the partnerships deteriorated over time due to absence during military deployment. But this was all the more the case when there were critical military incidents or when they were frequently exposed to death or suffering (42). In addition, intimate partner violence appears to negatively affect autobiographical memory (43). ...
November 2023
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (English ed )
... The accelerated and permanent migratory movement that occurs in different countries requires the implementation of new legal and/or political reforms that would guarantee compliance with human rights and other powers recognized by different international organizations. According to the study proposed by Garciandía & Rozo (2023), immigration is perceived as a reliable strategy to counteract the conditions of poverty and underdevelopment, aspects that stand out in poor or developing countries, especially in rural contexts, where access to basic services and quality health care is extremely limited. ...
July 2021
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
... Regarding the death of a close friend, the few studies on grief and chronic pain suggest that these factors influence each other bidirectionally and appear to share certain underlying neuroanatomical mechanisms [42,43]. Employment issues while working with chronic pain provided more life stress for those with FM compared to healthy controls in terms of trouble with bosses and/or major changes in working hours/conditions. ...
July 2019
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (English ed )
... A morte do falecido não afeta, somente, a dimensão espacial, mas, também, a dimensão temporal uma vez que passa a existir um antes e um depois da morte. Além disso, a proximidade da relação com o ente querido influencia diretamente na dimensão da ruptura criada e, consequentemente, impacta no processo do luto e de reconstituição do tempo-espaço alterados pela perda do integrante do círculo familiar (Imaz, 2013). ...
December 2013
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
... O tema continua despertando o interesse de pesquisadores que têm se dedicado a estudar os fatores preditores da sua ocorrência (Martins, Pereira, & Canavarro, 2014;Scheeren, Apellániz, & Wagner, 2018;Viegas & Moreira, 2015), e as associações com outras variáveis, como o ciúme, por exemplo (Almeida, 2012). Investiga-se, também, o significado da infidelidade para os indivíduos que se envolvem nesses comportamentos (Imaz & Alum, 2012), a percepção entre os sexos (Carvalho & Ambiel, 2016), e a compreensão de homens (Costa & Cenci, 2014) e mulheres (Weid, 2004) sobre as relações afetivo-sexuais extraconjugais. ...
September 2012
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
... (Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS], 2016). Las patologías crónicas como el asma obedecen a multiplicidad de causas, por lo cual es importante reconocer el rol que ciertos factores psicológicos tienen en su desarrollo y mantenimiento (Creer, 2016;Garciandía & Ibarra, 2012;Pascual & Caballo, 2017). ...
March 2012
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
... La unidad individual siempre comienza en medio de un diálogo y, más que la confrontación, es la cooperación lo que integra y consolida todo el proceso de individuación. Cada individuo se articula como un sí mismo inmerso en las innumerables conversaciones que atraviesan su existencia, mucho más que con los excesos de autoafi rmación frente a otros (20). ...
Psychotherapy Metaphysics
January 2006
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría
... Reformulación y circularidad. Garciandía, J. y Samper, J. (2010). La terapia familiar en la resignificación transgeneracional del incesto. ...
March 2010
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría