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Publications (4)

Mediating Role of Collaboration on Transformational Leadership and Performance Contracts in Road Agencies in Kenya.
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February 2024


62 Reads


1 Citation

Human Resource and Leadership Journal

John Ngatia Githui



Augustus Onchari Nyakundi

Purpose: Type of leadership that can be considered effective, in the current set of environments would demand collaboration, listening skills, influence, and flexible adaptation to the existing environment in contrary to command and control systems in organizations. This study investigated the mediating role of collaboration to the relationship between transformational leadership and performance contracting in road agencies in Kenya. Operationalization of variables included transformational leadership as independent variable, performance contracting as the dependent variable and collaboration as the mediating variable. This study was guided by theories of transformational leadership and public value. Methodology: The study adopted mixed methods approach where data was collected through questionnaires and structured interviews and target population for the research was all staff members in top management and officers in job group 5 (five) and above for three road agencies in Kenya. The road agencies included Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA), Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) and Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA). The study utilized descriptive and inferential statistics used data analysis where regression was computed to determine correlations between independent, mediating and dependent variables. Findings: From the study findings and results, the relationship between transformational leadership and performance contracting in road agencies in Kenya was noted to be partially mediated by collaboration as p value was (p< 0.05). Collaboration was therefore noted as a very important component in an organization as employees are able to achieve their performance targets with ease as different sections and individuals support each in the process of performance contracting in road agencies in Kenya. This study recommends to policy makers in road agencies in Kenya to create a conducive environment of collaboration and teamwork as the same would enhance both individual and collective performance which ultimately influence levels of achievement of set targets in performance contracts in these organization. Unique contributor to theory, policy and practice: This study recommends further areas of research in general or overall performance of road agencies in Kenya and teamwork building processes, role of leadership in teamwork and in achieving individual and organizational performance.


Population and Sampling Frame
Strata and Sample Size
Reliability Tests
ANOVA Results for Idealized Influence and Performance Contracts
Regression Coefficients for Idealized Influence and Performance Contract
Relationship between Idealized Influence (II) and Performance Contracts (PC) in Road Agencies in Kenya

February 2024


97 Reads

American Journal of Leadership and Governance

Purpose: This study entailed a diagnostic analysis of the relationship between idealized influence and performance contracts in road agencies in Kenya. The objective of this research was to investigate the relationship between idealized influence and performance contracts in road agencies in Kenya. Operationalization of variables included idealized influence as an independent variable and performance contracts as a dependent variable. Theories that guided the study included transformational leadership theory and public management theory. Materials and Methods: Descriptive research design was used for the study and pragmatism was adopted as the philosophical framework for the research. Convergent parallel mixed method approach was adopted where data was collected through questionnaires for quantative data and structured interviews for qualitative data. The target population for the research was all staff members at top management and other officers in job group 6 (six) and above for the three road agencies in Kenya. These road agencies included Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA), Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) and Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA). Data collected was analyzed through descriptive statistics, inferential analysis and hypothesis testing. The collected data was presented through tables and figures. Findings from the above analysis indicated that the performance contracts process and its outcomes in road agencies in Kenya could be predicted by idealized influence. The null hypothesis was rejected as p value was less than p<0.05 threshold of significance level and the study concluded that idealized influence has a significant relationship with performance contracts in road agencies in Kenya. Findings: The study rejected the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between idealized influence and performance contracts in road agencies in Kenya. The foregoing was supported by both results and findings from descriptive statistics, hypothesis tested and structured interviews conducted in the three road agencies. Leaders who were interviewed in these road agencies indicated that they also practiced integrity and leadership behaviors that could be emulated by their followers. Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study thus supported the transformational leadership theory that was adopted for the study. Further, the study has bridged and addressed gaps on motivation, training and lack of leadership as identified in the statement of problem. This study has recommended that policy makers in road agencies should include idealized influence in their leadership and also align it with their strategies as detailed in strategic plans, performance contracts and individual workplans to enhance motivation, training and capacity building among employees of the studied organizations. The study also contributed to the transformational leadership theory as the was supported by the findings that leaders in these organizations should be role models and practice integrity in the process of performance contracting in road agencies. The study further recommended that policy makers in road agencies should entrench appropriate leadership (transformational leadership) during the process of performance contracting in road agencies.


March 2022


55 Reads


2 Citations

Human Resource and Leadership Journal

Purpose: It is argued that leadership qualities are very essential and important for the overall performance of organizations as those leaders who possess certain qualities influence the level of growth for organizations. This is notable in influencing decisions that concerns allocation of resources for the existing departments in organizations. The general assumption is that all leaders do possess the necessary and requisite qualities that would enhance the achievement of the desired goals and objectives of organizations. The foregoing is certainly not always the case as most individuals do have limited knowledge as regards the qualities that are important for individuals in the leadership positions. Methodology: The study provides the linkage between leadership qualities, followership styles or behaviors, and their impact to the overall performance of organizations. Findings: The study has established that various positive leadership qualities do positively affect individual and overall organizational performance and productivity. Further, the study established that there is a correlation between the leadership qualities exhibited by the leaders and followership styles and behaviors. Though leadership qualities directly affect both the performance of individuals and the overall organization, the impact is also dependent on the followership styles exhibited by the followers/employee. Followership styles and behaviors mediates the relationship between leadership qualities and organizational performance. The identified constructs from the study were found to have an impact on the performance of organization which would ultimately enhance the competitive advantage of the same. The research established that when positive leadership qualities are combined with followership styles such as the exemplary and pragmatist, they enhance the performance of organization in the achievement of the set goals and objectives. The paper has further highlighted the role of followership in creating that environment for optimal performance of organizations.


March 2022


86 Reads


1 Citation

American Journal of Leadership and Governance

Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to review the extant literature on leadership with a view of highlighting the nature of construct of leadership qualities. The foregoing would ultimately assist in explaining the potential leadership qualities bring out for suitable and desirable organizational outcome within context of the people or followers in that organization. The paper therefore examined extant theoretical, empirical and conceptual literature, guided by the following set of objectives: to review the conceptual literature for the three study constructs (leadership qualities, followership, and organizational performance), to review the empirical literature for the three study constructs (leadership qualities, followership, and organizational performance), to develop conceptual framework and propositions from the study and to document the causal/model effects of leadership qualities to the followership styles and the overall performance of organizations. Methodology: The study adopted qualitative methods of study which involved desktop review of all the conceptual literature and the empirical literature that would provide the requisite details and information regarding the identified study constructs. Findings: The study has established that various positive leadership qualities do positively affect individual and overall organizational performance and productivity. Further, the study established that there is a correlation between the leadership qualities exhibited by the leaders and followership styles and behaviors. Though leadership qualities directly affect both the performance of individuals and the overall organization, the impact is also dependent on the followership styles exhibited by the followers/employee. Followership styles and behaviors mediates the relationship between leadership qualities and organizational performance. The paper has covered extensively the literature that entails leadership, leadership qualities, followership, and organizational performance from both the conceptual and theoretical perspectives. Contribution to theory and practice: The study will lead in the advancement of knowledge in leadership qualities, followership and organizational performance and integrate leadership qualities and the performance of the organization. The literature reviewed has shown that there is sufficient argument that support the integration of the leadership qualities and performance of organization and the same can be advanced through establishment of a theoretical model.

Citations (2)

... Cherry (2021) mentioned that successful leadership is linked to the displayed leadership traits and characteristics. Githui (2022) argued that the contingency perspective of leadership focuses on understanding the leader's behavior as being functional and adaptable, rather than being strictly tied to specific contexts. Educational leaders do not have a one-size-fits-all leadership approach. ...


Leadership Perspectives in Basic Education: A Scholarly Analysis of the Insights and Views of Eminent School Heads
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

American Journal of Leadership and Governance

... Pemimpin dituntut untuk mampu menjalankan fungsinya dalam mengkoordinasi dan mengintegrasi berbagai unsur dalam organisasi agar dapat beroperasi secara efektif, merumuskan caracara yang efisien dalam mencapai tujuan, mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang ada serta melakukan evaluasi (Hutahaean, 2021). Githui (2022) menyatakan bahwa kejujuran dan integritas merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kepemimpinan. Pada dasarnya hubungan antar manusia dibangun atas dasar sentralitas kejujuran dan kebenaran. ...


Human Resource and Leadership Journal