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Publications (410)

Location of sampled secondary-forest plots
White circles indicate the location of the 448 secondary forest plots, distributed across 24 sites, used in our analyses. Background map shows land use and land cover classes within the Brazilian Amazon limits mapped by MapBiomas in 2019, as indicated by the coloured legend at the upper right. The histogram at the lower right shows the distribution of landscape forest cover within 3 km buffers around each plot.
Standardized effect size of environmental and anthropogenic factors on forest structure, diversity and function
Standardized effect sizes retrieved from the best models for forest structure (stem density, maximum DBH, basal area and structural heterogeneity - SH), diversity (species richness for 100 individuals, Hill1 diversity index) and functioning (aboveground biomass- AGB). The predictors represent forest age, previous land-use history and soil physical conditions. Standardized coefficients are only shown for significant relations. Blue circles represent values higher than 0 indicating positive effects, and orange circles represent values lower than 0 indicating negative effects. Asterisks represent significance levels as *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.0001. Marginal R²m represent the variance explained solely by the fixed factors and Rc² describes the proportion of the variance explained by the fixed factors and random factors of the GLMM. See Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Table 2 for details.
Modelled optimal successional trajectories in the Brazilian Amazon over 40 years of forest regeneration
A Maximum diameter, B basal area; C structural heterogeneity (SH), D species richness per 100 individuals (E), species diversity (Hill1 index), (F) aboveground biomass. The green colour represents, for each forest attribute, the range of values of the optimal trajectory. The optimal successional trajectories represent scenarios of low anthropogenic impact, and hence, minimum successional constraints. The optimal successional trajectories were constructed by applying equation 1 to all pixels across the Brazilian Amazon (only non-flooded and forest ecosystem areas) using the actual values of environmental factors at a 1 km resolution and fixed values of anthropogenic impacts: one single deforestation cycle and 8 years of land-use duration. The dashed lines represent the mean values across the Brazilian Amazon and the green ribbon its associated standard deviation.
Predicted values of forest attributes attainable by optimal successional trajectories at 20 years of succession across the Brazilian Amazon
A Maximum diameter, B basal area; C structural heterogeneity (SH), D species richness per 100 individuals, E species diversity (Hill1 index), F aboveground biomass. Values were estimated based on GLMM fitted (Fig. 2) from data of secondary-forest plots in the Brazilian Amazon (Fig. 1). Uncertainty maps with estimated error values are available in Supplementary Fig. 10.
Simple ecological indicators benchmark regeneration success of Amazonian forests
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


383 Reads



Milena F. Rosenfield




Natural regeneration of Amazon forests offers a promising strategy to mitigate forest loss and advance the goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. However, the vast variability in regeneration rates across environmental gradients and over time poses considerable challenges for assessing regeneration success and ecosystem services provision in human-modified landscapes. Here we compiled 448 plots from forest regeneration in the Amazon to investigate the drivers of regrowth capacity and identify robust ecological indicators. By modeling optimal successional trajectories, we estimated reference values for vegetation structure, diversity, and functioning. After 20 years, successful regeneration should reach a minimum basal area of 14 m². ha⁻¹, at least 34 tree species per 100 individuals, a structural heterogeneity index of 0.27, and 123 Mg.ha⁻¹ of aboveground biomass. These straightforward indicators and reference values provide a foundational framework for governments and practitioners to assess success and establish targets for Amazon restoration efforts.


Fig. 2. The effect of alpha acoustic richness on acoustic index values. The point colours indicate acoustic indices with similar qualities (see Table 1 for details).
Fig. 5. Predictions of acoustic diversity using all indices as predictors. Panels a, c, and e show lasso model predictions against actual diversity values. Red dots show mean predictions, in panels a and d for each diversity value, and in panel e for every decile of simulated evenness. Error bars show standard deviation. The dotted line shows where perfect predictions would lie. Panels b,c, and f show the absolute value of the effect size (equivalent to variable importance) for each acoustic index in the model. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
An overview of acoustic indices used in this study.
The efficacy of acoustic indices for monitoring abundance and diversity in soil soundscapes

December 2024


148 Reads

Ecological Indicators

Soil ecoacoustics is a rapidly emerging field heralded as a non-invasive method for monitoring soil fauna. Ecoacoustic analysis commonly uses acoustic indices to analyse soundscapes, linking them to 'traditional' biodiversity value metrics such as species richness and abundance, but it is not clear if this approach is appropriate for soil soundscapes. Furthermore, there are very few controlled experiments assessing how commonly used acoustic indices respond to different sound types, and none belowground. We address this by synthesising soil soundscapes with differing levels of acoustic richness, abundance, and evenness using soil recordings from the UK, France, and Brazil. Applying 14 acoustic indices on 1-minute soundscapes, we assessed: 1) how changes in acoustic diversity impact acoustic indices and 2) how accurately combinations of indices predict biodiversity metrics. Finally we assessed 3) whether gamma acoustic richness can be predicted accurately using multiple acoustic index scores from repeated surveys, whilst experimentally altering the alpha and beta diversity components. We find that acoustic abundance strongly affects values of acoustic indices designed to quantify the number of sound events in a soundscape, and that a combination of these indices can accurately predict abundance at 1-minute timescales. Combinations of indices could predict acoustic richness when richness values were low, but were ineffective for evenness. Additionally, acoustic indices were poor predictors of gamma diversity, especially when gamma was driven solely by beta diversity. Overall, we found that acoustic indices were good predictors of acoustic abundance, but should be used with caution for other diversity metrics.

Winner–loser plant trait replacements in human-modified tropical forests

December 2024


591 Reads

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Anthropogenic landscape modification may lead to the proliferation of a few species and the loss of many. Here we investigate mechanisms and functional consequences of this winner–loser replacement in six human-modified Amazonian and Atlantic Forest regions in Brazil using a causal inference framework. Combining floristic and functional trait data for 1,207 tree species across 271 forest plots, we find that forest loss consistently caused an increased dominance of low-density woods and small seeds dispersed by endozoochory (winner traits) and the loss of distinctive traits, such as extremely dense woods and large seeds dispersed by synzoochory (loser traits). Effects on leaf traits and maximum tree height were rare or inconsistent. The independent causal effects of landscape configuration were rare, but local degradation remained important in multivariate trait-disturbance relationships and exceeded the effects of forest loss in one Amazonian region. Our findings highlight that tropical forest loss and local degradation drive predictable functional changes to remaining tree assemblages and that certain traits are consistently associated with winners and losers across different regional contexts.

The first issue of Journal of Applied Ecology from May 1964 shows the first editorial board was made up of just two Editors and nine Editorial Board members who were all men based in the UK. We now have a Senior Editor team representing three continents, a Commissioning Editor from a fourth, and an Editorial Board of over 100 representing every inhabited continent. The board spans 26 countries and women now make up 35% of the board; figures which demonstrate progress and the need for further improvement. Articles in the first issue include ‘The behaviour of honeybees on sunflowers (Helianthus annus L.)’ (Free, 1964), ‘Storage fungi antagonistic to the flour mite (Acarus siro L.)’ (Solomon et al., 1964), and ‘Porcupine population fluctuations in past centuries revealed by dendrochronology’ (Spencer, 1964).
Overview of Journal of Applied Ecology's last 60 years and some of the steps that have been taken to improve the reach and visibility of the journal, and achieve real‐world impact.
(a) Policy mentions per year since the journal's launch derived from the Altmetric database ( (b) All time policy document mentions per country: Australia (32), Belgium (315), Botswana (1), Canada (24), Finland (78), France (10), Germany (9), Ireland (111), Italy (408), Kenya (135), Luxembourg (160), Mexico (3), Netherlands (181), New Caledonia (14), New Zealand (19), Norway (36), Peru (4), Philippines (7), South Africa (1), Sweden (249), Switzerland (317), Uganda (1), United Arab Emirates (1), UK (510), and USA (280).
(a) Total policy mentions over the study period 2017–2021 for all journals: N = number of publications in the period derived from the Altmetric database ( (b) Policy mentions per paper over the study period 2017–2021.
The pathways and connections between publishing in Journal of Applied Ecology and achieving real‐world impact.
Sixty years of ecology with impact

December 2024


58 Reads

Journal of Applied Ecology celebrates its 60th birthday in 2024. In this Editorial, we explore how the journal's role has changed since its launch and investigate whether the articles we publish are achieving real‐world impact. We designed and ran an author survey for all authors who have published with us between 2017 and 2021. Authors were asked if their publication achieved real‐world impact, and if so, how they achieved it. Forty four percent of respondents achieved real‐world impact with their article, primarily citing engagement with key stakeholders as the reason for this impact. We also assessed our impact on online policy documentation, comparing this to our citations in the published scientific literature. We are the most highly cited British Ecological Society journal for policy mentions with over 2800 citations in total. We also found a weak correlation between policy citations and citations in academic literature, which highlights the fact that article with relatively few academic citations can have large real‐world impact. Synthesis and applications. Whilst these results are encouraging, there are significant challenges involved in achieving and measuring impact scale. To help address some of these, we launch here a suite of new author services to help our authors achieve real‐world impact with their work. This includes offering plain language summaries and the opportunity to present findings to British Ecological Society's stakeholder community.

Functional, demographic, and integrative axis of variation. First principal components using leaf (specific leaf area; nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbon content, N, P, and C) wood (wood density, and maximum diameter, Diametermax) and demographic characteristics (maximum growth rate, Growth R.max; mortality rate, Mortality R. and seed mass). Only genera with complete data for all variables are represented (197 genera). Variable contributions are shown as arrows, coloured in light blue (leaf and wood functional traits) and red (demographic characteristics). Principal‐axis interpretation is shown in bold letters. Pictures of seeds (fruit when no seed images are available), leaves and whole trees for four species representing the four extreme strategies are shown. Phylogenetic signal and amount of variance explained by each axis in percentage are shown for each axis.
Variance–covariance networks. Trait correlation networks among leaf (specific leaf area; nitrogen, phosphorous and carbon content, N, P, and C), wood (wood density, and maximum diameter, Diametermax) and demographic characteristics (maximum growth rate, Growth R.max; mortality rate, Mortality R. and seed mass). Leaf and wood functional traits are represented as nodes (circles) in light blue and demographic functional traits are shown in light red. Edges (lines connecting nodes) represent (a) total correlation, (b) phylogenetically conserved portion of the correlation and (c) non‐phylogenetically conserved portion of the total correlation. Solid green lines represent statistically significant positive correlation coefficients and dashed red lines represent significant negative correlation coefficients. Line width is proportional to the absolute value of the correlation coefficient. Pie charts in b and c represent trait variance related to the phylogeny (i.e., phylogenetic signal) and trait variance not related to the phylogeny, respectively. Node size is proportional to the number of connections per node (i.e., degree). Three network metrics are shown in each case.
Functional and demographic axis correlations. Total, phylogenetically conserved and non‐phylogenetically conserved correlation portions between functional and demographic principal components. Phylogenetic signal is also shown and represented as pie charts for each principal component. Values for genera with complete observations are plotted on the genus‐level phylogeny. Bars are coloured by taxonomic order and the most important taxonomic order names are shown. Signif. codes: “***”: p < 0.001; “ns”: p > 0.1.
Phylogenetic conservatism in the relationship between functional and demographic characteristics in Amazon tree taxa

November 2024


638 Reads

Leaf and wood functional traits of trees are related to growth, reproduction, and survival, but the degree of phylogenetic conservatism in these relationships is largely unknown. In this study, we describe the variability of strategies involving leaf, wood and demographic characteristics for tree genera distributed across the Amazon Region, and quantify phylogenetic signal for the characteristics and their relationships. Leaf and wood traits are aligned with demographic variables along two main axes of variation. The first axis represents the coordination of leaf traits describing resource uptake and use, wood density, seed mass, and survival. The second axis represents the coordination between size and growth. Both axes show strong phylogenetic signal, suggesting a constrained evolution influenced by ancestral values, yet the second axis also has an additional, substantial portion of its variation that is driven by functional correlations unrelated to phylogeny, suggesting simultaneously higher evolutionary lability and coordination. Synthesis. Our results suggest that life history strategies of tropical trees are generally phylogenetically conserved, but that tree lineages may have some capability of responding to environmental changes by modulating their growth and size. Overall, we provide the largest‐scale synopsis of functional characteristics of Amazonian trees, showing substantial nuance in the evolutionary patterns of individual characteristics and their relationships. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.

Social justice and inclusive conservation must guide GBF implementation

October 2024


100 Reads

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework marked a renewed commitment to address the biodiversity crisis. This framework, consisting of four goals and 23 targets which are intended to guide conservation efforts for the next thirty years, displays an enhanced level of ambition compared to its predecessor. However, the pursuit of multilateral agreements is dependent upon national pledges, and national pledges are of little worth without subsequent sub-national action. We assess the currently submitted National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans of member countries to determine the extent to which they align with the bold ambition of the GBF. We find a lack of consistency between the GBF and country submissions across many targets, with the notable exception being target 3 – to increase protected area coverage to 30% by 2030. Reflecting on the current submissions, we draw on recent developments and our own experience to outline key considerations that could help guide GBF implementation efforts. We caution against cherry-picking of specific targets to suit political-economic agendas, highlight that an overemphasis on Target 3 alone will not lead to the desired state of living in harmony with nature, and that to do so actually requires a more holistic and inclusive approach to conservation.

Study site highlighting our focal 16 forest stands (yellow and blue circles) across local villages (green circles indicate indigenous communities) in terra firme Amazonian forest, Resex Tapajós-Arapiuns, Brazil.
Wildfire impacts (box-plot) relative to forest aboveground biomass, basal area, stem height, SH index and stem density in a terra firme Amazonian forest, Resex Tapajós-Arapiuns, Brazil. Unburned—UF, burned once—BF1 and burned twice—BF2, considering canopy and understory plant communities. The warm color gradient (green, yellow and orange) represents canopy scores, while cool color gradient (light blue and dark blue) represents the understory scores. Points represents plots, central red points represent the average scores.The asterisks represent significant comparisons between unburned forest and burned once (UF x BF1), and between unburned forest and burned twice (UF x BF2). N.S non-significance; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
Wildfire impacts (boxplots) on the species richness and diversity of woody plant assemblages in a terra firme Amazonian forest, Resex Tapajós-Arapiuns, Brazil. Unburned forest—UF; burned once—BF1 and burned twice BF2; canopy (1) and forest understory (2). The warm color gradient (green, yellow and orange) represents canopy plant diversity, while the cool color gradient (light blue and dark blue) represents understory plant diversity. Points represents plots, central red points represent average values.The asterisks represent significant comparisons between unburned forest and burned once (UF x BF1), and between unburned forest and burned twice (UF x BF2). N.S non-significance; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
Plant communities taxonomic patterns after fire. (a) Species similarity (Bray-Curtis) between unburned (UF), once-burned (BF1) and twice-burned forest (BF2). (b) Boxplots of beta diversity considering the three forest strata (1—canopy, 2—understory and 3—regenerating) in different habitats (unburned-UF, burned once-BF1 and burned twice-BF2); (c)—Jaccard similarity index between unburned (UF), burned once (BF1) and twice burned (BF2) forests, considering the three forest strata in a terra firme Amazonian forest, Resex Tapajós-Arapiuns, Brazil.
Recurrent wildfires alter forest structure and community composition of terra firme Amazonian forests

October 2024


139 Reads

Wildfires associated with land-use and climate change have considered a key driver to the Amazon forest collapse. However, achieving a detailed understanding of how human-related disturbances impact forest successional trajectories needs comprehensive information spanning forest strata. Here, we investigate the impact of recurrent wildfires on forest structure, species diversity, and composition, making a comprehensive assessment of the regenerating, understory, and canopy tree communities in a sustainable use reserve in the eastern Amazon. Plant communities were described across 16 forest stands (old-growth, burned once and twice) sampling a total of 3620 individuals and 326 tree and palm species. Wildfires affected all attributes of forest structure. Aboveground biomass decreased by 44% in forest burned once, and 71% in twice-burned forest stands. Forest canopy was the most affected strata after the second fire, with a 44%-decrease compared to unburned forest. The same pattern emerged for basal area, which decreased by an average of 27.5% after the first fire and 53.8% following the second fire event. Overall, plant communities experienced a 50%-loss of species richness after two fires, including both dominant and rare species. Plant communities also became more dissimilar as fire events accumulated, with 58%–61% increase in species dissimilarity following two fires events. As wildfires reoccured, the old-growth forests of our focal landscape were converted into a mosaic of regenerating forest stands dominated by local short-lived pioneers (i.e. low-biomass early-regenerating forest stands) and a few tree species less sensitive to fire. Our findings highlight the urgent need to secure a resilient future for Amazonian forests with actions needed to support local livelihoods whilst reducing the prevalence of ignitions sources and allowing forest recovery.

Variation in composition and relative abundance of 5188 tree species in 2023 forest-inventory plots (1 ha) across Amazonian forests
Ordination biplots showing the two first principal components with inventory plots coloured by (a) ecological forest categories based on hydrology and soil characteristics and (b) geographic regions. a Ecological categories: VA, Várzea forests; SW, swamp forests; IG, igapó forests; PZ, white-sand (podzol) forests; TFGS, terra-firme on the Guiana Shield; TFBS terra-firme on the Brazilian Shield, TFPB terra-firme on the Pebas sedimentary basin. b Geographical regions: CA Central Amazonia, EA Eastern Amazonia, SA Southern Amazonia, GS Guiana Shield, NWA Northwestern Amazonia, SWA Southwestern Amazonia. Arrows indicate vectors constructed with envfit()⁸¹ for 14 environmental predictors: Flooded flooding vs. non-flooding terrains, WTD water table depth, Temp_avg average annual temperature, MCWD maximum climatological water deficit), Annal_ppt Annual Rainfall, Podzol White Sand vs. Clay-Silt terrains, ALOS_MTPI Multiscale Topographic Position Index, TopoDiver Topographic Diversity Index, Ppt_sea precipitation seasonality, ALOS_3D elevation, Temp_range temperature range, Temp_seas temperature seasonality, pH soil pH, SB soil sum of bases.
Variation in interpolated composition and relative abundance of 5,188 tree species in 47,441 grid cells (0.1-degree squares) across Amazonian forests
Ordination biplots showing the two first DCA axes with grid cells coloured by geographic region: CA Central Amazonia, EA Eastern Amazonia, GS Guiana Shield, NWA Northwestern Amazonia, SWA Southwestern Amazonia, SA Southern Amazonia. Black marks show the average position for the abundance distribution of the 20 tree species with the highest interpolated total abundance. The distributions of these species in geographical and ordination space are shown in Supplementary Figs. 5–24.
Maps of the broad-scale spatial variation of tree species composition across Amazonia
Scores of (a) DCA Axis 1, (b) DCA Axis2 (both from Fig. 2). In both maps, grey lines are the isolines linking equal levels of DCA scores, with the spatial distance between consecutive isolines being inversely related to the rate of compositional change across space and used to mark sharp compositional turnover zones (if closer together) or smoother compositional turnover (consecutive isolines further apart). In (a), the blue isoline corresponds to DCA score of 1.0 and the red isoline to soil pH = 5 (west of that line having a soil pH >5). In (b), the red isoline corresponds to maximum climatological water deficit (MCWD) = − 275 mm (south of that line having MCWD < −275), and the blue isoline to MCWD = −100 (west that line having MCWD > −100). The dark green line delimits the Amazonian tropical forests⁹⁵, with white areas within these limits corresponding to montane areas (above 500 m elevation) and non-forested habitats such as savannas. Major river courses are shown in blue. Base map source for countries:; rivers⁶¹. Maps created with custom R⁸⁸ script.
Niche positions and niche breadths of 5188 tree species along environmental and compositional gradients in Amazonia as calculated with data from 2023 1-ha forest-inventory plots
Gradients along the x axis: (a) Annual rainfall (mm); (b) maximum climatological water deficit (mm); (c) log(soil sum of bases (Ca+Mg+K)); (d) soil acidity (pH); (e) DCA1 scores from Fig. 2; and (f) DCA2 scores from Fig. 2. The black dots mark the mean niche position or optimum (weighted average value) for each species and the grey lines depict the niche breadths or tolerance (±standard deviation for the variable in sites where the species was observed). The red lines show the mean niche breadth (determined by loess regression). Coloured lines correspond to the lines also visible in Fig. 3 (DCA1, DCA2, pH, MCWD). Species are shown from bottom to top in the order of increasing niche position. (See supplementary data 1 for the niche breadth and position values of all tree species).
The associations of species niche positions on compositional and environmental gradients
In the first row the species niche positions on the DCA1 scores gradient in relation to edaphic niche position gradients: (a) Soil sum of bases, (b) Soil pH. The second row shows the species niche positions along the DCA2 scores gradient in relation to climatic gradients: (c) Annual Rainfall, (d) Maximum climatological water deficit. Plot colours correspond to colours in Fig. 3. Coloured lines correspond to the lines (DCA1, pH, MCWD) also visible in Fig. 3.
The biogeography of the Amazonian tree flora

October 2024


1,585 Reads

Communications Biology

We describe the geographical variation in tree species composition across Amazonian forests and show how environmental conditions are associated with species turnover. Our analyses are based on 2023 forest inventory plots (1 ha) that provide abundance data for a total of 5188 tree species. Within-plot species composition reflected both local environmental conditions (especially soil nutrients and hydrology) and geographical regions. A broader-scale view of species turnover was obtained by interpolating the relative tree species abundances over Amazonia into 47,441 0.1-degree grid cells. Two main dimensions of spatial change in tree species composition were identified. The first was a gradient between western Amazonia at the Andean forelands (with young geology and relatively nutrient-rich soils) and central–eastern Amazonia associated with the Guiana and Brazilian Shields (with more ancient geology and poor soils). The second gradient was between the wet forests of the northwest and the drier forests in southern Amazonia. Isolines linking cells of similar composition crossed major Amazonian rivers, suggesting that tree species distributions are not limited by rivers. Even though some areas of relatively sharp species turnover were identified, mostly the tree species composition changed gradually over large extents, which does not support delimiting clear discrete biogeographic regions within Amazonia.

Population decline, population ageing and rural‐to‐urban migration are often intermingled processes that can not only have multiple direct impacts on natural resources and biodiversity but also indirect effects through complex socio‐cultural feedbacks affecting people and people–nature interactions.
Ecology and conservation under ageing and declining human populations

August 2024


417 Reads

Much research and media attention has revolved around the environmental impacts of growing global human populations. While the conclusions remain contested, these assessments have largely neglected the ecological and conservation impacts of other key regional processes such as declining populations, ageing demographics and rural‐to‐urban migration. These demographic shifts are increasingly prevalent across many regions of the world, and will have significant direct effects on natural resource management and biodiversity conservation by altering individual consumption patterns, land use, land stewardship and natural disturbances. Given that the scientific foundation around this topic is still developing, we first present an initial examination of some of the key environmental impacts, aiming to elevate awareness and encourage further research in these areas. Beyond the ecological implications, declining populations, ageing demographics and rural‐to‐urban migration carry intricate social and cultural consequences that can affect people and nature interactions. Ecological studies that focus on single dimensions of biodiversity or ecosystem responses often overlook these complexities. Demographic changes are likely to be accompanied by shifts in environmental attitudes and connections with nature, all of which will influence our capacity to adapt to or mitigate environmental changes. Finally, environmental policy and practice frameworks are potentially unprepared and their success could be sensitive to these socio‐cultural and demographic shifts. Synthesis and applications: This brief overview demonstrates that population decline, ageing and rural‐to‐urban migration can have extensive implications for biodiversity and the socio‐cultural relationships between people and nature. However, the significance, dynamics and consequences of these processes are still largely overlooked. We believe that these changes warrant specific attention from the research, policy and practice communities, as understanding the outcomes and feedbacks associated with depopulation, ageing populations, loss of culture and tradition and ecological change could aid in designing landscapes and informing management that enhances both human well‐being and biodiversity conservation.

Citations (59)

... Portanto, não se reconhecem as limitações desse sistema extrativo, o solo, baixa produtividade, baixos retornos sobre o trabalho, escassez de mão de obra. Um exemplo disso é a produção do fruto do açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) -o "produto da bioeconomia" mais proeminente na região e o primeiro a ultrapassar um valor de mercado de US$ 1 bilhão, porém a rápida expansão levou à erosão da biodiversidade e à vulnerabilidade social após a intensificação da gestão e do cultivo (Ferreira et al., 2024). Segundo Laurindo et al. (2023), anualmente, o Brasil gera mais de 9 bilhões de dólares em receitas com o açaí. ...


A Amazônia sob novas encruzilhadas? Uma reflexão crítica sobre as novas colonialidades face à emergência climática
A lack of clarity on the bioeconomy concept might be harmful for Amazonian ecosystems and its people

Ecological Economics

... Karger et al. 2021) bilinearly interpolated to 0.25 km 2 . With respect to representing nearsurface temperatures, the accuracy of the microclimf model exceeds that of ERA5 by a factor of 1.58 (Trew et al. 2024). We parameterized microclimf using the vegetation, terrain, Figure 1. ...

Novel temperatures are already widespread beneath the world’s tropical forest canopies

Nature Climate Change

... Lumbres et al., 2014;Chechina et al., 2018;Hugé et al., 2022) but often, these were tackled singly and not collectively. Rader et al. (2024) stressed the data gap on the interplay of ecology and biodiversity conservation, considering social and economic aspects, and recommended more studies on these for sustainable future. ...

Beyond yield and toward sustainability: Using applied ecology to support biodiversity conservation and food production

... Among the primer sets used in this study, 12SV5, designed to identify vertebrates in general, exhibited the highest number of identifications with greater taxonomic resolution (Tables 1 and 2) considering our target groups (amphibians, reptiles, and mammals). As the outcome depends on the availability of reference sequences in the database, the taxonomic resolution can be improved with the deposition of more reference sequences [39] [40], especially those from species occurring in the hyperdiverse neotropical realm, as also stated in previous studies [41] [42]. ...

Testing and optimizing metabarcoding of iDNA from dung beetles to sample mammals in the hyperdiverse Neotropics
  • Citing Article
  • April 2024

Molecular Ecology Resources

... Several species have evolved adaptations to the ecological cycles and physiological conditions driven by seasonal flooding 158,181 , defining the unique vegetation 182 and associated fauna seen in Amazonian floodplains 5 . Specialization in seasonally flooded habitats is known in Amazonian trees 183,184 , birds 185,186 , primates 159 , butterflies 187 , amphibians and squamate reptiles 147,188,189 , and even in soil organisms 190 . Thus, the seasonal flooding cycle and fluvial sedimentation-erosion patterns dictate the geographic distribution of Amazonian ecosystems and their associated biota. ...

One sixth of Amazonian tree diversity is dependent on river floodplains

Nature Ecology & Evolution

... ref. 45). However, quantitative tests of the biogeographical pattern of Amazonian tree communities are scarce and based on incomplete presence/absence data 44,48 or on genus-level identifications and very coarse spatial resolution 29 ; but see Luize et al. 49 , unveiling the role of dispersal and phylogenetic niche conservatism on phylogenetic compositional changes over Amazonia. ...

Geography and ecology shape the phylogenetic composition of Amazonian tree communities

Journal of Biogeography

... Despite the increasing number of papers, the distribution of these studies is not uniform across Stegmann et al., 2024). In contrast, no papers were observed from states including Espírito Santo, Amapá, Tocantins, Acre, Alagoas, Ceará, Goiás, Maranhão, Piauí, Rondônia, Roraima, and Sergipe. ...

Brazilian public funding for biodiversity research in the Amazon

Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation

... However, some pioneer works have also used acoustic approaches to detect insect infestations inside trunks and hayfields [18,19], and sound-based techniques have been touted as the future of soil monitoring [20,21]. Nevertheless, applications of ecoacoustics approaches that target soil fauna in natural settings are, to date, limited to a few studies [22][23][24][25][26][27]. While these pioneer studies have discovered relationships between soil fauna diversities and ecoacoustics indices, there is an urgent need for experimental work that can establish the causality behind observed trends. ...

Listening to tropical forest soils

Ecological Indicators

... Exploring the relationship between patterns of adaptive and neutral genetic structuring may further clarify the application of genetic markers in in natural areas management. By focusing restoration genetic studies on highly abundant and ecological significant species that are common targets in environmental restoration practices 45 , it is possible to largely eliminate the need for interpretative proxies and generalisations 46 . ...

Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities


... One of the most pervasive changes is the loss of large-seeded tree species, whose combined dependence on large-bodied seed dispersers and physiological requirements for germination make them especially vulnerable to both local and landscape-scale disturbances 24,26,45 . Although the association between seed size and wood density is weak at the species level, it can be strongly expressed at the community level due to the dominance of certain small-seeded and low-wood density species dispersed by the many disturbance-adapted and highly mobile bats and birds that proliferate in human-modified landscapes 24,26,46 . ...

Constraints on avian seed dispersal reduce potential for resilience in degraded tropical forests